TN TN - Tabitha Tuders, 13, Nashville, 29 Apr 2003

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I think missing persons cases might be even sadder sometimes than murder cases. At least in a murder case, as long as you have a body and crime scene, you have a place to start the investigation. So many missing persons cases feel stalled out after a while because it feels like there is nothing left to do or investigate.

I do not remember ever having heard about the Tabitha Tuder's missing persons case before seeing the case on the show Disappeared. It happened on April 29, 2003. Even with all the time that has passed though, I still see Tabitha Tuders walking towards the bus stop at 15th and Boscobel.
Totally agree with your views.
I was thinking about something regarding the missing person's case of Tabitha Tuders.

According to the story, on April 29, 2003, Tabitha Tuders walked to 14th and Boscobel to wait for the bus. Her mother told her not to wait on that corner for too long or else she should walk down to 15th and Boscobel where more kids would be waiting for the bus. Tabitha was kidnapped, possibly by someone in a red car, while walking on Boscobel between 14th and 15th streets.

The part that I never really thought about is that 14th and Boscobel may have actually been her bus stop. What I mean is that if you look at the design of a school bus, you usually enter on the right side. It made me think that the kids waiting at 15th and Boscobel are picked up after Tabitha because she is waiting on the right hand side of the road. I am guessing about all this because I have no idea how the school bus ran its route, but I thought it was important if I was correct.

Does this mean that if Tabitha Tuders would have left later for the school bus on the morning of her abduction of if the bus driver had showed up earlier to her bus stop at 14th and Boscobel this crime would not have happened or at least not happened on April 29, 2003? The kidnapper would have arrived too late.
In a case like this where there does not seem to be any solid information to go on, the simple things matter.

Was Tabitha Tuders forced into a vehicle because of a weapon or did she willingly get inside the car? It is an abduction either way, but if she willingly got into the car it might mean she knew the person. So teachers, friends, even people who may have owned unique muscle cars in the area could be potential suspects. I thought the on the show Disappeared it was said she never missed going to the racetrack.

The other simple thing I would not want to miss would be location. Even though it is thought a car was involved in Tabitha Tuder's disappearance, I think residences along the path from her house on Lillian to the corner of 15th and Boscobel should have been a prime focus. I would also have included all the residences on Boscobel Street from 11th street to 14th street corner. The reason is because on the Disappeared show her mother said that if there were no other kids waiting at the corner of 14th and Boscobel to then walk down to 15th and Boscobel where more kids would be waiting.

Because it at least appears that she was waiting alone at the corner of 14th and Boscobel, it seems a little strange she was not approached at that time. Instead, according to eyewitnesses, she crossed 14th street and started to walk on Boscobel towards 15th street. According to the dog scent, somewhere in the middle between 14th and 15th she was abducted by someone either in a red or green car. This is a bit unique in terms of time because it means she had some time to walk down the street a little ways. Yet according to my "google drive", in a car it seems like it is very difficult to approach Boscobel from either direction on 14th street and be able to see around the corner, then able to slow down fast enough to make a turn to approach Tabitha. So maybe someone on Boscobel or 14th was warming up their car waiting and could see her as she crossed 14th street? Then they decided to abduct her.

Another interesting thing to note is that the show Disappeared made it seem like Tabitha was walking on the sidewalk when a car approached her. This is wrong if I remember google maps correctly. There was no sidewalk on that section of Boscobel. She had to be walking on the street(Boscobel) as she approached the other kids waiting at the corner of 15th and Boscobel.

Cases like this are so "common" in that they could happen to anyone on any day at any time. This is a difficult case to solve, but the hope is still there that some day that one clue will be found that will help explain what happened to Tabitha Tuders on the morning of Tuesday, April 29, 2003.
This post is my interpretation of the layout of the neighborhood from which Tabitha Tuders was abducted from on the morning of April 29, 2003:

This case is very difficult to understand. It is hard to determine whether or not the person who abducted Tabitha Tuders was local to her neighborhood or whether they were just passing through and spotted her. It is a tough case to solve, but I do think detectives want to solve it.

My interpretation of the story is that Tabitha Tuder had two bus stops. If there were kids waiting at the corner of 14th and Boscobel, then the bus would pick her up there. If there were no kids waiting at the corner of 14th and Boscobel, then she would begin her walk towards 15th and Boscobel walking down Boscobel. She would walk along the street where the cars are parked since there is no sidewalk.

