AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #27

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I finally listened to Cm last night.

After a little break not thinking much about H, it again really hit me how SO WEIRD it is that CW is communicating and hanging out with a 15 yr old boy. There is something going on there but I don't know if it has to do with Summer missing.

Also so fishy that CW is driving around to the back of the holler while on messenger the whole time. Although is it for sure the holler or Ben Hill Rd (I still don't really understand what/where the holler is) has no internet signal where she could not "roam" and still use the internet without her own wi-fi? I know the cell phone coverage is weak, but is thatdifferent towers/satellites for the internet? I hope I make sense. Not my brightest post but I am truly clueless and wondering!
That's what I'm trying to understand. What is the relevance of whether Summer ate anything got to do with her disappearance? We know CW was probably not mother of the year, but what had eating that day got to do with anything...unless we think SW went out searching for food and disappeared in the process?
Most Everything we know, is from after the fact interviews on YouTube. Answers to questions, I believe, worded in a way to get a preconceived answer. JMO

It matters to me because I want to understand what condition and mindset Summer was in when she went missing. 5 yr olds are fragile and temperamental, emotional and reactive.

When they are well fed and comfortable, they are more rational and more cautious.

If they eat a lot of sugar and chemicals on an empty stomach, then they are more reactive, emotional, irrational and prone to meltdowns.

That would be important to know.
Interesting that DW gives the ONLY reason he knew right away that Summer was abducted was because he knows she would never leave the yard. And yet, he says this :

but you know yeah for awhile there she
would run off and
at church she would even you know play
that hide and go seek thing but
which so that's why we was trying to
teach her not to run off because of you
know we got bears and all kind of
stuff going on up here we just didn't
realize how bad it was up here though

........and what if candy and junk food were all they ate that day? How does that help find what happened to Summer? IMOO seems the family's dirty laundry is more fodder for discussion than Summer's disappearance and what may have happened to this child. Again JMO
It helps us understand what Summer's physical and mental and emotional state might be when she went missing.

A child that has been up doing errands since 7:30 am, that has not eaten any thing substantial, but has had lots of sugary stuff on an empty stomach, might be more likely to have an accident, like fall on a steep stairwell? Or might have a meltdown and yell at a parent or sibling? Could she get in a bad argument or scuffle if she had a meltdown or tantrum because of a blood sugar spike?
I am interested in this laundry that is now done in 30 minutes (4:15-4:45). That is impossible.

I think perhaps maybe CM saw a receipt when he visited the house; a receipt from Walgreens (maybe)? It was kind of obvious from his unique camera movements that sometimes he was occasionally looking at something other than what CB was showing (times when he sort of pointed the camera a.k.a. his phone in her general direction) he could have been glancing around at anything.

I am not accusing CB or DW of never feeding their children (or themselves). I feel this must have happened most days. I just find it strange that in the narrative of June 15, 2021 nobody mentions food. Not even H who wasn't with them all day.

I think it has been said that upon Wells hill there is somewhat decent cell coverage. But, get off that hill and the cell coverage falls off sharply (e.g., where the search was). Also, it has been said that some of the problems are with whatever kind of joke telephone system HCSO uses. But, idk, i have never put even a toe in Hawkins County as far as i can recall, but if did, i didn't make any calls.

Also, because the family isn't officially named pois by le, then (if they bought new phones because cm thinks le has the old ones), idk why the tbi wouldn't clone their old phones onto the news ones. Even if this doesn't go perfectly you can always get your contacts this way (things went awry for me at the phone store, but i got my contacts and photos and some other stuff; just not everything, but they knew immediately there were problems)
That's what I'm trying to understand. What is the relevance of whether Summer ate anything got to do with her disappearance? We know CW was probably not mother of the year, but what had eating that day got to do with anything...unless we think SW went out searching for food and disappeared in the process?
Most Everything we know, is from after the fact interviews on YouTube. Answers to questions, I believe, worded in a way to get a preconceived answer. JMO

Well they mention.everything but eating !
Long day!
Even replanted cacti!
Not the end
Here is my frustration - neither you nor anyone else here KNOWS for a fact that the kids were NOT fed.
These are assumptions and nothing more.


