Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #8

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Quote Originally Posted by forthefreefood View Post

I'm sorry I must have missed something. Can you point me in the direction of a source about her wanting her friend to take her home? Was this when she was dropped off at Shoneys?

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The link may not be allowed her but it's in the podcast and her sister confirmed it's true. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Bringing this over

Thanks the lawyer for the family states this in the podcast, either from direct questioning the friend or second hand report.
I guess what I don't get is why the friend would say this if no one else would know?
And the reasoning she says she did not turn back is the friend would be late for work. Is this a school friend?
If so wasn't school not in session that day? What student with an afterschool job schedules to work on a day off?
Possible? Sure
The friend's role is murky IMO

The kids were out of school that day, it was a teacher in service day.

Yes it is a school friend and according to ET's sister she is not being cooperative with police and seems to support TC and ET being together.

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I looked at TC's bankruptcy filing from 1999 (it's public record). Nothing out of the ordinary as far as I can see, seems pretty standard. I can't share the documents though because (1) the data was not presented in a downloadable format and (2) the filing is a joint filing with his wife so the information pertains to both of them.

This filing is a matter of public record however, it's on PACER, the Feds court system database so you need to set up a login first. Also, there is a fee for each record pulled but it's very small (I think the Cummins file cost me ten cents, total).
After this many days with zero confirmed sightings, I think it's safe to say this was a well thought out plan.
He isn't going to be this lucky forever though, he will make a mistake ( if he hasn't already)
Lets also keep in mind that LE isn't going to show their deck. If they are looking into a certain area, it's very unlikely that they'll share that information with the public. They wouldn't want to risk Tad catching wind that they where onto him.

He could've very easily picked up a cheapy prepaid phone and paid cash for it and paid cash for the minutes. As long as he doesn't link that phone to his email account, social media accounts and so on, he could use that phone to monitor any media buzz on the case and the chances of that phone being tracked back to him are slim as long as he didn't try to access any of his personal accounts.
I know it's been brought up a few times here already but I don't think people really understand how difficult it would be to trace that type of phone Back to him and his current location. It's not as easy as people think it is and as long as he didn't try to access any of his personal accounts, it would seriously be like finding a needle in a haystack. Think about it- think about how many people are clicking on Tads story on the news. Then think about LE having to pinpoint the IP addresses of every person who followed the stories and then locate them. Not to mention the various VPN programs available for use on mobile devices.
I also wonder if it's possible that, in the course of the school's investigation, either ET, TC, or someone else said something that might have made the school concerned about ET's home situation, and THAT prompted the involvement of LE.

I honestly haven't the first clue. But if the school, for whatever reason, became concerned about something someone told them in the course of their investigation regarding ET's home situation, then it would make more sense as to why her father wasn't immediately advised of the initial school report.

Oh I'm betting TC probably did that. But in that case, they should have contacted police and child protective services, by law.

If they didn't contact about the kiss allegation and it seems like the cops said that was what they were investigating.. I wonder if the mother of the child that reported the kiss, contacted them.

I read an interview by her and she didn't seem very thrilled with how the school was handling the whole thing. She said when her daughter would ask about it, they really brushed her off.

So that may be a possibility if the school didn't report it to LE.

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Since I'm on a roll this morning, can I just say that it REALLY bothers me that we continue to discuss this friend of ET's, who is a minor, in less than glowing terms, based on nothing but hearsay?

(Just needed to get that off my chest. Carry on.)
Since I'm on a roll this morning, can I just say that it REALLY bothers me that we continue to discuss this friend of ET's, who is a minor, in less than glowing terms, based on nothing but hearsay?

(Just needed to get that off my chest. Carry on.)
Well it is info from a verified insider, so it is everyone's choice to believe it or not.

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The kids were out of school that day, it was a teacher in service day.

Yes it is a school friend and according to ET's sister she is not being cooperative with police and seems to support TC and ET being together.

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Yes I just found it strange that the friend would schedule work that early on a day off, if true,
Easily verifiable.

Yes and did see that the friend was no longer cooperating and commented that ET "was safe" so why help.
Inconsistent with the comment that she couldn't turn back
Yes I just found it strange that the friend would schedule work that early on a day off, if true,
Easily verifiable.

Yes and did see that the friend was no longer cooperating and commented that ET "was safe" so why help.
Inconsistent with the comment that she couldn't turn back

Yea I agree with all that and have read that too.

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Yes I just found it strange that the friend would schedule work that early on a day off, if true,
Easily verifiable.

