Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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I also watched the show, and the part about the photo memory card I couldn't understand at all. Why didn't she take the camera and dispose of it somewhere else, far away from the crime scene? From what I know of the case, it seems LE arrested the right person. Her story of fleeing from the intruders is unbelievable. MOO

I know. DUH! Why would leave the camera at the scene? I think about what I would do if I were in her situation and maybe I am just ultra careful but one thing I certainly would not do is leave a freaking camera with the memory card still in it. Maybe because I watch crime shows, etc I am more knowledgable about what resources LE has to retain that kind of info. She certainly did not cover her tracks very well.
Thanks gaia227 for starting this thread, I saw the story a while ago and was interested in seeing it play out. Her home town is Yreka and my inlaws live there, they don't know her or her family but that alone caught my attention.

Her demeanor is so odd, she comes off as quite religious and demure, but the facts of the case and testimony from those who knew her and Travis indicate otherwise. Her story does not add up or make sense. The couple who took Travis under their wing saw many things in her that sent off alarm bells early on and she was not welcome in their home. Trial is scheduled for February 2010. I'd like to hear comments on what fellow sleuthers think her psy. profile would read like.

Court minute entries can be found here
Case History here

I think she has entitlement issues and thinks she is entitled to certain things and once she has something or someone it is HERS. She has to be first and the most special. She is manipulative, she uses her religion to try to fool people into thinking she is something she isn't. After watching the interview I believe she is a sociopath. She is completely egocentric, everything revolves around her, she is a narcissist, self-centered and I do not think she feels any remorse for what happened. I think she feels like Travis deserved it because she was not giving her what she wanted and would not bend to her will.

I don't know about her upbringing but I am going to assume she grew up with parents who had high expectations of her, were very religious and very concerned with what other people thought. I think Jodi was given most everything she wanted materialistic growing up and was instilled with strong ideas of ownership. She grew up and behaved as her parents wanted her too eventhough that was not who she really was. She became very good at masking her feelings. At some point I think she began to believe she was the person her family wanted her to be and she was able to justify or reconcile it when she did things she knew were not in accordance with her belief system. I think she was a very confused girl.

She let her guard down around Travis. She exposed herself a little more to him. When he rejected her it was a harder blow because she felt he knew HER moreso than anyone else. I think there was a part of her that was scared he would tell people about their sexual exploits, her behavior in general and she would be exposed for who she really was.

This is alll in my unexpert opinion, of course......
I think she is a sociopath and a manipulator. I wonder, if she didn't realize the camera was on the bed, when she tossed the sheets into the washing machine, which would make sense as to why it was located in the washing machine. She is definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack that's for sure. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

I found this to be a very interesting read, not sure if anyone has read it or not yet, though I thought I'd share it.

Good point about the camera being tangled in the bedding, she was after all a semi-professional photographer or had aspirations to be. Washing a camera and leaving it just did not fit. But rushing to leave a crime scene and overlooking or not being able to find it does make sense. How creepy was it that she took photos after the attack, did she intend to print them and relive the murder?

I agree with all gaia227 said in regards to sociopathy, however in reading some of the news articles, comments and blogs I am getting a sense that Travis had a few different sides to his personality as well. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to justify what I believe she did to him.
I think she is a sociopath and a manipulator. I wonder, if she didn't realize the camera was on the bed, when she tossed the sheets into the washing machine, which would make sense as to why it was located in the washing machine. She is definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack that's for sure. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

I found this to be a very interesting read, not sure if anyone has read it or not yet, though I thought I'd share it.


Your link does not work for me.
Was I hearing things or did she say, "I'm not comfortable in front of the camera and I'd rather be the one taking pictures" (or something along those lines?)

I want to say this appeared near the beginning of the show?

Anyway, that was another statement she made (or similar) that caused me to question her, in my mind. She seemed perfectly at ease being filmed (for the 48 Hours show) and apparently she didn't seem too camera smart because she could have simply taken the camera or removed the memory card. She had time to grab her purse, why not the camera or memory card?

