Toddler's Mother/Peaches/Jane Doe #3

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I think they should take a look at Shulman's brother Barry. I have been mentioning this on some other threads here.

Weirdly, it did cross my mind too. My only reason for that would be that he confessed to help his SK brother to dispose of one dismembered victim.

Do you mind to share why you considering him and links where you have posted so I can read up?
Thank you
Some Asian women use bitten peach tattoos as a symbol of sexual preferance. A discrete way to let others know what they are looking for when having families that forbid such things. Maybe something to look into.
There are literally so many why's in this case? This is just another one of them. I think its just all part of a coverup and they weren't ever going to release information if they didn't have to. Just like in the AC4 murders.

Dont forget to add Pike County to that list!!!
I'm think you've gone too far from the rails possibly with a few of these theories, JMO of course.

I think you need to look at a timeline of when Peaches Torso was found and reported with a Peach tattoo vs when Jessica Taylor was found. My sleuthing skills aren't so good to pull back media reports so long ago. However to me it looks like the SK learnt from this error, he noticed how people were fixating on the tattoo, not really knowing that nearly 20 years later we aren't any closer to an identification. However with such a distinctive tattoo on JT he 'tried' to make it harder to identify. (note he could have just cut it out but chose not to). I don't think the SK would have done some additional tattooing, but again it's JMO like you have yours.

Who knows what that tattoo is, it's clearly a bad tattoo artist whoever done it, it could be anything from a badly drawn love heart to a badly drawn Orange/Apricot/Peach. I do agree though, it's more likely to be an Orange given it looks like a bite mark and a droplet of juice flowing from it. To me on first glance, it looks like TBB as lettering or TBA or TBF.

So the site keeps freezing and removing my paragraphs so this is my fifth time typing but,

I do agree I think he also learned by error. I assume it quickly once found was all over the media about the toros with the peach tattoo. And frankly I think if he was the taunting type we'd be finding way more things like the potential letters. That whole idea came to mind when I was low on sleep and slightly loopy. But I have a lot of tattoos and tattoo artist friends(debating asking one of the artists who do my work) and my ex who draws and designs his own tattoos(he's an artist) looked at the photo for me earlier and like me he didn't think that it's a cover up because of how small the original letters covered up would be and how easy something so small could be covered by a different design which he we both agree because if your goal is to cover a tattoo then you work with the artist to make sure a darker design with colors to mask them is what's used. And then just get the fruit somewhere else. Like me we both think it looks like a fresh tattoo because it's bright but also that color without a black outline likely would run. Every artist I know never lets anyone not outline color and many that didn't outline I see have theirs run. If we knew how long he was tattooing then maybe we' did know I found he didn't care just got her in me out and got money. But we both believe he could have covered the letters easily because they'd be tiny and so we believe IF they're letters they were done after either by the killer or unwillingly or by the artist without her knowledge. But it looks like a typical flash tattoo which he would have a book showing all the options and it wouldn't be his first time or only time. I'm not even sure those leafs match a peach. To me if the killer did the letters and it was a first of his kills with tattoos and then she became known by it that he'd from them on destroy tattoos and especially if he's the artist and can't risk his work being recognized. But jmo but you don't do what he did if anything besides getting as many done in a day matters. Do we know if they looked into it's ink? Types of it may be traceable to the shop. Which do we know if he owned the shop around 96? Cause if he was still an apprentice then that shop should have the book of flash images to pick from and would recognize it. And if all the leafs have writing then that's and odd shape. I see those weird shaped bites not as human by the shape. But again likely just badly drawn. Could be barbed wire or tribal under them, but I doubt it. I do see what resembles the top of a heart yet no bottom of it. And I see those same letters basically a T it J then a B or 8 and then an a or 4. But don't get what words they'd make and think it would be iniatls or stand for whatever. I honestly don't think if the tattoo had any importance or could easily ID her that we'd be having issues with it still. I assume he knew it wouldn't lead to anything significant but figured better not leave significant ones viewable. It reminds me of one of those turkey/duck/chickens except it's an apricot orange peach haha. I mean assuming those aren't just what leafs he picked(coukdnt easiky look up an image like these days) then what fruit are they best fitting? I think there's no deep meaning by the image she just assumed it would be sexy and maybe it from Georgia or it was a nickname at a club or with customers because she was a real peach. But a day someone with a meaningful tattoo over my heart the description seems lower like a sexy cleavage tattoo girls find hot especially for back when she likely got it. One thing to consider is if we can look up someone's tattoo license online so then we can guess how long he'd been working when he did this. Because in my opinion he looks not much older than she would be and maybe that would rule his work out. Because he could just want his 15mins of fame. I'm not sure which photo is the best quality but I may send my main artist it once I get up tmw and get her opinion but my ex and me have the same opinion based on our knowledge of tattoos and art. But one think we discussed is could someone be so bad at shading or lines that he makes what look like letters?
I agree with you Nomad. Compared to the calls the sister was getting I would say these are ...restrained? I think that's the word I'm looking for