Yes and did see that the friend was no longer cooperating and commented that ET "was safe" so why help.
Inconsistent with the comment that she couldn't turn back

I didn't have much say in what shifts I got when working my minimum wage jobs in high school. She likely didn't choose the early shift. Or she knew she'd be up giving her friend a ride and then would just go right to work. Who knows.
Well it is info from a verified insider, so it is everyone's choice to believe it or not.

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Yes, but this is also a child who is a minor and we have forum rules about that for a reason. Or we used to anyway.
Yes, but this is also a child who is a minor and we have forum rules about that for a reason. Or we used to anyway.
Yes but I think this info doesn't cross the rules and no one is naming the child. I don't know that what has been said is crossing the rules or not, since no identifying info was given and not cooperating was all that was said.
Yes I just found it strange that the friend would schedule work that early on a day off, if true,
Easily verifiable.

Yes and did see that the friend was no longer cooperating and commented that ET "was safe" so why help.
Inconsistent with the comment that she couldn't turn back
When my oldest was in high school she would let her work know her days off from school and would pick up extra hours.

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Oh I'm betting TC probably did that. But in that case, they should have contacted police and child protective services, by law.

If they didn't contact about the kiss allegation and it seems like the cops said that was what they were investigating.. I wonder if the mother of the child that reported the kiss, contacted them.

I read an interview by her and she didn't seem very thrilled with how the school was handling the whole thing. She said when her daughter would ask about it, they really brushed her off.

So that may be a possibility if the school didn't report it to LE.

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Even if they didn't think it was true, they should've asked police to investigate and allowed LE to determine if there was a charge. That is what happened in districts I have worked in. Involving the police would launch a more thorough and less biased investigation and protect them from liability as well.

Do we know what day they contacted the police?

If they didn't do so promptly and were at all trying to keep it "in house" to shelter the school from bad pub while allowing this teen to remain vulnerable, then shame on them. They should know better.

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Cummins is 50 years old
Cummins married his wife in 1985
Cummins told students he was a millionaire and a CIA operative that traveled on secret missions
On January 23 a female schoolmate saw TC kiss ET on the lips in the classroom with TC's grandchild in the room
January 24th the female student confronted TC about the kiss. TC told the student he was a father figure to ET and she was a "close and best friend".
January 30th school concluded investigation, found no evidence since both ET and TC denied the kiss but ET was removed from class.
January 31 ET's father found out about kiss from Sheriff who was investigating the issue.
February 3 TC is reprimanded for having ET in his room. Another teacher said she was in the classroom for over 30mins.
"The teacher would later be reprimanded on Feb. 3 by school principal Penny Love after the girl was seen in Cummins classroom for a little more than half an hour that day. In her letter, Love said the girl being in his classroom was a violation of the principal’s order to him."

February 6 TC is suspended for insubordination
March 13 ET tells her sister to call 911 if she isn't home by 6pm
Other details:
School never informed ET's father of inappropriate contact or of any investigation
ET was dropped off by friend at Shoney's on March 13th, ET asked friend to instead take her back home, friend refused.
Friend who dropped ET off is not cooperating with LE

"Employees at the Shoney's in Columbia said Thomas was waiting with her bags inside the restaurant on March 13. They said when Tad Cummins pulled up, the teen ran outside leaving her back pack behind."

School and students refuse to wear green ribbons in support of ET and ET has been called a harlot (per Sister)

TC has two guns (unknown what type) "Authorities say he is armed with two handguns"

ET's phone pinged in Decatur AL March 13 at 3:06pm "A spokesperson for the Decatur, Alabama, police told ABC News by phone that Elizabeth had not been physically seen in or around Decatur and that reports of their whereabouts may have been attributed to a ping from the girl’s cell phone."

ET was originally reported as a runaway, although her father early on maintained she had been abducted by TC
TC's wife reported him missing.

LE concluded 24 hours after both reported missing that TC and ET were together, so they had a 24 headstart before the Amber Alert was issued. "Thomas, a 15-year-old from Middle Tennessee, disappeared with her ex-teacher, 50-year-old Tad Cummins, on March 13. There have been no confirmed sightings since that day and an Amber Alert was issued the next day"

Amber Alert has not been issued nationwide.

LE believe they may be in Mexico or Central America posing as missionaries

TC took a loan for 4,500. "TBI said Cummins secured a title loan for a personal vehicle and other personal effects several days before his disappearance, netting $4,500 in cash."

TC searched teen marriages " Cummins researched 'teen marriage' just a few days before he and Elizabeth disappeared. "

TC searched disabling GPS on automobile "Cummins also searched whether police could track his car, a Nissan Rogue, according to TBI."

TC took Nissan Rogue, leaving wife with his Jeep which she is unable to drive

TC told his wife on the morning he disappeared he was going out for a job interview.

