Tony Padilla part 2

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As was eruditely pointed out, TL had nothing to gain by coming here.

That's why I'm puzzled re: the suggestions of "ulterior motives," from some folks.

What does anyone have to gain, by coming here? Except what we all have-- some pleasant company and good conversation.

No one who has a choice of talk shows is gonna come HERE, if there is a specific message to be given.

And, others who might have considered sharing some inside information with us may now have reconsidered.
I also followed the conversation while Tony was online, and was dissapointed he chose to make his final post on here. Yes, some comments were basically attacking his integrity. After a glowing reintroduction, by Tricia to the group and her assurance he could be trusted, I was surprised the members didn't recognize the value of her endorsement of Tony. I was saddened by her disappointment, as she has much more to risk than the rest of us. He has repeatedly tried to say he is about bringing the truth and clearing up false issues. I too would be insulted if my integrity and honesty were questioned. Perhaps we all could have a thread of questions for him, where the mod could submit, and he can reply to the full list instead of the live discussion. My only concern to tony is why doesn't he want to take the stand. If it means justice for Caylee, then why not?
His "perspective" was based on a VERY narrow set of circumstances and I for one do NOT accept the face value of the "niceness" that they portrayed for and to was an act for the very large gratuity he provided for Casey THUS enabling THEM not to have to attempt to come up with course they were nice. Only a complete and utter embicile would NOT be nice in those circumstances...

I don't like the As either.

But, TP's perspective is his perspective.

Example: My friends love sushi. I wouldn't touch the stuff, even before I became a vegetarian. I also don't do rodeos.

So, my friends don't invite me to sushi or to rodeos. They don't try to change my mind, or argue about it. They go together to those two activities. We do other things, together.
I also followed the conversation while Tony was online, and was dissapointed he chose to make his final post on here. Yes, some comments were basically attacking his integrity. After a glowing reintroduction, by Tricia to the group and her assurance he could be trusted, I was surprised the members didn't recognize the value of her endorsement of Tony. I was saddened by her disappointment, as she has much more to risk than the rest of us. He has repeatedly tried to say he is about bringing the truth and clearing up false issues. I too would be insulted if my integrity and honesty were questioned. Perhaps we all could have a thread of questions for him, where the mod could submit, and he can reply to the full list instead of the live discussion. My only concern to tony is why doesn't he want to take the stand. If it means justice for Caylee, then why not?

Because he can contribute to justice in his own way, and without being insulted.

We aren't all there is.
Sorry forgot to say thanks Tony and to many that did ask great questions. Just when I thought of a question, you would all ask it! (especially you late nighters...when we were all sleeping).
I was involved in all of the "extreme" posting last night and have apologized for my rants. I will miss asking Tony questions and certainly did not think he was above any other user on these boards, but also this is his thread and that he should be treat respectfully. I truly believe that we can question and state our point of views without making anyone feel uncomfortable about their point of view whether we agree with them or not. I love coming to WS and talking to everyone.
You know what would shock me?

If it turned out that KC really WAS attacked, in Blanchard Park, by Samantha's kids (The Sippy Cup Gang).

They beat her about the knees with their little plastic cups, which were weighted with tightly packed pacifiers, and bits of nappies, and bibs.

While KC was bravely fighting off this toddler onslaught, Sam stole Caylee.

The kids then hopped into their car seats, and Sam sped away.

Criminals ARE getting younger, these days!

*snort* I giggle everytime someone mentions the "sippy cup gang". Kudos to the first person who posted about them, whoever you were! :clap:
As was eruditely pointed out, TL had nothing to gain by coming here.

That's why I'm puzzled re: the suggestions of "ulterior motives," from some folks.

What does anyone have to gain, by coming here? Except what we all have-- some pleasant company and good conversation.

No one who has a choice of talk shows is gonna come HERE, if there is a specific message to be given.

