Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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Point of clarification: Jodi's two new lawyers have been appointed to represent her in her effort to oblige her lead lawyer to stay on the case. They have not been permanently added to her defense team.

I would imagine that, though her chances of acquittal are slim, Jodi is eager to get the trial on, especially because she's incarcerated already.

She certainly has a lot of lawyers on her case now. I see in the minutes you posted they were setting oral arguments for yesterday. I'll have to keep my eye on the court minutes for when they appear to see if we can learn anything new. I certainly hope the trial happens in August, and not December, it's already been a long time since I originally watched this case on 48 Hours.

The judge seems resolute in her decision to keep the early August trial date. Jodi herself must have mixed feelings: Nurmi remains on the case as she wanted, but it is against his original intentions. Being incarcerated, she probably strongly wants to go to trial quickly, but her defense strategies must have been distracted by this side-battle and by several defeated motions that her defense pursued. And one wonders if we have seen the last of the assertive, head-strong defendant we saw in interviews. The trial will be interesting...
God be with those jurors who have to see autopsy & crime scene photos :(

Having lost his previous attempt to be dropped from the trial, lead defense lawyer Nurmi now reports that the Public Defender's Office has severed the connections of three other defense staff because they assume that he can no longer direct them. This odd (and ultimately canceled) edict was either [1] a clerical mistake or [2] a strange attempt to effect some sort of change I can't imagine.

In any case, I'm certain that Jodi is watching all of this with anxiety. All of these proceedings and disputes are, in several ways, distracting for her defense.
K. Nurmi still wants off the case. It appears he has gone into private practice and wants to be compensated at a reasonable rate.

THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that Mr. Nurmi recently left the Office of the Public Defender to go into private practice. Mr. Nurmi faces the unusual and challenging circumstance of building a practice at the same time that his ethical obligations require him to devote most of his attention to representing a capital defendant who is facing an imminent, firm and final trial setting. In order for Mr. Nurmi to fulfill his ethical obligations and effectively represent the Defendant, Mr. Nurmi will have to forego work pportunities necessary to build and sustain a private practice. The Office of Contract Counsel contract rate is inadequate.

IT IS ORDERED that Mr. Nurmi shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $225.00 per

Pending before this Court is the Defendant’s Motion to Preclude Witnesses Not
Interviewed by June 30, 2011.

[The judge set a court date of June 10th for oral arguments over this motion, which, to me at least, seems justifiable. I would imagine that Jodi's lawyers face an uphill battle as they attempt to counter all the forensics and circumstantial evidence. The existence of the bloody handprint and the evidence of the camera make it almost necessary for her to testify to back-up her far-fetched "Ninja" attack story. That she hasn't copped a plea would be surprising to us if we didn't already have some sense of her self-assurance.]​

The Arias defense has made a motion to see the notes of Detective Esteban Flores, the lead investigator on the Travis Alexander homicide case.

The reasons are multiple and clear: According to the 48 Hours report, Flores and his team originally posited multiple intruders and possibly a robbery at the bloody scene. (That supposition was, of course, eventually discarded because of the blood and hair fiber forensics and the discovery of the digital camera.) It was also Flores who became the recipient of leads from Travis' friends, all of which strongly pointed to Jodi. (The defense will no doubt argue that the thrust of the investigation was pushed at that point towards a single perpatrator: Jodi.)

Of course, this is a sort of "hail Mary" defense, but at this point, Jodi and her team don't have much hope.

IT IS ORDERED setting Oral Argument on the Defendant’s Motion to Compel; any and
all material related to the attempted interrogation of Matt McCartney on 05/25/2011 at 8:30 a.m. in this division.

Apparently the prosecution wants to interview Matt McCartney and the defense is attempting to learn why, either to preempt the effect of that interview or to glean whatever they can about the prosecution's case in general.

As far as I can concern, Matt was, and perhaps is, a California friend of Jodi's. Five years ago, he left a message on her FaceBook noting that she would be moving back. On Jodi's gathering of quotations (some of them bizarre: Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law." - Aleister Crowley), Jodi included this gem:

May success be yours through the discovery of your unlimited potential." - Matthew McCartney

In addition, a "Jodi" left this praise on his MySpace page:

Jodi Says I am a:"a wellspring of generosity, a little eccentric, a true friend, a living testimony of unconditional love, and an occasional jerk, but always redeems himself! =)"

To me, the prospect of an interview is fascinating because it seems quite possible that Matt would be someone who Jodi might have spoken to or even confided in before and/or after the murder.

IT IS ORDERED setting Oral Argument on the Defendant’s Motion to Compel; any and
all material related to the attempted interrogation of Matt McCartney on 05/25/2011 at 8:30 a.m. in this division.

Apparently the prosecution wants to interview Matt McCartney and the defense is attempting to learn why, either to preempt the effect of that interview or to glean whatever they can about the prosecution's case in general.

