Toddler's Mother/Peaches/Jane Doe #3

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The details in this poster are great! It looks like you took the time to find the best image of each of the items found with the victims. The information in the text is also very thorough. Thank you for all of your work putting this together. I have one minor question: why does it say "Kansas Missing and Unsolved" at the top?
Originally Posted by LClapper
So, Baby Doe was proven to be Peaches daughter through DNA, yes? Why has LE not taken the very simple steps to look for familial matches? Take raw DNA data and uploading to a site like GEDMatch, for example.... it would take some time to sort through the matches but you never know, there could be someone as close as a 1st or 2nd cousin and really, it's fairly simple follow a family tree.

deedee21 "This is a great idea".

It is not so easy to do familial DNA. It's a great tool. However it is not a perfect science yet and there are legalities involves.

Current forms of familial DNA searches work only with men. This is because techniques in common use to determine exact familial relations involve analysis of similarities on the Y chromosome. Familial DNA searches as we know them today do not identify exact relatives of a female DNA sample, or female relatives of a male DNA sample.

While law enforcement may see familial DNA searches as a powerful new tool to track down suspected criminals, civil liberties advocates have criticized familial DNA searches as an invasion of privacy. They argue that familial DNA searching encroaches on the privacy of the relatives of those DNA has been collected through the penal system system, in violation of the Fourth Amendment;s protection against unreasonable searches.

Currently, it is difficult to establish exactly which law enforcement agencies use familial DNA searches. Many states have not formally adopted procedures to allow or ban familial searches.

Only a limited number of states explicitly allow law enforcement officials to use familial DNA searches. Of these states, even fewer have issued public proclamations regarding familial searches. The policies in place in many states remain either unwritten or written in internal laboratory manuals.

At least one state, Maryland, has statutorily banned the use of familial DNA searches.

The few states which have officially allowed familial searches vary widely on the conditions in which familial DNA searches may be performed. For example, California officially allows familial DNA searches in investigations of major violent crimes in which the public faces safety risks and in which all other investigative avenues have proven fruitless. Colorado, on the other hand, has allowed familial searches to aid the investigation of lesser, non-violent crimes.

The GOOD NEWS IS JUST a couple weeks ago in NEW YORK STATE thanks to the Vetrano family the senate passed a bill to use Familial DNA.
My 26 year old niece was missing for 14 months, body found in the
Maybe we need to check the missing people in Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago and Puerto Rico directly to the country agencies for missing girls in 1995.1996 and 1997.

Funny you say this as I was watching something about the caribbean community in NY and it made me wonder if Peaches is from that community. I have wondered for a while, but it brought it back up. I believe I checked already, but only via interpol.
Been following the LISK story since it broke in 2010. I was unaware until browsing this thread that a connection between Peaches and the Gilgo remains had been made. It interests me because I grew up only a few hundred yards from the location where the first remains were found. I was in High School and I remember it very well as we always hung out in the park. I know the exact spot where the Rubbermaid bin was found. Its at the bottom of a slight incline off the side of the road in a heavily wooded area that is only a few hundred feet from a very heavily trafficked part of the park. Its no wonder that in late June the bin was found within a few days of being dumped. From knowing both Hempstead Lake Park and Jones/Gilgo Beach very well, I find the manner in which Peaches and Baby Doe were disposed of either very sloppy or very bold. For one, the Hempstead Lake location is on a winding wooded road just off the Southern State Parkway that has fairly decent traffic and is only a few hundred yards past a State Park police station. The killer would have pulled off Exit 18 and driven right past the station house. After pulling around a hard bend in the road he pulled over, got out, picked up the bin and dropped it in the woods at the bottom of the decline at the side of the road. Maybe a ten foot drop at most. The parks police could have pulled around the bend at any moment. 200 yards up the road is Peninnsula Blvd., a heavily trafficked road. He likely would have only had a minute or two at most before a car came from either direction down Lakeside drive, even at 3 AM. Then its a 15-20 minute drive back to the parkway, to the meadowbrook or Wantagh parkway and down to Jones Beach if he indeed did enter the park at the western end which would make the most sense for times sake. Once on Jones Beach if further remains were then deposited in the location they were found in 2011, it would have been an equally bold place to do so. The area is right next to Zach's Bay which is a popular overnight docking spot where people basically drop anchor, party all night and sleep in their boats in the quiet little cove. Whats more this area is well lit and in full view of the brightly lit Jones Beach Amphitheater which is probably the most high profile area of the park and the spot most likely to run into police patrols. Whats more, I looked it up, and if they estimate that Peaches was killed within 3 days of the discovery of her Torso (Jun 28th, 1997), Lynard Skynard played the amphitheater on Thursday night June 26th. There would have been a lot of people anchored in the bay listening to the show, tons of cars leaving the amphitheater well after midnight and loads of cops and security in the area. Its like this 20-25 nights a year in the summer, its amazing that the remains could just lay there yards off the road in the brush for 15 years without being discovered. Again, an extremely risky and bold place to dump body parts. The location of Baby Doe's remains would have also been in a risky location as well, only about 60 seconds or so shy of the Robert Moses bridge where any number of people could come off the bridge at a high rate of speed and be upon you within 45-60 seconds. A car pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of the night would surely attract attention. The Gilgo location further west is far more desolate and has a straight line of sight that would allow one to see approaching headlights probably a mile ahead in either direction giving someone far more time to know whether the coast was clear. I don't know if the murders are related, but I tend to think the killer is either very bold, almost reckless, or this was their first go around and were just sloppy and nervous. I tend to think the newer bodies have no relation to these earlier remains. But who knows, maybe the killer became more cautious over the years.
Funny you say this as I was watching something about the caribbean community in NY and it made me wonder if Peaches is from that community. I have wondered for a while, but it brought it back up. I believe I checked already, but only via interpol.

