Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

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I have to wonder how big of a part Cancun played. Would she have still killed him had he invited her instead of Mimi? Or would she have killed him knowing Mimi didn't have romantic feelings for Travis?

I think she would have killed him anyway.... Just later because, He didn't want her other than in bed and that wasn't going to change... ever!
I'd like to state first that I'm a newbie to WS's and was so excited and impressed with this forum and having been lurking everyday! Thank you all for all of your informative comments. I to believe that JA started to formulate her plan to murder TA long before she left Mesa. She was absolutely fuming that he had rejected her. Thanks to WS's...I've gleaned the following; JA steals TA's journal because it reflects the truth of their relationship. 'JA writes in her journal that Matt was in Mesa before she left the final time? and that he saw bruises around her neck and told her to get a restraining order and she said she was leaving in two days.' ( I think if there is any truth to this she could have used make-up to make it appear as if she had bruises to sucker in Matt as a witness after the fact.) It was the beginning of her diabolical plan to fabricate evidence with emails/texts/recordings and manipulate poor TA into coming to Yreka to fulfill the little red riding hood/big bad wolf fantasy! In the original trial I often wondered why she used the ridiculous excuse for the knife being readily handy for her self's because that was going to be the excuse used in her original plan... ie...we brought the knife to cut the rope for the tied to the tree fantasy...that went so terrible wrong...I knew TA was jealous/had double standards/had some anger issues but if you read my journals you will see how much I loved him and could never say no to him and I never realized just how troubled and disturbed he really was! He attacked me and thank god the knife was handy....I was only defending myself when his fantasy turned into a real life nightmare of him attacking/raping me/
Thus she believed she could kill two birds with one stone....murder him and forever tarnish his reputation. (she didn't need a gun...because somehow she had a plan to convince him to also be tied to the tree where he would be disabled, stab/kill him, stage the scene. Her plan went awry when she realized that he was not going to be lured into her plan of him coming to her.....she went into panic mode May 26/08 because her window of opportunity was closing and quickly formulated plan B which included the stolen gun to overpower him only if needed....I believe because of her rage and past M.O. she always intended to murder him using the knife and that's why I believe that the gun shot was last. There is so much more to say but I am unable to express all of it in this post. If my syntax does not make sense to some it is because I have a deficit that affects the way I write and express myself(I have been very reluctant to state my thoughts)....I work daily to overcome this very frustrating deficit but I'm not always successful. Anyways I know sleuthers will correct me if I'm wrong or off track...that's what I love about this forum, everything that is posted is a search for the truth and a honest dialog to reach that goal.

You stated your thoughts Perfectly!!! Thank you.. I'm glad you posted them!!! = )
Last of chronology:

5/10 GChat fight about Steve Carroll. JA “accidentally” sends Travis a copy of an email to Steve Carroll (not sure if he was even a real person). In it JA tells Steve her ex-boyfriend has her passwords. Travis once again calls her out, tells her she’s paranoid about privacv because she’s the one who is constantly invading his. Tells her- why don’t you have him tie you up to a tree and bleep you.

5/10 Date with Mimi. Phone sex tape allegedly recorded, Travis very sleepy during call (at night…when did his date with Mimi end? )

5/13 TA journal: Mimi was cordial, Lisa ignored me (at FHE). Met (a woman online). I am very intrigued.” Really, how can I not be? It’s better to trust too much than not enough. So the plot thickens as I run the blind race to the altar.”

5/15 Mimi tells Travis she just wants to be friends. Mentions to him when asked that she didn’t receive an email he sent her.

5/15 TA journal: writes of Mimi telling him let’s be friends.” Darn it. Darn it. What can a brother do?” I did the best I could….but nerves were my enemy. “Anyhow I am bummed but at least I can move on. “Unproductive week. Too much website obsession.”

5/16 JA sends TA the twisted “I just wanted to be recognized as your girlfriend” email

5/17 TA posts on his blog “Why I want to Marry a Golddigger.”

5/20 Travis journal entry: Thinking of Lisa. I miss her. I still love her. Mimi (took my mind off things) but it didn’t change my feelings about Lisa. “I thought by now I’d be over them, but I’m not.”

5/21 Travis journal entry: Freaking out right now. I’m calling Lisa in about 10 minutes. I doubt she’ll answer but that’s ok, I just hope we get to talk.

5/22 Travis journal entry:” Lisa has not called back. I am broken up. I made some big mistakes and I am paying for them now. I guess we are all our own worst enemies. It’s rough.”