The sisters calls remind me of the east area rapist Aka the golden state killer aka the original nightstalker as well as the zodiacs. But is it caused he gets off on living the event again via taunting her? He seems ballsy like he knkws he's safe. But I read He would also text but stopped once he found out she'd told the cops. Did they ever record any of those or post any of the texts? I only heard the main ones about the sister being at a whorehouse which almost made me wonder if he kept her alive awhile as a prisoner and if by chance he did with the others. For all we know whoever killed peachs owns a tattoo machine and knocked out a super fast peach as a coverup of his iniatls. I say that merely because of how fresh it is seeming and how no good artist would do any cover up so bad and with such light ink. Cause he could have lost his temper and killed her but like it's been said he could easily hide that part of her skin if he was worried. One other idea for the markings is IF those are letters covered up then maybe the person did a bad job and chewed up the skin resulting in it still seeming viewable. Or the design isn't any cover up but the artist chewed the skin with the machine causing what scarred weird and looks bumpy. Anyone's familiar with tattoos or even just ink master probably knows the term. It just feels like why tell the public about but the tattoo but not mention the letters if they've believe it is a coverup? Surely they woulsnt be blind or not care cause if her likely profession and possible drug use? I still feel the news could post the fabric and maybe get a lead or maybe make a fb page to share asking anyone if they recognize the fabric or tattoo or jewelry now that the case has nkre attention
it looks like an apricot to me too , it just does
I agree the weird shape of the bite could be part of the design you see in the pieces of that photo. And maybe what appears as an Orange like thing is a pit? Btw did you pick your name cause of ferris buehlers day off? Sorry my mind went there cause my ex bought me the whole outfit and him his. But yea I agree I see apricot or orange but there's obvious parts an orange wouldn't have. Do the leafs resemble an apricot leaf to you?
The sisters calls remind me of the east area rapist Aka the golden state killer aka the original nightstalker as well as the zodiacs. But is it caused he gets off on living the event again via taunting her? He seems ballsy like he knkws he's safe. But I read He would also text but stopped once he found out she'd told the cops. Did they ever record any of those or post any of the texts? I only heard the main ones about the sister being at a whorehouse which almost made me wonder if he kept her alive awhile as a prisoner and if by chance he did with the others. For all we know whoever killed peachs owns a tattoo machine and knocked out a super fast peach as a coverup of his iniatls. I say that merely because of how fresh it is seeming and how no good artist would do any cover up so bad and with such light ink. Cause he could have lost his temper and killed her but like it's been said he could easily hide that part of her skin if he was worried. One other idea for the markings is IF those are letters covered up then maybe the person did a bad job and chewed up the skin resulting in it still seeming viewable. Or the design isn't any cover up but the artist chewed the skin with the machine causing what scarred weird and looks bumpy. Anyone's familiar with tattoos or even just ink master probably knows the term. It just feels like why tell the public about but the tattoo but not mention the letters if they've believe it is a coverup? Surely they woulsnt be blind or not care cause if her likely profession and possible drug use? I still feel the news could post the fabric and maybe get a lead or maybe make a fb page to share asking anyone if they recognize the fabric or tattoo or jewelry now that the case has nkre attention

Interesting theories, however for me it just doesn't fit, why tattoo one person, but completely mutilate another? The calls also belonged to the GB4 group, I'm assuming you think all the bodies could belong to one killer?

