Found Deceased TN - Noah Chamberlin, 2, Pinson, 14 Jan 2016 - #3

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For what it's worth... My husband had to do some military training in Germany in, I want to say late fall... it was chilly outside. (He had to learn to evade dogs, make his own cold weather clothing, find or make shelter, etc.) Anyways, he said he was sitting around and working on something (can't remember if it was a fire or something). He started to hallucinating. He didn't feel any pain, but in the hallucinations, his mind just kept telling him to just go to sleep. He almost dozed off until he knew, because of his training, that could be a bad thing to do in the cold. He told me he was very much at peace when the hallucinations came in, etc. He was later told (after the training event was over), he was definitely in the beginning stages of hypothermia. I like to take this, what he said and believe that is what happened to Noah. He just laid down, fell asleep, and woke up in heaven.

At a loss for words right now, but this really helped jen. RIP little angel.
Albeit we must remember that this is a forum, a forum to discuss and convey each and every opinion we may have while still abiding by the rules. Oh and not forgetting that 9 times out of 10 cases of missing children turn out to be more than just a terrible tragedy, it makes us all that bit more paranoid dealing with the evil of the world but who can blame any WS member for being this way.

RIP sweet, precious little boy. May you run in heaven, free.
Kid leashes.

I have hated the idea since the first time I saw one, some 30 years ago. They always look so creepy to me.

They have never made more sense to me than they do right now.

Amen. I am sorry I ever opened my mouth in critiquing/criticizing kid leashes. I should have known those parents knew their child.
steelman - there was a spot mentioned that was supposedly the place he was last seen in the woods right? did that come from a reliable source? did you ever figure the distance from that spot to the house?
I think they may be very effective quickly, so quickly that the stories don't make the news cycle. So when they are right, we never hear about it. Obviously they are more effective than represented in news stories of the last 20 years, or people wouldn't go to the incredible effort to train and work them.

But. In my decade or so of following crime on websites, I have to say I have NEVER seen a search dog locate a person who was lost. Never. Or even correctly alert to the last place a person was (as in, in the driveway and then discover the person was kidnapped from the driveway). I've followed a LOT of cases where search dog alerts were used as clues, and when the mystery of the disappearance was found the information was incorrect. And I've never seen a search dog on this forum track and locate a live or deceased person in the flesh. They must be affective, or else no one would use them, but they aren't the magic divining rod that the public thinks they are.

And that's when the problems begin. For some reason (it seems - based on posts on this forum), SAR dogs are believed to be the end all be all of missing people searches. So when the dogs don't "even pick up a scent" people are shocked and begin believing that must be indicative of foul play, the rumor mills begin, and victims and their families are forever harmed. This case alone won't change that and we'll see it happen over and over again :(
about one half mile from the house, in a clearing. Can someone take steelman's nifty map and draw a perimeter about 2640 feet from the house? I'm not sure I could finagle it. I guess I'm just the curious type.

Rest in Peace, little one.

Reports have varied. I have read 1.5 miles and heard in the presser one half mile. But the speakers voices were cracking and they were emotional so he may have been saying one AND a half mile and I just did not pick it up due to audio issues. I also did not transcribe the Q & A portion which may have cleared up that distance. Hope that helps.
I want to say hello to all the guests joining us this evening. Noah captured the attention and concern of so many. This is not the outcome we had hoped for but we are glad to have you with us as we acknowledge this loss.
Generally speaking of the dogs find the subject of happens so early on that it never even makes it to the news let alone here which is why you don't see them. I know of three find made this week by dogs I know personally, so, yeah, while they are not all mighty they are successful applicants the time. This is a small sandbox.

I agree with this. When the dogs find someone, it generally happens quickly and is nothing more than maybe a blurb in the local paper.
I've seen it work. But it's not magic or foolproof. SAR dogs are a tool, one of many tools searchers and first responders use.

A mile and a half. Not a 1/2 mile like a bunch of people keep saying. If that was the case, they would have found him the first night, or at least the next day.

When I listened to the video I knew the Sheriff said one and a half mile and was beyond the original search area. It just wasn't worth arguing at the time and I figured someone would post his quote eventually. Thanks Steelman.
One thing I think shouldn't be overlooked is that it sounds like the dogs did at least hit on his scent. That helped support the grandmother's story and probably resulted in them continuing to look in the right area. If the dogs hadn't hit on anything at all they'd have been more likely to question her honesty and allocate precious resources to investigating her and other possibilities.
When I listened to the video I knew the Sheriff said a mile and a half and was beyond the original search area. It just wasn't worth arguing at the time and I figured someone would post his quote eventually. Thanks Steelman.

He may have misspoke but he did not say one and a half, he said "one half mile".
I think it has been established it was one and half miles though. A half mile would be a bit of an insult to all the resources used by anyone's standards, surely.

Anyway, peace to you all. I am off this case now. RIP sweet one.
Noah Israel Chamberlin, the reason we are here commenting, the reason we are here heartbroken, the reason we are crying.

I am so sad for his grandmother, his parents, his sister, all family members, and all who have been touched by this Little One.

I am sure he was very much loved and that is a blessing. I am sure he was enjoying himself in the woods on the day he went missing. Oh if we could go back and change what happened. I am grateful Noah Israel Chamberlin was found and thankful for everyone who participated in the search, all LE, all volunteers, all locals, and all Websleuthers who kept the vigil.

Praying for comfort for everyone.
You are the second poster that has made disparaging remarks about SAR dogs. Please educate yourself before making these statements. You are misinformed! SAR dogs find missing people constantly.

I know everyone is broken-hearted over this outcome but this is no time to pick on SAR dogs.

Agreed. I was just reading and linking basic stuff, and it's so complicated with the tracking and how scents pool in areas or get stuck in berms. I can totally see with all the ditches and dips how the scent would rise and fall. Now, if he was straight on one of those many trails back there, I feel that maybe the case was they weren't allowed to go out of the search zone if they thought the dogs were confused.
Poor sweet baby. RIP. And my heartfelt condolences to his family and all the volunteers.
He may have misspoke but he did not say one and a half, he said "one half mile".

I don't know if I can say he misspoke but I will say he wasn't clear in what he said. The fire and rescue guy (sorry can't recall his name) said that he was found in the expanded search area and was found the second time they went through it searching. Imo that could not be one half mile from where he went missing
I think the next 24 hours will bring more answers as to where and how Noah was found. Until then, we will absorb what we do know. :(
TN is in a state of emergency due to the weather. I'm so glad they found him before the storm came in. RIP little guy :(

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