5/22 JA writes in her journal (almost certainly after the murder) that she’s happy because she just got her new phone. (not positive this is correct date. Does anyone know when she reported Helio “stolen?”

5/23 Travis journal entry: No Lisa. I will call her. It’s gonna happen. Besides that yesterday was kinda lame. I’ve made a mistake as I often do and no doubt I’ll do it again. I can’t come to terms for the decisions I’ve made (that led to) the loss of my closest friend.

Long poem in entry ends with…”so let me tell you my friend this life has an end, and tomorrow is a day closer to that time.”

5/24 (From 5/29 TA Journal entry): Travis meets “cutie-pie” Brooke Rogers at UTC.

5/25 (From 5/29 TA journal entry): Travis sees Brooke at church, Brooke friends him on FB , they start sending each other FB “email flirts”

5/26 Extended text fight

5/27 Pop-up on Travis’ HD warning of attack attempt, Internet Explorer stops working, Travis installs Spybot

Jodi wanted Travis to come up to Yreka the weekend of the 24th to hear her sing. He text? emailed her and told her that he was under a lot of stress because she was not telling him her plans. Jodi went looking for a tree, and is seems she's trying to manipulate him into coming up there by the email who Jodi said was a man she didn't know following her? The trip and the tie her to a tree fantasy is mentioned in the sex cell phone call - but not Steve Carrell (that's what she said, there is a photo of Travis in a Dunder Mifflin t shirt), so did that resolve it's self by late the night of the tenth or morning off the tenth?
Travis was being evasive about committing to any trip up there. BUT if Jodi was watching his facebook account and saw Travis had a UFC party and met a young teenage girl, can you imagine the panic setting in and her begging for money because she had to get to Travis.
I'd like to state first that I'm a newbie to WS's and was so excited and impressed with this forum and having been lurking everyday! Thank you all for all of your informative comments. I to believe that JA started to formulate her plan to murder TA long before she left Mesa. She was absolutely fuming that he had rejected her. Thanks to WS's...I've gleaned the following; JA steals TA's journal because it reflects the truth of their relationship. 'JA writes in her journal that Matt was in Mesa before she left the final time? and that he saw bruises around her neck and told her to get a restraining order and she said she was leaving in two days.' ( I think if there is any truth to this she could have used make-up to make it appear as if she had bruises to sucker in Matt as a witness after the fact.) It was the beginning of her diabolical plan to fabricate evidence with emails/texts/recordings and manipulate poor TA into coming to Yreka to fulfill the little red riding hood/big bad wolf fantasy! In the original trial I often wondered why she used the ridiculous excuse for the knife being readily handy for her self's because that was going to be the excuse used in her original plan... ie...we brought the knife to cut the rope for the tied to the tree fantasy...that went so terrible wrong...I knew TA was jealous/had double standards/had some anger issues but if you read my journals you will see how much I loved him and could never say no to him and I never realized just how troubled and disturbed he really was! He attacked me and thank god the knife was handy....I was only defending myself when his fantasy turned into a real life nightmare of him attacking/raping me/
Thus she believed she could kill two birds with one stone....murder him and forever tarnish his reputation. (she didn't need a gun...because somehow she had a plan to convince him to also be tied to the tree where he would be disabled, stab/kill him, stage the scene. Her plan went awry when she realized that he was not going to be lured into her plan of him coming to her.....she went into panic mode May 26/08 because her window of opportunity was closing and quickly formulated plan B which included the stolen gun to overpower him only if needed....I believe because of her rage and past M.O. she always intended to murder him using the knife and that's why I believe that the gun shot was last. There is so much more to say but I am unable to express all of it in this post. If my syntax does not make sense to some it is because I have a deficit that affects the way I write and express myself(I have been very reluctant to state my thoughts)....I work daily to overcome this very frustrating deficit but I'm not always successful. Anyways I know sleuthers will correct me if I'm wrong or off track...that's what I love about this forum, everything that is posted is a search for the truth and a honest dialog to reach that goal.

You are doing a great job of expressing your thoughts and you have some great ideas!
East....this is when I plead ignorance. I read all BritsKate's wonderfully informative posts about BPD and narcissistic disorders, and I've listened to all the psych testimony, and I understand what's being said, but it is so alien to me I can't really apply it to a particular JA event or thought or motivation.

