Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #4

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Bringing this map forward again. Out of the 3 routes suggested by Google, the one that goes through Decatur also takes them by Corpus Christi (it's about 140 miles from the suggested route to the beaches). I'm aware the police were not able to verify that sighting with surveillance, but it still opens the possibility.

Click on map to enlarge.

View attachment 113430

Okay, so like we have discussed, I remain open to remote U.S. possibilities as well as attempted crossings into Mexico. I'm going to try to explore both routes a little bit and will report back what I find on both. Would love to know what you know too.

Using the route in the quoted comment above, which goes from Columbia (their hometown) through Decatur (where their phones pinged) to the Laredo, TX border crossing, here is what I see:

--The Mexican town on the other side of the border is Nuevo Laredo. There are 15 options for 2 people to rent in Nuevo Laredo via Air BnB.

--Nuevo Laredo is the most important trade border crossing of Latin America. Wikipedia (admittedly, that's a source open to misinformation) says approximately 8500 trucks cross the border each day. Would there be enough white Americans traveling for business in this area that they wouldn't stand out a ton? Or would this increase their likelihood of being spotted?


--It's about a 3 hour drive to a heavily wooded system of parks including Big Bend National Park which shared 118 miles of border with the U.S. side of the park. There is a border crossing INSIDE the U.S. part of the park even. From there, you can pay $5 to cross the Rio Grande and then pay for a truck or mule ride into town. An American couple's experience is detailed here.,

In Boquillas, a small village on the Eastern Side of Big Bend park in Mexico, there is lodging available.

In this same system of wooded parks, I found multiple Air BnB options advertised as well. Here's one:[]=&s_tag=HeXqiIul

--In the same forest system is the Sierra Maderas del Carmen that allows "zone camping" (basically you just find a spot out in nature) which is described here:

--Rincón de Guaybitos is a beach town about two hours’ bus ride north, in the state of Nayarit.

--There are twelve universities and 3 "teacher training schools" in Nuevo Laredo. Could Tad think he could potentially get a job at an educational institution somewhere?

--Nuevo Laredo is served by the Quetzalcóatl International Airport with daily flights to Mexico City. Could they have some sort of IDs which they believe would pass Mexican airline checks?

--Transporte Urbano de Nuevo Laredo (TUNL) is the mass transit system that operates in Nuevo Laredo with fixed routes with millions of passengers per year. Could they have sold the car in a private sale and have crossed on foot?

--There is a Walmart about 500 km away in Matehuala, MX.

--One Lonely Planet traveler reported that from this area, "Its too easy to get back to a crossing into the US without stopping and not handing all your permits back in. Friends of myself have done that, they were surprised to be back in the US."
I haven't had time to read all the threads but from reading some posts,instagrams,and news articles this is the picture I am getting.
An abused and also sexually abused 15 yr old girl gets involved with her 50 yr old teacher,mentor.
I think maybe the teacher might have been having a fantasy love affair not expecting to go through with anything like what commonly happens over the internet. The 15 yr old,desperately wants out of her abusive home situation and wants to get rid of it all and leave it all behind.She sees this teacher as a possible escape and pulls at every string in his heart to get him to take her away.Meanwhile,the teacher is thinking about this relationship as a possibility but wants to wait as long as possible till its legal.The teen wants out NOW so she kisses him at school knowing this will get him fired and completely ruin his family life and reputation thus giving him a reason to want to runaway too. So, having nothing left to lose he runs away with her.
What a sad story. I don't believe that just because they may haven fallen for each other that the guys a perv.,maybe very stupid but not a perv. Most guys in their 50's have very little sex drive if any at all and many 15 yr old are typically looking for that father figure or that special friend that understands them and they can relate to. In Thomas's case it may very well be she just needed someone to help her runaway and she preyed on the teachers emotions to get him to do it. I honestly don't think she is in any danger , but the law is the law so be it. :(

I think this is close to the fantasy they are living in. They are in love and no one else understands their "special" relationship.

The reality is that she appears to be a minor running from a bad situation and is not a stable woman mature well beyond her years and able to make a life changing decision. He is not a stable and secure man who has been patiently waiting for his soulmate.

Both are running from pain of some sort, pain so deep that they each and collectively have created a new reality for themselves.

He has given up his previous life to capture something that is not real. I consider that very dangerous for both of them.

The above is my opinion only.
I haven't had time to read all the threads but from reading some posts,instagrams,and news articles this is the picture I am getting.
An abused and also sexually abused 15 yr old girl gets involved with her 50 yr old teacher,mentor.
I think maybe the teacher might have been having a fantasy love affair not expecting to go through with anything like what commonly happens over the internet. The 15 yr old,desperately wants out of her abusive home situation and wants to get rid of it all and leave it all behind.She sees this teacher as a possible escape and pulls at every string in his heart to get him to take her away.Meanwhile,the teacher is thinking about this relationship as a possibility but wants to wait as long as possible till its legal.The teen wants out NOW so she kisses him at school knowing this will get him fired and completely ruin his family life and reputation thus giving him a reason to want to runaway too. So, having nothing left to lose he runs away with her.
What a sad story. I don't believe that just because they may haven fallen for each other that the guys a perv.,maybe very stupid but not a perv. Most guys in their 50's have very little sex drive if any at all and many 15 yr old are typically looking for that father figure or that special friend that understands them and they can relate to. In Thomas's case it may very well be she just needed someone to help her runaway and she preyed on the teachers emotions to get him to do it. I honestly don't think she is in any danger , but the law is the law so be it. :(
Maybe watch a little Dateline for those undercover sting operations where's the creeper we see is almost always an old guy trying to hook up with a kid. Pedophilia. Call it what it is. He's a perv.
I have spent many a day and nite in East Tennessee, I have mucho family there and even though the Blue Ridge Parkway is monitored
it's huge plus there are cabins all over that are desolate. My first thought was deep in Appalachia, and mountain folk don't like the law or anyone
messing round their property, so it's a toss. one of the "mountain folk" , I couldn't care less about the law being on my property. But you certainly don't want to make the mistake of showing up on my property without a uniform. ;)
Can someone please provide me with a link (that is NOT mobile) or the name ET uses on FB so that I may find her FB?