Because most of the time it seems like kids enter a bus on the right side, if she was picked up at 14th and Boscobel, the bus driver would then make a left hand turn to pick up the kids waiting at the corner of 15th and Boscobel. This is what I think, but I have no idea what the actual bus route was for pick up. I am guessing based on the street layout.

There are actually two concrete ledges(walls as her mother put it) where Tabitha Tuders could have been sitting waiting at the corner of 14th and Boscobel. One is at the northeast corner of 14th and Boscobel next to a house with a bunch of bushes. The other is the southeast corner of 14th and Boscobel next to a house with a manicured lawn. Someone sitting on the porch at this house could easily see Tabitha waiting. Being on the southeast corner puts her closer to walking down Boscobel towards 15th street so I am assuming this is the "wall" her mother talked about in the Disappeared program. She did not want Tabitha sitting on the wall there waiting alone.

What is sort of interesting is that if Tabitha was walking down Boscobel between 14th towards 15th and was abducted by someone in a car, then the bus driver might have nearly missed passing the car that picked her up. Looking back I wondered if the bus had cameras in it that may have captured a glimpse of any car that might have passed by it. Sometimes buses have cameras to monitor the kids, but this was April 2003 so I don't know.

This missing persons case, where you do not even know if Tabitha Tuders is alive or dead, has got to be one of the toughest to solve. I hope my descriptions of the layout of the East Nashville neighborhood where she was abducted from help others in trying to visualize this case. Hopefully someday there are answers about what happened to Tabitha Tuders.
Interesting point about the bus maybe having a camera. I’m sure if it did LE would have checked it already. But I wonder what time she was seen getting into the car and what time the bus was going to be there. If it was close and there was a camera, one could check out all vehicles captured within time and location range.

Also, as I’m sure it’s already been discussed, I wonder what would prompt Tabitha to get into a vehicle. To me it seems very likely she knew the driver. I can’t see her or many kids her age hopping in with a random person even if it was cold, rainy, snowy, etc. And to me it really doesn’t sound as if there was a struggle or That it was a “snatching”. I think the witness, kid or not, would have taken note of that.

Therefore I feel the driver was likely familiar to Tabitha and offered her a ride to school instead of waiting for tbe bus. Unfortunately I do not know much about Tabitha’s personal life because I feel it would make a big difference as to the scenario of who, how, and why. I mean no disrespect but if she had a crush on someone older than her (as many kids her age and on do at some point especially when going through puberty), I could see her getting in the car with a person she was crushing on. Had she experimented with alcohol, tobacco or drugs or was she curious about Trying any of those things. Also might explain getting into the car if either is true.

Sadly, I definitely think she knew whomever it was, at least to a point of feeling fairly comfortable and trusting of them. If it were me at 13, I would have considered the following people safe: family member, close friends parents, close friends older siblings, and my older siblings close friends. Personally, I wouldn’t feel safe or comfortable getting in with a teacher. However, at 13, I more than likely would have been naive and gotten in with any guy I was crushing on or even someone I knew and considered to be “cool”. I get the feeling this person was young ( under 25) and obviously saw an opportunity to prey on her. I can only see this being sexually motivated on drivers end. I truly hope for closure in this case so the family can put even a tiny piece of this nightmare to rest. It’s saddening, sickening, and terrifying to realize most often the perp is someone we know and trust to keep us free of harm.
If school buses did have cameras, it would most likely be pointed inside, if kids were getting into fights. Very little/zero chance of seeing anything outside that (since they have to record the inside, not outside).
I have always wondered why she slept at the bottom of her Mothers bed ? Strange to say the least what was the reason, I know they said she wanted to be by her Mom ? but I find it strange she did not want to go into her own room which looked really cosy on documentary ? Has anyone got thoughts on this ?

I did the same thing as a child. There was no reason for me to be afraid, but if I woke up in the middle of the night I almost always wound up in bed with mt mom. Even as a teenager, sometimes. It just felt safe and cozy in there with her. There was no underlying reason.
I was always onboard with the theory that it was someone she knew until the developments back in the fall. I lived in Nashville at the time and I NEVER remembered hearing the name Albert Franklin or "Frank Nitty" until 2020. Apparently, though, he's been their primary suspect for a long time. From what I've read about him, I do not think she knew him. Maybe he used a gun? He could've kept it low on the seat. If she was caught off guard then I could see her reacting by getting in before her adrenaline kicked in. It's easy enough to play the "well if it were me then I would've..." game but it's hard to say whay a person truly would've done. Especially a kid.

