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"Mission: Impossible III" clung to No. 1 with a $24.5 million take during an anemic North America box office weekend that saw the Tom Cruise action film drop 49 percent from its opening weekend.

that's's such a good movie too....strange that folks (the MI fans) didn't come out to see this one...they missed a really good MI..much better than the first two, imo.....oh well, i'm glad i went to see it, lol....

maybe some of the MI fans were trying to 'make a point' at the box office, & they'll go out & rent it on DVD later...hmmm
nanandjim said:
Maybe, I'm in the minority, but I would almost just stay away if I were KatIE's parents. KatIE is a grown woman. She should have insisted that her mother be present. I know that I would feel more comfortable with my OWN MOTHER being there, not my MOTHER-IN-LAW.

I blame KatIE more than I blame Tom. She is allowing him to control every aspect of her life.

ya know, i was thinking the same thing the other day after reading an article about the birth of Suri....there's no way in hell, that my parents wouldn't have been present, unless someone cut out my tongue where i was unable to call & tell them....Katie must be a real dipchit....
close_enough said:
ya know, i was thinking the same thing the other day after reading an article about the birth of Suri....there's no way in hell, that my parents wouldn't have been present, unless someone cut out my tongue where i was unable to call & tell them....Katie must be a real dipchit....

I can NOT imagine wanting my parents present at the birth any more than i coukd imagine my mother in law being present -- good grief!

so this situation wouldn't present at my time of life, but i'm gobsmacked at the very idea.

have births become a family party now??? :eek:
The article states his mom and sisters were at the birth but I doubt that means in the room.
I think more likely at the hospital.

As for Katie's parents ...They knew their daughter was going to be due soon and they were on vaca in Florida???

I am unclear how that is not somehow their own fault?

I personally would not want his parents OR mine in the room..
FOr that matter I wouldn't want it recorded for scientolgy either..
SO who knows with these nuts???
Floh said:
I can NOT imagine wanting my parents present at the birth any more than i coukd imagine my mother in law being present -- good grief!

so this situation wouldn't present at my time of life, but i'm gobsmacked at the very idea.

have births become a family party now??? :eek:

..pretty much! :p
Amraann said:
The article states his mom and sisters were at the birth but I doubt that means in the room.
I think more likely at the hospital.

As for Katie's parents ...They knew their daughter was going to be due soon and they were on vaca in Florida???

I am unclear how that is not somehow their own fault?

I personally would not want his parents OR mine in the room..
FOr that matter I wouldn't want it recorded for scientolgy either..
SO who knows with these nuts???

i wouldn't either, but my parents were present during the birth of each of my 3 sons....they were in the waiting room, but they were present..once i was in the hospital & was in active labor, they were called....
I have mixed emotions about Cruise. We all know the claim he's 'gay,' but yet, I've not heard one scintilla of PROOF that he is! I honestly liked the man, until he went nuts on OPRAH. And don't get me started on's a cult as far as I'm concerned...BUT...I have to say I agree with CCHR's representations on Psychiatry.

I worked with CCHR a bit re: children on Schedule II drugs and I have nothing but the utmost respect for that organization. Many, many M.D.'s, therapists, etc. who do great work with CCHR are NOT Scientologists (including Dr. Fred Baughman. Personally, I feel drugs may help those that truly need them, but far too many adults and children are being prescribed drugs which are harmful and can sometimes even cause death. I learned a lot when I spoke to CCHR re: Schedule II drugs and witnessed myself what harm they did to our own son. But that's a whole 'nuther story...)

As far as Cruise's beliefs in Scientology, why should I care? As long as he's not hurting others, as long as he's not breaking any sort of other words, as long as he lives life as a decent human being, I don't CARE whatever else he may believe in. If he wants to believe in flying saucers and aliens, so what?