Interpol is so out of date I saw 3 people on there whose cases have been long solved. I would also throw Dominican Republic into that mix and Bahamas. Interpol is useless.
Been following the LISK story since it broke in 2010. I was unaware until browsing this thread that a connection between Peaches and the Gilgo remains had been made. It interests me because I grew up only a few hundred yards from the location where the first remains were found. I was in High School and I remember it very well as we always hung out in the park. I know the exact spot where the Rubbermaid bin was found. Its at the bottom of a slight incline off the side of the road in a heavily wooded area that is only a few hundred feet from a very heavily trafficked part of the park. Its no wonder that in late June the bin was found within a few days of being dumped. From knowing both Hempstead Lake Park and Jones/Gilgo Beach very well, I find the manner in which Peaches and Baby Doe were disposed of either very sloppy or very bold. For one, the Hempstead Lake location is on a winding wooded road just off the Southern State Parkway that has fairly decent traffic and is only a few hundred yards past a State Park police station. The killer would have pulled off Exit 18 and driven right past the station house. After pulling around a hard bend in the road he pulled over, got out, picked up the bin and dropped it in the woods at the bottom of the decline at the side of the road. Maybe a ten foot drop at most. The parks police could have pulled around the bend at any moment. 200 yards up the road is Peninnsula Blvd., a heavily trafficked road. He likely would have only had a minute or two at most before a car came from either direction down Lakeside drive, even at 3 AM. Then its a 15-20 minute drive back to the parkway, to the meadowbrook or Wantagh parkway and down to Jones Beach if he indeed did enter the park at the western end which would make the most sense for times sake. Once on Jones Beach if further remains were then deposited in the location they were found in 2011, it would have been an equally bold place to do so. The area is right next to Zach's Bay which is a popular overnight docking spot where people basically drop anchor, party all night and sleep in their boats in the quiet little cove. Whats more this area is well lit and in full view of the brightly lit Jones Beach Amphitheater which is probably the most high profile area of the park and the spot most likely to run into police patrols. Whats more, I looked it up, and if they estimate that Peaches was killed within 3 days of the discovery of her Torso (Jun 28th, 1997), Lynard Skynard played the amphitheater on Thursday night June 26th. There would have been a lot of people anchored in the bay listening to the show, tons of cars leaving the amphitheater well after midnight and loads of cops and security in the area. Its like this 20-25 nights a year in the summer, its amazing that the remains could just lay there yards off the road in the brush for 15 years without being discovered. Again, an extremely risky and bold place to dump body parts. The location of Baby Doe's remains would have also been in a risky location as well, only about 60 seconds or so shy of the Robert Moses bridge where any number of people could come off the bridge at a high rate of speed and be upon you within 45-60 seconds. A car pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of the night would surely attract attention. The Gilgo location further west is far more desolate and has a straight line of sight that would allow one to see approaching headlights probably a mile ahead in either direction giving someone far more time to know whether the coast was clear. I don't know if the murders are related, but I tend to think the killer is either very bold, almost reckless, or this was their first go around and were just sloppy and nervous. I tend to think the newer bodies have no relation to these earlier remains. But who knows, maybe the killer became more cautious over the years.

