AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #29

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In the interview with CM, H said that when DW called, CW told everyone to be quiet. He said he turned of his tik tok so that he could hear if DW said anything suspicious. WTH??? It was before SW went missing so what suspicious things was he listening for and why? Then he said he went through CW's phone when she was in the store! That, IMO is not typical behavior for a 15 year old family friend. <modsnip>MOO
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The truth behind child sex trafficking in Tenn. | How and where it happens | WJHL | Tri-Cities News & Weather

“It is such a cash flow generator that it is constantly growing. As a trafficker you have a product, which would be that trafficking victim. You sell that trafficking victim but they don’t go away. You can sell that victim 10 times a day. For 5, 10 days a week,” said Special Agent Lofquest.

To put this in context, an example of a real life case investigated in Tennessee:

“A little boy who would be sent to the landlord’s house and the landlord was taking advantage of the child. Of course the child didn’t know why or what for. Upon investigation it came out that the mother was receiving money off her rent,” said Smith.

For solicitation of a minor to be considered trafficking, there has to be a commercial gain. Money, drugs, rent, car rides; all are seen as common transactions.
That makes me want to vomit.
<modsnip> ... time is missing from the day.

I don't know what it is A said H can't talk about, but CM seemed to have an idea what they meant. Whatever that is might not directly pertain to SW. You would think so, but since we don't know what it is then it is impossible to say for sure.

Some people theorized another stop. But, it could be they went more or less where they said but in a meandering way because, for whatever reason, CB and H were kind of just killing time that day.

It's hard to say about CH because she went to the doctor. But, other than that, maybe she had nothing planned.


Eta... This is accounting for any alibis people may have. I mean I don't have a time line, but that's the way everyone rolls in this case. I have the excuse of not being present.
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In the interview with CM, H said that when DW called, CW told everyone to be quiet. He said he turned of his tik tok so that he could hear if DW said anything suspicious. WTH??? It was before SW went missing so what suspicious things was he listening for and why? Then he said he went through CW's phone when she was in the store! That, IMO is not typical behavior for a 15 year old family friend. <modsnip>MOO

bolded by me

I thought he meant whether DW was suspicious that H was there, or that CW was doing something wrong. It made me wonder if DW was normally a suspicious jealous husband. Some of the things that have been said make it sound like DW was always on the phone with CW. Was he checking up on her?

I mean, when we were both working, Mr. Carbuff and I would normally text with each other several times a day, just because we liked hearing from each other, so I don't automatically assume that's suspicious. But the way H just casually dropped that really made me wonder.
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<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>
Idk, i just feel like up to the part of the day when SW went missing everyone was just kind of goofing off except DW who, i think, was at work (eta at least part of the day)

CH said it took 90 minutes to get home. It is a 45 minute drive. Maybe instead of stopping somewhere, they just took H home. But, i wasn't there. So, just throwing this possibility out there.

I thought the police didn't want H to publicly talk about a two hour period. I really don't know what happened then, but i didn't mean to imply he had a nefarious purpose.

Maybe everything happened exactly like everyone said, i don't know?

When did CH say it took 90 minutes to get home? As far as I know she has not been interviewed.

What was the two hour period H was not supposed to discuss? Before or after he was dropped off?
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bolded by me

I thought he meant whether DW was suspicious that H was there, or that CW was doing something wrong. It made me wonder if DW was normally a suspicious jealous husband. Some of the things that have been said make it sound like DW was always on the phone with CW. Was he checking up on her?

I mean, when we were both working, Mr. Carbuff and I would normally text with each other several times a day, just because we liked hearing from each other, so I don't automatically assume that's suspicious. But the way H just casually dropped that really made me wonder.
I don't believe a single word H uttered.
But imagine trying to have a private phone call with everybody talking, making noise and playing tik toks, probably loudly?
In the interview with CM, H said that when DW called, CW told everyone to be quiet. He said he turned of his tik tok so that he could hear if DW said anything suspicious. WTH??? It was before SW went missing so what suspicious things was he listening for and why? Then he said he went through CW's phone when she was in the store! That, IMO is not typical behavior for a 15 year old family friend. <modsnip>MOO

He went through her phone 2 days later when she showed up at her house with Grandma.
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Me too, DW said he brought home candy for Summer every day. To me, that’s an abundance of candy.

I wonder if he brought home candy or other treats for the boys.
Funny, he rarely talks about them, (yeah, I know about the gag order) but he didn't mention them much before they were removed from the home. In my family, if I had brought treats for one child and left the other out, they would have been angry, hurt and very resentful. It would cause many problems.
I have lived in Georgia. Getting milk home asap is the #1 priority of groceries. Even here, unless it is very cold outside, i get it home asap. It tastes better imo. However, milk gets condensation on it if it is cold and the day is hot. This is how it applies to SW.