And, others who might have considered sharing some inside information with us may now have reconsidered.
That is his choice alone to make and I disagree, respectfully, that he had nothing to gain by coming here. He had the same to gain as we all do, the insight of many thoughful and intelligent minds come together in a civilized (most of the time) forum...

I don't like the As either.

But, TP's perspective is his perspective.

Example: My friends love sushi. I wouldn't touch the stuff, even before I became a vegetarian. I also don't do rodeos.

So, my friends don't invite me to sushi or to rodeos. They don't try to change my mind, or argue about it. They go together to those two activities. We do other things, together.
I agree that his perspective IS his perspective and am NOT attempting to "change his mind" in the least. Ones tastes in food is an entirely different issue, to me, than what was being discussed with Tony about the Anthony's. And I did not see one single thing wrong with pointing out the glaringly obvious REASONS that he received the reception that he did with them. Of course they were nice to HIM but that does not in ANY way shape or form indicate that they ARE nice people...distinctly different set of ideas there. Of course he has a right to think what he thinks, as do we all...but when he comes here and says "Casey is a very nice girl"? Well, on those terms we MUST disagree, because although Casey may very well have SEEMED to him to be a very nice girl she is the furtherest thing from a nice girl that there is...And honestly? If he cannot also understand that there are those who do not share in his assessment of the Anthony family then why even post here? You know? There is a broader picture than just our own little "cubicle" and we must be able to discuss differing views in a respectful manner. I was NEVER disrespectful to the man myself...I was very careful NOT to be...But I certainly did not and do not and will not ever agree that "Casey is a very nice girl"...KWIM?:waitasec:
Of knowing what I have learned on here about the Anthony's, I wouldn't want to hang out with any of them. I hope that Tony comes back on here so we can ask him some more questions about his job and interactions with the Anthony's. I tend to always say please, thank you and bless her heart a lot. I know it is a south thing. Tony knew that I did not feel the same as he did about the Anthony's, but in reality, he knows them and may know what they said behind the doors and cameras.
In some ways I kind of felt like it is when a VIP is coming to visit your office, and the boss says ask intelligent questions, but don't make me look bad. How many posters get the status of "I would trust him with my life and money, and what he says can be trusted.". I haven't been here that long, but guessing that VIP title has been given to few.
Having met and spent several hours with the Anthony family and having had polite conversation with them since, I am assuming by phone?, is not "knowing" them in the conventional sense of the term. I have met and spent time with lots of people for that short of a span of time and would not begin to say that I "KNOW" them...knowing someone takes time. I think that what Tony was telling us was just what he witnessed for the very limited amount of time that he was around the Anthony's-no less and no more. I do not think he knows them any better than we do, and as a matter of opinion, I personally believe he knows them LESS than we do although he has met them "in person". I do not consider Tony an expert on the Anthony family simply because he bailed out their murdering daughter and had dinner and polite chit chat with them for one evening...there is much more to "knowing" someone than this. His take was "they were nice to me" " she is a very nice girl" "they are misunderstood" "folks are standing in line to "throw the next stone"...and ALL based on how NICE they were to him? That is a very limited context to base such a broad opinion as " everyone has misjudged the Anthony family" upon. It very well MAY be Tony, that it is YOU who has done the midjudging of the Anthony's and not EVERYONE else...:waitasec:
Thread: [ame=""]Audio of Tracy M interview Sept 18, 2008[/ame]
As was eruditely pointed out, TL had nothing to gain by coming here.

That's why I'm puzzled re: the suggestions of "ulterior motives," from some folks.

What does anyone have to gain, by coming here? Except what we all have-- some pleasant company and good conversation.

No one who has a choice of talk shows is gonna come HERE, if there is a specific message to be given.

And, others who might have considered sharing some inside information with us may now have reconsidered.
I have to say I adjusted my opinion of TP over the course of the conversations. Dialogue can do that, ya know?
That is his choice alone to make and I disagree, respectfully, that he had nothing to gain by coming here. He had the same to gain as we all do, the insight of many thoughful and intelligent minds come together in a civilized (most of the time) forum...