Her parents still have her poster up on their porch.
I was always onboard with the theory that it was someone she knew until the developments back in the fall. I lived in Nashville at the time and I NEVER remembered hearing the name Albert Franklin or "Frank Nitty" until 2020. Apparently, though, he's been their primary suspect for a long time. From what I've read about him, I do not think she knew him. Maybe he used a gun? He could've kept it low on the seat. If she was caught off guard then I could see her reacting by getting in before her adrenaline kicked in. It's easy enough to play the "well if it were me then I would've..." game but it's hard to say whay a person truly would've done. Especially a kid.

Her parents still have her poster up on their porch.
Thank you for that info about the POI. I never had heard about him or even that they had a suspect really. Any idea why they think he was involved? I know LE has to remain tight lipped most times but I really wish they was some more info out there sometimes. I’ve always been thankful to hear from locals on this site.
I was always onboard with the theory that it was someone she knew until the developments back in the fall. I lived in Nashville at the time and I NEVER remembered hearing the name Albert Franklin or "Frank Nitty" until 2020. Apparently, though, he's been their primary suspect for a long time. From what I've read about him, I do not think she knew him. Maybe he used a gun? He could've kept it low on the seat. If she was caught off guard then I could see her reacting by getting in before her adrenaline kicked in. It's easy enough to play the "well if it were me then I would've..." game but it's hard to say whay a person truly would've done. Especially a kid.

Her parents still have her poster up on their porch.

I was able to find the house on google maps by looking for the poster.

According to the episode of Disappeared about the case, the family stays in that house today waiting for the day when Tabitha comes home. It is the only place Tabitha knows so that is where the family waits, hoping for the day she comes home.
How far down Boscobel Street would Tabitha Tuders have walked if a car approached her, if the driver was driving north or south on 14th street when they noticed Tabitha Tuders at the corner of 14th and Boscobel?

One experiment I would like to try would be to recreate Tabitha Tuders crossing the street at 14th and Boscobel at the same time as a car coming from the north and a car coming from the south spotted her in their line of sight. Once she is across the street a person in a car cannot see her walking down Boscobel until you are right at the corner of 14th and Boscobel. Trees and houses and maybe even parked cars on the side of Boscobel block the view. And there is no stop sign at the intersection of 14th and Boscobel. And there is no sidewalk on the section of Boscobel between 14th and 15th streets so Tabitha would have to be walking on the side of the street.

The reason I would want to recreate this is that according to the dog track Tabitha Tuders was halfway down Boscobel between 14th and 15th streets when a car approached her and she was abducted. So if someone driving a car north or south on Boscobel spotted Tabitha as she crossed the street, how far down Boscobel would Tabitha be by the time the car in the experiment approached?

The point I am getting at is that maybe the car that approached Tabitha did not approach from north or south on 14th street. Or this person had incredible timing if they knew her bus schedule route to wait long enough for her to leave the corner of 14th and Boscobel, but early enough to make sure she did not get any closer to 15th and Boscobel where the rest of the kids were waiting to get on the bus.

All of this is based on the accuracy of the dog scent track, but I think sometimes trying to recreate how a crime may have taken place can help narrow down the possibilities and get one step closer to the truth.
This case is so interesting for how it appears to have transpired on the day of, Tuesday April 29, 2003.

Since Tabitha Tuders had already started to walk towards the second bus stop at 15th and Boscobel, you have to wonder if it was someone who knew her bus schedule? If this person knew the second bus stop had witnesses, why let her walk that far in the first place? Why not just wait until the next day to execute the abduction? According to the story it was a kid at the bus stop at15th and Boscobel who ended up being a witness to Tabitha getting into a car.

Then you have the witnesses who saw Tabitha walking to her first bus stop at 14th and Boscobel. The abductor must not have known about these people either if they were visible outside their homes in the morning watching a kid walk to her bus stop. Yet once Tabitha crossed over 14th street she would be out of view of any north-south cross traffic, but the abductor knew to turn there at the precise moment hoping she would only be so far down Boscobel, but far away enough from a potential witness? A stranger with the best view of Tabitha walking towards her second bus stop at 15th and Boscobel would be someone already traveling down Boscobel.

Maybe Tabitha met someone online? The internet was a lot different in 2003 than it is today. But would Tabitha really skip school to meet someone? I wonder what her school spring semester 2003 attendance record looked like before she disappeared?

