To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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That isn't any kind of medical or psychiatric testing. Her mother or her mother's therapist can call her whatever they want but that doesn't necessarily make it so.

Uh-huh. How does her behavior differ from the DSM's sociopathy criteria?

There HAS been a psych eval. But, as in all court cases, it has been sealed.
Okay I've read each and every post. So far the reasons I've seen given for an 'alive' Casey range among:

- I just feel she is
- You can prove she isn't
- LE lies cause I know they do and/or they lie to get confessions out of people
- There is no concrete evidence of anything relating to a death
- Air samples aren't proof of anything
- Decomposition doesn't prove it was human or anything related to the case
- The hair banding is not proof and can't be used in court.
- The FBI hasn't shown us their reports or tests
- Cause I believe the Anthonys
- Cause Casey would act differently if her daughter were really dead
- DNA isn't really evidence

The rest are all themes on the above.

The ones who believe Caylee is dead are looking at the forensic info 'leaked' or told to reporters who have then told the public. They are also looking at the 400 page report released by LE with statements. They are also considering the fact that no one has seen Caylee for 9+ weeks, no Zanny/nanny and sister Sam has been located, no proof of threats given to anyone, and verbal statements released so far by LE.

The ones who believe Caylee is alive are looking at...ummm.... their beliefs, the Anthonys, the fact that the FBI has not visited them personally to hand them a written report or shown up on their doorstep and the fact that the case has not been (fully) charged and gone to court yet.

I think I captured the essence of what I read.

O.K. if you have read my previous post you know my theory and why I think she's dead but I think this post misses the point of the posters who believe she is alive. What we know is that we had a little girl "alive" and now she is missing. So until you "Prove" she is dead we should be able to believe she is or at least explore the possibility. They know what the evidence indicates but they want proof/facts. I see no problem with this. If it was my child and there was 1% chance she was alive I would never give up regardless of what the evidence eludes to or may indicate.....
That's okay to feel that way. I've seen so many comments about how CA and GA's attorney looks like the joker, wears eyeliner, wears blush. Lee isn't wearing a Caylee shirt. What is the purpose of this? What will it accomplish.

Does the phrase "comic relief" come to mind? I believe at some point we all have to have a little levity, otherwise we'd all explode. And again, it's one of those opinions things. What do you see when you see KC (geez, that was a lot of variantions of 'c' -- comic relief) -- back to train of thought. What do you see when you see KC coming and going wearing her Caylee shirts? Me? I see a flaming hypocrite and it incenses me. That statement didn't accomplish anything except making me feel a little better.
When people kidnap someone, they have a motive. Money is usually at the top of the list. Second would be an "action" as in extortion. So on and so forth... What is the motive here to kidnap this child and keep her alive? Where is proof of contact between the said kidnappers and the family?

Since they obviously know that the gig is now up...why keep her alive at all? They did not kidnap a child out of the "goodness" in their heart taking the child away from everyone and everything important in their lives.
This is very convoluted, so bear with me.
Say, Casey met some new people, who are of the criminal element. She mentions that she needs to go pick up some drugs to sell, but she has no one to watch Caylee. These people tell her that if she gives them a cut of the profits, or the drugs they will watch Caylee while she is away. Only, during that time Caylee was either murdered or was in an accident and died. Casey returns and these people tell her that if she says anything about it or acts in any way like something is wrong they will kill her and the rest of the family.
:waitasec:Now that I read what I just wrote, it seems like a really feeble story, because she wouldn't be acting all happy partying for all of that time, right?
And, why give KC a "script" for 30 days, that told her to spend all of her time, lying to the cops and clubbing?

WHAT, specifically, was supposed to happen at the end of the 30 days? (Which, BTW, have elapsed.)

CMA's assertion that she was given a script is what bothers me the most. If this is true, does that mean she made up everything? ZFG, Samantha, the kids, the park being the location of the kidnapping.
Is she adhering to the script by the "real" kidnappers?

