Todd Black - Defense Team Says: "Loss Of The Life Of A Little Girl"

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You know, the best thing that JB could possibly do would be to say that TB made the statement and regrets doing so.

Of course, we'll likely hear that TB was misquoted, misinterpreted, the victim of the newly-discovered live TV edit capability and LE leaks. :bang:

Yep. I would not be surprised to see JB make the matter even worse. :waitasec:
Wow - that was a little harsh. We are all interpreting what TB meant when he made the statement or mis statement, we are saying that he thinks Caylee is dead. this poster was just giving his/her interpretation of what she thinks he meant. Allow posters their opinion, disagree with them, yes, attack them - not so good.

posted by beetrue:
"misconstrued. he was saying that no one is going to be searching for caylee anymore -because casey has been stamped as a murderer since July 16th. true or false, he was not saying he believes caylee is dead."

It was presented as fact, not as opinion.
Okay...I just watched the is what was said....

Mike: Todd can you help explain that behavior, because obivously as we follow this, we scratch our heads and wonder how can you go out and party while your little girl is missing? Uh, help us out, can you help us out in that front?

Todd: I would like to be brief and just make three quick points. First to you Mike, because since you have taken over on prime news, you've brought a really interesting class to the show. And I myself was surprised by your earlier hour (Todd is referring to the show that had been on previously)when you made a derogatory remark toward Jose Baez not revealing anything about his case. He's a defense attorney. The last place he's going to reveal anything about a case is going to be at a press conference.

The second thing I'd like to say to the gentlemen (he is referring to a gentlemen that had been on the earlier show). It's very difficult, this is a very serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony (He is referring to the gentlemen's frame of mind). And for a gentlemen to sit on a show, on a national show, and make a remark like.. uh Caylee.. uh uh, what do you call it? Cocktail or whateever he said, uh koolaid, 'Casey Koolaid'. I mean making fun of somthing like this isn't what anybody should be doing especially if they're professional. And the third thing..Dr. Lisa is somebody I think everyone respects. I certainly do. But she said the key word a second ago when she talked about what Casey Anthony was buying. She said this shows probably something and that probably word is very important.

Again, what he said has been taken out of context. I was very surprised today to see a headline that read "Defense spokesperson: Caylee is indeed dead". Now come on? That is NOT what he said. That is NOT what he meant. He has explained what he said...and again, what he said is being taken out of context. And quite honestly, I would have to agree with Todd Black's statements about the poking fun at this situation. I don't find any humour in it at all. This is a very sad situation regardless of what has happened to Caylee. It is sad not only for Caylee but her family as well and that includes Casey. JMO

Actually it was Todd Black who didn't understand the context of the previous statement. Someone mentioned "Casey Kool-Aid" in reference to the fact that there were some people who were taking KC's word as being 100% true. It was NOT disrespectful to Caylee at was Todd Black who brought Caylee into it.

His statement about the "loss of life" of a little girl was his OWN statement. No one else brought it up. They were talking specifically about KC at that point.

I believe he was confused about what was said, perhaps he thought someone was referring to the fluids in the trunk as a "Caylee Cocktail," but that simply WAS NOT TRUE. The fact that Black then went on to say what he said is what is at issue here.

If he was so upset about the remark why wouldn't he say anything about Caylee being alive? Instead he went right to the remark about her being dead.
The second thing I'd like to say to the gentlemen (he is referring to a gentlemen that had been on the earlier show). It's very difficult, this is a very serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony (He is referring to the gentlemen's frame of mind). And for a gentlemen to sit on a show, on a national show, and make a remark like.. uh Caylee.. uh uh, what do you call it? Cocktail or whateever he said, uh koolaid, 'Casey Koolaid'. I mean making fun of somthing like this isn't what anybody should be doing especially if they're professional.

And the third thing..Dr. Lisa is somebody I think everyone respects. I certainly do. But she said the key word a second ago when she talked about what Casey Anthony was buying. She said this shows probably something and that probably word is very important

A very stupid thing to say in a case that this, why did he not say "Missing Child" ?.
Black screwed up, end of story. Whether it was a Freudian slip or simply a poor choice of words is debatable.

