TN - Shooting at private Christian Covenant School, Nashville, suspect dead, multiple victims, 27 Mar 2023

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Nashville shooting brings new focus on security at private schools​

Private schools generally do not face as many requirements as public schools for developing security plans. In Tennessee, laws requiring schools to develop and submit safety plans do not apply to private schools.

I'm not sure about the hat, but this part definitely has echoes of Columbine. Those two (DK & EH) drew extensive diagrams of their clothes and weapons. Their shirts were custom-made. (And the fact that I know this means we have already done too much to glorify them.) :(

That’s information not glorify unless you honor and praise them then it is.

It’s just information that we know because we are the type that post on Websleuths and read books and articles.

It’s ok to know things.

All imo
Obligation, responsibility, keeping up appearances

I have to admire those who don’t unleash their unprepared, under medical care, gun removing needed kids on the world.

If the sentiment is that they loved her I’m sure they feel it is her home as well.

Here in the South communal family living is usual and enjoyed.

No much of that legally you’re done there’s the door by native Southerners. We like everybody close.

All imo

We don’t automatically kick them out at 18. My daughter was home until she got married and then moved back in with me two years later, when she was divorced with a five-month old, and they stayed here for three years until she remarried.

I am merely saying that if the shooter felt unable to be “free” in her parents’ home, rather than boil over until deciding to murder people who had nothing to do with the situation, the shooter could have left.

Here in the Northeast, we love our families as well. There are many multigenerational families in NYC. Again, I’m saying that these parents did not hate their child, IMO. From the shooter’s point of view, if the parents’ beliefs were so troublesome, there were many other options.

We don’t automatically kick them out at 18. My daughter was home until she got married and then moved back in with me two years later, when she was divorced with a five-month old, and they stayed here for three years until she remarried.

I am merely saying that if the shooter felt unable to be “free” in her parents’ home, rather than boil over until deciding to murder people who had nothing to do with the situation, the shooter could have left.

Here in the Northeast, we love our families as well. There are many multigenerational families in NYC. Again, I’m saying that these parents did not hate their child, IMO. From the shooter’s point of view, if the parents’ beliefs were so troublesome, there were many other options.
I agree with this.

If there was so much hate toward the parents that he (may or may not) have been planning to murder them, as well then he could have moved out at any time.

I don't doubt that he may have felt smothered under an, apparently, religious household however he was a minor and could have left the situation rather than murder some and tramatize elementary school children.
Guessing by this, there was no rhyme or reason in her documents, as I am sure they have read all completely.
“As of right now, we don’t have any indication there was any problems at the school or at home,” Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake told CNN on Wednesday. “We can’t confirm any type of problems at this time.”
Guessing by this, there was no rhyme or reason in her documents, as I am sure they have read all completely.
“As of right now, we don’t have any indication there was any problems at the school or at home,” Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake told CNN on Wednesday. “We can’t confirm any type of problems at this time.”

I think this bears repeating:

“As of right now, we don’t have any indication there was any problems at the school or at home,” Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake told CNN on Wednesday. “We can’t confirm any type of problems at this time.”

It's beginning to sound more and more like, she was just an evil witch who wanted to kill innocent people. And so, she did.
Guessing by this, there was no rhyme or reason in her documents, as I am sure they have read all completely.
“As of right now, we don’t have any indication there was any problems at the school or at home,” Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake told CNN on Wednesday. “We can’t confirm any type of problems at this time.”
This needs to be a sticky at the top of every page MOO
I think we probably all wish it were that easy.

Rage filled people will find a way to cause the kind of damage they want to cause, using whatever means they can get ahold of. It's not a "means" issue it's a people issue.

Figuring out what causes the rage, I think is where the focus should be.


I've just recently tried to formulate a life history interview technique that tries to look at rage.

I get some help from WS in this, as we are all pondering it. There seem to be two uses of the word. One is "blind" rage, in which the rage-experiencer states that they literally blacked out, can remember up to a certain point in time, and then everything is just red or black blur in their mind after that. These are statements from people who know they committed a crime and remember the lead-up, but at some point, lost their minds and did something they did not specifically plan to do at that moment (they've usually thought about hurting people, frequently). MMPI and other personality tests do ask about such dark thoughts - many people have them, at least occasionally, if they are honest. A mild example would be wishing you could grab that parking space by speeding up in your car when someone else is coming from the wrong direction to get to "your" space, and you don't care if you hit them, you're so mad! (That's not rage, if you simply went and found another spot, IMO).

Rage is hard to define. Blind rage is easier to describe. But cold rage is a thing too. One man (later imprisoned for serial rape) told me certain people evoked cold rage in him; a deep desire to harm them. A certain type of person. His victims were within that group. The cold rage was daily, he felt it followed him around like a cloud, sometimes enveloping him. He was rather hyper-vigilant (paranoid) too. No known mental illness. His identical twin was already in prison for violent crimes when I did that interiew.