From someone not from the US, I think the tattoo could be something as simple as she's originally from Atlanta, the drop signifies Atlanta Drop, something she enjoyed in the past. But done by a bad artist, it doesn't look that fresh to me, there would have been an element of scarring no? To get the drop you must have to take a bite, right? It's just a theory. The letters may or may not be letters, could just be coincidental shading. I can't find anything to tie down TB? to Atlanta or Georgia
I agree, I think this is venturing off the rails... but oranges don't have the separation that reminds me of a butt for lack of a better way to describe it or an apricot. I think definitely a peach. Not sure that spending a lot of time on what kind of fruit it is or is not will shed much light on finding her killer or who she is.. i was looking/searching for any female that could be in the timeline with tattoos -especially where hers was located, and then in the details keep your mind open to other similar fruits to the Peach on the missing... JMO as well...

Yea it is like a butt hence why te uses for one with the emoji but I don't think the tattoo is that important except for finding out where it was done for sure to hopefully find a lead that way. I do believe apricots can have a line in them just not as dark but then again maybe that part was meant to be a shadow... I think the best thing we could do is somehow get the jewelry and fabric and tattoo out to the public more. Even by making some website with just that info directing people to this thread with tips and then everyone sharing it on fb and twitter etc someone has to be missing this lady or kid(even more so if they know the kid exists) unless her family doesn't live in the country or is also dead. The police it feels haven't done enough to show the public more because someone must know the fabric. Also another idea is someone posting the tattoo in tattoo groups in fb and asking them to share it. While it was in the one magazine that doesn't mean someone we need to see it has saw it unless they're afraid to come forward out of fear. Who knows maybe the killer leaves threatening voicemails or has some blackmail keeping the person quiet. Or it's a cop and they feel they'll go missing if they say anything.
In Feng Shui tattoos, the peach is a symbol of immortality and/or luck in love. I'm new to this, so I'm wondering if the bite was a part of the tattoo or done after the fact? It could be a sign of taking a bite out of someones immortality/life. Lots of folks ask for chinese symbolism in tattoo parlors.
Both this and Cherries look like stripper tats to me.

Same. If I saw either tattoos I would(and I mean this in the least offensive way possible) have assumed back in the 90s that the person got around or was a dancer or prositute it's a sexual tattoo in a "sexy" spot in the least subtle way. It reminds me of this big chested girl I know who had quiet the rep in school and now and she has little flash tattoos like this because she thinks they make her look sexy when they come off as cheap to most. I think they either got them together and are their dancer names(and with how many dancers end up prosituting she may do both)or cherry is older(her tattoo is faded after all) and peaches wanted one maybe to celebrate leaving an ex or her new baby(maybe she named her Georgia) or whatever reason and loved hers and maybe she was who took her under her wing so she got the same type in the same spot. Just way newer. But if the same killer did both then the person must either have hired them and knew the other may know about him and killed both or maybe likes killing people named after fruit or worked at or attended the club. Which often they hire them from there and we think he has money and flashing cash woukd easily get one or two girls to leave with you for sex. And they'd likely use a nearby motel that's seedy and has little security(don't know if anyone looked into those) and is in a bad area. And then he could just use the pillowcase and what not from there. The suitcase(I think cherry had a suitcase involved) could be his business one even. And one thing is a lot of strippers never tell employers real names or more so back then or at seedy spots since they use their stripper name and usually give cash so maybe the place truly wouldn't know names and could get in trouble by coming forward if they weren't getting any credentials most jobs require. I just can't look past the same spots and both being fruit and how common that is with strippers at low class spots. All my high class stripper friends have nice good work done. There's also *advertiser censored* maybe they were hired for a video and it turned snuff film.
I am no expert on tattoos I am wondering why quite a few people think that Peach's tattoo is fresh?
Wondering if they are not letters at all, but possibly numbers. Looks like a bad tattoo job of the numbers 188 to me.

