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Tom has laid down a set of rules she has to follow while raising their baby Suri. Apparently he left the list before he started his promotional tour for "Mission: Impossible III."

First, no sugar near Suri. Katie loves sweets, especially cupcakes, but Tom is a health nut who insists that she can't even eat sugar around Suri because babies can smell it and detect it and ultimately crave it.

Second, keep the lights low. Tom believes bright lights are very harsh for the baby, so lighting must be kept to a bare minimum.

And finally -- because Tom doesn't want to overwhelm her with too many rules at once -- no loud music. And while Katie may be a fan of Coldplay, Tom insists that only classical music be played in the home. He thinks it builds the baby's creative powers and helps them with problem solving.

I heard this on the radio this morning.
Jeana (DP) said:

Tom has laid down a set of rules she has to follow while raising their baby Suri. Apparently he left the list before he started his promotional tour for "Mission: Impossible III."

First, no sugar near Suri. Katie loves sweets, especially cupcakes, but Tom is a health nut who insists that she can't even eat sugar around Suri because babies can smell it and detect it and ultimately crave it.

Second, keep the lights low. Tom believes bright lights are very harsh for the baby, so lighting must be kept to a bare minimum.

And finally -- because Tom doesn't want to overwhelm her with too many rules at once -- no loud music. And while Katie may be a fan of Coldplay, Tom insists that only classical music be played in the home. He thinks it builds the baby's creative powers and helps them with problem solving.

I heard this on the radio this morning.

:eek: Tom is SUCH an expert on everything isn't he? Too bad high school drop-outs can't be psychiatrists, ob/gyns or pediatricians. Oh, and now he is an authority on nutrition (and lighting). I would be so outta there. On top of everything else, Tom must be such a buzz-kill - absolutely no fun at all. Yuck.

eve said:
:eek: Tom is SUCH an expert on everything isn't he? Too bad high school drop-outs can't be psychiatrists, ob/gyns or pediatricians. Oh, and now he is an authority on nutrition (and lighting). I would be so outta there. On top of everything else, Tom must be such a buzz-kill - absolutely no fun at all. Yuck.

I agree, eve. What a control freak. But "The 1812 Overture" is classical music but those cannons sure are loud! :p
Again, it's the media's fault (from the Reuter's link):

"The media overexposes him, and then turns around and asks the question: 'Is he overexposed?', which is kind of ironic," Cruise spokesman Arnold Robinson told Reuters.

Who's overexposing whom? :eek: :boohoo:
julia said:
I had a friend that was there, Suri was with a Nanny at the hotel there. Or so I was told.

Has anyone actually seen Suri? His apologist/bidding Scientology friends don't count.

Still no pictures today?
shopper said:
Has anyone actually seen Suri? His apologist/bidding Scientology friends don't count.

Still no pictures today?

The flashbulb would probably be forbidden by Tom. :rolleyes:

eve said:
The flashbulb would probably be forbidden by Tom. :rolleyes:


You know, it must suck to be Tom. When you are a control freak such as he, your life has to be miserable because try as he might, he can't control the world. There will always be something to give someone like him angst.

I've known people like that and they are the most miserable people, trying to control everything in their life. Some things you can control but not everything and especially other people and what they do/think/feel.

But I don't feel sorry for him, or Katie. Only Suri, if she even exists.
eve said:
:eek: Tom is SUCH an expert on everything isn't he? Too bad high school drop-outs can't be psychiatrists, ob/gyns or pediatricians. Oh, and now he is an authority on nutrition (and lighting). I would be so outta there. On top of everything else, Tom must be such a buzz-kill - absolutely no fun at all. Yuck.

You're all right on the money !!! and Tinytom's such a hypocrite ! I can only imagine all the noise, fumes, and crap (I'm not a fan, sorry) on the set of his movie - yet little wifey and baby have to abide by HIS rules. Grrrrrr. I just fear that MI: 4 will be wifey's trials of trying to get away from this couch ape !!!!!

Okay, supposedly Tom will be on Ellen's show tomorrow with pictures of "Suri". Whether or not it's really her, who knows. So you sleuthers that watch, keep your eyes glued to that t.v. and see if she resembles her parents.

Personally, my opinion is that it's just some other baby's pictures he's gotten ahold of. I still think if the child existed he'd already had a photo-op in People or some other magazine or have been seen out in public with her for the paparazzi to snap.
Floh said:
I slipped this into the last thread and just so as it doesn't get lost:

Cruise spokesman denies special shoes

Either Tom Cruise has grown two inches, Katie Holmes has shrunk two inches, or those were special shoes Cruise was wearing the other night.

apparently there are lots of ways to disguise 'lifts'.

maybe he'll enourage Holmes to have a 'Leg shortening' operation before their wedding? i actually wouldn't put it past him . . .
Yes, but doesn't Scientology have a program to shrink legs?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He's delusional!

Cruise wants to play a superhero

Tom Cruise is apparently interested in starring in the latest Hollywood comic book adaptation, Iron Man.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Wiping my eyes from tears of laughter at the very idea. poor ol' sot hasn't a clue people will not be interested in his interpretation of a superhero. he already thinks of himself as a real-life superhero and doesn't appear to notice people don't think he is.
And another thing:

Fairly damning, to have George Lucas blast yer film, isn't it! :p

Lucas to Cruise: MI3's boring

Star Wars creator George Lucas has blasted the Tom Cruise action movie Mission: Impossible III as boring and says that the upcoming Indiana Jones 4 will steer clear of relentless stunts.

I suppose this mean Lucas and Cruise won't have a project together in the future, then?

looking forward to a new Indiana Jones, personally. :)
I dont know aobut you guys but when I picture a super hero hes always 3 feet! Just cant WAit to see it! (dripping with sarcasim)
robinparten said:
Apparently, Katie's parents had to wait two weeks to see the baby, when Tom could be there to supervise.,2933,195180,00.html

Thanks for the link robin! This is horrible. This is their daughter and granddaughter. Who in the h@ll does Tom Cruise think he is, God????? I do blame "Kate" as well. She's an adult and should not allow herself, Suri, or her parents to be treated this way.

I have to believe that Katie and Tom have some sort of legal agreement going on around Suri's guardianship similiar to Michael Jackson's. Why else would she allow his mother and sisters to be at the delivery and not her own mother????

Wake up and smell the coffee you stupid girl. Take your baby and run. He's made a baby making zombie out of you!!!
So sad they had to be invited. I really think most grandparents, especially parents of the mother, would just show up.
NewMom2003 said:
Thanks for the link robin! This is horrible. This is their daughter and granddaughter. Who in the h@ll does Tom Cruise think he is, God????? I do blame "Kate" as well. She's an adult and should not allow herself, Suri, or her parents to be treated this way.

I have to believe that Katie and Tom have some sort of legal agreement going on around Suri's guardianship similiar to Michael Jackson's. Why else would she allow his mother and sisters to be at the delivery and not her own mother????

Wake up and smell the coffee you stupid girl. Take your baby and run. He's made a baby making zombie out of you!!!

I saw Cruise on the Tonight Show last night. Jay was oh-so deferential with him and I noticed every time he mentioned Cruise's fiancee, he was very intentional about calling her "Kate," as was Tom. Cruise was so smug and obnoxious, as usual.

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