Found Safe TN - MCET, 15, Abducted by Teacher, in Maury County, 13 March 2017 #17 *ARREST*

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Maybe this was posted--it's from a few days ago and I haven't been able to read every comment:

Columbia attorney Jason Whatley showed The Daily Herald a photo of 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas and two of her sisters Tuesday afternoon.

The image on his cell phone was not for publication, but the picture would tell a thousand words if Thomas’ team of health-care experts would authorize its release in newspapers and on television.

Thomas was standing in the middle of her younger sister, 14-year-old Neda, and older sister, 18-year-old Sarah.

The smiles on their faces seemed as wide as the 2,500-mile distance between Columbia and northern California, where Thomas was found last week after allegedly being kidnapped by former teacher Tad Cummins.

“Elizabeth looks so happy to be home, doesn’t she?” Whatley asked, smiling. “And look at her sisters. They really missed Elizabeth.”

In the photo, Thomas looked like a child excitedly waking up on Christmas morning. And she looks like a wisp compared to her sisters, one of whom is slightly taller and the other slightly shorter.
I wonder if ET & her other siblings were in therapy in regards to the mother's physical abuse? They should of been IMO.

Good question. I bet the answer is no.

I also can't figure out if ET told her sibling to call the cops if she is not home by 6pm. Did that sib. ask her why? And what was the sibling supposed to tell the LE in that regard? What did ET think might happen to her if she said that about calling LE when she knew she was leaving home? It's all a bit odd to me.

It is odd. I've always been the kind of sister that would have interrogated her like mad. I wonder if her sister was sort of half asleep? Thought she was joking? Or exaggerating?
Good question. I bet the answer is no.

It is odd. I've always been the kind of sister I would have interrogated uernlime mad. I wonder if her sister was sort of half asleep? Thought she was joking? Or exaggerating?
Maybe ET never said it but was made up to get LE working on the case immediately to find her. I might have said something similar for that reason.
Good question. I bet the answer is no.

It is odd. I've always been the kind of sister I would have interrogated uernlime mad. I wonder if her sister was sort of half asleep? Thought she was joking? Or exaggerating?

BBM, Yes that could well be? I wonder if ET was close to her older siblings to confide in them?
I know growing up in an abusive household by both parents i had my best friend living across the street who was also physically abused by her mother. Back in those days parents regularly beat their kids, and there were no child protection services etc. I was very scared of my parents, both of them especially my dad. He tried to strangle me once when i was 13 because my best friend and i had been talking to boys after school and he found out. Thank god he pulled himself out of it before he killed me. My best friend & i both ran away from home to the city after that. We knew a couple of guys who were our friends and they took us in. We were gone about a year before the police found us both. No sympathy there, we both got locked up in a catholic home for wayward kids. It was awful but the nuns were lovely. My best friend's parents got her out two weeks later and mine got me out three months later. They were going to leave me there until i was 21 lol. But we sure did get into a lot of trouble for running away from home, and no therapy for us.
I stayed home and at 17 went to nursing school in the city and left home permanently. My best friend went back to the city to college, but ended up paranoid schizophrenic and institutionalised because they were dropping a lot of LSD back in the day at college.
I sure wish we had some understanding back then.
Maybe this was posted--it's from a few days ago and I haven't been able to read every comment:

Columbia attorney Jason Whatley showed The Daily Herald a photo of 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas and two of her sisters Tuesday afternoon.

The image on his cell phone was not for publication, but the picture would tell a thousand words if Thomas’ team of health-care experts would authorize its release in newspapers and on television.

Thomas was standing in the middle of her younger sister, 14-year-old Neda, and older sister, 18-year-old Sarah.

The smiles on their faces seemed as wide as the 2,500-mile distance between Columbia and northern California, where Thomas was found last week after allegedly being kidnapped by former teacher Tad Cummins.

“Elizabeth looks so happy to be home, doesn’t she?” Whatley asked, smiling. “And look at her sisters. They really missed Elizabeth.”

In the photo, Thomas looked like a child excitedly waking up on Christmas morning. And she looks like a wisp compared to her sisters, one of whom is slightly taller and the other slightly shorter.

