Found Deceased TN - Noah Chamberlin, 2, Pinson, 14 Jan 2016 - #2

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My understanding - which may be incorrect - is that they were on their own property.

When people talk of 'trail cams' my mental picture is of security cameras like you'd find in Walmart or a hotel elevator. I've spent a bit of time at the state parks near Pinson (Pinson Mounds and Chickasaw State Park) and was never aware of any cameras on the state-maintained trails at those places, so I think it's highly unlikely there would be trail cams on private property.

Hunters do put motion sensitive and timed cameras out so they can have a sense of the wildlife activity on property they hunt. I don't know if there were hunters who hunted the family's woods or how many acres of woods they owned, but for us to assume that there were definitely cameras out there is perhaps a stretch.
Deer season has ended and I'm skeptical that a hunter would just leave their cams out in the woods after the season has ended. That said, around here during growing season, marijuana growers keep an eye on things using cams but it's long past growing time too.

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So they initially had a lead based on what they were told . . . he was last seen in the woods . . . And now they have evidence which leads them to continue their search in the area, but will not comment on the leads because of the "ongoing investigation". Hmm...
Weird - yesterday there were 100s of tweets during and after the presser. Today 8! What happened? Is interest cooling?

Funny you should say that, cos I was just thinking "wow, we've done nearly 1000 posts in 48 hours"!
The neighboring property videos and pictures reminds me of our back yard and the local terrain here. Everyone's comments make me question every decision I've made as a parent. I feel horrible for the grandma and the brutal comments she's receiving. My kids play unsupervised in woods just like that every day. They are older than Noah, but were out exploring from the time they could crawl. I certainly don't think she deserves what's being handed to her now.

Don't question yourself. I also grew up in this way along with everyone else I knew (rural area). Disappearances like this are rare and happen everywhere. I bet, if you dug up statistics you'd find they happen more often in urban and suburban areas then in rural wooded areas. You are fine, you're kids are fine and your decisions are fine. :)
Did not see your post before I made mine. I remember reading wildlife biologist talking about maneaters in India and Africa and talking about how little evidence is left and how quickly and quietly the attack can go down.
are LE or any searchers out there tonight?
After whatever they saw, found or the section protected?
Snow falling?
IMO I think that the dogs did hit or track on something. I'm going with original info that was out there that they did hit on something but it wasn't where they (probably not the handlers) thought the dogs should be tracking. We know that the tracking dogs got there at 4pm according to the sheriff. I believe that the wind was about 8-11 mph that day. After reading how hard it is and detailed they have to track perpendicular to the wind and also search ridges at certain times of the day because air is rising and gullies at certain times of the day because it's falling. Cold moist air is heavier so it falls closer to the ground. It flows downhill. So it depends on the elevation of maybe where he was last seen missing and how the scent flows. So they probably didn't start tracking until at least when it was starting to get dark after giving the dogs scent items. I guess different dogs might track different routes of the scent depending on the time of day. It might look like they are running around in circles I'm sure sometimes but the dogs and handlers know what they are doing or they wouldn't be there. I just think when the public asks about the dogs if they found anything they just haven't found him. They probably did hit on some locations.

"A search dog team will prefer to search into the wind, often zigzagging into the wind on small areas. A canine team can also perform searches along parallel sweeps perpendicular to the wind in larger areas. Remember to search ridges when air is likely to be rising and down in drainages when air is likely to be falling."

I posted this yesterday but if anyone cares to read.
1. Coning Plumes
movement of scent from subject downwind in the shape of a cone
during cloud covered days or nights
travels long distances
ideal for dogs
A dog will run perpendicular to the flow of the scent crossing in and out of the scent cone zeroing in to its source.

2. Lofting Scent
Occurs after sun sets
The ground is cooling but aloft air is still warm
usually occurs in valleys first then other areas later on
Work dogs on the high ground in the evening
3. Fanning Plumes
at night in stable air
scent holds at the same elevation level without falling or rising
dog may alert across a drainage or canyon at the same level, but can’t find a person
Be sure to report your alerts as scent can carry

A search dog team will prefer to search into the wind, often zigzagging into the wind on small areas. A canine team can also perform searches along parallel sweeps perpendicular to the wind in larger areas. Remember to search ridges when air is likely to be rising and down in drainages when air is likely to be falling.
IMO there is a break in this case and that might be why things have gone "quiet".
Also the two sheriffs asked for the sm talk (he said lies) to stop.
My passion about Noah has not cooled one bit. I don't think the passion of those who have volunteered has either. I know someone who searched through the night recently and that person and most of those I know in the Pinson area are very hot for this case.
are LE or any searchers out there tonight?
After whatever they saw, found or the section protected?
Snow falling?

There was a slight wintry mix of sleet/ice last night which left a little residue today. It is clear tonight and most ice has been gone since around noon. Of course in some woods I'm sure there are icy patches left.
It is not snowing tonight. The snow will come on Friday.
At least Nancy Grace knows Pinson isn't in the mountains tonight:)
That area tends to "attract" RSO because of all of the regulations surrounding being on the registry, such as not near a school, etc. So I don't really find that number to be shocking, although it always should be anywhere!