TC has an associates degree, was a respiratory therapist, taught forensics, had an alternative certification to teach

TC's former colleague states TC was a bully and narcissist

TC's former colleague is offering a 5,000 reward

LE is offering a 1,000 reward

There have been no credible sightings of TC or ET since March 13

ET left a bag behind at Shoney's, but it was later gone. The story goes that it was left outside and picked up by someone.
Shoney's had no working surveillance camera (per Sister) and ""We believe for one reason or another she left one of these bags behind and it disappeared later that day," said DA Brent Cooper.Cooper said someone either took the bag or Elizabeth may have come back for it"

ET has wheat and tomato allergies and needs an epi pen.(per Sister)

ET took her sister's bathing suit with her (per Sister)

ET hid from TC when he tried to see her at work. "One of Thomas family lawyers told WKRN that, at some point before the March 13 disappearance, Cummins came into Elizabeth's work place. The teen hid in a bathroom and urged a co-worker to tell the teacher that she wasn't there." (this was also confirmed by Sister)

ET had been taken from her mother's custody and her father has custody of her. ET had formerly been homeschooled, was a freshman in high school and had just started public school. TC was her teacher. ET's mother was charged with abuse and lost custody.
ET's mother gave an interview.

TC was looking for work in Decatur

TC and ET may have stayed in a motel in Decatur the first night

TC watched shows about living off the grid "Investigators also tell CBS News that Cummins appears to have been planning this for some time by watching survivalist shows."

TC has no criminal record in the state of TN. "Cummins has no criminal record in the state of Tennessee."

I'll be editing this post with sources and such, but is there anything I missed?

Destany Parrish is a former student who TC may have groomed prior to ET, made alone time for the two of them and sang her a love song he'd written. He told us all one day that the office had gotten on to him and that we all had to go back to the lunch room because that's where we're supposed to be anyway," Parrish recalled. "Everybody left and I got my bag and got ready to leave, and he said the office hadn't said anything to him, he just didn't want that many kids in his room. It just ended up being he and I chilling in there. I would go there after school.”
Parrish said she would go to Cummins’ room after school and he would often take her to services at the Destiny Church in Columbia Parrish was 15 at the time, in 2011 she was his student.

"One day, Parrish said Cummins arranged for them to be alone and he sang the lyrics he had written.
One of the lyrics read, "I could swim for a thousand miles in the oceans inside your eyes and never reach the side."
"It was just me and tad. We were in the music room. It was right next to his classroom, and I had learned a new song on the piano," said Parrish. "I was gonna go show him, but he sat down first and played that song, and I started recording a little bit in.
When asked if she felt the song was for her, Parrish said she didn't assume, but looking back, things seem different."

Interview with Thomas family attorneys by Nancy Grace:
Yes I just found it strange that the friend would schedule work that early on a day off, if true,
Easily verifiable.

Yes and did see that the friend was no longer cooperating and commented that ET "was safe" so why help.
Inconsistent with the comment that she couldn't turn back

When I was a teen, I worked at a shoe store. If I had the day off school, I would have wanted them to put me on the schedule as much as possible to get more hours for the week. I think that every job would be different but I think that it could happen. MOO
Yes but I think this info doesn't cross the rules and no one is naming the child. I don't know that what has been said is crossing the rules or not, since no identifying info was given and not cooperating was all that was said.

No, many other things have been said about this child on this forum , things that have a very condemning tone and place a lot of blame on her based on hearsay. THAT is where I become concerned.

Even if they didn't think it was true, they should've asked police to investigate and allowed LE to determine if there was a charge. That is what happened in districts I have worked in. Involving the police would launch a more thorough and less biased investigation and protect them from liability as well.

Do we know what day they contacted the police?

If they didn't do so promptly and were at all trying to keep it "in house" to shelter the school from bad pub while allowing this teen to remain vulnerable, then shame on them. They should know better.

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From what I've seen the police contacted the school and told them they were investigating it. I don't recall seeing anything in the school paperwork that they contacted LE.

One of the early articles I read said LE informed the school they were investigating and then the school turned over their info to LE. it was 7 days after the kiss that ET's father was informed by LE, they were investigating, according to the press packet posted above.

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Thread #8. This is going to be a long, long wait folks. Doesn't seem the TBI has much to go on (or they are keeping it close to chest). My bet remains with ET getting tired of living in the lam with no internet access.
No, many other things have been said about this child on this forum , things that have a very condemning tone and place a lot of blame on her based on hearsay. THAT is where I become concerned.

Oh.. That yeah could be an issue.

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