Todd Black - Defense Team Says: "Loss Of The Life Of A Little Girl"

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(haven't read all posts yet, sorry if this is a repeat)
I'm thinking that Todd Black is an imaginary spokesman. Padilla made reference to made up stuff and people by the defense on NG a while back.
He also said that there is already a "death penalty" certified lawyer on board.....but didn't want to divulge his name :confused:

This isn't a game of Clue- wth??
Doesnt want to divulge his name- what A LOAD...
He wont need a DP qualified lead chair if KC takes a deal, which I can tell you he is promoting. That is his only marketability in this case anymore- kwim?

Personally, I wouldnt let this guy defend me for jay walking.
Todd Black and Jose Baez can talk til they're blue in the face, but it doesn't change the fact that Todd Black said on live TV.............

"involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen to Casey Anthony."

This is exactly what Todd Black said. For Jose Baez and Todd Black to back-peddle and attempt to explain away what Todd Black said live on national television as "taken out of context" is insulting to the public. We KNOW what was said. The defense knows Caylee is dead, George and Cindy Anthony know Caylee is dead.

What's been exposed is something we've known all along. Casey, Cindy, George, and Lee Anthony, along with Casey's attorney, Jose Baez are perpetuating one big lie - that Caylee is alive and has been kidnapped - for only one reason. They are attempting to create reasonable doubt in the public's mind, and more importantly, in the minds of potential jurors.

This is the elephant that's been sitting in the middle of the room now for three long months! :banghead:
Todd Black and Jose Baez can talk til they're blue in the face, but it doesn't change the fact that Todd Black said on live TV.............

"involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen to Casey Anthony."

This is exactly what Todd Black said. For Jose Baez and Todd Black to back-peddle and attempt to explain away what Todd Black said live on national television as "taken out of context" is insulting to the public. We KNOW what was said. The defense knows Caylee is dead, George and Cindy Anthony know Caylee is dead.

What's been exposed is something we've known all along. Casey, Cindy, George, and Lee Anthony, along with Casey's attorney, Jose Baez are perpetuating one big lie - that Caylee is alive and has been kidnapped - for only one reason. They are attempting to create reasonable doubt in the public's mind, and more importantly, in the minds of potential jurors.

This is the elephant that's been sitting in the middle of the room now for three long months! :banghead:[/QUOTE

I Totally agree!!!:clap:
Todd Black and Jose Baez can talk til they're blue in the face, but it doesn't change the fact that Todd Black said on live TV.............

"involving not just the loss of the life of this little girl, but the loss of whatever is going to happen to Casey Anthony."

This is exactly what Todd Black said. For Jose Baez and Todd Black to back-peddle and attempt to explain away what Todd Black said live on national television as "taken out of context" is insulting to the public. We KNOW what was said. The defense knows Caylee is dead, George and Cindy Anthony know Caylee is dead.

What's been exposed is something we've known all along. Casey, Cindy, George, and Lee Anthony, along with Casey's attorney, Jose Baez are perpetuating one big lie - that Caylee is alive and has been kidnapped - for only one reason. They are attempting to create reasonable doubt in the public's mind, and more importantly, in the minds of potential jurors.

This is the elephant that's been sitting in the middle of the room now for three long months! :banghead:

I have a question about this for the actual Lawyer types around here?

Casey is protected by attorney client privelege. Which means if the actual death of Caylee has been revealed to JB he absolutely cannot say so or comment on it. The privelege also extends to the direct employees of the attorney, which I assume TB is.

If one of those employee's violates the client attorney privelege, and reveals either intentionally or accidentally any contents of client discussions, what are the consequences? Does the actual attorney face any ethics issues before the bar as a result of his employees actions?
Funny statement by Baez ... "you will learn how to respect me and you will learn how to respect my client"

Those who want respect, give respect.

...learn how to respect jb?

....learn how to respect your client?

a thief, a liar, and a WASTE, A HUGE WASTE.

jb is as delusional as the A's.
Sorry , I just got to the party.

I realize it's old news...

Yes, it would take a really savvy defense attorney to beat a murder rap if the victim is on the list of witnesses. :rolleyes::confused:

Will that also cancel out the felonious thefts, though?

"The defense would like to call Caylee Anthony to the stand... Caylee? Caylee? Anyone seen Caylee?"
I have a question about this for the actual Lawyer types around here?

Casey is protected by attorney client privelege. Which means if the actual death of Caylee has been revealed to JB he absolutely cannot say so or comment on it. The privelege also extends to the direct employees of the attorney, which I assume TB is.

If one of those employee's violates the client attorney privelege, and reveals either intentionally or accidentally any contents of client discussions, what are the consequences? Does the actual attorney face any ethics issues before the bar as a result of his employees actions?

Excellent question! I don't have legal expertise to answer the question, but I hope someone does.
I thought he might hold a presser to ask for information about his missing wedding ring. This guy makes me believe ANYONE can get a law degree. I wonder who will play JB in the movie. I'm trying to think of a dim witted actor with a face like a thumb. :waitasec:
I think Casey should be thinking about her appeal based upon ineffective representation.:silenced:
I wonder how long it will take Baez to realize how much of the news coverage of his press conference will include either the quote made by Black, or direct links to the voice recording.

Nice way to kill the story, Jose. You would have done better for your client by simply having your spokesman issue another one of those AOL faxes saying that he'd misspoken. Now his words are going to get far more coverage than they would have otherwise.

Smooth move!

I guess he hasn't taken the "media training" course yet...
Thanks, Muzik! I don't think I can watch it again tho. LOL It was sheer torture the first time watching his song and dance. The elephant is still there and only JB has left the..uhm...side of the road. (And what was the point of holding it across the street again?! Did he have to flag down the press to get them to listen to him or what?!)
This isn't a game of Clue- wth??
Doesnt want to divulge his name- what A LOAD...
He wont need a DP qualified lead chair if KC takes a deal, which I can tell you he is promoting. That is his only marketability in this case anymore- kwim?

Personally, I wouldnt let this guy defend me for jay walking.
Lol. DID he jaywalk across the highway to the presser?

Re. His comment about the lawyer that wants to remain anonymous...Sounds to me like he's shopping for one!

Baez: "To take something that was taken out of context, I think is doing a DISJUSTICE to the Anthony Family and a dis-service to this child. And I would ask that you please report that accurately."

>>>> going off to look up DISJUSTICE in the dictionary<<<<
Resolved QuestionShow me another »
Is disjustice a word, as not in my dictionary?
1 year ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

It's a word, but not a grammatical one nor one that is used in the English language. Try injustice.

Well, I hope the media DOES report this accurately! :)
Lol. DID he jaywalk across the highway to the presser?

Re. His comment about the lawyer that wants to remain anonymous...Sounds to me like he's shopping for one!

Yes, as a matter of fact...he DID jaywalk with his crew in tow. :waitasec: I was either waiting on him to trip or someone to push him into the traffic, but alas his "bodyguard/attorney" seemed to keep him from it.
Yes, but that's why I attached the video. How can you take it out of context. I think several towns have lost their idiots and theyre all working for Baez!

Isn't that the truth !! It is amazing he found them all then hired them so rapidly. Usually it takes a while to find true idiots like these. LOL

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