And so now I ask anyone who will tolerate my technique to talk to me about rage.

I really do not think I've ever experienced it. I've been angry, but when I'm angry, I consciously decide what to do and say. No examples of amnesia or blind rage that I know of. When I used to drink in college, I'd forget some of the night before - but I wasn't in a rage, I was being ridiculous instead.

I usually react by putting up walls and barriers to the presence of the angry-making person or situation, or I may write a letter or I might make one of my sharply focused speeches. On a daily basis, I feel extreme sadness about the cases we discuss, and the ones that make me feel what I think might be rage are Gannon's case and Suzanne Morphew's case. I am so angry - but I experience no blank states of mind, no impulsivity, no need to plan to go mess with Barry Morphew etc. So I don't understand it any better than anyone else does. Despite years of trying. I don't suddenly lash out at anyone and I've lived with some very difficult people.

There's a book (Rage of a Headhunter) that has helped me very much, though. It appears that rage may be an accumulation of un-discharged anger. Oddly, in that study, when people were very very angry, their anger subsided each time they told someone else about the person who made them so angry (it was always over a person).

Seeing a loved one harmed was the most common trigger, in that study. That may be relevant in this case, as well.

I predict:
1. No law enforcement body cam will be released.
2. No security cam footage will be released.
3. Perpetrator will have military parentage.

1. Source of weaponry will be unclear.
2. and/or source of weaponry will be murdered.
3. Perpetrator will have history of high quality mental health care.
4. Multitude of easily dis-proven conspiracy theories will be promoted.
5. AI social media response.
Well this post didn't age too well.

Children lost in shooting were 'feisty,' a 'shining light'

Where it says she left with a red bag and mom didn't know what was inside.... I wonder how her demeanor was, how do you act right before you do something this horrendous?
Apologies if this has been posted I haven't seen it, I was curious about the home as an article posted it was in an affluent area. Did the homeowners refuse to open the home? the door appears to have been broken down.... Everything I have seen led me to believe they were cooperating.
Apologies if this has been posted I haven't seen it, I was curious about the home as an article posted it was in an affluent area. Did the homeowners refuse to open the home? the door appears to have been broken down.... Everything I have seen led me to believe they were cooperating.
It was a raid. They used flash bombs according to the article.
Re the hat, I'm wondering if that was part of whatever statement AH was trying to make, or at least make it look like that was the agenda.

I can think of another red hat wearer, infinitely more famous than Dylan Klebod.

Despite cops confirming Hale was transgender, the suspect's friend referred to her as 'she/her' because the 28-year-old was known as a female in high school.

Reflecting on high school memories, the friend recalled Hale's open struggle with autism and mental health.

Hale, 28, shot and killed three children and three members of staff at The Covenant School on Monday

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Hale, 28, shot and killed three children and three members of staff at The Covenant School on Monday
'Her teachers said she was sweet but troubled, mostly because of her struggle with autism and depression,' the friend told

'She was known to have little bouts of frustration or anger. But for the most part like I've said before she was well liked and funny. '

Cops confirmed Hale was receiving treatment for an emotional disorder and described her as having 'high-functioning' autism. Despite this, Hale was able to legally purchase seven firearms.

Hale's classmates said that they weren't surprised when she came out as gay or when she later decided to transition.

The friend dished out Hale's non-existent love life which appeared to remain stagnant throughout high school.

'She never dated,' the friend said. 'We all kinda figured she would come out as gay, and no one was surprised when she came out as trans. But other than that she was very driven by sports.'

A yearbook photo obtained by showed Hale winning 'Most Athletic' alongside another classmate.
I don't know if this has been posted yet but I strongly agree with Audrey's former basketball team mate that there should be clearer paths to address urgent mental health situations.

I'll agree.

That said...when Hale decided to let anyone know that a murder was about to occur and that suicidal feelings were involved, it was 10 minutes before the act. The Instagram message was done in the parking lot of the school right before she slaughtered the children. I'm not sure how "help" can be administered that quickly. Nobody knew where the perp was...and the perp contacted a friend from middle school to whom there was no contact in years.

According to LE statements, Hale was receiving mental health treatment for emotional disturbances.


Ms Colomy also told CNN that the appeared to be “suffering” in Facebook posts over the past year, when her posts grieved the apparent death of a former girls’ basketball teammate.

She said: “The only thing I would see (Hale) post would be about this girl."

She added: "From what I saw on (Hale’s) social, (Hale) was suffering."

Hale's Facebook page has been taken down.

During an investigation, the shooter's parents disclosed to the police that Hale was under a doctor's care for an emotional disorder.

Nashville school shooting suspect Audrey Hale had previously posted on Facebook about the death of a romantic partner, according to a former teacher.

Art college instructor Maria Colomy, who taught Hale at the Nossi College of Art & Design in Nashville, recalled a social media post from the shooter “openly grieving” the unknown individual and said that Hale had announced the bereavement and asked to be addressed as Aiden and by masculine pronouns from then
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