188 had significance in Psychic Reading - 188 Angel Number


I think if it's all numbers(I see what resemble 33 and ss in the right leaf also) I think it's gang related or an area code. So we could look into the possible ones. Maybe ones in Georgia and New York first. If I was worried someone wanted to harm me I would put my birthday and social security in mine hidden which there is the ss looking things. I believe it wouldn't have / but would use a . Between them and the thing that looked like ba.e down below could be a 84.3 maybe? Or if her daughter could be named Georgia wise she's from there or loves it there then maybe it's her birthdate hidden. I doubt at a peach but she could still hide a birthdate. If it's an orange it doesn't have the texture of the skin as much and doesn't have all the lines one without skin has but where there's the slice or bite it looks like the inside of not s peach. And doubt it's a peach bjt IRS odd that that resembles a butt and cherries resemble *advertiser censored* with nipples a but... hence my saying they look like sexual tattoos strippers or younger not women wanting to look sexy would get. But if it's an orange then those are both slot machine symbols though doubt it's related. I'm curious if the parts not found of both(is there a list of what we are missing exactly from each?) could have other tattoos or piercings since I doubt those earrings are the babies but perhaps he buried her with something of her moms... I wonder if one of them could have a prosthetic part that if we had every part we'd know the ID way faster. I feel bad saying this but the tattoos remind me of something a young women who's had a bad childhood gets not because it's meaningful bjt because they think it's sexy since people often want to try to say girls who have been molested or raped turn to stripping or *advertiser censored*(even though I don't think it's always true) they just peg me as what you'd get if you were damaged by some event at an early age and then maybe ran away from home and started dancing which would explain nobody looking for her. They likely assume she's dead from overdose or something if she had any drug issues. A runaway is the only way I don't see people looking for her and her kid. And most te known victims seem to have turned to what they're doing cause if drugs from what I read so it's not a stretch to assume maybe cherry and peaches also did. Then again the killer could be hoping we'd assume that rather than assuming it's his daughter and grandkid or wife and kid. Maybe like someone said it was mixed race but rather than it being his baby maybe it's his daughter and granddaughter. It's a stretch though but tossing around ideas could be what helps us figure it out. And like I said I think there are tattoo groups we could share the photo as well as the touches up ones to and see what they say. This is all just my opinion though
I know this thread is about the tattoo but I had a thought about the fabric. I'm not very good with this stuff but, there is an app called The TraffickCam app. It lets people post pictures of their hotel room to help police find human traffic victims. Maybe we can compare the fabric to find out what hotel is came from?
I am no expert on tattoos I am wondering why quite a few people think that Peach's tattoo is fresh?

So I will sum this best I can since I have 14 of them. Firstly it's not fades it's bright and shiny like new bjt nkt scabbed which everyone scans different but within days often. Tattoos also bleed which maybe he'd want to get rid of the fabric anyway if her tattoo bled on it. Tanning and sun cause fading and my artist has said the paler the skin the better the ink absorbs which all my friends who are mixed race or black have a hard time getting color and my artist who has this exact same skin color and is half and half always says she wishes her skin took color like mine because she's said her skin color often doesn't take ink as well and they fade quicker so how bright it is to me says New before it's faded. And another thing this same lady has shown me many tattoos of people even herself that were done when she was practicing and before she knew better and how no black outline usually means little by little the color spreads to a blob. So for example I have some wording I wanted in color but she made me outline it because she showed me what blue and reds look like when they start to slowly spread. I have only ever not lined some purple tiny letters around my heart and they've faded and spread a small amount but the bigger the thing the more ink to spread and all this leads me to think that. Because my tattoo artist who's covered in ink and has the same ethnicity and skin color always talks withvme during the many hours I've spent there and a lot of what she's told me is what led me to this. Granted she could have some wrong but she has a few tattooed without lines that are the same colors and you can tell they're bigger like imagine breaking an egg in a frying pan but then the yolk slowly spreading and no longer being perfect. So if hers did that after a year or so then this to me is new. The ink still looks freshly soaked in her skin and back then I'm guessing the techniques and machines etc weren't as good so seeing it like this after being dead so long and outdoors in a tub just is amazing to me. I guess the cherry could be new also but maybe it saw worse weather and wear. I mean I'm pretty positive if I show her this tattoo and photos of it with better quality she would say it's new. Not scan New or shedding new though. If it already healed then it's still to me only a few months new. I heal way faster so I'm not sure how everyone else is. And mine absorb ink so well I bleed ink for days on the exact same design.
In Feng Shui tattoos, the peach is a symbol of immortality and/or luck in love. I'm new to this, so I'm wondering if the bite was a part of the tattoo or done after the fact? It could be a sign of taking a bite out of someones immortality/life. Lots of folks ask for chinese symbolism in tattoo parlors.