OR....if the ZFG kidnapping really happened, didn't she put Caylee's life in danger by telling LE their names?
People, we are not on a personal level here. We are trying to discuss facts and theories leading to the conclusion that Caylee is alive. Please do not take questioning of your beliefs to imply you have no right to have them. If someone thinks she is deceased, who is to say that something you can bring to that person's attention won't change their mind? Perhaps we all have open minds and want to hear both sides. It's not about who's right or wring. I think we all just want the truth. So on that note.....PEACE!

PEACE indeeed!

I would love for nothing more than to believe we are all here unprovisioned, with a neutral point of view, that we as WS members seek and have a willingness to take in an unabridged point of view. Despite the media, or even the Anthony's!

I see and read a lot of pretentious and ... "you might as well evaporate" type of remarks to those who theorize.

Hence: the name of this thread itself ... which is a tad superlicious!

The only way kc wouldbe "wrongfully" convicted is if she was in fact not involved yet still reveals nothing. If she is innocent, by all means, she should tell LE who the guilty party is!!

The way I see it, if kc chooses to not reveal any truth about what happened to caylee (that would prove she was innocent), then by default she is accepting the fact she could be wrongfully convicted and is willing to take the fall.
CNN live doing a report now.
Does the phrase "comic relief" come to mind? I believe at some point we all have to have a little levity, otherwise we'd all explode. And again, it's one of those opinions things. What do you see when you see KC (geez, that was a lot of variantions of 'c' -- comic relief) -- back to train of thought. What do you see when you see KC coming and going wearing her Caylee shirts? Me? I see a flaming hypocrite and it incenses me. That statement didn't accomplish anything except making me feel a little better.

I respect your opinion. But just for the record, I'm not an angry person. When I look at Casey, I feel very sad.

Talk to you guys later - meet the teacher night.
Does anyone have any links to show that LE is looking for a living Caylee?
O.K. if you have read my previous post you know my theory and why I think she's dead but I think this post misses the point of the posters who believe she is alive. What we know is that we had a little girl "alive" and now she is missing. So until you "Prove" she is dead we should be able to believe she is or at least explore the possibility. They know what the evidence indicates but they want proof/facts. I see no problem with this. If it was my child and there was 1% chance she was alive I would never give up regardless of what the evidence eludes to or may indicate.....

Three words-- death banded hair.

Two more words-- human decomposition.
Does anyone have any links to show that LE is looking for a living Caylee?

They aren't, as far as I know. They have too much evidence that she's NOT living, including the fact that Caylee's grandparents and brother are not looking for a living Caylee, either.

Apparently, the Anthony's are getting "tips" that they hand over to LE, and LE is following up on those.
Good find! So much for a debate! LOL


I live in Mid-Michigan, very rual- small town, call it the sticks here! its in our local news, Lansing, Flint & Detroit...when I go to my local general store around the corner, all the girls at the counter know about it.

Really? Me from Southern MI. Was raised in Battle Creek.
They aren't, as far as I know. They have too much evidence that she's NOT living, including the fact that Caylee's grandparents and brother are not looking for a living Caylee, either.

Apparently, the Anthony's are getting "tips" that they hand over to LE, and LE is following up on those.

That's what I thought. :blowkiss: Thanks!
Let's forget what we all observers (believers and non-believers) think and let's see for a minute what the PROTAGONISTS of this case really think through their actions.

Is Baez preparing to find the baby alive or is Baez preparing for a child negligent case? Neither! Baez is preparing for a murder/accidental death case. All his actions, all his dealing with Casey, all his press releases are those of a defense attorney in a murder trial. The latest? Why stop the process of examining physical evidence? That would confirm an alive Caylee and an abduction, the existence of another person involved. Does he really want us to believe he discuss Caylee with Casey for 8 hours in his office when he actually files for something like this? Why is he not allowing his client to talk to police - under his supervision and guidance to make sure nothing is twisted - and let Casey tell the police who really has her baby? Because nobody has the baby. This might be a game for Casey but it is not for Baez. And he very well knows that this could be a death penalty kind of trial. So why would he play with his client's life if he thought the baby is alive and they can find a formula to work with LE to get to the bottom of this?