I'm just thinking about how she escaped the 2 murderers (one's a female and the other a male) and according to her, Travis was not able to get out of there... how does that happen?

The camera being mussed up in the bed sheets is one good reason, but how did anyone have time to erase the memory card? If my memory serves correctly, LE was able to "retrieve" the images from a memory card and it led me to believe they were once erased? (Please let me know if I heard it all wrong.)

Also, the portion of the interview when she said she would rather get the death penalty vs life in prison, struck me as odd. Most people seem to proclaim their innocense?

IIRC, she only devoted herself to Travis' religion when they were together? I'm not sure she was a religious gal beforehand? I also noticed that her family, her friends, etc... didn't seem to appear on the show in her defense? Did I miss that? (It's not impossible that I would have missed parts... I may have been dozing off?)

I keep tossing it around in my head, and I still feel like she is very guilty.
She's Guilty, Guilty, Guilty

:behindbar: :gavel:
Good point about the camera being tangled in the bedding, she was after all a semi-professional photographer or had aspirations to be. Washing a camera and leaving it just did not fit. But rushing to leave a crime scene and overlooking or not being able to find it does make sense. How creepy was it that she took photos after the attack, did she intend to print them and relive the murder?

I agree with all gaia227 said in regards to sociopathy, however in reading some of the news articles, comments and blogs I am getting a sense that Travis had a few different sides to his personality as well. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to justify what I believe she did to him.

Definitely. I think so to and I think maybe that is why Jodi felt comfortable being more herself around him because she knew he had some 'dark' sides to him as well.

Did you look at his myspace page? He seemed pretty full of himself.
Was I hearing things or did she say, "I'm not comfortable in front of the camera and I'd rather be the one taking pictures" (or something along those lines?)

I want to say this appeared near the beginning of the show?

Anyway, that was another statement she made (or similar) that caused me to question her, in my mind. She seemed perfectly at ease being filmed (for the 48 Hours show) and apparently she didn't seem too camera smart because she could have simply taken the camera or removed the memory card. She had time to grab her purse, why not the camera or memory card?

I'm just thinking about how she escaped the 2 murderers (one's a female and the other a male) and according to her, Travis was not able to get out of there... how does that happen?

The camera being mussed up in the bed sheets is one good reason, but how did anyone have time to erase the memory card? If my memory serves correctly, LE was able to "retrieve" the images from a memory card and it led me to believe they were once erased? (Please let me know if I heard it all wrong.)

I keep tossing it around in my head, and I still feel like she is very guilty.


In answer to you question I think the easiest answer is because she is lying. There was no one else there, she had time to erase the pics off the memory card, she had time to turn the shower on and run it over Travis's body, she had time to throw the bedding into the wash. She was stupid to not take the memory card with her. As to why she put the camera in the washer - who knows? I think the theory it was on the bed and got thrown in with the bedding and in her frenzied state just didn't notice she left the camera behind. You weren't hearing things - the memory card was still in the camera with it erased but LE was able to retrieve the images anyway. Obviously the most damning picture being of Travis dying. There is really no way for her to explain how that picture was taken. The 2 killers went and got the camera and did it? I don't think so.

Correct me if I am mistaken but I think the camera was Travis's.
I've seen this story on 48 hours many times . . . Travis was lying to his friends . . . he was still seeing her . . . but I do believe that Jodi did kill him probably out of jealousy.
I've seen this story on 48 hours many times . . . Travis was lying to his friends . . . he was still seeing her . . . but I do believe that Jodi did kill him probably out of jealousy.

Jealousy was the only motive I could think of. It kind of sounded like their situation had turned into a "friends with benefits" kind of thing. I wonder if Travis told her that he'd met someone new or if he tried to sever the relationship completely?
Jealousy was the only motive I could think of. It kind of sounded like their situation had turned into a "friends with benefits" kind of thing. I wonder if Travis told her that he'd met someone new or if he tried to sever the relationship completely?

