TN - Tyre Nichols, beaten to death by 5 Memphis Police Officers, Jan 2023 *officers charged*

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That's exactly what I was thinking. At what point did they realize it was up there? It obviously wasn't during the beating but did they discover it that night or did they find out it was up there after the fact and thought oops, we're screwed.
Their reactions to that camera were telling and troubling !!
If you're doing nothing wrong, you shouldn't mind any amount of cameras .
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The review of the available footage found that officers shouted at least 71 commands during the approximately 13-minute period before they reported over the radio that Nichols was officially in custody. The orders were issued at two locations, one near Nichols’ vehicle and another in the area he had fled to and where he would be severely beaten. The orders were often simultaneous and contradictory. Officers commanded Nichols to show his hands even as they were holding his hands. They told him to get on the ground even when he was on the ground. And they ordered him to reposition himself even when they had control of his body.

Just brutal and unnecessary.
Was Tyre even driving recklessly ?

I wondered why he ran in the first place, but again maybe he knew something violent was going to occur ?
We'll never know, now.

Policemen like this group who gave 71 conflicting commands to Tyre -- give respectable, decent cops a bad name and even put their lives at risk.
Shame on them, they're a disgrace.

For every law breaking officer I'd be willing to bet there are a thousand or more dependable and honorable police officers.

Question : Something about this crime seems oddly specific.
Did they know him ?
Was there a previous altercation or had Tyre found out something they'd done before this ?
Even one of them ?

Did they have a grudge against him for some reason ?
Was he 'marked' as a snitch ?
There's been some speculation but it's just opinion.

It seemed targeted.
Still a criminal action happened that night, and police aren't supposed to be judge, jury, and executioner.

I respect law enforcement as they have to be in control of themselves in the worst possible situations ... and I could never do their job !

In Tyre's case, a few bad apples do a ton of damage to the entire profession.

Rest in peace, Tyre. :(
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It is horrible to read this. OMG- they were <modsnip> out for blood, that is my conclusion: when they pulled him over and actually yanked him out of the car- the siege upon him began--there is nothing he could have done to avoid the horror of what happened to him at the hands of these out of control police officers (former).
Please correct me if I'm wrong ... but I thought he exited the car on his own after he was pulled over and told to exit the vehicle ?
I've watched some of the video and I thought he opened his car door and stepped out initially ?
I think he ran for a few blocks after that, and then the beatdown began ?
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Please correct me if I'm wrong ... but I thought he exited the car on his own after he was pulled over and told to exit the vehicle ?
I've watched some of the video and I thought he opened his car door and stepped out initially ?
I think he ran for a few blocks after that, and then the beatdown began ?
He was dragged out of the car.
The review of the available footage found that officers shouted at least 71 commands during the approximately 13-minute period before they reported over the radio that Nichols was officially in custody. The orders were issued at two locations, one near Nichols’ vehicle and another in the area he had fled to and where he would be severely beaten. The orders were often simultaneous and contradictory. Officers commanded Nichols to show his hands even as they were holding his hands. They told him to get on the ground even when he was on the ground. And they ordered him to reposition himself even when they had control of his body.

Just brutal and unnecessary.
Was Tyre even driving recklessly ?

I wondered why he ran in the first place, but again maybe he knew something violent was going to occur ?
We'll never know, now.

Policemen like this group who gave 71 conflicting commands to Tyre -- give respectable, decent cops a bad name and even put their lives at risk.
Shame on them, they're a disgrace.

For every law breaking officer I'd be willing to bet there are a thousand or more dependable and honorable police officers.

Question : Something about this crime seems oddly specific.
Did they know him ?
Was there a previous altercation or had Tyre found out something they'd done ?
Even one of them ?
Did they have a grudge against him for some reason ?
Was he 'marked' as a snitch ?
There's been some speculation but it's just opinion.

It seemed targeted.
Still a criminal action happened that night, and police aren't supposed to be judge, jury, and executioner.

I respect law enforcement as they have to be in control of themselves in the worst possible situations ... and I could never do their job !

In Tyre's case, a few bad apples do a ton of damage to the entire profession.

Rest in peace, Tyre. :(

I think some people are making this overly complicated. <modsnip> This really is a simple case of police brutality (horrific brutality) involving a young man who was driving, was pulled over, dragged out of his car and beaten to death. I believe these officers were <modsnip> in an angry nasty mood and poor Tyre was the target of their unbridled wrath and ugly violence.
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I think he might be the guy behind the first bodycam. The one who runs up as they start pulling Tyre out of the car at the lights.

He wasn't at the second scene at all So I guess it was less of an immediate response. Which I get, he (I think?) pepper-sprayed him, but thats still a long way from beating a dude to death - and he actually turned on his camera.
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I read that four of the five <modsnip: Name calling is not allowed> are out on bond, I wonder why they are allowed to bond? I dont know much about this subject, but to me, the fact that they beat a man to death, with no remorse, shouldn't they have been kept in jail or have a bond so high they could not pay it-- so these killers are home with their families- isn't that nice?
That really pissing me off knowing that the killers r out I always thought that if u killed u don’t get bond or bail just saying but it’s very upsetting 4 I’m sure all of us 2 know this
That really pissing me off knowing that the killers r out I always thought that if u killed u don’t get bond or bail just saying but it’s very upsetting 4 I’m sure all of us 2 know this

I hear ya- I am po'd too-- but apparently the law says otherwise so they are home, nice and comfy with their families while there is a funeral coming up this week for Tyre. Sometimes I wonder (well more than sometimes), about our justice system.
It is horrible to read this. OMG- they were <modsnip> out for blood, that is my conclusion: when they pulled him over and actually yanked him out of the car- the siege upon him began--there is nothing he could have done to avoid the horror of what happened to him at the hands of these out of control police officers (former).

