Today Show 9/30/08 - "Why Casey Is The Focus."

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DNA Solves
Didn't JB say that the world will be "amazed" at the compelling story KC has to tell? Or, something like that? I'm pretty amazed, already.

Oh yea, I am quite sure it will be amazing...compelling, hmmmm, not so much. :waitasec:
They may have no evidence that Casey put the body in the car, however I think a jury could reasonably conclude that Casey, as the only driver of the car, is the culprit. Not only did someone put the body in the car, but it was left there long enough to create a horrible odor and then removed, all while the car was in Casey's possession. There are also the conflicting stories Casey created about the squirrels - her dad hit one and it stuck to the frame, two squirrels crawled up in the engine and died. That shows that not only was she aware of the foul odor but that she was making up excuses for it. The defense will need to show that someone else had access to the car on numerous occasions between the dates of 6/16 and 6/17, and that Casey at no time looked in the trunk. Good luck with that, Mr. Baez.

Well the whole chloroform business ties things up a bit...Her researching it on her computer and it showing up in the car. I'm not clear as to whether or not it would appear on the hair sample but this is definitely a strong connection. In particular, because chloroform is not something that one just picks up at the corner store...

I don't know if anyone here knows this but I'm curious as to whether or not her time on home confinement counts as part of sentence served. Does anyone know?
Oh yea, I am quite sure it will be amazing...compelling, hmmmm, not so much. :waitasec:

Yes. I am quite sure that we will all be amazed. Something like we were with the "transients" Geragos tried to suggest picked Laci up at home and deposited into the Bay where Scott Peterson had been hanging out.
Do you recall where you heard about the fish smell being used to train cadaver dogs to find decomposing human bodies? It doesn't make sense to me. From everything I've read and heard, they're able to distinguish gasses coming from a body of water as containing human remains. If the fish thing was accurately relayed to you, it would seem impossible for a cadaver dog to have a reliable hit any where near a body of water containing fish.

Not doubting you saw/heard/read this, just questioning the source. TIA


it's not quite fish's the chemical "cadaverine" which is a chemical compound/gas (deadly by the way) that emits from a decaying/decomposing corps. It also is produced from decaying/decomposing fish.

I had a post up with all the links........have to go look for it.

I don't know if anyone here knows this but I'm curious as to whether or not her time on home confinement counts as part of sentence served. Does anyone know?

Nope , doesn't go towards credit for time served. Once she is bailed out, that clock stops ticking and the conditions of release here are not a factor.

I keep asking the same thing because I've never heard it either. So far no one has provided a link and I can't find one.

That was WEEKS ago. No, I'm not gonna look it up, for you. It was announced the same day that the FBI sent a photo of various hair test results to some of the media, inclduing NG.
Well the whole chloroform business ties things up a bit...Her researching it on her computer and it showing up in the car. I'm not clear as to whether or not it would appear on the hair sample but this is definitely a strong connection. In particular, because chloroform is not something that one just picks up at the corner store...

I don't know if anyone here knows this but I'm curious as to whether or not her time on home confinement counts as part of sentence served. Does anyone know?

While we were all shocked at the news about the Chloroform, I'm not sure at this point that it's going to be an issue. If LE can't show that Casey used it to kill Caylee they'll only confuse the jury by bringing it up.

it's not quite fish's the chemical "cadaverine" which is a chemical compound/gas (deadly by the way) that emits from a decaying/decomposing corps. It also is produced from decaying/decomposing fish.

I had a post up with all the links........have to go look for it.

Smells a lot different than rotteN fish, to me. Once you've smelled human decomp, you wouldn't forget it.

And, don't remember any OTHER nurse mistaking it for spoiled food.
Yes. I am quite sure that we will all be amazed. Something like we were with the "transients" Geragos tried to suggest picked Laci up at home and deposited into the Bay where Scott Peterson had been hanging out.

Maybe it will end up being the SAME group of transients!

AND, they put a body into KC's car for a few days, then took it back out!

Maybe there is even a transient-run corpse-disposal service!;-)
If Casey had anything else to say that would in any way help find Caylee, why would her attorney not just set up a news conference and let her get it out?

I guess because he has to make sure the people she talks about actually exist?
seriously? she has not given them clues to find her daughter? would an innocent person ever, ever, ever do that?

I would sure like to know the statistics (or even read about one case) regarding a parent of a missing child NOT assisting FBI, and later being found to be 100% uninvolved with the disappearance or death of that child.

Only the killer parents, prolly.

Most parents spill as much of their guts as the cops wants, then HAUNT the detectives.

I'd be announcing all the info I had through a bullhorn, set up a tent in the cop shop, and take a passel of polygraphs, right gff the bat, to eliminate myself, so they could go on. Meanwhile, I'd give my spare key to the CSI team.

I don't know of any parent who would not trade his/her OWN life for their child's, with no hesitation.

In fact, I think some people on this w/s would be willing to bleed quarts to find this child.
I have not connected the dots yet, but that story has some important relevance to this case. At first I thought it was another instance of disproving Zanny, but I believe there is more to it than that now. I am wondering if Casey had hurt Caylee in the past and this was Casey's excuse when the parents saw the bruises or cuts. If I read it right she told Caylee was in the accident too.