Welcome to the boards. If it was was a Police Car pulled over no one would question it, pay much attention or think twice. Police cars are always pulled off to the side of the road. State Park Police or local.
Been following the LISK story since it broke in 2010. I was unaware until browsing this thread that a connection between Peaches and the Gilgo remains had been made. It interests me because I grew up only a few hundred yards from the location where the first remains were found. I was in High School and I remember it very well as we always hung out in the park. I know the exact spot where the Rubbermaid bin was found. Its at the bottom of a slight incline off the side of the road in a heavily wooded area that is only a few hundred feet from a very heavily trafficked part of the park. Its no wonder that in late June the bin was found within a few days of being dumped. From knowing both Hempstead Lake Park and Jones/Gilgo Beach very well, I find the manner in which Peaches and Baby Doe were disposed of either very sloppy or very bold. For one, the Hempstead Lake location is on a winding wooded road just off the Southern State Parkway that has fairly decent traffic and is only a few hundred yards past a State Park police station. The killer would have pulled off Exit 18 and driven right past the station house. After pulling around a hard bend in the road he pulled over, got out, picked up the bin and dropped it in the woods at the bottom of the decline at the side of the road. Maybe a ten foot drop at most. The parks police could have pulled around the bend at any moment. 200 yards up the road is Peninnsula Blvd., a heavily trafficked road. He likely would have only had a minute or two at most before a car came from either direction down Lakeside drive, even at 3 AM. Then its a 15-20 minute drive back to the parkway, to the meadowbrook or Wantagh parkway and down to Jones Beach if he indeed did enter the park at the western end which would make the most sense for times sake. Once on Jones Beach if further remains were then deposited in the location they were found in 2011, it would have been an equally bold place to do so. The area is right next to Zach's Bay which is a popular overnight docking spot where people basically drop anchor, party all night and sleep in their boats in the quiet little cove. Whats more this area is well lit and in full view of the brightly lit Jones Beach Amphitheater which is probably the most high profile area of the park and the spot most likely to run into police patrols. Whats more, I looked it up, and if they estimate that Peaches was killed within 3 days of the discovery of her Torso (Jun 28th, 1997), Lynard Skynard played the amphitheater on Thursday night June 26th. There would have been a lot of people anchored in the bay listening to the show, tons of cars leaving the amphitheater well after midnight and loads of cops and security in the area. Its like this 20-25 nights a year in the summer, its amazing that the remains could just lay there yards off the road in the brush for 15 years without being discovered. Again, an extremely risky and bold place to dump body parts. The location of Baby Doe's remains would have also been in a risky location as well, only about 60 seconds or so shy of the Robert Moses bridge where any number of people could come off the bridge at a high rate of speed and be upon you within 45-60 seconds. A car pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of the night would surely attract attention. The Gilgo location further west is far more desolate and has a straight line of sight that would allow one to see approaching headlights probably a mile ahead in either direction giving someone far more time to know whether the coast was clear. I don't know if the murders are related, but I tend to think the killer is either very bold, almost reckless, or this was their first go around and were just sloppy and nervous. I tend to think the newer bodies have no relation to these earlier remains. But who knows, maybe the killer became more cautious over the years.