I saw the video. From the first moment it wasn't a mere traffic stop. These were hoodlums assaulting someone. I totally understand why he ran. It is impossible to watch, it's execution.
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I hear ya- I am po'd too-- but apparently the law says otherwise so they are home, nice and comfy with their families while there is a funeral coming up this week for Tyre. Sometimes I wonder (well more than sometimes), about our justice system.
I have seen in the news in some states before that if you are 2 kill someone drunk driving you have 2 pay child support and or how ever that goes I think if you kill somebody you have 2 pay 4 the funeral expenses or whatever because this is upsetting
I have seen in the news in some states before that if you are 2 kill someone drunk driving you have 2 pay child support and or how ever that goes I think if you kill somebody you have 2 pay 4 the funeral expenses or whatever because this is upsetting
I like your thinking.
During a news conference Friday at a Memphis church, Nichols’ stepfather, Rodney Wells, said the family was very satisfied with the legal process so far, and he urged people, if they needed to protest, to do so peacefully.

“We want peace. We do not want any type of uproar. We do not want any type of disturbance. We want peaceful protest,” he said. “The family is very satisfied with the process, with the police chief, with the D.A. [district attorney].”

Also speaking at the news conference, lawyers for the family, Ben Crump and Antonio Romanucci, applauded the district attorney for the swiftness with which the charges were brought against the officers.
^^ Mr & Mrs Wells seem like wonderful people and its my understanding that Tyre did not have any sort of arrest record, that also shows MOO that they did a great job raising this young man.
I have heard other parents in this situation call for burning the city to the ground, I totally respect these parents and their attorney on how they are handling a situation that would be near impossible to cope with.
I don’t see any insinuation in the above post that the first responders were deliberately taking their sweet time because the person who was injured was a black man… did I miss something? IMO, the question as to why first responders did not render aid to Tyre for an extended period of time after they had already arrived on scene, is a legitimate one. I think it is important to Tyre’s family, and to society writ-large, that we obtain a satisfactory answer to this. And by satisfactory, I mean whatever we can learn from an investigation that is deliberate and detailed. It was literally a matter of life and death, and first responders were on scene, so why did no one help him? MOO.
The arriving officers/EMTs didn't rush to his aid because they got told he was a bit battered but conscious-ish. If they had an inkling he was almost comotose, they would have at minimum faked concern while cameras were rolling to cover their asses.
^^ This does not hold water matter what they were told before they arrived about the situation they should have immediately began attending to the victim...
Then if those kinds of impediments challenged the EMTs on this call they should have been hustling when they reached Tyre instead of standing around like people at a cocktail party. All those things you mentioned are true but they cannot explain away the lack of response of those who arrived at the scene.
^^ Agreed
As for fire/EMT/ late arriving officers:

I think they got lulled into not thinking things were serious by how casual the original five were behaving. The police get there as backup to a scuffle and the altercation is already over. Fire/EMTs got a casual call to come check over a guy who is a bit beat up.

The five of them are relaxed and unbothered. Tyre is cuffed, propped up by the car (out of line of sight for most of them) and is moving, groaning etc. He looks like he got the worst of a roll-around but he isn't bleeding out and his face hasn't had time to swell up etc. They say he was already acting confused, combative, probably on something... They've all seen countless junkies in a similar state, incoherent, scuffed up, going from violent to nodding when the adrenaline drops/ comedown hits etc.

Nobody is going there thinking these five officers beat a man most of the ways to death. Even if the police are known for violent arrests, it won't be to that extent. Besides none of the five are acting worried about his level of injury, (probably because they also haven't a clue he is fatally injured.) They're not agitated, tense, covering what happened etc... Humans are pack animals, we take out cues from things like that on a deep unconscious level.

So EMTs etc they absorb that relaxed atmosphere, assume he's roughed up and possibly drunk/high. Needs checking out but nothing immediately life threatening. Unfortunately that means they take their time hearing the circumstances, getting distracted by the chatter etc and don't go right over (to do their job instead of taking the word of cops with f--k all medical training) or when they do don't clock something is badly wrong right at first.

Basically, I'm going to guess it was less callous indifference about saving his life and more human psychology misleading them about the seriousness of the scene. Still negligence on their part of course, for not doing their jobs and checking him over themselves immediately.
^^ I could not agree less on your take here (but thats fine) IMO when EMT arrives, on this scene or ANY other scene, they are to rush and immediately check on the individual they were called for, I dont care if that person only has a hangnail. EMT's are not there to "assume" anything, nor are they there to read how the officers are responding and if the officers are demonstrating a "relaxed atmosphere" as you say...nor should they be distracted by chatter (whatever that means).
Also how can you tell that Tyre wasn't bleeding and the swelling had not begun when they arrived? Are you seeing a different camera than me? Please link it..
All this is IMO and you care certainly entitled to yours
I think he might be the guy behind the first bodycam. The one who runs up as they start pulling Tyre out of the car at the lights.

He wasn't at the second scene at all So I guess it was less of an immediate response. Which I get, he (I think?) pepper-sprayed him, but thats still a long way from beating a dude to death - and he actually turned on his camera.
Pepper spraying someone without cause…wouldn’t that be considered brutality?


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