Cruise made a huge mistake in his appearance with Matt Lauer. Cruise certainly was not the best spokesperson to speak out against the dangers of prescription drugs and the field of psychiatry. There are plenty of qualified people who CAN speak out articulately and intelligently re: the issue of psychiatry and drugs, but Cruise isn't one of them. Instead, he came off as being smug, arrogant and a huge know it all. He has an ego the size of a barn and scored absolutely no points whatsoever with his spiel with Matt Lauer. That's too bad...because I would have loved to have seen a sound, intelligent debate on that topic, but it didn't happen. Lauer got the best of Tom and Tom's ego prevented him from speaking eloquently on that topic.

Katie is a big far as I can tell, she's fairly intelligent and seems happy enough. If she isn't...well, that's for her to figure out. For now, she's laughing me all the way to the bank...she has a guy that dotes on her (apparently) hand and foot, and has a beautiful baby girl. She's not going to get much of a pity party from me.

If, later on, Katie decides she's had enough, then I hope she has the good sense to get out. If she's truly happy...then who are we to say she's not? I don't think she's reading much of the press on herself and Tom these days, anyway. What's that saying amongst celebrities, etc...don't read any of your press...good or bad, because you may start believing it.

For now...jmho...I hope that Tom treats Katie with respect and dignity and hope that Katie is happy with her new life. If she's truly happy, then she's got it made. She seemingly has a fiance who loves her, she has a beautiful baby girl and is living in a beautiful home with anything she could ever possibly want. We should all be so lucky...
Kim Ii said:
For now...jmho...I hope that Tom treats Katie with respect and dignity and hope that Katie is happy with her new life. If she's truly happy, then she's got it made. She seemingly has a fiance who loves her, she has a beautiful baby girl and is living in a beautiful home with anything she could ever possibly want. We should all be so lucky...
For arguments sake...let's say that Cruise REALLY DOES love Katie to pieces. If being with him meant that I had to change my NAME, change my RELIGION, limit my CAREER, and follow HOUSE RULES while he was away on business???? Well then, I just hope that I NEVER get THAT lucky.
<<Cruise certainly was not the best spokesperson to speak out against the dangers of prescription drugs and the field of psychiatry>>

You got that right, he didn't even finish high school...just who is he to say ANYTHING about psychiatry!
In Australia we have a name for people like Cruise, we call them wankers lol

<<That's too bad...because I would have loved to have seen a sound, intelligent debate on that topic, but it didn't happen>>

There was never going to be a sound, intelligent debate...Cruise knows absolutely nothing about psychiatry besides what his loopy cult has told him....he is in no way shape or form any kind of an expert.
deandaniellws said:
For arguments sake...let's say that Cruise REALY DOES love Katie to pieces. If being with him meant that I had to change my NAME, change my RELIGION, limit my CAREER, and follow HOUSE RULES while my he was away on business???? Well then, I just hope that I NEVER get THAT lucky.

SO, SO true!! I feel exactly like you do.
If being with him meant that I had to change my NAME, change my RELIGION, limit my CAREER, and follow HOUSE RULES while my he was away on business???? Well then, I just hope that I NEVER get THAT lucky.
And don't let's leave off "and never leave home without a score of Scientology bodyguards".
Um, guys...Katie, or shall I say, "Kate," IS A GROWNUP. I don't think Tom Cruise pointed a gun to her head and told her she HAD to do anything. She has CHOSEN to be in a relationship with him! If she didn't want to explore Scientology, much less become a follower, she could have PASSED.

Some of you are making an awful lot of assumptions, here! How do any of you know for a fact what is and what isn't, in this relationship? Because you read something in a rag?

Katie Holmes has chosen her life...she has chosen to be with Tom Cruise. I don't think she really gives a hoot what the rest of the world may feel about her choice. If this news about her parents not being able to see her baby is true, then she'll have to deal with that and the consequences. But that's HER business...not anyone else's.

I used to work for an entertainment law firm. I KNOW that a lot of what is PR and put into rags, etc., is totally, utterly FALSE. For instance, one major magazine stated, on its front cover no less, that it was the FIRST to hear about a major actor's (at the time) marriage. That was untrue...actually my boss and I knew before ANYONE else did, because we prepared the prenups and paperwork prior to the marriage. I had a good laugh over that one.

