Tony Lazzaro's testimony

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TL was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong girl. He cooperated with investigators completely. He realized he was in an unimaginable mess from the start that I doubt anyone that he knows has ever faced in their lives. He did the right thing from the beginning because he had absolutely nothing to hide.

I don't pretend to know him, and I don't know how I could by watching him for a couple of hours in the witness chair. He's keeping his story straight and his answers short, just as I'm sure he was advised to do.

I wish him well and hope that he will put this behind him as soon as possible. He seems like a stand-up guy (who was damn unlucky) to me.

Welcome Lynxofsd!
I am not too sure how it ended today with TL, as once I heard JB going on and on about a gun, a box cutter, a weapon...etc....I turned it off!! BECAUSE....according to JB's opening statement, Caylee had already drowned by this time.....stupid JB!!!
TL was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong girl. He cooperated with investigators completely. He realized he was in an unimaginable mess from the start that I doubt anyone that he knows has ever faced in their lives. He did the right thing from the beginning because he had absolutely nothing to hide.

I don't pretend to know him, and I don't know how I could by watching him for a couple of hours in the witness chair. He's keeping his story straight and his answers short, just as I'm sure he was advised to do.

I wish him well and hope that he will put this behind him as soon as possible. He seems like a stand-up guy (who was damn unlucky) to me.

I can't blame Tony for a bit of an attitude. He had a three week relationship with his new girlfriend, who then murdered her own child, and spent the entire next day in bed with him. Don't think they were playing Yahtsee. How must that make him feel?

Then the relationship continues for another month when all in one evening he finds out that new girlfriend is a thief, a liar, a negligant mother at the least, and maybe a cold blooded murderer.

I believe that experience would probably effect relationships for many years. Talk about issues with trust, with women...

He and his roommates all seemed very intelligent, articulate and exude a sense of promising futures.

i thought tony did well. i like tony and always had. in his interviews, he did all he could to remember anything he could. even after the first couple of interviews, he looked back at phone records and talked to friends. he did well! although, i wish he had mentioned that one of the other reasons he talked to casey on facebook was because she had on there that she was a valencia (sp?) student. i guess if he knew the whole truth (a child, no high school diploma, no collage, no job) he would have kept on movin. his courtroom mannerisms needed work but i don't think it was such a bad thing.
If anyone missed Tony on the stand, I recorded it and it is on my YouTube channel.

IMO, Tony tells it like it is and very sure of himself. Although he seems to come across as being arrogant, since I am from North Jersey, and very familiar with Long Islanders, I understand his personality and ways and telling it like it is.

Thanks so much, I missed all TonE's testimony.
He did very good, IMO........young and nervous.
This is just my opinion and that is all.

I feel that Tony Lazzaro acted cocky and arrogant. I'll be nice and stick to the rules and just say that I don't care for the young man.

However, I think he was a very uptight and nervous testifying. He tried very hard to hide his feelings as well. He's also immature, IMO. Remember those ridiculous text messages back and forth between he and the defendant and how immature they were? I didn't care for him after reading those text messages and I see that he hasn't matured or changed in any way. I just do not like him. Sorry.

And what is so darn funny about a murdered little girl? Tony laughed at times while testifying.
He came to know sweet Caylee. Why was he not sad? I just don't get it. Lee laughs also as most of us know, when he testifies. I know they are nervous and self involved but geez, Caylee was his niece. If Lee gets up on that stand and laughs, I'm gonna blow a gasket. The defendant laughing it up and chatting is expected...and I better stop there before I get into trouble.

I've just thought of this and it's kinda out of order.....
I know that when I feel nervous and upset I can get defensive sometimes. Not so much now that I'm older, but in my 20's for sure.
I also spoke very quickly when nervous and my sentences would sort of trail off at the end of the sentence.

I hope that the juror's can see through his attitude and focus on the content of what he said. That is what is really important.

