To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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I don't know about rumors, but it's in the official documents released by LE that R.P. and Cindy put together different stories and events and determined that the last ten years of Casey's life had been a lot of lies. That would be since at least age 12. I dispute that all pathological child liars are afraid of punishment. Some have no remorse or worry about getting caught.

You'd have to at least know a little bit about psychology. Not hear it from your psychiatrist, who's made the jump based on the bad things that you've told them -- not an official diagnosis.

She's just an RN, and GA is just a retired who is now a security guard. If she was a doctor, do you think a $50k bail would be a problem for them to come up with? She's guilty of assumptions just like I'm trying to make a point about all of us in this thread.

I would agree that anything said in the court of law should be taken as fact; but nothing in our previous arguments were in his statement, IIRC.

True, but that's not fact. I've been on the Internet since this case broke -- there's a pattern of me being on the Internet, doesn't mean I'm unproductive. Patterns lead to drawn conclusions, supported by evidence, that then become fact.

The hell you didn't. Do you realize what kind of s~ you just brought to this already heated thread. LMFAO ... I'm scared, seriously ...

This was leaked, no F.B.I. people have released statements regarding this case. Furthermore, the leak said "Casey, Caylee and Lee", Cindy wasn't mentioned IIRC. This is what led to the huge "Lee is her father" crap that went on.

Just out of curiousity-- at what is Casey productive? Her mom called her a leech and a mooch. She can't or won't hold a job. She steals. She clearly could not take care of her baby. She lies every time she opens her mouth.

What, exactly, is she producing?
.. Since when did Optimism become a four letter word?

When wild goose chases waste valuable time and resources while her precious remains continue to degrade and justice for her murderer is delayed! That's when. None of us would be happier to eat crow and find Caylee alive, but this case isn't Elizabeth Smart, and all indications are that Caylee is dead.
QUOTE=suspicious mind;2664590]pot. kettle. black.[/QUOTE]

Okay I've read each and every post. So far the reasons I've seen given for an 'alive' Casey range among:

- I just feel she is
- You can prove she isn't
- LE lies cause I know they do and/or they lie to get confessions out of people
- There is no concrete evidence of anything relating to a death
- Air samples aren't proof of anything
- Decomposition doesn't prove it was human or anything related to the case
- The hair banding is not proof and can't be used in court.
- The FBI hasn't shown us their reports or tests
- Cause I believe the Anthonys
- Cause Casey would act differently if her daughter were really dead
- DNA isn't really evidence

The rest are all themes on the above.

The ones who believe Caylee is dead are looking at the forensic info 'leaked' or told to reporters who have then told the public. They are also looking at the 400 page report released by LE with statements. They are also considering the fact that no one has seen Caylee for 9+ weeks, no Zanny/nanny and sister Sam has been located, no proof of threats given to anyone, and verbal statements released so far by LE.

The ones who believe Caylee is alive are looking at...ummm.... their beliefs, the Anthonys, the fact that the FBI has not visited them personally to hand them a written report or shown up on their doorstep and the fact that the case has not been (fully) charged and gone to court yet.

I think I captured the essence of what I read.
You know, if I knew I were TOTALLY innocent, I'd be doing absolutely (I hate that word!) anything to cooperate! Want blood? How much do you want? Want bone marrow? Ready for my spinal tap! Want to do a cavity check? I'm stripped down and ready to go! Lie detector? No problem- hook me up! Need my missing child's stuff? TAKE IT ALL IF IT MEANS I GET HER BACK!

Mark Klaas knew he was innocent and did whatever it took to help LE! Is it any small coincidence that it is the guilty that seem to be the only ones who aren't willing to cooperate?

If Casey is innocent, why isn't she willing to fully comply with police? I would love an answer to this.

If my kid was kidnapped, I'd pitch a tent at the cop shop, and bring a megaphone, so they'd hear me telling them anything they wanted to know.
Is there a photograph of this little red-haired girl in TX Caylee sighting?
That doesn't say human, does it? Nor does it say Caylee.

Similar hair and dirt. Well hell, let's convict Casey now!

Well then, s~, I guess there's no proof. GO FIGURE!