Thank you! THE BESt post in a long long time. I too feel that the SK is very very sloppy. Could you possibly pinpoint on a map the exact location where the torso was found? Why so close to the Pkway Ramp? He did the same thing with Tanya Rush. Do you remember any talk from the time when Peaches was first found?
Been following the LISK story since it broke in 2010. I was unaware until browsing this thread that a connection between Peaches and the Gilgo remains had been made. It interests me because I grew up only a few hundred yards from the location where the first remains were found. I was in High School and I remember it very well as we always hung out in the park. I know the exact spot where the Rubbermaid bin was found. Its at the bottom of a slight incline off the side of the road in a heavily wooded area that is only a few hundred feet from a very heavily trafficked part of the park. Its no wonder that in late June the bin was found within a few days of being dumped. From knowing both Hempstead Lake Park and Jones/Gilgo Beach very well, I find the manner in which Peaches and Baby Doe were disposed of either very sloppy or very bold. For one, the Hempstead Lake location is on a winding wooded road just off the Southern State Parkway that has fairly decent traffic and is only a few hundred yards past a State Park police station. The killer would have pulled off Exit 18 and driven right past the station house. After pulling around a hard bend in the road he pulled over, got out, picked up the bin and dropped it in the woods at the bottom of the decline at the side of the road. Maybe a ten foot drop at most. The parks police could have pulled around the bend at any moment. 200 yards up the road is Peninnsula Blvd., a heavily trafficked road. He likely would have only had a minute or two at most before a car came from either direction down Lakeside drive, even at 3 AM. Then its a 15-20 minute drive back to the parkway, to the meadowbrook or Wantagh parkway and down to Jones Beach if he indeed did enter the park at the western end which would make the most sense for times sake. Once on Jones Beach if further remains were then deposited in the location they were found in 2011, it would have been an equally bold place to do so. The area is right next to Zach's Bay which is a popular overnight docking spot where people basically drop anchor, party all night and sleep in their boats in the quiet little cove. Whats more this area is well lit and in full view of the brightly lit Jones Beach Amphitheater which is probably the most high profile area of the park and the spot most likely to run into police patrols. Whats more, I looked it up, and if they estimate that Peaches was killed within 3 days of the discovery of her Torso (Jun 28th, 1997), Lynard Skynard played the amphitheater on Thursday night June 26th. There would have been a lot of people anchored in the bay listening to the show, tons of cars leaving the amphitheater well after midnight and loads of cops and security in the area. Its like this 20-25 nights a year in the summer, its amazing that the remains could just lay there yards off the road in the brush for 15 years without being discovered. Again, an extremely risky and bold place to dump body parts. The location of Baby Doe's remains would have also been in a risky location as well, only about 60 seconds or so shy of the Robert Moses bridge where any number of people could come off the bridge at a high rate of speed and be upon you within 45-60 seconds. A car pulled over on the side of the road in the middle of the night would surely attract attention. The Gilgo location further west is far more desolate and has a straight line of sight that would allow one to see approaching headlights probably a mile ahead in either direction giving someone far more time to know whether the coast was clear. I don't know if the murders are related, but I tend to think the killer is either very bold, almost reckless, or this was their first go around and were just sloppy and nervous. I tend to think the newer bodies have no relation to these earlier remains. But who knows, maybe the killer became more cautious over the years.

I agree that likely the earlier remains found have no relation to the newer remains found. I think whoever left Peaches remains and left the baby off the side of a road as well was sloppy and not from the area. If he/she were from the area they would know it isn't the most optimal place to drop a body. MAYBE the killer is from Hempstead or even further like the city somewhere (Queens or Brooklyn? or as leads have also taken us CT?). I would think they would want to get rid of the largest body part first so maybe the torso is closer to where the killer is from.

The killer of Peaches and her baby, IMO, was not as organized or intelligent as LISK who left the 4 (supposedly) in burlap. I'm right there with you friend. Thank you for your post! It gives us a good local perspective on the geographic awareness of the killer.
Yes it is very outdated which is why I only try to source it if I am desperate, but it is pretty useless. Sad :( So much potential there to help chronicle and find people just going to waste.

Interpol is so out of date I saw 3 people on there whose cases have been long solved. I would also throw Dominican Republic into that mix and Bahamas. Interpol is useless.
Yes it is very outdated which is why I only try to source it if I am desperate, but it is pretty useless. Sad :( So much potential there to help chronicle and find people just going to waste.
It's a shame Daisy Chains I believe more people would have been located if more agencies were on the ball. Interpol is the biggest disgrace I have seen to date. You can be sure more people are missing than they are listing.
I will try to make a map up from Google Earth to show exactly where the bin was found, within 20-30 yeards or so. I remember seeing the news footage and knowing exactly where it was. I mean its a spot just off what is basically a long exit ramp alongside some woods. While the area looks heavily wooded on Google Earth in reality its just one small area that is dense forest, the rest is more parklike with very large old trees with big canopies which make the aerial view appear much denser than it really is. The bin was certainly dumped on the fly as he came down the road. This person wanted this torso to be doubt about it. Too many people coming through there.....within a few days it would have started to really stink so it would have been only a matter of time, weeks at most. If the guy had local knowledge of the area it would have been a good spot to make a drop as it is right off the parkway, only 90 seconds or so from the actual ramp that takes you off the Southern State parkway. At the same time, it is located literally just around a bend from a fully manned parks police station. The killer likely drove right past them just moments before he dumped the body. If you are heading west from Brooklyn or Queens and you hit the Long Island border it really strikes me as the first truly dark place you hit in Nassau County, Either he knew about it and headed there on purpose or spotted and pulled off thinking more opportunistically.

