Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

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DNA Solves
Well gosh, I guess new people just are not welcome, thanks guys for zero help

Hi Trac and Welcome! :)
I've been on WS since '04 but only this last couple months really started posting and I found the same reaction....people are just too busy looking for new information and skimming the posts quickly....understandable in a case just as this. But I kept plugging along and then a bunch of other newbies registered and started a 'questions from newbies' thread, or something to that effect but I don't see it on the first 8 pages of the Caylee Forum so it might have been moved.
Instead, Go to this thread and ask your question:
I bet you will get a response pretty quickly.
The Caylee board moves so fast I bet people are just skimming the posts on all the topics looking for new information instead of looking for new registered posters.

I'm sorry your posts/questions were answered. I hadn't seen any of them before this post of yours so I don't have a response as to why they weren't answered, but just keep plugging away and soon you'll be right in the middle of it and as addicted as some of the rest of us.
Again, Welcome!
If it was such a slam dunk..Casey would be in jail charged with murder..The statement LE made today kind of confirms they do not have the evidence they need as much as we want to sit around and say they have things they are not telling us. What they HAVE told us is that there are no charges pending..:waitasec:
No. They still don't have the CAUSE of death, just the death, itself. They may have to prove intent, and they might need the CAUSE to do that.

Again, they are not gonna rush. They have forever.

They also said, a few days ago, that they had a "mountain," an "iron-clad"
Hi Trac and Welcome! :)
I've been on WS since '04 but only this last couple months really starting posting and I found the same reaction....people were not too quick to respond to questions from a 'newbie'. But I kept plugging along and then a bunch of other newbies registered and started a 'questions from newbies' thread, or something to that effect but I don't see it on the first 8 pages of the Caylee Forum so it might have been moved.
Instead, Go to this thread and ask your question:
I bet you will get a response pretty quickly.
The Caylee board moves so fast I bet people are just skimming the posts on all the topics looking for new information instead of looking for new registered posters.

I'm sorry your posts/questions were answered. I hadn't seen any of them before this post of yours so I don't have an response as to why they weren't answered, but just keep plugging away and soon you'll be right in the middle of it and as addicted as some of the rest of us.
Again, Welcome!

I'm a newbie, and have never had a problem.
I'm a newbie, and have never had a problem.

Hiya Brini,

No, when I first registered I didn't have a problem either but I registered during a 'slow' time....the case/cases weren't as complicated as this one nor was the information coming 'fast and furious' as this one, and people had more time to browse a bit slower.

When I did start posting more regularly, things had heated up on the cases I was following and there just wasn't the time to look for new posters (nobody's fault) and sometimes my posts got overlooked.

I can surely understand how it happens in a case like this Caylee Missing case.

That's why I was hoping to find that 'newbie' topic and add the link. Didn't see it....but, I was scrolling quickly because a few other posts caught my eye. :crazy: So, I'm guilty of overlooking new people, new posts too.

Ok, now I'm not even making any sense to myself. I better quit now. :)
Well gosh, I guess new people just are not welcome, thanks guys for zero help

Sorry trac, I didn't see any of your questions. These long threads move fast...sometimes fill up a page every minute or so. :crazy:

So what are your questions? Ask away... :)

Oh, and wecome to WS!
No it was not, see... never mind. I just will agree to disagree.

DNA Tests Confirm Caylee Anthony is Dead

Several weeks ago, authorities discovered Caylee Anthony’s DNA, yet where it was found was not released. This all changed on Thursday, as WKMG in Orlando is now reporting that the hair strands found in Casey’s trunk are that of Caylee and the strands showed signs of decay. This new evidence indicates that Caylee is most likely deceased.

DNA Tests Results Of Hair, Stain Found In Car Indicate Caylee Anthony Is Dead

Police: Caylee's Body Was in Mom's Trunk — A 3-year-old girl that authorities have been searching for since July is likely dead, the Orange County, Fla., sheriff's department told a Florida TV station over the weekend. "We clearly have evidence that indicates there was a dead body in the trunk of Casey [Anthony's] car, and that body was Caylee [Anthony]," said a Sheriff.

How much clearer can this be?
Sorry trac, I didn't see any of your questions. These long threads move fast...sometimes fill up a page every minute or so. :crazy:

So what are your questions? Ask away... :)
I'm sorry Trac, as you can see I don't post much but you can believe I read every word. I understand how you might feel, but due to time issues, we all kind jump around and sometimes we get lost in thought and roam...I know I'm guilty of that. Some of us have more time than others and I think that is why it seems we get out of touch quickly. I think we can all contribute. Look forward to getting to know you.
Well gosh, I guess new people just are not welcome, thanks guys for zero help

New people are always welcome here. A lot of times people read the last few posts on a thread and respond to those. Sorry you feel you haven't gotten any help.
That could be. The statement was made that the photo was receive from the FBI. Who knows by what means?

Who knows by what means? :confused: YOU said in a previous post the FBI sent the photo to the media.

DNA Tests Confirm Caylee Anthony is Dead

Several weeks ago, authorities discovered Caylee Anthony’s DNA, yet where it was found was not released. This all changed on Thursday, as WKMG in Orlando is now reporting that the hair strands found in Casey’s trunk are that of Caylee and the strands showed signs of decay. This new evidence indicates that Caylee is most likely deceased.