"Chester County Sheriff Blair Weaver said no volunteers will be searching Wednesday night for missing 2-year-old Noah Chamberlin but that officials will still search."

Do you think this decision has anything to do with the recent lead/evidence they found? It seems like the weather is a bit more cooperative today and might be the last chance to have that many feet on the ground before the snow arrives. If it snows much, it will cover up every piece of evidence in the woods. I guess it might also be to protect any possible evidence left behind or maybe just because they likely know the outcome and don't want a volunteer finding him.
Something I have not seen yet and might have missed is any mention of LEO consulting with a wildlife biologist from the state. The Azaria Chamberlain case comes to mind. Coywolves/Coydogs, Black Bears and controversially a large feline (Tenn. claims they are extinct but still tracks sightings) are all capable of taking down a small child quietly and leavening little to no evidence at the scene of the attack.)

Photojoumatt, I posted this a few pages back. Thought the timing of the article was rather ironic. There are Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency<TWRA> officials assisting Chester county in the search for Noah Chamberlin.
Imo, in the past sightings of Cougars/mountain lions were dismissed by Natural Resource officials/game wardens as large dogs, etc., due to their protective status. With the popularity of trail cameras & cell phones, these sightings can no longer be denied, downplayed, and dismissed. There have been four confirmed cougar sightings in TN since September 2015.

Cougars confirmed in Tennessee 11:28 a.m. CST January 20, 2016
Mike Organ,

The debate is over. Cougars have returned to Tennessee.

The sleek, powerful cats disappeared from the state in the early 1900s. Sightings started popping up again in the 1980s, but none could be confirmed by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency until recently.

The TWRA recently launched a page &#8220;Cougars in Tennessee&#8221; on its website to educate the public on cougars.

Cougars are not particularly dangerous, Markham said, unless they feel threatened.

&#8220;That can be dangerous; through the years they&#8217;ve attacked some folks,&#8221; Markham said. &#8220;But you&#8217;re a lot more in trouble with lightning than you are with cougars. But ... you&#8217;ve got to be cautious with them.&#8221;

<snipped - read more>

Mike Organ The Tennessean
And FYI, Tennessee Wildlife officials have been involved in the search so it seems they're at least investigating the possibility of an animal attack.
Just watched the presser and I wanted to point out a few tidbits I noticed . . .

The sheriff didn't say they found evidence. It was stated they had recovered leads and that's one of the reasons they feel he is still out there. He never actually mentioned where the lead was recovered.
Do you think this decision has anything to do with the recent lead/evidence they found? It seems like the weather is a bit more cooperative today and might be the last chance to have that many feet on the ground before the snow arrives. If it snows much, it will cover up every piece of evidence in the woods. I guess it might also be to protect any possible evidence left behind or maybe just because they likely know the outcome and don't want a volunteer finding him.

That's my guess. Either they think they are close or it has to do with what they found. And thinking they will bring dogs to that area and see if they can hit on anything. JMO

Hope tonight he will be found &#128591;

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This is my first post, so forgive me if I break any rules...? I read them. Promise. I've been lurking here since the Hailey Dunbar case, and now I'm back because of this one. I just came across this article, which had some information I'd not previously read, whether it's of any value though is beyond me. The way they've worded the new find as "leads" and making them believe "he's still out there" are so tempting to take as hopeful, am I alone in that? I keep thinking maybe he's pooped (I mean, he's out of diapers, right?), or maybe they've picked up a scent to track. I know the insanity of holding out hope at this point, but with my toddler asleep in her room and myself full of pregnancy hormones, insanity is sort of par for the course lately. It also says in this article that they've since enlarged the search area, which would be really nice if its true, seeing as how we've all been really frustrated with that. Anyways, I keep praying to find some new leads, and I went out this eve to get my mind off of all of this, only to come home to this new information, which is really not any information at all! Mother's insanity is prevailing here: come home safe and sound, little one. Please.
Just watched the presser and I wanted to point out a few tidbits I noticed . . .

The sheriff didn't say they found evidence. It was stated they had recovered leads and that's one of the reasons they feel he is still out there. He never actually mentioned where the lead was recovered.

Quoting myself to add . . .

It was a reporter who mentioned the word evidence in a question, asking if the evidence they said they'd collected [sheriff said recovered, not collected] was found near the home or further out. The reply was that it was in the search area.

My takeaway is whatever they have recovered did not necessarily come from the woods. It's interesting that he wouldn't elaborate on if it were near the home or not.
Do you think this decision has anything to do with the recent lead/evidence they found? It seems like the weather is a bit more cooperative today and might be the last chance to have that many feet on the ground before the snow arrives. If it snows much, it will cover up every piece of evidence in the woods. I guess it might also be to protect any possible evidence left behind or maybe just because they likely know the outcome and don't want a volunteer finding him.

IMO no. I think they're not using volunteers because of the weather, just like they said. Area schools are closed due to the weather so for one thing there could be liability issues with using school buses to transport volunteers. And there were multiple injuries among searchers even when the weather was better a few days back. Sadly, I believe LE knows they're now in a recovery mission so I think they had to weigh the risks and make a call. JMO though.

ETA: I sure hope the sheriff wasn't exaggerating about those leads - msm is picking up on it mighty fast...
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