I knew a lot of things about 'celebs' during those days, but I upheld the confidentialities I needed to, to keep my job. The entertainment industry is ALL ABOUT's about $$ and what sells, and what doesn't sell.

Honestly, you cannot believe everything you read in print...good OR bad.

Katie Holmes sure doesn't look unhappy to me. I hope she and Tom have a great life together, but if they don't end up marrying, then they don't.

I hope Tom has learned his lesson in the PR area...he was far too loose and glib when he shouldn't have been and now it's costing him big time at the box office. I'll bet he'll be reigning himself in from now on...
I believe at first she was starstruck then got suckered in. She is wacko. Who would stay with a man that nuts?
I think it is to late for damage control for little Tommy. He really stepped on some toes when he put Brook Shields down for taking antidepressants after her baby was born. He talked about something that he knows nothing about and he forgot that there are many many people in this world that take antidepressants....people that need them. And it wasn't just new mothers who had "new baby blues" either. Before that I hadn't really thought of Tom Cruise one way or the other. I liked his earlier movies and thought him and Nicole had a good marriage and that was about it. When I witnessed his know it all attitude about antidepressants and counseling that was enough for me. I wouldn't watch one of his movies if it was loaned to me. I take Zoloft every day and have for a long time and regardless of what little Tommy thinks it is what has kept me on this earth and not under it. I just have no respect for the guy. Maybe I should contact Tom Kat and ask him what I should do about PTSD. Maybe he has a magic formula for that too.

It's a dangerous thing to be in a relationship with someone who always has to be in control. Control has nothing to do with love. It's sad for Katie's parents that she allows them to be treated like little Tommy treats them. It would have been a cold day that my parents weren't wanted at the hospital yet his mother and sisters who are not related to me were allowed to come and wait for the birth. She obviously doesn't have the guts to stand up to him or else she is still in the "Tommy knows best" mode. This guy even has to be in control when he isn't there.....the list of rules. Maybe Katie is happy with the way things are between her and little Tommy. Some women like a guy that just takes over and runs their lives. I guess that is love to them. Maybe she will get a clue someday and discover that she is a seperate person from him...who knows. That is her problem. I just feel sorry for that baby and the way it is going to be raised.....with an overbearing...manic...idiot..egotistical father.
deandaniellws said:
For arguments sake...let's say that Cruise REALLY DOES love Katie to pieces. If being with him meant that I had to change my NAME, change my RELIGION, limit my CAREER, and follow HOUSE RULES while he was away on business???? Well then, I just hope that I NEVER get THAT lucky.


Don't forget house rules mean not being allowed to eat cupcakes around the infant, who might smell the sugar and crave it! Heaven forbid! Meanwhile, L. Ron Hubbard's goons apparently recommend a baby formula to supplement breast feeding and it has plenty of corn syrup in it! :waitasec: (No "sugar" in that!?)

LMAO! Just think what Tom Knowitall Cruise would have said to many of our moms who gave birth in the 50's and 60's - not unusual for them to have a smoke and a martini around an infant - even while preggers! Now I'm not advocating it, but...

I think KATE must be in some kind of a trance. She can numb herself on shopping and spending over $1200 each on 3 or 4 bassinet for awhile, but in a few years I bet she's ready for the antidepressants.

Again...(and then I'm off this topic) all are ASSUMING you KNOW what's going on in this marriage. You are assuming that what has been in print IS, in fact, TRUTH.

I cannot say enough that what you read in the news, in rags, in PEOPLE magazine, isn't always the TRUTH. I wouldn't have known just how true this is if I hadn't worked for an entertainment law firm and witnessed for myself just how the truth can become so distorted.

I'm sure there's an element of truth in some of these stories, but just how truthful and factual these stories really are, I've no idea.