The milk jugs ought to have been wet, therefore getting her wet. But, remember, she was cold. So, probably the milk was no longer cold in that photo, so there was no condensation to get her (and her light colored clothes) wet. Especially if you go with CB saying SW wasn't sleeping like that until they were close to home.

People are warmer than milk out of a cooler. H had the milk on his lap because he didn't want to clean it up. Idk. I wouldn't sit holding two gallons of milk on my lap. But, apparently he did although he was confused about how he got out of the car. He finally decided he put the milk on the other side of SW.

It's just an odd story. Like maybe it somehow didn't happen like that. But, obviously, they have the milk and H got home, so... It happened somehow. Just like SW being awake or asleep at that point varies. I get that maybe they don't remember and are sort of filling in the blanks sometimes.

Like maybe the idea that SW was asleep on the milk at A's house comes exclusively from the existence of that photo which, by what CB says, and the scenery happened later.

This is the last known photo of SW. So, this is why it is being analyzed. She was with her mother and grandmother then. It's sad.
Just jumping off your post. I bought a gallon of milk today in the freezing cold air conditioned supermarket. By the time I got to the register (5 minutes max) to check out, the milk was dripping from condensation.
I wonder if he brought home candy or other treats for the boys.
Funny, he rarely talks about them, (yeah, I know about the gag order) but he didn't mention them much before they were removed from the home. In my family, if I had brought treats for one child and left the other out, they would have been angry, hurt and very resentful. It would cause many problems.

My friend in high school was the youngest child and only girl in her family. Don't remember how many brothers she had, but I remember they and the parents were all competing to see who could spoil her more. She must have been the most loved child in the universe. If there was any anger or resentment, it was below the surface.
In the interview with CM, H said that when DW called, CW told everyone to be quiet. He said he turned of his tik tok so that he could hear if DW said anything suspicious. WTH??? It was before SW went missing so what suspicious things was he listening for and why? Then he said he went through CW's phone when she was in the store! That, IMO is not typical behavior for a 15 year old family friend. <modsnip>MOO

When I listened to H’s interview the very first time, some things I felt to be the result of repetition bias. Explanations being stated, such as “dry drowning” for example were being discussed across social media platforms. Dry drowning is not something I feel H would come up with on his own. This made it difficult to discern what was truly coming from his recollection, and what was the result of repeated commentary he had been exposed to.

I agree, the example you provided above does not sound like typical behavior for a 15 year old during what would be “just another day”. At this point in the day there would be no reason to look for suspicious activities or to be hyper alert, with two exceptions:
-Someone asked you to be
-A past behavior was repeated

For example, listening in on the phone call really stood out to me. I wondered, if this was just an average day, why would this make sense to Hunter? Believe it or not I found a possibility:
We have heard that A and CW had a falling out and it was supposedly over a guy. If during that period of time and the period following, A asked H to see what he could find out about X while with CW, or CW asked H to see what he could find out about X while with A, and he acts on it, this establishes a surveillance mode of behavior when in the parties presence. It could be as simple as this mode of behavior naturally repeated itself.

Granted, we don’t know if he was asked to do this in the past. However, I am hopeful this might illustrate how something that might seem very atypical, can actually become the norm under certain circumstances.
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I am mostly still chilling in the fence condo, but that is only because of heavy duty LE presence.

I could see acci
When did CH say it took 90 minutes to get home? As far as I know she has not been interviewed.

What was the two hour period H was not supposed to discuss? Before or after he was dropped off?
I thought it was said in several posts that CH said an hour and a half. I didn't really think about who she said this to. I think she talked to the Rogersville News because they have a quote from her. Something like, 'bring the baby home, she is a good baby' (close to that anyway).

I thought it was before, but close to the time he did get taken home. Remember, H was a little confused about how he got out of the car. So, it might be very close to the time he got home, but since he didn't talk about it, idk for sure.
3. I feel like he enjoys the attention
If it all went away for a few weeks and he had to deal with his own mind and thoughts “the sound of silence”, it would be interesting to see where things are in a month.
I completely agree. I’ve listened to him several times and he comes across as if he is starved for attention. That’s why he can’t stop talking.
I am mostly still chilling in the fence condo, but that is only because of heavy duty LE presence.

I could see acci

I thought it was said in several posts that CH said an hour and a half. I didn't really think about who she said this to. I think she talked to the Rogersville News because they have a quote from her. Something like, 'bring the baby home, she is a good baby' (close to that anyway).

I thought it was before, but close to the time he did get taken home. Remember, H was a little confused about how he got out of the car. So, it might be very close to the time he got home, but since he didn't talk about it, idk for sure.
I don't know. This is the first I've heard that anybody involved said it took 90 minutes to get home. Does anybody know why she said it took twice as long to get home or what explanation she gave? I did not see this in the Rogersville News article.
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