GUILTY TN - NBA Star Lorenzen Wright, 34, Collierville, 18 July 2010 *Arrests*

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The rumor mills seem to be silent and not much of any substance has come out in the media for a couple of days, so I used the down time to put together a timeline of events along with my sources.

Timeline of the Murder / Murder Investigation of Lorenzen Wright

June 16, 2010 - Three armed men looking for Lorenzen Wright allegedly showed up at the home of the former NBA player's ex-wife. They ask if Lorenzen is present, she says that he is not. The three men threaten her that they will harm her and her children if she reports the visit, then leave without further incident. -Memphis Commercial Appeal

July 16, 2010 - Lorenzen Wright asks family friend Jeremy Orange to drive the children to their mom's Memphis home July because oldest daughter Loren, 14, was competing in a beauty contest. Orange said Wright, known to friends as "Ren," hugged each child and gave Loren a kiss goodbye as they left the Atlanta area. - Memphis Commercial Appeal

July 18, 2010 - Lorenzen Wright's room mate, Michael Gipson drops Wright off at the Atlanta Airport. Wright flies to Memphis with plans to ride back to Atlanta the following day with Orange and his own six children. - Memphis Commercial Appeal

July 19, 2010 - The Germantown Police Department receives a 911 call from the cell phone of Lorenzen Wright. Approximately 12 gunshots are heard before the connection is lost. The GPD cannot locate the origin of the call. Germantown Police do not forward information about the call to Memphis Police for 8 days. - New York Daily News

Note: Early newspaper reports stated that just before the shots were fired a male voice uttered either one or two expletives. Those reports dried up after the heavily redacted 911 transcript was released. The assertion has never been refuted, only silenced.

July 19, 2010 - Hours after the 911 call local barber Antavio Brigance of New Era Barbershop claims to have cut Lorenzen Wright's hair.

July 22, 2010 - Wright's mother, Deborah Marion officially files a missing persons report. - Atlanta Journal Constitution

July 26, 2010 - Sherra Wright advises Collierville Police Department of the alleged visit by the three armed men. Lawyer Gail Mathes said her client, Sherra Wright, was afraid for herself and her children, so she kept quiet about the encounter until Monday. She then alerted police in the Memphis suburb of Collierville. -Memphis Commercial Appeal

July 27, 2010 - Investigators learn of the 911 call. They use information from it to launch the search that finds Wright's body one day later. - Huffington Post

July 27, 2010 - Sherra Wright places a phone call to a Collierville detective and gives a statement claiming that her ex-husband had left her house a 10:30PM, July 18, 2010 with a "box of drugs" and some money. She says he then returned to the house with an undisclosed amount of money and finally left for the evening at 2:AM.

Ms. Wright alleges that on the same night she heard her ex-husband make several phone calls to persons unknown. She says that one of the phones was a Trac-Phone or other similar type of (disposable) phone. She quotes him as telling some one on the phone that he was "going to flip something for $110,000. - New York Daily News

July 28, 2010 - The body of Lorenzen Wright is found. Dental records are used to confirm his identity. The Medical Examiner rules that his death was "by gunshot wound". - Memphis Commercial Appeal.

August 1, 2010 - Police serve a search warrant at the home of Sherra Wright. They conduct a search of the house and the back yard with special attention paid to the fire pit in the back yard. The search of the fire pit is prompted by a report from neighbors that there was a raging fire there the night of Wrights death. Court records show that the only items recovered were one letter to Lorenzen and Sherra Wright and some pieces of burnt metal. No guns are found in the home. - NY Daily News.

August 2, 2010 - The following is reported by Fox News: Wendy Wilson, who alleges to have worked as Lorenzen Wright's personal assistant for three years, blitzed reporters last Wednesday with a barrage of accusations against Sherra Wright. Wilson alleged she had turned over tapes to police containing alleged 2003 phone "threats" made by Wright's wife directed at Wright during their hotly contested divorce proceedings.

"When I had the tapes I went to Memphis Police because it concerned him at the time to say make a report. Here's what she's saying. I don't know if it means anything. Her conversation was all over the place. But, at the same time there was underlying threats," said Wilson.

August 4, 2010 - Thousands attend memorial and funeral services for Lorenzen Wright at the FedEx Forum in Memphis.

August 4, 2010 - Coleman Garrett, criminal attorney for Sherra Wright announces that his client will not be making a statement. When asked about the discrepancy between the time Sherra Wright says Lorenzen left her house and the time of his 911 call 2 hours earlier and 9 miles away he replies, "I don't know whose timeline that is," Garrett said. "She was in bed; she didn't know what time it was." -New York Daily News

August 5, 2010 - Sherra Wright's divorce attorney (she also has a criminal attorney), Gail Mathes announces she is considering a Civil Suit against the Germantown Police Department for the "mishandling" of Wright's 911 call. -New York Daily News

Same Day / Same Story: "Mathes said that Sherra Wright may file for bankruptcy to pay her debts.

"There is a life insurance policy, but if it goes to Mrs. Wright then it would be subject to creditors," Mathes said. "Mr. Wright's creditors cannot attack it; but if Mrs. Wright is the sole beneficiary, her creditors can seek to attain it."

Mathes doesn't know the amount of the policy but believes it wouldn't be enough to cover the entire debt." - New York Daily News

August 10, 2010 - The Memphis Commercial Appeal obtains copies of Sherra Wright's July 27th statement to Collierville Police. The allegations are spread nationally. - Memphis Commercial Appeal

August 11, 2010 - Sherra Wright's attorney, Coleman Garrett, says the first he heard about her statement to police was this morning. He also tells us it's the last one she'll make and it's not because she had anything to do with his murder. He says she won't be a part of tarnishing his legacy. [direct quote from an August 11th post on]

August 11, 2010 - Statement from Memphis Police Director Larry Godwin, "You've got a man here that played professional ball and traveled extensively," said Godwin. "We're tracking pretty much everywhere he's been in the last two months and we're going to reach out to those areas."