Thanks for that link. Time for dignity. I'm staying quiet in solidarity for healing. It is not a time to be picking things about this case apart out of respect for Elizabeth. It was her bad dream, and I hope she remains cocooned for as long as she needs!
It is all fine to understand the dynamic of what has happened here, but the media scrutiny is yet another layer that this girl eventually has to process. I am scared for her. Wish her a slow and gentle healing.
First time i have read this about TC telling ET he had millions of dollars & multiple pieces of property.
Elizabeth's brother, James Thomas, said that that on the day his sister disappeared she told another sibling that if she wasn't home by 6 p.m. to call the police. In his view, that meant Cummins' convinced his sister to do something she knew was wrong.

The girl's father also said he believed Cummins was grooming the children in his class — telling them lies such as that he had previously worked for the FBI and CIA.

"He had lied to all these kids," he said. "I told them it couldn't possibly be true."

Anthony Thomas added that his daughter told him Cummins claimed to have millions of dollars and multiple pieces of property.

What a lying scoundrel he is.
First time i have read this about TC telling ET he had millions of dollars & multiple pieces of property.
Elizabeth's brother, James Thomas, said that that on the day his sister disappeared she told another sibling that if she wasn't home by 6 p.m. to call the police. In his view, that meant Cummins' convinced his sister to do something she knew was wrong.

The girl's father also said he believed Cummins was grooming the children in his class — telling them lies such as that he had previously worked for the FBI and CIA.

"He had lied to all these kids," he said. "I told them it couldn't possibly be true."

Anthony Thomas added that his daughter told him Cummins claimed to have millions of dollars and multiple pieces of property.

What a lying scoundrel he is.
Absolutely, that was established back in March. Time for healing now.
Absolutely, that was established back in March. Time for healing now.

Well all i was pointing out was what a damn liar TC is. I just still find it incredulous of what he did. ET is in very good hands as she needs be, and she is in a safe place, so of course she is getting back on track, as also needs be. And thank goodness she was found when she was.
I somehow missed this!
TC made hotel reservations in another state prior to leaving?

She noticed they were "too friendly " then says there were no signs of a relationship?

We've heard it was a father/daughter relationship. Jill states they were "too friendly" however that wasn't a sign of a relationship to her.

That's certainly a contradiction!

" In the days before the alleged abduction, Tad Cummins refilled a prescription for the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis, took out a loan for quick cash and made hotel reservations in another state, according to a criminal complaint."

And this:
"But she noticed her husband and the teen were getting a little too friendly before vanishing together in March."

"But she added: "Never did I think there was a romantic thing between the two of them. There were no signs of that."


"Jill said on Inside Edition that she confronted her husband about the allegations he filled a prescription for Cialis while he was gone."

Now he is calling her SEVERAL times a day?

Seriously Tad! There is nothing more you can say.

She's through with you!


First time i have read this about TC telling ET he had millions of dollars & multiple pieces of property.
Elizabeth's brother, James Thomas, said that that on the day his sister disappeared she told another sibling that if she wasn't home by 6 p.m. to call the police. In his view, that meant Cummins' convinced his sister to do something she knew was wrong.

The girl's father also said he believed Cummins was grooming the children in his class — telling them lies such as that he had previously worked for the FBI and CIA.

"He had lied to all these kids," he said. "I told them it couldn't possibly be true."

Anthony Thomas added that his daughter told him Cummins claimed to have millions of dollars and multiple pieces of property.

What a lying scoundrel he is.

I'm guessing he told her he was taking her to one of his fancy properties. Maybe said just for a visit, that she'd be back by 6pm. That would be a way to gain her cooperation and no questions from her when they initially headed out of the area.


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I somehow missed this!
TC made hotel reservations in another state prior to leaving?

She noticed they were "too friendly " then says there were no signs of a relationship?

We've heard it was a father/daughter relationship. Jill states they were "too friendly" however that wasn't a sign of a relationship to her.

That's certainly a contradiction!

" In the days before the alleged abduction, Tad Cummins refilled a prescription for the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis, took out a loan for quick cash and made hotel reservations in another state, according to a criminal complaint."

And this:
"But she noticed her husband and the teen were getting a little too friendly before vanishing together in March."

"But she added: "Never did I think there was a romantic thing between the two of them. There were no signs of that."