Correct me if I am wrong, but i do not think that the head was ever found. If I was a betting man, and this killer was somewhat nervous or haphazard, likely coming from Queens or the Bronx to Long Island looking for more open space to dump, I would be looking in Valley Stream State Park which is just a few moments past the City Line into Nassau County. Its another large dark wooded area. The only downside to it is that it doesnt have a road pulling through it that brings less attention to your car. You would have to pull into a large parking lot, park and get out to find a good spot to leave a body. If a parks police car pulls in, your as good as dead. They are coming over to see what you are up to. Its possible that he may have pulled in, realized this, got back on the parkway and then spotted Hempstead lake 3-4 minutes later up the road and took advantage of the "better" conditions.

As far as my recollections of when it happened, to be honest people were kind of freaked out, but not overly freaked out. Hempstead Lake is a big dark place with lots of winding trails and quiet areas. When we were kids it was always said that satanists were in the park doing strange rituals (not joking) and you did see some shady things written on walls and scratched into trees etc. etc. People were more like "wow thats crazy, but not totally shocking". I think the consensus was that someone from Hempstead was murdered and dumped in the park. Since the body was African American and Hempstead was at the time largely African American, it was just assumed to be some sort of drug related killing and dumping as I recall. I dont think anyone ever brought up serial killer or "satanists" or anything out of the ordinary. But I recall it being fairly big news for a while, but truth be told it never stopped any of us from hanging out in the park. I think we all thought it was just an isolated incident.
I will try to make a map up from Google Earth to show exactly where the bin was found, within 20-30 yeards or so. I remember seeing the news footage and knowing exactly where it was. I mean its a spot just off what is basically a long exit ramp alongside some woods. While the area looks heavily wooded on Google Earth in reality its just one small area that is dense forest, the rest is more parklike with very large old trees with big canopies which make the aerial view appear much denser than it really is. The bin was certainly dumped on the fly as he came down the road. This person wanted this torso to be doubt about it. Too many people coming through there.....within a few days it would have started to really stink so it would have been only a matter of time, weeks at most. If the guy had local knowledge of the area it would have been a good spot to make a drop as it is right off the parkway, only 90 seconds or so from the actual ramp that takes you off the Southern State parkway. At the same time, it is located literally just around a bend from a fully manned parks police station. The killer likely drove right past them just moments before he dumped the body. If you are heading west from Brooklyn or Queens and you hit the Long Island border it really strikes me as the first truly dark place you hit in Nassau County, Either he knew about it and headed there on purpose or spotted and pulled off thinking more opportunistically.

Correct me if I am wrong, but i do not think that the head was ever found. If I was a betting man, and this killer was somewhat nervous or haphazard, likely coming from Queens or the Bronx to Long Island looking for more open space to dump, I would be looking in Valley Stream State Park which is just a few moments past the City Line into Nassau County. Its another large dark wooded area. The only downside to it is that it doesnt have a road pulling through it that brings less attention to your car. You would have to pull into a large parking lot, park and get out to find a good spot to leave a body. If a parks police car pulls in, your as good as dead. They are coming over to see what you are up to. Its possible that he may have pulled in, realized this, got back on the parkway and then spotted Hempstead lake 3-4 minutes later up the road and took advantage of the "better" conditions.