I agree that his perspective IS his perspective and am NOT attempting to "change his mind" in the least. Ones tastes in food is an entirely different issue, to me, than what was being discussed with Tony about the Anthony's. And I did not see one single thing wrong with pointing out the glaringly obvious REASONS that he received the reception that he did with them. Of course they were nice to HIM but that does not in ANY way shape or form indicate that they ARE nice people...distinctly different set of ideas there. Of course he has a right to think what he thinks, as do we all...but when he comes here and says "Casey is a very nice girl"? Well, on those terms we MUST disagree, because although Casey may very well have SEEMED to him to be a very nice girl she is the furtherest thing from a nice girl that there is...And honestly? If he cannot also understand that there are those who do not share in his assessment of the Anthony family then why even post here? You know? There is a broader picture than just our own little "cubicle" and we must be able to discuss differing views in a respectful manner. I was NEVER disrespectful to the man myself...I was very careful NOT to be...But I certainly did not and do not and will not ever agree that "Casey is a very nice girl"...KWIM?:waitasec:
Well, if he's read here for a year he definitely knows how many feel about the As...all of them. He gave his honest opinions...and though I may not agree with them ("How the heck can you call Casey nice?!")...have no desire to argue the obvious. (tee hee) Gosh, we did so much of that in the beginning. He was savy enough to try and stay away from that discussion later on...IMO he knows how we (not all, mind you) feel.
Hello WS :)

I wish TP would come back too because I would like him to not be mad at us at WS. I think anyone reading these threads would see that everyone, and I mean everyone involved was just doing what we do here.

Several members(including myself) posted re: the fine line between attacking the post and not the poster.


(Post #228)

TP came back and had a long chat that only a couple of members were a part of: it was very nice, he ended by saying he would be back. The next day he was back and saying he understood us, then all of a sudden he leaves. You guys said that posts were taken out, so if there was something really rude that was said: can we know what it was? If it was me who's post offended anyone I would like to know so I could defend myself as best I could. I wouldn't mind an example of what is being rude? In my mind right now I am imaging all kinds of things. I said, "At worst he is up to something and at best he is a waffler." I am not saying this again to start trouble, I am wondering if this is what is being called "attacking."

I just feel a few did reach out to clarify and my understanding is that "the powers that be" found nothing wrong. And, in those first early morning hours, neither did TP. So, again-I am confused as to what exactly upset him unless there is a post I am unaware of, which may be.

I do not think anyone did anything wrong. We are talking about the murder of a little girl. Remember, we are the "good guys." Those that are upset with those of us who were harder in our questioning of TP are right to do so. I wouldn't want it any other way. No matter how I came into WS I would want you all to feel free to state how you feel, and we feel that way but it is being said that people got really rude. I just need to understand what is rude?

When a poster came out with a certain theory, it was reviewed and accepted in the parking lot. I myself trusted the idea that the mods(whoever, I don't know who was in charge of that or anything)or Tricia or whoever wouldn't let a theory that was totally made of nonsense be a thread, even in the parking lot. I don't know, I am just saying what my train of thought through all of this was. I personally felt permission to read and comment as I was.

I wish TP would come back, I want all the WSers to be happy again. If we hurt his feelings, I do not believe that was truly anyone's intentions. I do think there are strong emotions going on here, and I don't know how to say this without sounding like I am being rude...

but TP, can't you see that all these people are good? You are so understanding re: Cindy, Casey, George...and maybe we have let our feelings of frustration that such a horrible thing can happen to a child, be vented on you. Please give us a chance to say we are sorry and explain ourselves. Give us the consideration you give so freely to the Anthony's.

You have spent more time with us. :blowkiss: I hope I am understood. I also agree with posters that "something gets lost in translation" when it comes to posts. I get done with an "opus" feeling like everyone will surely understand, and you can find that people didn't know what you meant. Not just here at WS but in life in general.

Thank you everyone. Mods, if this is offensive in any way. Please remove, of course.

I think this horse has been beaten to death.
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