EBM to add- Let's focus on Sonic and vapes , BUT let's not remember that the Grocery store trip was made as well.
My goodness, how we cherry-pick the things we want the world to see. that she left.the boys home.alone.a!
I'm.sure they ate! But to.leave.3 boys locked in at home is beyond ok!!!!
I think.the only reason not.eating is an issue is because.she detailed.everything they did! And eating.was.not one of them!
Even when they arrived home no.mention.of.I went in a d made.Summer.a.PB &j sandwitch! No they planted cacti!

Just something.missing.from.the day!

Food.wasn't all that important!
For some.reason!

It matters to me because I want to understand what condition and mindset Summer was in when she went missing. 5 yr olds are fragile and temperamental, emotional and reactive.

When they are well fed and comfortable, they are more rational and more cautious.

If they eat a lot of sugar and chemicals on an empty stomach, then they are more reactive, emotional, irrational and prone to meltdowns.

That would be important to know.

Especially if hungry AND tired!
Here is my frustration - neither you nor anyone else here KNOWS for a fact that the kids were NOT fed.
These are assumptions and nothing more.


EBM to add- Let's focus on Sonic and vapes , BUT let's not remember that the Grocery store trip was made as well.
My goodness, how we cherry-pick the things we want the world to see.
Right. She said some conflicting things about the grocery situation. At one point she said she was in the store for 5 minutes and grabbed milk and cheese.

But later she says she had to have the boys help her bring in the groceries. So she must have bought something.

And I never said 'the kids were not fed.' The boys were home all day in the kitchen. I am sure they know how to make sandwiches or cereal or macaroni. I am sure they ate if they were hungry. And they are not missing so I am not concerned with them aug this point.

I am wondering about Summers condition, physically and emotionally, when she went missing. She didn't eat from 7:30 am until at least 3:30 pm, according to what her mother says. That makes it possible that Summer would be adversely affected by that lack of nourishment during that long busy day. Adding a slushy and some skittles to that only aggravates the situation, imo.
I had thought he was deleting on June 15, before he was dropped at home— but maybe I got that part completely wrong!?
I thought H said that AFTER the 15th, CW came to his house and her new phone was the phone he saw deleted texts on. I took that to mean that the texts took place after the new phone was purchased. Are we referring to two different events?
Can someone point me to the evidence showing Summer did not eat any nutritious food the day she disappeared. CW not saying what was eaten by the family is not evidence that nothing was eaten.
I think there is ample evidence to show that Summer did. not eat any nutritious food between 7:30 am, and 3:30 pom, when she returned home. That is a long time for a 5 her old not to eat any real food.

Candus said she did not buy food for them to eat that day, except for there groceries which she took home.
It was up to the interviewer to ask these questions.
Interviewer questions.
Subject responds.
why did he not ask?
Maybe he assumed, as I do that it was not important.
He asked her if she bought food at the Sonic. She said no.
She told us she bought twisted tea at Walgreens. And vapes at Hippie House. And cigs at smoke shop. And slurpies at Sonic---but no food.

She also said she was only in market for 5 minutes to grab some milk and cheese. Which could not be accurate because later she says she had bags of groceries to bring in.

I think it is important. If Summer had nothing in her system but sugar and dyes all day, she would be more susceptible to accidents and faulty choices, imo. And more prone to meltdowns and arguments with others. Makes me wonder if there was a scuffle with someone close to home.
I remember DW saying something about a dog and crossing the road. I found the article and the quote..
Its from 2 days after she went missing. Its such a confusing piece of information.

The disappearing five-year-old Summerwells dad in Tennessee believes that "someone sneaked up on her and grabbed her." WGN Radio 720 - Illinois News Today

“She never left our hill. I think someone sneaked up on her and grabbed her. She was in the area because the dog went down the road and the road was over. I don’t think, but that’s not true. She never did it the way she just disappeared, “Don Wells said.

Who is she? The ''she'' he envisioned Summer was taken by in the car.
Right. She said some conflicting things about the grocery situation. At one point she said she was in the store for 5 minutes and grabbed milk and cheese.

But later she says she had to have the boys help her bring in the groceries. So she must have bought something.

And I never said 'the kids were not fed.' The boys were home all day in the kitchen. I am sure they know how to make sandwiches or cereal or macaroni. I am sure they ate if they were hungry. And they are not missing so I am not concerned with them aug this point.