As far as my recollections of when it happened, to be honest people were kind of freaked out, but not overly freaked out. Hempstead Lake is a big dark place with lots of winding trails and quiet areas. When we were kids it was always said that satanists were in the park doing strange rituals (not joking) and you did see some shady things written on walls and scratched into trees etc. etc. People were more like "wow thats crazy, but not totally shocking". I think the consensus was that someone from Hempstead was murdered and dumped in the park. Since the body was African American and Hempstead was at the time largely African American, it was just assumed to be some sort of drug related killing and dumping as I recall. I dont think anyone ever brought up serial killer or "satanists" or anything out of the ordinary. But I recall it being fairly big news for a while, but truth be told it never stopped any of us from hanging out in the park. I think we all thought it was just an isolated incident.

Thank you for all the info, it's great! I'm not convinced that he dumped the torso there because he wanted it to be found though. The way you described it, it sounds like this was a place where he could dump the Rubbermaid container and then get the hell out of there. I don't think it's that he wanted it to be found, it's just that he didn't know a better spot where a torso in a Rubbermaid could be dumped without getting caught. We don't know where FI Jane's torso is, but the next torso found wasn't dumped in Manorville for another 3 years. I think the main concern was dumping the torso without getting caught, and since the baby and the exteriors were separated even if the torso was found quickly there was atleast a small amount of countermeasure to slow the id.

Why did he chose the Rubbermaid? Why didn't he remove the peach tattoo? Maybe because he had bigger problems with the baby and all. Perhaps he didn't dump the torso on the Parkway because he wanted more distance from the child.
Howdy all! I'm new here but have been following the case pretty extensively for the last few years now and only recently registered with the site to weigh in/find some answers. On the subject of "Peaches" peach tattoo. A little background first, I am a former body modification artist a.k.a I was a piercer in the 90's and have worked in multiple tattoo shops and have spent countless hours chewing the ears off various tattoo artists. I also have a few days worth of ink on me so I know the process pretty intimately. I've even done one or two my self as well, that were tiny horrible and immediately fixed by a pro so no hate please!

MHO on the tattoo. It's not amazing quality, if you look at the black outline it changes in thickness meaning the artist didn't use an even flow of ink or pressure and it results in uneven ink deposition in the skin. The shading or shadows should be smooth and even not look like squiggle lines. I have to assume since you cannot see more skin it's about 2" in diameter? Meaning it's pretty smallish for a tattoo.

That all being said leads me to believe with 99.99% of my being you are all seeing letters that really do not exist in that leaf. If we go on the basis that is a small tattoo of around 2" the lettering would be well under 1 cm a letter which would either require a single needle styled tattoo which this is not. Single needle are usually only done by pros and have super fine details and sometimes a sketchy pencil line drawing style to them. Not like this piece which would be more of a traditional styled piece of possible flash (pre drawn off the wall of a tattoo shop or out of a book). Plus the skill needed to bang out text that small and not have it blowout (which is where ink spreads under the skin unevenly like in the outline)is not shown here in this piece. Were those letters done by someone with enough skill to get them that small and survive would have done a better job at either hiding them in the design or making them visible. Also if it was some kind of pimp's marking (which unfortunately I have seen a few done) are usually pretty obvious. It's a big symbol or lettering which is clearly readable.

I love the effort you guys put in but I think all the Photoshop on the leaf is a dead end. Tattoo artists wanna make it big so they can do it better and get paid more. Someone who made those kind of blowouts on the outline could noway use an edge and get letters that small and still readable after a heal, ink spreads with every one on every piece unless you are dead then it happens faster.
Actually I mispoke, I dont think he wanted the body to be found...I think it was the work of a nervous individual with a slight knowledge of the area. I think he saw a dark area and pulled off. When you first get off the ramp you see a long dark straight away. Except he would have seen lights up ahead, pulling further up he would have seen the ranger station and then driven past it. It must have really spooked him because he pulled over just a few moments later on the side of a wide open straight road and threw the bin out and down the incline. There is a shoulder there to pull over. I think the guy was panicked. He throws the bin, and gets the hell out of there. I would imagine he disposed of the head first. Its probably the most personal item that would freak an inexperienced killer out the most. I would be curious to see if any un ID'd decapitated heads were found in parks in NY post June of 1996 and whether they were cross checked with this body. I threw out Valley Stream State Park as it is the first big dark wooded area one hits on the Southern State parkway in Long Island. I don't know if the police ever searched there.