As far as I can concern, Matt was, and perhaps is, a California friend of Jodi's. Five years ago, he left a message on her FaceBook noting that she would be moving back. On Jodi's gathering of quotations (some of them bizarre: Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law." - Aleister Crowley), Jodi included this gem:

May success be yours through the discovery of your unlimited potential." - Matthew McCartney

In addition, a "Jodi" left this praise on his MySpace page:

Jodi Says I am a:"a wellspring of generosity, a little eccentric, a true friend, a living testimony of unconditional love, and an occasional jerk, but always redeems himself! =)"

To me, the prospect of an interview is fascinating because it seems quite possible that Matt would be someone who Jodi might have spoken to or even confided in before and/or after the murder.

Thank you for this update. I had read the minutes and was wondering who that Matthew guy was.

The defense obviously isn't taking the attempted interrogation of Matt very seriously; they ask and get access to all preparatory notes about the interview:

Argument is presented regarding the Motion to Compel any and all materials related to
the attempted interrogation of Matt McCartney.​
IT IS ORDERED granting the Motion with regarding to notes

This could be serious. Perhaps Jodi visited Matt in California shortly after the attack or perhaps he would have been a trusted friend (as far as I know without connections with Travis) in whom she confided. In any case, it doesn't sound like Jodi's team expects that Matt is being sought just as a general judge of her good character. It will be good to see how this develops at the trial.​
Upon agreement from the Presiding Judge and the Court, this case will be reassigned to​
Judge Stephens for Trial.

IT IS ORDERED complete copies of the [sic] of Drs. Richard Samuels and Cheryl Karp are to
be provided to Janine Demante, 3620 North 3​
rd Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85012 by 5:00 p.m. on
Discussion is held regarding the depositions of Chris and Sky Hughes.

IT IS ORDERED affirming the trial date of
08/02/2011 at 10:30 a.m. in this division.

One imagines that Travis's dear friends Chris and Sky Hughes have provided details about the Arias-Alexander relationship that the defense is eager to have excluded from the trial.
So I looked up these here Dr's they list and here's what I found.

Dr. Samuels specializes in Sexually Violent Perpetrator evaluations, Psychosexual Risk Assessments.

and Cheryl L. Karp, Ph.D. is the Vice-Chairperson for the State of Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners.

just thought I'd share... Oh and only 39 moooore days. :great:
So I looked up these here Dr's they list and here's what I found.

Dr. Samuels specializes in Sexually Violent Perpetrator evaluations, Psychosexual Risk Assessments.

and Cheryl L. Karp, Ph.D. is the Vice-Chairperson for the State of Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners.

just thought I'd share... Oh and only 39 moooore days. :great:

Hi, SheStartedIt, and thank you. I think that you nailed the defense trial strategy: They will claim that Travis attempted to sexually attack Jodi after he emerged from the shower and she fought him off, killing him in the process. They will argue that the nude photos of Jodi were his idea and that it only escalated from there. To me, this makes it much more likely that Jodi herself with testify.
Travis' brother Steven, "The judge has approved media coverage. The media will be there." on being asked if the Trial will be televised.
Travis' brother Steven, "The judge has approved media coverage. The media will be there." on being asked if the Trial will be televised.

Thanks for this information. I've been following another case through the media, and was just wondering this morning if I'd be able to follow this trial on the internet. It will be interesting to watch this and to see how this all plays out in the end.
Well, just found out today that they are having a, "Settlement Conference" on the 15th of this month.. Wonder if she's finally deciding that maybe a plea bargain might be a good idea? Although, I'd say it's a little late for that, huh?

Correct me if I'm mistaken, because I don't know all the facts.. But isn't a Settlement Conference a way of both sides coming to a mutual agreement, so that matters can be settled without going to trial?

Oh and here's the link to the court minutes:
I found this Article regarding Settlement Confererences in the Superior Court of Arizona, Maricopa County.

The judge explains that the purpose of a settlement conference is three–fold: (1) to give information to the defendant about what he or she is charged with and the sentencing range of each charge should the jury determine defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of any charge; (2) to advise defendant of the evidence the
state will introduce at the trial (typically the judge asks the prosecutor to do this as the judge is usually not that familiar with the case); and, (3) to examine the plea offered by the state, its pros and cons and ramifications to the defendant, contrasting it to the sentencing range of the charge if there is no plea and he is found guilty by a jury.

My interpretation from reading this article is that a settlement conference more or less lets the defendant know what the sentencing will be if they are found guilty, a chance to review the evidence and the plea that is offered, and to ask any questions they have. It does not appear to mean that a deal is in the works or that the defendant will accept it.
I found this Article regarding Settlement Confererences in the Superior Court of Arizona, Maricopa County.

My interpretation from reading this article is that a settlement conference more or less lets the defendant know what the sentencing will be if they are found guilty, a chance to review the evidence and the plea that is offered, and to ask any questions they have. It does not appear to mean that a deal is in the works or that the defendant will accept it.

Hi, Nobodyzgirl, and thanks for your good sleuthing. I agree with your interpretation. I'm hoping that putting both the prosecution evidence and the probable sentence on the table will give Jodi (who I am sure will be present) a cold, hard sense of the advantage of a plea deal. (I think that this is what happened in the Yale laboratory murder case involving poor Annie Le.) My only caveat is that, unlike Annie's killer, Jodi doesn't possess a strong sense of realism. The strong will evidenced in her behavior suggests that her deep belief in her exoneration will overcome any fears about the longer punishment.
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