But, the Body Farm and the FBI have since TESTED the evidence of decomposition, and two dogs from two different counties alerted to it. That's four sources, that we KNOW of, saying "Heads up! Human decomp!"

And, the hair had DNA in it that said, "It's Cindy, or Cindy's mom, or Casey, or Caylee, and whomever she is, she's dead.
Okay I've read each and every post. So far the reasons I've seen given for an 'alive' Casey range among:

- I just feel she is
- You can prove she isn't
- LE lies cause I know they do and/or they lie to get confessions out of people
- There is no concrete evidence of anything relating to a death
- Air samples aren't proof of anything
- The FBI hasn't shown us their reports or tests
- Cause I believe the Anthonys
- Cause Casey would act differently if her daughter were really dead
- DNA isn't really evidence

The rest are all themes on the above.

The ones who believe Caylee is dead are looking at the forensic info 'leaked' or told to reporters who have then told the public. They are also looking at the 400 page report released by LE with statements.

The ones who believe Caylee is alive are looking at...ummm.... their beliefs, the Anthonys, the fact that the FBI has not visited them personally to hand them a written report or shown up on their doorstep and the fact that the case has not been (fully) charged and gone to court yet.

I think I captured the essence of what I read.

Good summary. Actually I think the posters who believe Caylee alive are because they really do have a good heart, and can't believe a parent could murder their own child. Some of us old-timers have been around long enough and seen enough cases to know it happens: Scott Peterson, Jon Benet Ramsey, Maddie McCann, Susan Smith, and others just to name a few...
Okay I've read each and every post. So far the reasons I've seen given for an 'alive' Casey range among:

- I just feel she is
- You can prove she isn't
- LE lies cause I know they do and/or they lie to get confessions out of people
- There is no concrete evidence of anything relating to a death
- Air samples aren't proof of anything
- Decomposition doesn't prove it was human or anything related to the case
- The hair banding is not proof and can't be used in court.
- The FBI hasn't shown us their reports or tests
- Cause I believe the Anthonys
- Cause Casey would act differently if her daughter were really dead
- DNA isn't really evidence

The rest are all themes on the above.

The ones who believe Caylee is dead are looking at the forensic info 'leaked' or told to reporters who have then told the public. They are also looking at the 400 page report released by LE with statements.

The ones who believe Caylee is alive are looking at...ummm.... their beliefs, the Anthonys, the fact that the FBI has not visited them personally to hand them a written report or shown up on their doorstep and the fact that the case has not been (fully) charged and gone to court yet.

I think I captured the essence of what I read.

This is my point exactly! I came onto this thread waiting for photographic evidence, plane tickets, phone calls, something to follow this alive theory as at this point I ONLY want to find Caylee, dead or alive. I have posted questions before with the same answers. I just posted a question about a photograph. All I get is DNA evidence blah, blah, blah, and we are really circling around the subject. I thought this thread was to ask those who believe Caylee is alive for tips, hints, evidence, etc.
It's not excellent, it's exactly what I've been saying for like 16 pages now. A leak, a source, a blah blah blah. The FBI hasn't released any information. So, you're taking your "facts" from someone who would go against his/her work's policy and leak information. Hmm, trust someone who is untrustworthy as definitive fact?

Instead of reading what I'm saying as "Caylee is alive, shut up, you're wrong" read it correctly:


I don't believe she is alive, based on what I've heard. I could be wrong, but it is my belief. I don't know for certain though, because I didn't kill her, I didn't kidnap her, and I haven't read a single damn thing anywhere that says she's dead.

Stop kicking the dead horse, you're WRONG. You're assuming. You can not be right, based on fact, when you make an assumption. You can only draw an educated conclusion based on fact. Get it through your head, and accept the reality. Please.

YES! YES! YES! It's crazy that some who are so dead-set (ha! pun) on Caylee being dead actually question the intelligence of those who believe she's alive when NEITHER side can know for sure either way! So I'll sit here popping popcorn watching this debate until some real info, real facts, come out. I thinks that's what all this is about anyway...there's no real new info out so we just turn on each other instead. *crunch, crunch*
You can say and do pretty much anything you want in this country and it doesn't necessarily have to be true. I'm not saying that the sources are incorrect, and I'm not saying that the officers lied. I'm saying that just because they inferred, hinted, or otherwise made it so that the leaks seemed accurate -- that does not mean that they are fact.

