Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

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DNA Solves
Didn't JB say that the world will be "amazed" at the compelling story KC has to tell? Or, something like that? I'm pretty amazed, already.

Me, I'd be amazed if any lawyer worth his beans would be stupid enough:bang: to let this :liar: :loser:woman take the stand, although, frankly I'd love to see it,:popcorn: but .... Bet the aircraft carrier it ain't happenin'.
No, they said they have it, conclusively.

But, the body is still the best evidence. They'd rather have that.

Exactly. Plus they have time and they WANT to find Caylee, unlike her mother. :furious: Cops who didn't even know Caylee want to find her and, if she's gone, they want to put her little remains to rest with dignity. That's really part of this. They will eventually go forward but, right now, there's no rush.

Nor, apparently, have they explored the cosmos for interdimentional communication. What's wrong with LE!:rolleyes: Why aren't they pursuing ALL the possibilities?!

Have YOU ever tried to deal with a Klingon defense attorney? ;-)
Me, I'd be amazed if any lawyer worth his beans would be stupid enough:bang: to let this :liar: :loser:woman take the stand, although, frankly I'd love to see it,:popcorn: but .... Bet the aircraft carrier it ain't happenin'.

I'm with you on that. There is no way JB is going to let Casey take the stand.
Me, I'd be amazed if any lawyer worth his beans would be stupid enough:bang: to let this :liar: :loser:woman take the stand, although, frankly I'd love to see it,:popcorn: but .... Bet the aircraft carrier it ain't happenin'.

I wouldn't take that bet! Can't afford to lose my aircraft carrier.

But, if it DID happen... I'd pay ANYTHING for a ticket!

You'd have to take your Dramamine, before hearing testimony.
missing spouses.The person who was last seen with the missing person is always the first person thought to be possible
"Person of interest "
Exactly! It's Occam's Razor, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Considering it was the car Casey routinely drove, and it was her daughter who is dead, and she never wanted her daughter (calls her derogatory names like "snothead" to other people), it's not likely someone else murdered her and stuck Caylee or any other dead body in Casey's trunk!!! Plus Casey did searches for missing children and Chloroform prior to Caylee's disappearance. That's pretty much the final nail in Casey's coffin for me!
You are so right LinasK!:) :clap:
This case is all about simple logic! Simple logic!
It is so easy to read right through all of those exagerrated stories and the enormous lies and the unspoken words!

Casey never wanted Caylee. Casey is too self absorbed and she had way too much partying to do and just too many men 'to conquer', to ever be a mother. Motherhood requires responsibility and Casey isn't into any type of responsibility... it's just not her thing!

Casey has lied from the very beginning, and if Cindy had not found her, we wouldn't be here today, as I'm sure she would never have come forward about "Caylee's disappearance". Remember too, it wasn't Casey who called 911 that day, it was Cindy!

Everything that has been reported and has been released, it all points to Casey! And just think all that LE knows and hasn't even released yet! I just can't even begin to imagine!

The internet searches on chloraform and on missing children are going to play a huge part in this case. What innocent reasons could KC have to be looking at those? There isn't an innocent reason for it, not when all of these acts have also taken place!
The decomp in the trunk of Casey's car? Casey has a little girl missing for 31 days and doesn't love her enough to even mention that to anyone, and then that death smell!
No, there wasn't another body put inside Casey's car's trunk... Casey put her baby girl's body in there and then she drove around with it in the trunk until she decided where and how to be rid of it!

This is a very sad, sick, and disturbing story, and it's so very simple, and so very easy to see clearly who the guilty one in the case happens to be!:furious:

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