I am wondering about Summers condition, physically and emotionally, when she went missing. She didn't eat from 7:30 am until at least 3:30 pm, according to what her mother says. That makes it possible that Summer would be adversely affected by that lack of nourishment during that long busy day. Adding a slushy and some skittles to that only aggravates the situation, imo.

Did Summer even have skittles or was the vape for Candus skittles flavored? In the H interview he says she got a blue skittles vape.

I don't know if a link is needed, but here it is around 16:50 .
........and what if candy and junk food were all they ate that day? How does that help find what happened to Summer? IMOO seems the family's dirty laundry is more fodder for discussion than Summer's disappearance and what may have happened to this child. Again JMO
The families' dirty laundry might be out there only b/c they themselves put it out there via their SM and interviews.
What is more concerning is the changing stories and the inability of LE to nail down any sort of concrete timeline; or even if the swimming, etc., happened the 15th of June or some other day ?
As timestamps can be manipulated.

It's difficult to discuss Summer's disappearance when we know so little.
Just that she's gone.
LE haven't ruled anyone out, nor have they said someone took her as in an abduction.
Almost as if they're still at square one.
But hopefully not !

We can only discuss what facts are available and the allowed interviews.

It's possible that with all of the interviews going on that someone, somewhere -- might slip up and Summer can be found or at least justice for this innocent girl.
Speculation : What if in one of the interviews a person known to the family calls or writes in and says ; "No, we were hanging out that day and went to ___ and did _____ ."

I finally listened to Cm last night.

After a little break not thinking much about H, it again really hit me how SO WEIRD it is that CW is communicating and hanging out with a 15 yr old boy. There is something going on there but I don't know if it has to do with Summer missing.

Also so fishy that CW is driving around to the back of the holler while on messenger the whole time. Although is it for sure the holler or Ben Hill Rd (I still don't really understand what/where the holler is) has no internet signal where she could not "roam" and still use the internet without her own wi-fi? I know the cell phone coverage is weak, but is thatdifferent towers/satellites for the internet? I hope I make sense. Not my brightest post but I am truly clueless and wondering!

Can someone please explain what a holler is (sorry, not a native English speaker)?
she wanted to go back over and see he
brothers and i said okay and i walked
all the way over to the porch and i
watched her walk into the kitchen where
the boys were watching tv
and i told the boys i said watch summer
i'll be back and within two minutes i
came back
and i asked the boys where their sister
was and
they said she went downstairs mom.

A couple of questions.

"watch summer
i'll be back and within two minutes i
came back".

Why was she going "back"?.

She also says, "within (before a period of time has elapsed) two minutes" . Not about two minutes, and not around two minutes. "Within" starts at 1 second and goes upto "Two minutes". Were as, "about and "around could go beyond. So how long was it, 10/20/30 seconds etc..? Because "within two minutes, Summer was "gone". This made seem a trivial point, but this time frame of all others is the most important imo?
the most important thing is to bring
summer home
safe i'm sorry that you feel this way
about us but we love our children with
everything we have
we've never went without thanks
to summer's daddy and my husband he's
always provided for us
and has worked as much as he could
and can and still is
and i'm sorry that you guys feel that
but that's my baby and
nobody would ever treat her like that as
long as
i was around ever"

"nobody would ever treat her like that as
long as
i was around ever"

Was there a question that elicited what she says?
If not, what does she mean by "treat her like that"? Like what?
Was she "treated like that (whatever "that" is) when she (CW) wasn't "around ever". Why this statement?

All my opinion.

imo. It means she was thinking about who ever has Summer. And what could be happening would not happen on her watch.
Well they mention.everything but eating !
Long day!
Even replanted cacti!
Not the end that she left.the boys home.alone.a!
I'm.sure they ate! But to.leave.3 boys locked in at home is beyond ok!!!!
I think.the only reason not.eating is an issue is because.she detailed.everything they did! And eating.was.not one of them!
Even when they arrived home no.mention.of.I went in a d made.Summer.a.PB &j sandwitch! No they planted cacti!

Just something.missing.from.the day!

Food.wasn't all that important!
For some.reason!

Good observations.

Think about it : What if someone's mind was fixed on something or a planned activity ... to an extent that they were long past thinking about getting food for Summer ?
There's a clue, staring us in the face and I can't pinpoint it.
Something missing about that day.
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