That is the problem with Tabitha Tuder's case. If it was a stranger who just happened to traveling through the area and saw her that day, it could be anyone. My opinion is that whoever took Tabitha Tuders probably lives or lived in the same area where she disappeared.
Maybe Tabitha met someone online? The internet was a lot different in 2003 than it is today. But would Tabitha really skip school to meet someone? I wonder what her school spring semester 2003 attendance record looked like before she disappeared?

That is the problem with Tabitha Tuder's case. If it was a stranger who just happened to traveling through the area and saw her that day, it could be anyone. My opinion is that whoever took Tabitha Tuders probably lives or lived in the same area where she disappeared.

[Snipped for focus]

IMO it seems unlikely. If she wanted to meet someone online, it would have been far easier and much less convoluted to do it after going to bed or after school, unless she wanted her family to think she had been abducted.

I'm trying to remember how the Internet was back in 2003 (I'm a couple of years older than Tabithia, turning 15 years old in 2003). I remember doing instant messaging (IM) a lot. Other places people met or communicated was on gaming forums, those really old ones running on phpBB or other popular software. Possibly comment sections of platforms like Blogger, Xanga, or Livejournal.

A possibility: if she had met someone online and knew his/her appearance, it wouldn't have been a stranger abduction.

I'm reminded of the Erica Shultz case, strictly in the sense that it was unclear how she had left her apartment without taking her coat (unplanned) and with no signs of a struggle or fight. The answer was that she had been seeing someone who surprised her by coming over and picking her up. It would make sense if Tabitha knew her abductor.
I'm torn on this case. I have always believed her abductor was someone familiar to her because I don't know that she would get into a car willingly if she didn't. However, the older I get and the more I see of this world, I am aware of the vast amount of people who lack impulse control. My bonus son (what I prefer over step-son) has no impulse control when he gets frustrated. He gets very overwhelmed by extreme emotions and with him it's all turned into anger. And I will be the first to admit how scary it is. I'm terrified of what might happen one if these days during his fits.

My point (which is apparently hard for me to get straight to lol) is that he has shown Me just how impulsive people can be. Impulsivity comes out in many different ways. Some do not critically think things through before acting upon their initial urge. So in my mind, I can see this being a crime of opportunity. Maybe the witness didn't see the entire event when he saw her get into the car. Maybe the attacker had a weapon. Maybe the witness doesn't remember things correctly. Maybe the person was out looking for a child to abduct or maybe he/she saw an opportunity and acted on it.

or maybe she knew her abductor. Sure wish we had something more. Her family deserves to know or have some sort of justice.

edited for typing mistakes, my phone isn't very smart I guess
[Snipped for focus]

IMO it seems unlikely. If she wanted to meet someone online, it would have been far easier and much less convoluted to do it after going to bed or after school, unless she wanted her family to think she had been abducted.

I'm trying to remember how the Internet was back in 2003 (I'm a couple of years older than Tabithia, turning 15 years old in 2003). I remember doing instant messaging (IM) a lot. Other places people met or communicated was on gaming forums, those really old ones running on phpBB or other popular software. Possibly comment sections of platforms like Blogger, Xanga, or Livejournal.

A possibility: if she had met someone online and knew his/her appearance, it wouldn't have been a stranger abduction.

I'm reminded of the Erica Shultz case, strictly in the sense that it was unclear how she had left her apartment without taking her coat (unplanned) and with no signs of a struggle or fight. The answer was that she had been seeing someone who surprised her by coming over and picking her up. It would make sense if Tabitha knew her abductor.

I considered the online meeting theory, especially with the note found in Tabitha Tuder's room. But one thing does not make sense. Would she really want to meet someone while she was moving and walking between bus stops? Is she the type of person who would skip school and her homework assignments to do this?

If the person surprised her by driving up next to her in their car, would she really have told them, "I will be located at the corner of 14th and Boscobel. If the bus is not there I have told my mother I will walk to the corner of 15th and Boscobel. But if you drive up beside me first I will go with you and skip school." The only way this would work is that if Tabitha Tuders is open to complete spontaneity in being picked up by a stranger. The point is the stranger in the car has to know where she will be at approximately a given time.

Looking at it from a stranger perspective the abductor would have no way of knowing where her bus stop is located unless they were told or followed her from her home. They would have no way of knowing when she gets on the bus either. They would have no way of knowing what school she goes to unless they were told or followed her bus.

If we are to believe the young witness who says Tabitha was walking towards the group waiting for the bus at 15th and Boscobel when she was approached by a car, then that would also mean the car would had to have known beforehand to slow down enough at the corner of 14th and Boscobel in order to make the turn and approach Tabitha. They would have to assume Tabitha was walking at that point at that time because they would not have been able to physically see her from their car until they make the turn from 14th onto Boscobel and approach her from behind. There is not a stop sign going north/south on 14th street.