But whenever a client has to call a press conference to clarify a statement made by a spokesperson hired to speak on the client's behalf, the spokesperson has been rendered useless. The whole point of having someone speak for you is so that you don't have to do it yourself.
Sorry. That is not what he said and it was not misconstrued in any way. I heard it live and he said it exactly as it was presented.

ITA. Furthermore, if he wants to talk about context...

when he said,
"This is a very difficult, serious case, not only involving THE LOSS OF THE LIFE OF THIS LITTLE GIRL but the loss of whatever is going to happen to Casey Anthony."
it sounded to me like was alluding to the fact that one person is already dead, now we may dealing with another death. The "LOSS of whatever is going to happen to Casey Anthony" meaning IF she should be sentenced with the dp.

He needs to stop being glib and own his words and the true meaning behind them. He has tremendous responsibility being JB's spokesperson and he said what he said. HE CANNOT DENY IT.
Why should we have to interpret when the words are plain as day. The only people who try and interpret words stated by others are just trying to read more into it. Take it at face value, don't explain it away.
If they can edit that well on live TV (yeah right) Baez and Black should really be concerned what the reporters for the press conference will do with the tapes. My goodness a lot can ghange in a 5 second delay.
If you can not defend.... BLAME is the motto.
The second thing I'd like to say to the gentlemen (he is referring to a gentlemen that had been on the earlier show). It's very difficult, this is a very serious case involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl but the loss of whatever is going to happen with Casey Anthony (He is referring to the gentlemen's frame of mind). [/COLOR]

WHAT??????????? (bolded and underlined by me) Where on earth do you get this from???? Because that has nothing to do with the "gentleman's frame of mind". I can't even see where that can be construed.

But then again, I haven't drank a sip of the koolaid.
I think baez is making more of it by holding a presser to control damage. He should just let it be.
Well at LEAST he got it right on the cover sheet of the fax.. Caylee A-Missing Person...he should have possibly of had a cue card while he was on the phone so he could figure out what the story of the day is with the defense.
Black screwed up, end of story. Whether it was a Freudian slip or simply a poor choice of words is debatable.

But whenever a client has to call a press conference to clarify a statement made by a spokesperson hired to speak on the client's behalf, the spokesperson has been rendered useless. The whole point of having someone speak for you is so that you don't have to do it yourself.

You don't like Baez is working hand in hand with Black on putting on those "faxes"?

Baez hired Black because it looks better coming from a PR firm than from his office.
You don't like Baez is working hand in hand with Black on putting on those "faxes"?

Baez hired Black because it looks better coming from a PR firm than from his office.

I guess that depends on the PR firm, doesn't it? :waitasec:
Who is JPC and why does he/she have inside info?


JPC is a friend of AH and RM ... he went to Puerto Rico with them in July. He is always mentioned on the "who's the daddy?" threads because he looks so much like Caylee. He is also the guy that AH said "didn't like Casey from the very beginning." And he is a news editor for WFTV.
Black screwed up, end of story. Whether it was a Freudian slip or simply a poor choice of words is debatable.

But whenever a client has to call a press conference to clarify a statement made by a spokesperson hired to speak on the client's behalf, the spokesperson has been rendered useless. The whole point of having someone speak for you is so that you don't have to do it yourself.

Exactly. The Fact that JB has to schedule a PC to deal with Black's MIS-statement says he knows it was the wrong thing to say. It's damage-control time.
I went to a diner. I ordered a ham sandwich. The waitress brought me a ham sandwich. I was quite surprised, I was expecting a cheeseburger. Doesn't the waitress know what I meant? I meant a cheeseburger. All of the other customers who heard me order a ham sandwich all knew I meant a cheeseburger as well. Boy is that waitress dumb.
hey guys - no time to search whole thread - anyone able to throw a quick link up for me, pretty please?!?!? :blowkiss:
I went to a diner. I ordered a ham sandwich. The waitress brought me a ham sandwich. I was quite surprised, I was expecting a cheeseburger. Doesn't the waitress know what I meant? I meant a cheeseburger. All of the other customers who heard me order a ham sandwich all knew I meant a cheeseburger as well. Boy is that waitress dumb.


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