Until they are submitted in court, they are not fact (to the public). I've read them all, and I'm leaning one way -- but I'm arguing the other to prove a point. Just 'cause what I think can very well be wrong. This is how we should all be looking at it. None of us is definitively right, because none of us has the 100% cold facts on the case. Seriously, end of discussion.

Not end of discussion, HERE! There is PLENTY of information from the best possible sources (like the FBI) that allow people to make up their own minds about the case.
there are some bad apples in this world,and yes it is hard for the mind to accept that a mother would take her child's life to free herself. But chit happens.
Yeah, but Cindy isn't a Psychologist -- so that's just another assumption in a long line of assumptions.

What do you see as a difference between KSs behaviors and those of sociopathy, as described in DSM? Looks like a perfetc fit!

And, no, I'm not a psychologist, either. I'm a nurse with two psych degrees. But, in CA, you have to have three.
My answer is simple: No. I cannot believe that someone is so much in fear they refuse to cooperate with the very people who can protect them and find their child. People who are supposed to be in so MUCH fear of such a situation could not hide it from the people closest to them. It would be written all over them in everything they said or did, imo.

It's kinda hard to believe that someone too frightened to talk is high-hearted enough to go clubbing every night, either.
I'm heading into mellow mode now. Sorry for being so fiesty but I just wish people wouldn't be so mean about things.

I think it's perfectly fine to have your own opinions and reasons but to make fun of people and the way they walk, look and every move they make is just crazy. What's the purpose of that? It just shows an ugly side that I'm sure no-one wants to see.

What was that Mary Winkler said? "My ugly came out." I think someone's ugly came out with Caylee. Mary Winkler, killed, shot her husband while he was in bed. Left him alive to die. Pulled the phone out of the wall so he could not call for help and she fled the scene with kids in tow. And not very long ago. Sadly she's out of jail already. AND she got her kids back. If by some miracle Caylee is alive, I hope her mother never gets her back...she's proven that she cannot take care of a child. IMO of course.
I'm not sure what happened or how. Can I ask a question? Can anyone here believe that someone can be so scared (no, not showing it to the public), but so so scared that they can't talk out of fear.

Well, here we go again with "those compelling reasons" not to trust LE, not to talk to the FBI, No one.

Lets see if I had a choice to live with fear & party *or* help the FBI find my child without these "boogiemosters finding out"...then I'd choose the last one, because if my kid was out there and I didnt know where she was, ...I wouldn't be sitting on the computor writing to a 12 year old girl promissing she could spend the night with me. NO, I'd hire PI's and send mommy Cindy Or daddy George to PR or Texas on the next plane and I would not be entertaining any offers to talk to the media.

I am a Mother! I would jump in front of a moving train to get to where my daughter is!!! I would jump off a bridge into a pile of rocks to prove that with every fiber of my being, no one, and no reason is enough not to see her again, let alone a few months!!!!!!!

I think its time Casey steps up and gets realistic, the truth will come out, with or without her help! And if she wants to keep claiming this fear story and remain a mute as to facts about her daughter kidnappers, she better prepare for a long time in the slammer! She is going to jail either way and after her conviction- she wont be in protective confinement either!!:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
What do you see as a difference between KSs behaviors and those of sociopathy, as described in DSM? Looks like a perfetc fit!

And, no, I'm not a psychologist, either. I'm a nurse with two psych degrees. But, in CA, you have to have three.

I have no nursing ability's,could you tell me 3-4 things that would describe a sociopath.
OK, I just lost 20 IQ points reading this thread. If one of these *thinkers* here is on the jury it will hang, no matter how much the science proves little Caylee died at the hands of her mother. My only hope is KC at least spends 20 years in the clinker for economic crimes and comes out all shriveled and destroyed. Then karma will take her into the bowls of hell for many lifetimes to come. You can't argue with stupid, folks. Sigh.

Actually hearing all sides shows why LE is so hoping to find Caylee.

I also can understand why a parent/grandparent would be reluctant to let go of hope until the body was found.
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