Now two weeks after Wright was found dead, Godwin said in this investigation they're doing things they don't normally do to try and crack the case.

"His extensive travel has caused us to have to reach out to a lot of different cities, talk to a lot of different people… Some are quick. They hadn't talk to him, hadn't seen him, you know what I mean. Some are a little more involved."

Analysis of the evidence is another thing police say they're waiting on."
Lorenzen Wright mom is in the process of trying to raise $100,000.00 for a reward leading to any suspects in Lorenzens murder. Information will be released in the future.

As of today, LE has not named anyone a suspect or POI.

WREG channel 3 in Memphis is going to do a story tonight about Lorenzen's case. It seems that a grand jury has been investigating Sherra Wright. She is on record saying they have been contacting her friends and family and everyone who had phone contact with her. The news had a "teaser" that there is someone with a violent past who is connected with Sherra that is being investigated too. I'll update after the news tonight. has the video online today of an interview with Sherra Wright. She gives details of who the grand jury has been looking at. One of the people the grand jury has questioned has a pending murder charge from 2007 in his past. It is Jimmy Martin, Sherra's cousin from Batesville, Mississippi. He was tried for the murder of his girlfriend in Memphis - claimed he shot her accidentally, but her father is on record saying that she was about to leave him and they had several altercations prior to this. He was acquitted of 1st degree murder, but the jury deadlocked on a 2nd degree charge so he faces a retrial. Interesting. Lorenzen had paid for his legal fees during his trial and had recommended an attorney, who happens to be the same one representing Sherra Wright now.
How sad is this?

Widow of Murdered NBA Player, Lorenzen Wright, Spends $1 Million in 10 Months

You know, I was just thinking about Lorenzen the other day and wondering if there's been any movement on finding his murderer. I don't know him, I am just a basketball fan. I don't believe any of the drug talk regarding him now and didn't back then either.

I hope for his mother's sake this is solved.
Warning: the below link has the 9-11 call Wright made right before he was murdered. What you are going to hear is extremely graphic and disturbing. Please be advised.

You will hear the dialing, then it all play out. While it is heartbreaking to listen to, knowing a good man was gunned down, HOPEFULLY eventually it will lead to some leeway on finding out who killed him and getting the slime behind bars.

Also, from listening to this, I am 110 percent sure there were more than one person there with Wright when this happened. You will hear a gunshot, Wright yell out in pain, then another male voice CLEARLY say "SHOOT HIM," followed by a few more shots, Wright yell out his final words of "Hey G## Da##," the operator speak, then whoever the shooter/shooters were completely unload on him.

Also, the person who handled this call and the entire 9-11 department should be sued for everything they're worth.. Absolute embarrassment how poorly this was handled. 8 days to report a shooting??
It still makes me sick thinking about how he laid out there all that time needlessly. All this back and forth with the jurisdictions also makes me sick. I will never understand how you hear that many gunshots and just do nothing.

Five years later, Marion said she believes close family members know more than they are willing to tell police...

There may be reason to be scared. According to court documents, Lorenzen Wright sold cars to people connected to notorious drug lord Craig Petties. One of the men Wright sold a car to was a man named Bobby Cole. Cole is now in prison for drug trafficking. Wright had been subpoenaed to testify when the feds confiscated the cars. And that is not all.

"He was supposed to come and testify about something with the whole clique with Bobby Cole and them, but after he got murdered he had nothing to say no more," Marion said. When Marion was asked if she thought the murder had to do with that, she was certain. "Yes. I do. I know it do," Marion said.
Part 1 of a three-part feature:

Lorenzen Wright stood nearly 7 feet tall and weighed 225 pounds, much of it extravagant muscle. His high-wattage smile was framed by a goatee—“movie star looks,” said Michael Heisley, the late owner of the Grizzlies, one of Wright’s five teams during his 13-year NBA career.

Still, Wright’s most striking feature might have been his voice, a low rumble that started deep in his gut and slowly worked its way up. With a hickory-smoked Southern drawl, the voice was straight out of a Memphis blues club. It seldom rose in volume or wavered in tempo. When you love life and it embraces you back, why yell, why panic?

If the words alone weren’t bad enough, it was Wright’s tone that made the cell-phone call to 911 so unsettling. Frantic, high-pitched, full of anguish, the voice sounded only faintly like his...

He had barely spat out the word G*****n when the rest of the audio kicked in: the pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop of gunfire. At least nine shots were fired at Wright, likely coming from at least two weapons, one small-caliber, the other medium-caliber. Shots pierced Wright’s head and chest—an autopsy report would assert that “additional gunshot wounds cannot be excluded"—probably killing him in seconds.
This is such a tragedy!
I think the drug story is odd too, How would the drug dealers / henchmen etc. know he was in town? Seems like someone he knew, had to tell them he was in town and at the ex's home.
I wonder who finally talked. I don't think they found this gun by accident.
Seems like this case is getting red-hot!
Billy R. Turner arrested in a suburb of Memphis today at a convenience store.
He has a landscaping/grass cutting business and had his truck loaded with equipment when arrested.
He was arrested by the Multi-Agency Gang Unit.
Charged with 1st Degree Murder and assigned a million dollar bond.
DOB is 2/23/1971. That would have made him 39 years old at the time of the murder.
From the reactions of his Mother/Family, they seemed to be somewhat familiar with him.
The local TV News crew were at her home asking questions as the news was breaking.
I'm a newbie, so I'm not sure if I can post pictures within the thread, but his booking photo can be found by inputting his name at this site:

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