He had met someone new. He was planning on taking a vacation to Cancun with a another woman. Jodi claims she knew about the other girl and it didn't bother her that Travis invited her and not Jodi......mmm-hmmm, sure.
He had met someone new. He was planning on taking a vacation to Cancun with a another woman. Jodi claims she knew about the other girl and it didn't bother her that Travis invited her and not Jodi......mmm-hmmm, sure.

I kind of remember that now that you mention it. I was watching the show and was kind of drowsy. Thanks! I can't really explain it well, but Jodi's demeanor gave me the creeps. She didn't seem like the type of female who would be "okay" with Travis stepping out with another woman. (She seemed very obsessed, IMO.)

Was there anyone on the show from Jodi's family? I don't remember anyone really speaking in support of her? I don't remember if the show touched base on her family at all?
No one on Jodi's side of the family was interviewed. Several of Travis's friends and family spoke on behalf of him but no one for Jodi. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Where are her parents? Maybe they are too embarrassed.

According to Travis's friends and family they believed Jodi was stalking him and had slashed his tires twice. Travis was very relieved when the relationship ended and he felt like he could just move on and get away from her but that is not how it went. She would also show up at his house and just come in without knocking or announcing herself. I think he provoked her too though. He would answer her calls, he didn't seem to have a problem with letting her come over so they could sleep together. Bad judgement on his part- you should not encourage someone who is exhibiting the behaviors she was and unfortunately he paid for that mistake with his life. I think Travis was very attracted to her, he liked the fact she was adventurous enough to make videos with him and that is why he kept letting her back in his life.

I think Jodi knew that and she used it to feel like she had some measure of control over him. When he started seeing this other girl and was going to go away with her and things seem to be getting more serious Jodi was losing what little control she had over Travis and that caused her to lose it. IMO, of course :)
I thought it was strange too that her family has not been interviewed/shown. Her case was big enough to hit 48 hours, you would think at least one reporter would try to get a statement from her family. Have they been to visit her in jail I wonder?

Her myspace is still out there for public view unlike so many others who immediately make them private when they are brought into the spotlight. It's pretty sanitary and self-serving, she carefully created an image on that site. If you look at the comments in the photos, you'll see some from Travis that were within a couple months of the murder. Look at his comments, subtle with a sexual undertone.

It says she has two sisters and at least one brother, perhaps not from the same M/F. I would be curious to hear if they are supporting her. Personally I don't think she stands a chance in court, what reasonable doubt could be created? Anyone want to tackle that one?
Killers generally give us good reason to think of them as emotionally or physically dissheveled.

However twisted, Jodi's quiet, demure, even pious demeanor isn't just a front. Although she's obviously trying (very tardily and ineffectually) to save herself, she really doesn't feel any guilt. (If her intruders story were true, of course, she would be exuding it.) She is ever so weirdly at peace because she thinks that she and Travis are inextricably linked; she does love him and her execution of him, in her view, simply solidified their destiny. I think that feeling as I think she did, it would be quite natural to make pictures of her lover as his life dwindled away.
I think her myspace page is weird. It looks like for her interests she copied that list from somewhere else. It is all alphabetical. Alchemy is an interest of hers? Dead Sea Scrolls, Jamba Juice, Quantam Physics, Agency? Anyone else think its weird?

I don't think Jodi knows who she is. She just emulates what she sees in others. If she were around someone who was religious she is too. If she was around someone who was an Atheist then she probably would be too. She molds herself into other people's lives and tries to take on their interests and as a result she has never really developed any of her own. Except photography.......
I think her myspace page is weird. It looks like for her interests she copied that list from somewhere else. It is all alphabetical. Alchemy is an interest of hers? Dead Sea Scrolls, Jamba Juice, Quantam Physics, Agency? Anyone else think its weird?

I don't think Jodi knows who she is. She just emulates what she sees in others. If she were around someone who was religious she is too. If she was around someone who was an Atheist then she probably would be too. She molds herself into other people's lives and tries to take on their interests and as a result she has never really developed any of her own. Except photography.......

*bbm* A true sociopath.
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