I THINK she flipped the switch to all hate and murder on May 26 (if not before), but really don't know. I can't believe she entertained any hope that he would marry her, but maybe even that's wrong. Maybe she was so demented she thought that if she destroyed every one of his marriage prospects he would turn to her in desperation. Doesn't make a lick of sense to me that she would think that, but...

IMO her thinking would have to have been that twisted to think she had any chance of going to Cancun with him, or of him realizing he'd made a mistake about her, or ....something other than what I do think....that she did all that because she was determined to have sex with him to harm him. That she didn't just shoot him in his sleep because she wanted him to see her as she killed him in the most painful up close way she could.....

BBM. Hope4More, you have so nailed it. Thanks for all of your hard work.
I'm just lurking on this thread in awe of what you guys have put together. THANK YOU one and all!!
I'm curious as to if Sam was actually texting her as much as she says he is. In her journals, Sam is a single father of a daughter. Jodi says that she doesn't usually date guys with kids anymore, but how can she turn down a man who loves his child?

I'm wondering if the pedo lie started when Dan Freeman told her about his relative or if Jodi was actually brewing that one for a bit.
According to the Audacity site from which I'm sourcing (transcribed) TA journal entries, TA says, “Mimi called me and gave me the let’s be friends talk. Darn it, darn it.”

IMO, JA had no idea this TA/MH "just friends" talk had happened.

Sorry if someone has already responded to this but Mimi's msg to TA that she was still interested(after he had dropped off the basket when she was sick-April 23/07 and she had texted him within 10 min. saying don't be so nice, he responded with why not I want to know if you're still interested enough for me to ask you out again... no response) didn't get to him, it was only after he saw her at church the following Sunday(April 26/08 that he found out she had sent him a msg. Anyway, they had a chat and that's when he asked her to go to Cancun with him(April 29/08). They set up a date for May 10/08 and two days later he runs into Mimi and Lisa at FHE(?) and says Mimi was cordial and Lisa cool. It wasn't until May 16/08 that Mimi called and gave him the let's be friend talk. During this period he starts pining over Lisa again and decides to force a talk with her to clear the air(which he finally does on May 28/08).

However, TA noted he's met some interesting people online-May13/08(which he says is not his preferred method) but that one of the girls had raised his eyebrows. I believe this might be one of the new girls that came to his UFC party on May 24/08 and then came to church the next day(the cutie pie). On May 27/08 she had sent him a friend request on Facebook and they had been sending email flirts and texting and had a date to hang out on May 29/08. Coincidence that JA puts her plans into high gear... I think not.
I'm curious as to if Sam was actually texting her as much as she says he is. In her journals, Sam is a single father of a daughter. Jodi says that she doesn't usually date guys with kids anymore, but how can she turn down a man who loves his child?

I'm wondering if the pedo lie started when Dan Freeman told her about his relative or if Jodi was actually brewing that one for a bit.

I find it extremely unsettling that Dan's brother killed himself the same day JA got arrested, especially since she had spent so much time with his family over the previous year or so and also stayed with them when she went there for TA's memorial iirc.
That is strange. I thought the circumstances of his suicide were he was accused of pedophila. But that sounds like he knew too much about Jodi. I've always wondered if someone helped Jodi do any of this.
Yesterday. I was watching some video from the guilt phase. I believe it was day 5. The officer that stopped her when she was driving in Utah with the upside down plates said a car pulled up in front of her when she was stopped. No more was given on that but I found that interesting.

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I find it extremely unsettling that Dan's brother killed himself the same day JA got arrested, especially since she had spent so much time with his family over the previous year or so and also stayed with them when she went there for TA's memorial iirc.
I'm sure she got the pedo lie from the tragedy of Daniel Freeman's brothers suicide. He eventually passed away on the 22nd of July, 2008. Who knows what Dan spoke to Jodi about during his visits with her in jail. If it included discussions about his brother, no doubt she bank vaulted those things into her crazy head. I could see her wheels spinning.

Very sad and disturbing nonetheless.
Please stay on topic. If it does not pertain to the emails, texts and journals please post in one of the other threads. Thanks, Lambchop
Sorry if someone has already responded to this but Mimi's msg to TA that she was still interested(after he had dropped off the basket when she was sick-April 23/07 and she had texted him within 10 min. saying don't be so nice, he responded with why not I want to know if you're still interested enough for me to ask you out again... no response) didn't get to him, it was only after he saw her at church the following Sunday(April 26/08 that he found out she had sent him a msg. Anyway, they had a chat and that's when he asked her to go to Cancun with him(April 29/08). They set up a date for May 10/08 and two days later he runs into Mimi and Lisa at FHE(?) and says Mimi was cordial and Lisa cool. It wasn't until May 16/08 that Mimi called and gave him the let's be friend talk. During this period he starts pining over Lisa again and decides to force a talk with her to clear the air(which he finally does on May 28/08).