What I thought was strange was CA's apparent reaction. If my grandchild was in an accident I would immediately be in my car to make that 45 minute drive to Tampa as I believe most others would.

Something about this............just can't put my finger on it yet.

Yeah. I THOUGHT KC said Caylee was in the car with Z the N. can't quite remember...
:waitasec: What IRONCLAD PROOF do they have?

DEATH RINGS on a hair strand? Have you EVER heard of a murder case tried where they used Death Rings from a piece of hair for evidence? There was a piece of hair in the Lacy Peterson case and Death Rings were NEVER brought up by either the prosecution or the defence. They had that hair before Lacy was ever found!

Decomposition gases from a car trunck? Have you EVER heard of a trial where this was used as evidence? I havent, wonder why not?

Chloraform? Can it be proved that actual chloraform was used to sedate Caylee OR was it a product of someone using say, bleach and an antibacterial soap/detergent together to try to clean the smell/spots out of the trunk? Mixing of certain common household cleaners will test positive for chloraform (my example is one such combination).

Bodily Decomp Fluids in the trunk? Where has LE directly stated that they have POSITIVE test results for decomposition fluids in the trunk? Remember, a source close to the investigation is not the same thing as a direct statement from LE and TESTS not the same thing as TESTS ARE POSITIVE....

Believe me, IF Caylee is deceased I could honestly believe it was a direct result of KCs actions, but as far as IRONCLAD evidence, I am not sure LE has that. Hence, she has not been arrested for murder. IMHO

(I do not think I spelled chloraform right, sorry)

I would LOVE to hear of a case where hair death rings were used as evidence and/or decomp gases were used to prove a murder. Please prove me wrong.

Yes, decomp gases, especially when backed up with the lab tests for decomp fluids, are considered rock-hard evidence. LE said the placed Caylee's deceased DNA in the truck, had evidence of her body position, and, yes, the death band is considered "very strong evidence." Other supportive evidence includes the hots by two dogs from two counties, in the same place.

And, that's just what we KNOW of.

Slam dunk!

The big problem is, how did she die? Accident? Homicide? They need a body, for that.

Now, how many people does one see, on the average day, carrying a body oozing cadaverine, with a trunk holding death-banded hair, and with their child's DNA as part of the fluids? I can think of ONE other...
Hey, don't laugh. We flipped quite a few fish around the yard during our mullet fish fries when I lived in Florida. Hated mullet! But I am sure there are the reminants of a few guts or heads decomposed in that yard. Ah, the days!

Doesn't smell, or test the same as human cadaverine. I'm a nurse.
Do you guys remember the Peterson trial and how the mad the public got when the investigators said the exact same thing....Peterson was only a person of interest, there is only circumstancial evidence, yadda yadda yadda - they let Peterson hang himself basically - the Anthony's will do the same thing

the police will say what it takes to get the Anthony's comfortable and lax - the Anthony's monitor the news and websites - so the police say this stuff, the anthony's will get comfortable, it gets quiet and then something they do or the investigators re-evaluate and find somethng

Charges are made

People have so little faith sometimes - Casey will NOT get away with this

"Person of interest" is only a half-rung from "suspect."
It does not matter how much circumstancial evidence or if the results are conclusive. They have no prove that Casey was involved, they have no witness nothing that says she put Casey in the car.

True, But the facts that; 1) KC had the car, 2) KC had the baby, 3) KC is obstructing the invesatigation with lies, obfuscations, and false trails, AND the forensic evidence! will go far with a jury.

Then, there is:1) KC researched missing children, and 2) Researched another woman to create a fictional nanny to take the rap, 3) KC has never shown grief or anxiety. The only concerns that she has actually expressed were about the boyfriends and the parties.

The cops are right. All roads go back to KC.

A lot of people have been convicted with no body, and, in fact, with less evidence than this.
Were the doors to the car locked when she abandoned it? If not we don't know who had control of the contents of the trunk from 6/27-6/30. It all seems logical, but there is room for a seed of doubt to be planted and they need a slam dunk.

Well, somebody coulda climbed over the fence at the auto impound lot, carrying a corpse. And, later taken it out. Or, put a body into the trunk in front of the check-cashing place, then taken it out. And, taken a chance that KC wouldn't notice, nor would an alert drive pass, nor would anyone at the business notice.

Doesn't sound too likely.
I am just broken in my spirit to the point of tears that the focus in this case appears to be putting out fires of gossip. The A's, IMHO, spend all there time fighting with or having there attorney fight with people who say things about Casey.
Remember the statement from Cindy that she would walk to every house, knock on every door to help find her granddaughter? Well she hasn't done that. She appears, from what we read, to spend each day inside reading blogs. I would like to know how that helps here?
I don't care what Casey or the A's did or didn't do. I just want the focus back on Caylee, the victim, where it belongs.

Then, I think you'll have to talk to the A's. They are doing most of the distracting.
<I bolded to reply>

My understanding is they have Caylee's DNA via the paternity test results from JG.

They prolly do. All they really need is the mitochondrial.
Wow, first I've heard the FBI or anyone **confirmed death rings. Makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong that I don't hear this information. :waitasec: Link?

Check the links that are posting in this thread.

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