While I don't think in my opinion it's more than a stripper name tattoo it did cross my mind that maybe the killer did the bite like he took a bite out of her since she was cut up and all.
Interesting theories, however for me it just doesn't fit, why tattoo one person, but completely mutilate another? The calls also belonged to the GB4 group, I'm assuming you think all the bodies could belong to one killer?

From someone not from the US, I think the tattoo could be something as simple as she's originally from Atlanta, the drop signifies Atlanta Drop, something she enjoyed in the past. But done by a bad artist, it doesn't look that fresh to me, there would have been an element of scarring no? To get the drop you must have to take a bite, right? It's just a theory. The letters may or may not be letters, could just be coincidental shading. I can't find anything to tie down TB? to Atlanta or Georgia
I honestly go back and forth about the one killer or multiple. If we knew zip codes in Georgia maybe we could figure out I feel the possible numbers fit any? As for the being new I have a lot of tattoos and a tattoo artist with the same skin and ethnicity and hers never look this bright after a year and she complains about it. My guess is she's from Georgia or loves Georgia or has a daughter named it so she goes by peaches(if it is one even) as a dancer and maybe her kids birthdate could be hidden. Back then getting this tattoo would be like a girl getting a tiny butterfly tramp stamp. I wrote another post going into why I don't believe it's old. I would be willing to ask my artist. My ex who is Ann artist and draws his own tattoos also didn't think it's old and since most mine and his are flat and don't look like a scar except for spots the machine chewed up we didn't think think we'd notice anything less it was except for during the school scabbing healing time. But I feel she either was kept where it couldn't get infected or it's just a few weeks old and past the time it would be. Anyway if anyone wants to post the best photos of it again I can send my tattoo lady them and ask. She's a good friend of mine so it wouldn't be weird. I'm about to take my sick self to bed before I get loopy but will send her them when I wake up. Oh one other thing the tattoo guns weren't as high tech back then so chewing of the skin likely was more common so to me this looks good for that long ago. Tattoos should feel mostly flat or somewhat raised if someone's allergic to red inks but by like brail less it was chewed up by the machine in my experaince
Dont forget to add Pike County to that list!!!
Where is like county at? Also before I pass out if this is some Orange could she be from Florida? One things for sure I'm glad I have so many tattoos cause if anyone wants to kill me they'll need to hide my torso my shoulders and arms and my left thigh since most mine are on my torso. They'd only find my feeet and right leg... and hands that is until I tattoo my fingers like planned. One other thing is she clearly didn't need to worry about hiding this tattoo like a lot of jobs may make her back then because it would be in cleavage without a shirt covering it up. I purposely got most mine where I did so I can hide them easily for photoshoots and back then people were less accepting of tattoos making me think stripper even more so. Or a just turning 18 thing. Back then as far as I know bigger pieces weren't as common but maybe I just didn't see them as much. Either way I don't know the guy who said he did the tattoos age but someone should check out when he became shop owner and where he worked as an apprentice and if he ever traveled shop to shop which if so was he in any other cities suspected lisk stuff happened?
My other tattoo artist he would go travel to other shops in other cities and he often gets guest spots like most shops do where someone comes and works there for however long. Most my friends who do tattoos stayed at the shop of the master they learned from but no clue about this dude but for all we know maybe he's done guest spots and traveled. It wouldn't be what anyone would suspect the lisk guy to do and even if it wasn't that dude it's still another job someone could travel and do.
This is Capri Lynbrook Motel. It's known for drugs and prostitution.


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