However, TA noted he's met some interesting people online-May13/08(which he says is not his preferred method) but that one of the girls had raised his eyebrows. I believe this might be one of the new girls that came to his UFC party on May 24/08 and then came to church the next day(the cutie pie). On May 27/08 she had sent him a friend request on Facebook and they had been sending email flirts and texting and had a date to hang out on May 29/08. Coincidence that JA puts her plans into high gear... I think not.

Val....check out part 4 of the chronology. I have same dates for Travis meeting Brooke at UFC (May 24) and for church (May 25). My reading of what Travis wrote in his journal, though, was that Brooke friended him on FB on the 25, and the two began exchanging "flirty" FB emails the same day.

Where do you see the May 27 date for FB friends/flirty emails? If May 27 is accurate I don't see how JA could have known about Brooke. If May 25th is accurate, JA most likely knew of Brooke because she was hacking into T's FB account.
JA's entire email of May 16 is on Court Chatter:

Here is a boiled-down, edited (by me) version:

E-mail from Jodi ‘CRYING” for recognition in his book; ragging on this relationship with Deanna; begging for recognition as his girlfriend: “But my cry for a little recognition comes from a place within me that feels it was never adequately gratified in that it thirsted to be validated not just as some girl friend that you associated with, but as your girlfriend.”

Don’t want to mention my name “because of the unwelcome crap and comments you receive by your friends, Chris and Sky Hughes

“When you are scrutinized, criticized and questioned about being my friend that’s one thing. It hurts us both, yes, but it is easily rectified by standing strong and firm in defense of our friendship. You've done that plenty of times. Even perhaps when I was undeserving of such defense. But when you have to censor our friendship for fear of the criticism you will receive as a result of it, then it becomes awkwardly and embarrassingly apparent that something is not right, especially when all it is, is a friendship. A friendship. We’re not secret lovers. It’s a friendship.”

Using the “proverbial scissors, cutting the proverbial strings of our friend ship. We remain friends only now because of our free will to do so, not because we feel as though we still tied to each other and have to because of some imagined obligation or nicety.”

Her use of their last name screams to me that she meant for people other than Travis to read this email. I think she was already planting 'evidence' at this point.
I think she would have killed him anyway.... Just later because, He didn't want her other than in bed and that wasn't going to change... ever!

Towards the end, he didn't want her in bed, either. I don't get what happened on June 4.
Sorry if someone has already responded to this but Mimi's msg to TA that she was still interested(after he had dropped off the basket when she was sick-April 23/07 and she had texted him within 10 min. saying don't be so nice, he responded with why not I want to know if you're still interested enough for me to ask you out again... no response) didn't get to him, it was only after he saw her at church the following Sunday(April 26/08 that he found out she had sent him a msg. Anyway, they had a chat and that's when he asked her to go to Cancun with him(April 29/08). They set up a date for May 10/08 and two days later he runs into Mimi and Lisa at FHE(?) and says Mimi was cordial and Lisa cool. It wasn't until May 16/08 that Mimi called and gave him the let's be friend talk. During this period he starts pining over Lisa again and decides to force a talk with her to clear the air(which he finally does on May 28/08).

However, TA noted he's met some interesting people online-May13/08(which he says is not his preferred method) but that one of the girls had raised his eyebrows. I believe this might be one of the new girls that came to his UFC party on May 24/08 and then came to church the next day(the cutie pie). On May 27/08 she had sent him a friend request on Facebook and they had been sending email flirts and texting and had a date to hang out on May 29/08. Coincidence that JA puts her plans into high gear... I think not.

The Lisa/Mimi muddle in April-May 2008 could have been because Jodi was intercepting messages.
This post moved to sidebar per Lamb Chop's instructions.
Her use of their last name screams to me that she meant for people other than Travis to read this email. I think she was already planting 'evidence' at this point.

Whoa. Didn't catch that. Definitely weird. Maybe another hint that's it's for an audience is how much the whole email overstates their "relationship." Why would she be complaining to him- he knew the truth- about not being recognized as a girlfriend when the "relationship" such as it was had ended almost a year before?

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