That had struck me, too. So I thought maybe she meant that it would be bad for the girl for him to spend so much time with her, that ET would come to rely on him too much, or develop a crush on him, but not that that was what he wanted. JMO

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I won't go as far as to call JC complicit in the crime against ET here but, I just feel no sympathy for her.
She is a 50 yo woman with grown children and grands.

We are women and mothers with a great sense of INTUITION, do we not know and watch our children like hawks? Do we not know our husbands/signifigant others?
Do we not know what is going on in our homes? This is natural for us, imo. Now, I'm not saying things cant be well hidden by deceptive people, but TC is an idiot...JC, imo, turned a blind eye to his unusual interests and behaviors long before her husband committed this crime!

I'm guessing their entire marriage was very unhealthy and dysfunctional, and she chose to stay in the marriage for whatever reasons. BUT, now it is time for her to swallow her pride, give up her hopes, and accept that TC is the criminal. THIS is not about JC at all...stop calling attention to yourself, shut your mouth, get help and carry on....don't waste another moment on TC. At the very least, I expected her to be sympathetic toward the Thomas family and ET (not whining about herself and her own mess). I have witnessed many, many families of the criminals have enough respect toward the victims to not defend their family members crimes. Have some dignity JC, don't support the crime and defend your criminal husband by victim bashing!

If a man in my life had brought a teen into the home and I was thinking they were "too friendly" that's a HUGE RED FLAG! No way would I think that was acceptable! (imo, most men do not even want to spend time with their own children-thats just me and when I see men who are overly involved with kids-I look at them sideways...very long and very seriously.)

Btw, I have seven children, and six daughters...two x husbands. No healthy man in his right mind would date me after the divorces....seriously, be very, very cautious if you are a single woman and dating with children in the home.

sheesh rant

MCET did not betray you JC. Your husband did.
He took a vow
And he broke that vow.
"Killer App" is airing on Investigation Discovery (on ComCast in my area, Georgia) again right now.
11:03 am.
It really makes it clear how easily and quickly young teens can be groomed and manipulated.

I am wondering if JC thinks this was a kidnapping? I think that is where some issues lie as well. If she feels her husband did not kidnap ET, then I see many intricate issues, emotional issues for her. To me, if she does not feel it was a kidnapping, then counseling is a priority for her, not only to understand what her husband did fully, but to understand her displaced emotions, about and for ET.
Personally, I do feel sympathy for JC. I feel she cannot see the forest for the trees. Time and counseling hopefully will help her.

Finally, don't know why this is sooo hard for some to think about. JC is supposed to be a grown adult. You don't have to walk in her shoes to be objective. At 63 I have had many under my belt. I thought that's where common sense and maturity came in to play. Had a cheater and coworker cheater, kicked them both to the curb. Husband was on hospice for year and a half at home. Many have it much worse and you grow from these experiences...not tear all of those in your path. Maybe it depends upon how you are raised. No need to leave a bigger path of destruction.
It's not hard at all for me to think about. I agree JC is an adult and we should remain objective. I have a problem with a few things she has said. I just cant understand the grown adults here who are tearing her apart repeatedly. Some IMO are taking pleasure in going on and on about how awful she is and how anyone who has compassion for her must be against ET. If it's not that, they are scouring posts to see who they can label a victim shamer. This thread has almost ceased being about ET and justice for the crimes committed by TC.

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Treelights, I don't think she considers it a kidnapping. I believe she thinks it was an "affair" and that ET participated willingly and could have left TC at any time while they were on the run. JC said TC told her that ET wasn't being held against her will. I think JC is buying into that and so are the rest of the family and many in the community. I hope one day ET gets to share her side of the story. I think it's ridiculous for anyone to believe anything TC is saying. One way to know someone is putting their spin on a situation is to listen to how much they're talking, the guiltiest talk the most, imo. Can't help but notice while he was enjoying his 6 weeks away NOT one peep. But the moment he's caught he's a fountain of info!
I'm guessing he told her he was taking her to one of his fancy properties. Maybe said just for a visit, that she'd be back by 6pm. That would be a way to gain her cooperation and no questions from her when they initially headed out of the area.


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Oh yeah, no doubt he filled ET's head with all kinds of crazy notions about the blissful life she would have. He knew exactly what he was doing it for and why. But she did warn her sibling if she didn't get home by 6 to call LE, so wonder what that was for? Just in case? Then that means on some level she was thinking she might not come home i would think?
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