I moved back to the area to raise my family a few years ago and I am off this week so I actually just hopped in the car and drove the route. Its really nuts to think that someone would dump a body in that park after passing a well lit police station where you can see lights on in the windows. I pulled over on the shoulder where the torso was found. It looks no different. A 10 foot drop off or so into a wooded area. The woods do appear a little less dense as I recall from 20 years ago. From the looks of it I dont think he knew the park that well. The denser woods only extend for about 50-100 feet from the road and then the area opens up somewhat with more spaced out trees, a bike path, a big field and a big parking lot. At night however, in the summer when the leaves made the area seems darker he probably had no clue just how close those woods were to an active area of the park. It was a rush job. He had 30 seconds and he knew it. Then he takes off and starts thinking what to do with the rest of the remains. I am starting to rethink his next move. I think he continued west on the Southern State all the way out to the Robert Moses Cswy which is a 35 minute drive or so. There are no other state parks between the area but probably saw signs for the Beach parks and headed south over the bridge. The reason I think this is that the remains of the toddler and the other Peaches remains were on the north side of the road so he would have been traveling west back towards Hempstead lake and the City. He probably pulled over as soon as he hit the Ocean Parkway and it was darker and disposed of the toddlers body as it was probably freaking him out the most like the head. Then he continues down the parkway for a bit probably passing a few cars on the way. At some point he sees the lights of the Jones Beach tower and the Amphitheater up ahead and gets spooked again and pulls over and drops some more remains. Whether it was the last of the remains is anyones guess. From there its a quick shot back up to the Southern State and back west to the City.

Personally I think this was a heat of the moment sloppy type deal probably involving all people who knew each other. Its probably the reason why no one has come forward looking for Peaches or the child for fear of reprisal. Whether they have any connection to the other Torso's found is anyone's guess. Though perhaps the killer learned from Hempstead Lake that things would not stay hidden for long there so he started dumping out by Manorville which is truly desolate, and since no one had found anything down by Gilgo/Jones, he figured that was a good spot too...and he was right for 15 years.

I'll go back and take some pics for you all for context, I didnt have time today. I wanted to look and see if there was any sort of monument down in the woods next to the road. I didn't have the time to look, though I tend to doubt it.
so when pulls over and takes out the Rubbermaid, how does he know another car isn't going to pass by? What's the visibility like to see a car coming?

can you do a screen grap of the spot on the map. The namus says in the woods behind Park ave. If your looking at the map, you see where the ss pkwy loop turn into Eagle Ave, well before it comes eagle there is thid little dead end that leads into a dirt lot with a building. The scene outside says Maintenance yard. To the right of entrance to the maintenance yard there is a dirt/grass lot where some vehicles are parked. There is a vehicle path from this lot that runs out along the Pkway.

So was the torso dumped from the maintenance yard? namus syas Lush wooded area of Hempstead Lake State Park. Remains found approximately 35 feet from the south side of Park Drive, West of the main entrance. Remains were in a plastic tub covered by plastic garbage bags.

Where is Park Drive? I can only find Park Ave, which is one street over from the Maintenance Yard. Between Park Ave and the Yard is a patch of woods. Was peaches found in this patch of woods?
View attachment Google Maps.pdf

I dont know if this shows up correct or not.

I think the park drive information is incorrect. What I recall, and what is quoted in many locations is Lakeside Drive (which could be alternatively known as Park Drive) on the western side, 200 yards or so north of Penninsula Blvd. You are looking at the north end of the park. If you see where the parkway meets exit 18, you follow the road that hugs the western side of the lake down in southern direction. On your right would be the area of the ranger station. If you follow the road south it eventually bends 90s degrees to the left to cross the southern portion of the larger lake. The body was found in the woods off the righthand side of the road.
BTW...I never knew anything about the plastic bags....If the big was located 35 feet from the road and wrapped in plastic that means he had to get out of the car, walk the bin down a fairly steep incline through heavy brush, probably trip and fall, and place the bin in the woods further from the road. Hes not throwing the bin 35 feet through the forest. This is even more stupid if that is the case This means he stopped and got out and walked down into the woods. Crazy risky. I mean its a steep enough drop off that there has been for at least 10 years at this spot, a wooden stick fence to prevent people from walking down there. This guy would definitely tripped and fallen in his haste. The only other explanation would have been to approach from the parkside, but that lot is closed at night and you have to go right past the police station to enter the lot on the other side. Not a smart move either.
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