Kate Holmes is a grownup woman and is seemingly capable of forming her own opinions on various issues. If her opinion re: Scientology doesn't jive with our own opinions on that subject, well...I don't think she's losing any sleep over what we all may feel about her life's choices. I'm sure she has better things to do with her time, and so do we.
Kim Ii said:
Again...(and then I'm off this topic) all are ASSUMING you KNOW what's going on in this marriage. You are assuming that what has been in print IS, in fact, TRUTH.

I cannot say enough that what you read in the news, in rags, in PEOPLE magazine, isn't always the TRUTH. I wouldn't have known just how true this is if I hadn't worked for an entertainment law firm and witnessed for myself just how the truth can become so distorted.

I'm sure there's an element of truth in some of these stories, but just how truthful and factual these stories really are, I've no idea.

Kate Holmes is a grownup woman and is seemingly capable of forming her own opinions on various issues. If her opinion re: Scientology doesn't jive with our own opinions on that subject, well...I don't think she's losing any sleep over what we all may feel about her life's choices. I'm sure she has better things to do with her time, and so do we.

I never assume anything which appears in the media is the truth!

i enjoy discussions/gossip on the internet and it's really not for you to admonish me i have better things to do! :woohoo:
Kim Ii said:
Again...(and then I'm off this topic) all are ASSUMING you KNOW what's going on in this marriage. You are assuming that what has been in print IS, in fact, TRUTH.

I cannot say enough that what you read in the news, in rags, in PEOPLE magazine, isn't always the TRUTH. I wouldn't have known just how true this is if I hadn't worked for an entertainment law firm and witnessed for myself just how the truth can become so distorted.

I'm sure there's an element of truth in some of these stories, but just how truthful and factual these stories really are, I've no idea.

Kate Holmes is a grownup woman and is seemingly capable of forming her own opinions on various issues. If her opinion re: Scientology doesn't jive with our own opinions on that subject, well...I don't think she's losing any sleep over what we all may feel about her life's choices. I'm sure she has better things to do with her time, and so do we.

I think Tom has acted like a complete a$$ for the last year. I, for one, have based my opinion of him on his actions and words--on TV. You can just watch him and listen to him and easily come to the conclusion that he has some serious problems. As for Katie, she doesn't seem capable of saying very much, so my opinion of her being either dumb or just a very controlled person is based on what I have seen and heard while she is being interviewed. I don't consider all of the articles printed about Tom to be absolutely true, but I bet there is some truth or he would be sueing like crazy.

This is just my opinion.
Kim Ii said:
Again...(and then I'm off this topic) all are ASSUMING you KNOW what's going on in this marriage. You are assuming that what has been in print IS, in fact, TRUTH.

I cannot say enough that what you read in the news, in rags, in PEOPLE magazine, isn't always the TRUTH. I wouldn't have known just how true this is if I hadn't worked for an entertainment law firm and witnessed for myself just how the truth can become so distorted.

I'm sure there's an element of truth in some of these stories, but just how truthful and factual these stories really are, I've no idea.

Kate Holmes is a grownup woman and is seemingly capable of forming her own opinions on various issues. If her opinion re: Scientology doesn't jive with our own opinions on that subject, well...I don't think she's losing any sleep over what we all may feel about her life's choices. I'm sure she has better things to do with her time, and so do we.

I don't honestly care what's going on in his marriage (although its fun to speculate). He's the one putting it all out there, so we've got that right. If he would shut up about the whole thing, none of us would have anything to say. I wish he'd just go home and stay home and leave the rest of us out of his little drama.
Floh said:
I never assume anything which appears in the media is the truth!

i enjoy discussions/gossip on the internet and it's really not for you to tell me i have better things to do! :woohoo:

I agree, Floh! Everything on this thread comes from the media, everything we discuss about celebrities has a source, maybe credible, maybe not. Unless you know the celebs personally, no other way to discuss! If someone isn't interested in dishing about them, I wonder why they would read the thread! I admit I get a kick out of it - pop culture - but my life certainly doesn't hinge on any of it. That's show biz! Entertainment!

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