The movements associated with this case are sort of strange, in my opinion. Either the witness is wrong or Tabitha was possibly abducted by a stranger who was driving down Boscobel Street west to east at the time(since that is the only way they could see her in front of them). Or someone in one of the houses along the route she walked abducted her. Or as strange as it may seem, someone who knew her bus walking route already knew that she would be walking towards 15th and Boscobel. They pulled up alongside her when they figured she would be out walking to school and abducted her. It just so happened it was when she was walking on Boscobel between 14th and 15th streets.

The case has always felt like it was someone who was either very familiar with Tabitha Tuders and her movements or very familiar with the immediate area she was abducted from. I think police should look at people who left the immediate area along her walking route. In my opinion, I think this person probably would have moved or at least thought about it after she disappeared.

I know being abducted in a car makes it seem different and farther away, but I think the answer to the mystery in this case has always been close by.
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That is true, and a crime of opportunity is plausible but with stranger danger being a topic discussed fairly frequently, I just don’t see her being ok getting in the car if she didn’t know them. And obviously she was already waiting for the bus and wasn’t running late. The only think that makes sense to me is that she knew her victim and felt comfortable enough to get in the car. Unless of course the witness was incorrect of course. I agree the answer is prob right under their nose.
According to one of the witnesses, while Tabitha was walking she was looking at a piece of paper. Her parents theorize that was her report card because she was proud of her good grades. So if someone had come up and grabbed her while she had the paper in her hand, that may have been a clue if police found the paper on the ground. Sitting on a ledge waiting for the bus would have been a good time to glace at her good grades too.

I thought of a good question for the boy who saw Tabitha walking towards him while he was at the school bus stop at 15th and Boscobel: Did he see Tabitha walking with a piece of paper in her hand before she was approached by the car? Of course, maybe by this time she had decided to put her report card back in to her backpack, but I wondered what the answer to that question was?

These type of cases are so sad because it seems like you are left with absolutely nothing to go on. The only thing you can hope for is that someday someone who knows something comes forward. Until then, it seems like Tabitha Tuder's case is frozen in time, like as if it is still Tuesday, April 29, 2003.
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It’s almost been a year since the search at Franklins former property . They don’t run big multi agency operations without some pretty good probable cause / evidence .

I wouldn’t dismiss this just because they didn’t find anything ( that we know of ) out in the wild after 17 years .

He’s in prison on weapons charges so it’s not hard to think that’s why a child would get in a strangers car .
I was moving from west nashville to east nashville right at the same time that she went missing, I learned of her at an open house a few blocks from where she lived, there was a missing persons flyer on the table and I was instantly caught up in this case because this was the neighborhood I was moving into. It was also where Paul Dennis Reid lived a few years earlier when he committed his crimes, just a few blocks away from her home. I lived in this neighborhood for appx 15 years until it changed so much I had to leave. I will always remember her parents never took down a huge banner in front of their house, with info about Tabitha, it may still be there I dont know. There was a private investigator that lived in the area that tried very hard to solve this case on his own but had no luck. The general consensus of people in this neighborhood thought it was the sisters bf. The PI had a very convincing case against his guilt. One thing that stood out was he was a parks employee at the time and had access to a whole lot of open land. There is also a lot of misinformation about her walking to the bus stop. He believes she never left the house that morning. It has been quite awhile since I read his blog, so I cant remember all the specifics he pointed out but as far as any theories go in this case his made a lot of sense. I thought about her the other day and was so sad to see that this case still isnt solved after so long. I know things were different in '03 but I truly believe the police dropped the ball in this case and put so much time and effort into an abduction theory they missed the truth. They looked at a lot of people in the neighborhood including a man that worked or owned, cant remember, a little liquor store on the corner. I really dont know how much effort they put into the sisters bf sadly. I hope one day this case gets solved.
Just curious, I’m not sure if people are still posting on this but has any of the officers looked into the unidentified bodies through out the US since 2003? I know we don’t want to believe it and I personally think that she is probably buried right in the area around her house. But I have done some research.. a lot of of it and I have found some unidentified that match her description , some with models other with out . But this could be a way to see if she has come up through out the world unidentified.. couldn’t (if they haven’t) do DNA on these and see if they are her? You would think they have DNA in evidence to match right ?

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