Is what LE doing, the work of Law Enforcement that looks for a baby still ALIVE?Unfortunately not. And I am not saying they don't want to do that. The facts and evidence they have unfortunately makes them do things that says only one thing: They are looking to locate a body and how that baby died. I am saying their actions are not the actions of LE who has even 1% hope/info/evidence that the child is somewhere alive and they are bringing in people of interest for questioning daily and gave a sketch to new stations to play and addressed the kidnappers publicly. What is LE doing? Looking with the help of Equusearch for a deceased Caylee, and building a case of physical evidence and circumstantial evidence agains the mother. They are only being PC when they still say ''we are looking for Caylee alive or dead''. That's what they say and that is the right thing to say. But their actions say differently.

Are the Anthonys acting like people who think Caylee is alive? No they are not. Even if publicly or/and privately hold on to that hope, none of their actions is in accord with people looking for a baby still alive or people who their grandchild has been abducted or hidden someplace. Beth Holloway and/or relatives-friends of the Holloway family went down to Aruba immediately to search for her MISSING at the time daughter. Why Cindy and George not even visited the embassy of those countries they believe Caylee has been to? Why they haven't been on an international campaign to inform those countries about Caylee? Why they are not travelling to those states in the US where they say they receive tips from? Why are they spending money and energy on Casey's bail if they really think the child is alive at the moment? Why are they holding vigils when they could be walking through neighbourhoods and following tips?

Why did Mark Nejame spend all his valuable time on tv trying to make people understand that Cindy and Anthony are through a process of grief and people should allow them to do that? If the Anthony's hired this layer to help them with their quest and campaign to find an alive Caylee as Nejame said (even though a PRIVATE DETECTIVE would have been a more appropriate choice don't you think?), why did he spend all that valuable on-air time explaining the grief the grandparents are going through and the possibility that their daughter Casey is facing serious jail time for horrendeous crimes? Why didn't he spend a few minutes talking about organising a search for an alive Caylee? Why HE REFUSED to speak about areas and tips given to them about possible sightings of Caylee? Why did he said the LE asked them to not talk about this tips this since the LE are working a theory on a dead Caylee and since Cindy attacked the LE for looking for a dead Caylee? If Cindy and George were really looking for an alive Caylee they wouldn't give 2 cents what the LE instructed them to do. I mean they surely had no trouble going on-air and attacking the LE. So why nobody can act as someone who is looking for an alive baby?

Because at this point none of the PROTAGONISTS of this case really believes the baby is alive. Grandparents might have sunked in their denial and hope and despair to find her alive, but their logic is what is keeping them from taking appropriate actions for an alive missing baby. Now all of us are just observers, and I don't think we can convince one another to chance their mind about little Caylee being alive or not. We all come to this with different perspectives and life experiences.

But how can anyone denied that all the main protagonists of this case are preparing for a murder trial?

I couldn't agree more!

Clearly, Jose Baez is preparing for a murder trial. If he had evidence to suggest that Caylee was alive and being held by someone, he would be on a mission to work with LE to clear his client.

LE knew early on in this case that Caylee was deceased. Their efforts have been to find a body, and put together the evidence to go forward with a murder trial. None of us here are privy to the amount of evidence LE has, but one statement by LE in which it was said that they have evidence that there was a decomposed body in the trunk of Casey's car and that decomposed body was Caylee, should be enough to convince anyone that Caylee is deceased. In a age when lawsuits are rampant, no one in LE would make such a bold and final statement such as that for fear of the department being sued if later evidence suggested otherwise. LE has all the evidence, which the public won't be privy to until charges are made or until trial.

The Anthony family has done nothing that would suggest that they truly believe that Caylee has been kidnapped and is being held by someone. First and foremost is the fact that Cindy, George, Lee, and most especially, Casey, have not used the media to make a tearful plea to the kidnappers to release Caylee unharmed. The Anthony family has not searched for Caylee, and never intended to. They deny that Caylee is dead, never once considering that a kidnapper could kill her, because they know a dead Caylee means Casey will be charged. Its been evident since July 17th that the Anthony family has been engaged in a cover up, and has impeded the LE investigation with diversionary tactics. Why?

We all have opinions, and as much as we'd like to believe that Caylee is alive, all the actions of Casey's attorney, Cindy and George's attorney, the Anthony family, and LE suggest otherwise. Logic tells me that Caylee is deceased.
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