The one thing that really is going to bother me is that the SA mispoke the date of the 2nd car incident (at Amscot). I could be wrong and I hope to have another view of the testimony, but I heard the SA state July instead of June. I hope someone caught this error, because as a juror I would feel confused. It's realllllllllly really important that Tony testified he hadn't even exited his jeep at Amscot and that the defendant was waiting outside of her car. For me, that's huge. Blows Beez's OS right into next week.

Dates are very important in this case. Especially when they do not match up with Baez's OS. What a mess Baez made with that dilly.

How many times has KC laughed in court and Lee and JB and even HHJP???
I think Tony did fine. I like the fact that he cooperated totally with LE. He never spoke to the media or sold his story. He never made a penny off this child's murder. Wish I could say the same for the grandparents and JB.
I thought he did fine... part was just his personality and nerves combined..
He has found himself in a position that NO one would ever in a million years expect to be in or want to be in.. I think he forgot some things.. basically cuse they mabe were somethings from a time he prefers to forget.. But i think he is trying to do the right thing... I did watch BILL SHEAFFER's remarks and He thought he well for the state....
when i get worried at all i like to listen to Bill S. as he is level headed it seems and always makes me feel more secure that their will be justice for caylee
OO and i also thing JB made a big fool out of again today.. and is gonna come off to the jury as a total jerk.. MOO
Did anyone else notice that Tony seemed a little sad when he talked about when he first met Casey. Seemed regretful. This is right after he says he thought they hit it off:

Did anyone else notice that Tony seemed a little sad when he talked about when he first met Casey. Seemed regretful. This is right after he says he thought they hit it off:


If he was sad I think it was because he was sad for Caylee and felt duped by her mother. Lets face it, this was a new relationship and you cannot possibly know anyone in 3 weeks. Everyone, no matter who you are can put up a facade for several months or even a couple years before you really know them. KC was trying to be everything to Tony and like most people he just enjoyed it and didn't question it at the time. No doubt, his life is forever changed.
If he was sad I think it was because he was sad for Caylee and felt duped by her mother. Lets face it, this was a new relationship and you cannot possibly know anyone in 3 weeks. Everyone, no matter who you are can put up a facade for several months or even a couple years before you really know them. KC was trying to be everything to Tony and like most people he just enjoyed it and didn't question it at the time. No doubt, his life is forever changed.

I kind of got the impression that he felt sad because he was duped by Casey. I imagine he really regrets having gotten mixed up with her. He might feel a bit dumb for falling for all the lies, too. :(

I don't know, I just feel really bad for the guy. He seems sweet.
I loved JB's concern for the hardship this is to Tony testifying. It was very... um... touching. He knows Tony is damaging to his client in terms of testimony and demeanor. He wants him out!

Or is his "concern" because the DT has to pay to bring him back to Florida in order to testify???? Wondering who's hardship he is worried about?
Does anyone know where I can I watch his testimony along with all the others that were after 2:00 Eastern? I had to leave and missed everything from 2:00 on.
I am looking forward to hearing more from him. Especially what took place the morning of June 14 thru the weekend. I would also like to know who was taking care of Caylee on the night of the 13th .
I would also like to know if Casey was interested in taking that trip to NY with him.
Finally got a chance to watch/listen to the video of TL's testimony. To me, he didn't come across as arrogant or cocky, just confident. I think he presented his thoughts and responses very well.

Something that I'm so impressed with is that this entire group of young people seem like very mature adults who have goals and plans and are respectful of the court.

I wouldn't be surprised if similar thoughts are going thru the A's minds as well - what could have been and should have been for their own daughter and granddaughter. JMHO.
I am looking forward to hearing more from him. Especially what took place the morning of June 14 thru the weekend. I would also like to know who was taking care of Caylee on the night of the 13th .
I would also like to know if Casey was interested in taking that trip to NY with him.

He also might be more relaxed and not come off so cocky...that is the feeling of others, not me.

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