DNA Tests Results Of Hair, Stain Found In Car Indicate Caylee Anthony Is Dead

Police: Caylee's Body Was in Mom's Trunk — A 3-year-old girl that authorities have been searching for since July is likely dead, the Orange County, Fla., sheriff's department told a Florida TV station over the weekend. "We clearly have evidence that indicates there was a dead body in the trunk of Casey [Anthony's] car, and that body was Caylee [Anthony]," said a Sheriff.

How much clearer can this be?

:banghead: It's not clear at all regarding the FBI stating death bands were identified on Caylee's hair, which is my only point in this argument.

WKMG reported "signs of decay?" What's that mean? Why wouldn't they just say death bands if indeed that is the FBI's findings?
Amazing how mommie CA can recite that story like she rehearsed it for a play. She is KC's voice box that's for sure, so sad.

In my opinion she can recite it so well because she helped write it. There is no way I could possibly remember in such great detail what my grown daughters had been doing in the 2 previous months.
Question please - how does one get answers on this board? I've commented and asked many and nothing.....I understand I think that no one wants to comment or answer someone new but if thats the case how does one, that has only posted a few times, get involved on the board? Because quite honestly, people want to get involved and people don't just let us - any help would be appreciated - maybe I'm commenting or asking questions incorrectly - thanks

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger...I've been here for a long time and it happens to me too, it happens to everyone. Don't take it personally. Now what was your question?
I would think whoever has control of the vehicle also has control and custody of the contents of a locked trunk, including but not limited to dead people. No disrespect to Caylee meant.

Exactly! It's Occam's Razor, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Considering it was the car Casey routinely drove, and it was her daughter who is dead, and she never wanted her daughter (calls her derogatory names like "snothead" to other people), it's not likely someone else murdered her and stuck Caylee or any other dead body in Casey's trunk!!! Plus Casey did searches for missing children and Chloroform prior to Caylee's disappearance. That's pretty much the final nail in Casey's coffin for me!
They may have no evidence that Casey put the body in the car, however I think a jury could reasonably conclude that Casey, as the only driver of the car, is the culprit. Not only did someone put the body in the car, but it was left there long enough to create a horrible odor and then removed, all while the car was in Casey's possession. There are also the conflicting stories Casey created about the squirrels - her dad hit one and it stuck to the frame, two squirrels crawled up in the engine and died. That shows that not only was she aware of the foul odor but that she was making up excuses for it. The defense will need to show that someone else had access to the car on numerous occasions between the dates of 6/16 and 6/17, and that Casey at no time looked in the trunk. Good luck with that, Mr. Baez.

I've got it! It was squirrel pizza!

:laugh:Been waiting to use that line.
They may have no evidence that Casey put the body in the car, however I think a jury could reasonably conclude that Casey, as the only driver of the car, is the culprit. Not only did someone put the body in the car, but it was left there long enough to create a horrible odor and then removed, all while the car was in Casey's possession. There are also the conflicting stories Casey created about the squirrels - her dad hit one and it stuck to the frame, two squirrels crawled up in the engine and died. That shows that not only was she aware of the foul odor but that she was making up excuses for it. The defense will need to show that someone else had access to the car on numerous occasions between the dates of 6/16 and 6/17, and that Casey at no time looked in the trunk. Good luck with that, Mr. Baez.

That is brilliant. They need you at the prosecutor's office. Bravo!!!!!!!
Hi Trac and Welcome! :)
I've been on WS since '04 but only this last couple months really started posting and I found the same reaction....people are just too busy looking for new information and skimming the posts quickly....understandable in a case just as this. But I kept plugging along and then a bunch of other newbies registered and started a 'questions from newbies' thread, or something to that effect but I don't see it on the first 8 pages of the Caylee Forum so it might have been moved.
Instead, Go to this thread and ask your question:
I bet you will get a response pretty quickly.
The Caylee board moves so fast I bet people are just skimming the posts on all the topics looking for new information instead of looking for new registered posters.

I'm sorry your posts/questions were answered. I hadn't seen any of them before this post of yours so I don't have a response as to why they weren't answered, but just keep plugging away and soon you'll be right in the middle of it and as addicted as some of the rest of us.
Again, Welcome!

I think a newbie thread is a GREAT idea!

That being said.... I find WS full of very warm and welcoming people. I think the attitude is that of welcome, to new people.
I've got it! It was squirrel pizza!

:laugh:Been waiting to use that line.

GROAN! That was TERRIBLE,,, in an HILARIOUS way! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
If it was such a slam dunk..Casey would be in jail charged with murder..The statement LE made today kind of confirms they do not have the evidence they need as much as we want to sit around and say they have things they are not telling us. What they HAVE told us is that there are no charges pending..:waitasec:

Nope. "Dead" doesn't necessarily mean murder. It might mean accident. Or, manslaughter.
I think it became "personal" when LE asked Tim Miller not to leave and gave money for the search to Equusearch and offered equipment...Just my opinion:)

That is certainly a factor, IMHO. And, the lies and obstruction.

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