she uses ET. JUST ET no MC but does have (beth) listed underneath. The link i posted is NOT mobile, i'm on a desktop computer. Not sure why anyone else can't get to it. I still have it up. Also, its a recent account, from Aug 2016 so there may be another out there I haven't found yet
I've considered the back roads vs. main roads too. It's a valid point. But it depends on whether he had switched vehicles and plates and if he knew he had a jump on everyone. The Amber Alert didn't even go out until 24 hours later. Going this route, he could drive to the border in 25 hours.

I feel pretty split. I think he could opt for off the grid living in the States. But, if I were him, if I truly intended to try to "start over" and live a new married life elsewhere, I'd flee the country.

So I'm torn. Remote U.S. area. Or Mexico. I want to investigate any leads that point to one possibility over another. Right now, I'm seeing more public evidence of him liking beaches and going on medical trips to Panama...but would love to hear/find any evidence of him doing camping/hunting in remote cabins or state parks too. If anyone finds that, I may start leaning that way.

Eventually he's going to need money. Teachers are always needed in Mexico. It would be harder to get cash jobs here in the US without being recognized than Mexico. If not there yet I believe it's the final destination. I've read crossing the border in Texas is easier than crossing from CA where I live. She has a big family and is close with her sister. This will NEVER. die down.
I'M impressed.

I'm with you. I know a lot about computers and even have taught computer classes, but I certainly wouldn't put on my resume that I'm some kind of a tech genius. Of course, I don't have an over-inflated ego either.

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Because I wouldn't trust they couldn't be traced. If I were hiding, I wouldn't use any phone.


Burner phones can not be tied to you, they are paid for in cash, and get thrown away when done. The only way they can be used to trace you is if you call someone who the FBI is already monitoring, then they can get your number, then they can track you. But you can get new burner phones as often as you want.

And they can have internet too, and can be used for tethering, meaning you can use them as a wifi hotspot to use with a tablet for internet.

I assume he has a stock pile of burner phones already purchased, since I believe he may have been planning his escape for a while...and only recently added the girl to his plans.
US Dept of State lists on their Mexico Travel Warning page specific regions that US citizens should avoid. They also list regions with "no advisory in effect" meaning that although you're taking your chances by traveling to Mexico at all at this point in time, there are still places where it is relatively safe for Americans. Wouldn't surprise me if TC is familiar with US Dept of State travel alerts in general and is trying to use that information to his advantage.
I really DON'T think that he threatens her in any way. (MOO) You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar! (MOO)

Honey then vinegar then honey again.... on and on in a never ending cycle. It's how abusers work and he's got a lot to lose if she leaves him. Abuse doesn't have to be physical. I can't say for sure this is happening, obviously, but I strongly suspect he's manipulating and controlling her the way he's been doing for months.
Oh, I love Dateline, and 48 hours.I watch every episode and watch the repeats weekly. I'm just giving my opinion. You can't say hes a perv unless you KNOW hes had sex with her.You don't know that.
Her facebook page is interesting - why is she posting such sad memes about being broken? Does anyone know? Certainly makes her easy pickin's for a predator.

So I'm still wondering about the Corpus Christi sighting being called "unfounded". Does that mean they couldn't locate the suspect vehicle, or does that mean the witness pointed out the vehicle and it wasn't the right one? There's a huge difference between the two things.

If he bought a beater car and is traveling that way, IMHO, there's no way to spot them. She's pretty, but she looks like about 20% of girls her age. He is also unremarkable looking. If they behave like father and daughter in public, they're invisible, IMHO.
Are people thinking he is driving the vehicle?

I don't. I think they ditched it somewhere and are either traveling in another vehicle or mode of transportation ... or they are sitting in a tent for awhile without moving.


I think his car is in a cash pre-paid storage facility, locked away from site. I would also speculate, he already had another car, registered to someone else (legally or not), already stored and is now driving that. I would assume a camper or large SUV.
Burner phones can not be tied to you, they are paid for in cash, and get thrown away when done. The only way they can be used to trace you is if you call someone who the FBI is already monitoring, then they can get your number, then they can track you. But you can get new burner phones as often as you want.

And they can have internet too, and can be used for tethering, meaning you can use them as a wifi hotspot to use with a tablet for internet.

I assume he has a stock pile of burner phones already purchased, since I believe he may have been planning his escape for a while...and only recently added the girl to his plans.

I understand that, but I still wouldn't trust them if I were on the run and facing jail time if caught. Just my opinion, even if others say that burner phones can't be traced.

I remember life without phones, as does the perp, and know I could live awhile without one.

I understand that, but I still wouldn't trust them if I were on the run and facing jail time if caught. Just my opinion, even if others say that burner phones can't be traced.

I remember life without phones, as does the perp, and know I could live awhile without one.


i agree. What do they need a phone for? To call in tips?

I can see carrying an iPad or Kindle and checking up on the news when there is free wifi on the road.
WOnder if he is headed to Mexico so they can elope?
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