Trial Concerns and Worries

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Ok, I'm going to ask this here because I didn't want to start new thread when "trial concerns and worries" seems like the perfect place to ask. (and if there is indeed a better place to ask things like this, feel free to redirect me, I'm still learning the ropes here)

Is there seriously a chance that Casey will walk free? Or at this point is it pretty much matter of the DP or life in prison?

Can you imagine what trying to live in the free world would be like for Casey, hated and despised as she is? I still can't believe that people feel sorry for her and send her money, all this consideration for "poor Casey". This isn't about Casey, it's about Caylee. Casey didn't think of poor Caylee, now did she?

I don't think there's a chance that KC will walk free but, imo, it's certainly not a matter of the dp or lwop only. A conviction of manslaughter is a very real possibility depending on how the case is presented and what the jury believes. My concern is that she's convicted of manslaughter and get's a minimum sentence and only does 85 percent of that. 85% of 13 years isn't much and she's already served about three years of that.

I can't wait to hear the opening statements tomorrow and maybe I can feel more sure of a conviction of murder then.
I was just reading the how to''s of attending the trial and about lining up at 5:30 am for passes first come first served. Are the Anthony's going to have to line up too?

I hope they do - because I doubt if they will go to that much trouble. They weren't listed as having reserved seats so I'm not sure.
Ok, I'm going to ask this here because I didn't want to start new thread when "trial concerns and worries" seems like the perfect place to ask. (and if there is indeed a better place to ask things like this, feel free to redirect me, I'm still learning the ropes here)

Is there seriously a chance that Casey will walk free? Or at this point is it pretty much matter of the DP or life in prison?

Can you imagine what trying to live in the free world would be like for Casey, hated and despised as she is? I still can't believe that people feel sorry for her and send her money, all this consideration for "poor Casey". This isn't about Casey, it's about Caylee. Casey didn't think of poor Caylee, now did she?

I don't think there is any chance she will walk. Even if she's not found guilty of first degree murder, there are still the lesser included charges she could be sentenced for (manslaughter, for example). This is just my opinion, however.
I am very worried about the case. LKB is on Vinnie Politans show right now given answers to all the evidence. Including heart stickers, hair banding etc etc. They have an answer to everything.
I am very worried about the case. LKB is on Vinnie Politans show right now given answers to all the evidence. Including heart stickers, hair banding etc etc. They have an answer to everything.

I know. I am watching that too. But luckily the state is ready for those 'answers.'
I'm so glad I finlly found Websleuths :)

I have one more question, but I'm pretty sure it should probably be somewhere else, I just don't know where. (thanks to everyone for being patient while I learn the ins and outs here)

In Florida, how is the punishment decided? If she is found guilty, does the judge then impose the penalty or does the jury decide? If the jury decides, does the decision need to be unanimous, or just a majority?

I'm so glad I finlly found Websleuths :)

I have one more question, but I'm pretty sure it should probably be somewhere else, I just don't know where. (thanks to everyone for being patient while I learn the ins and outs here)

In Florida, how is the punishment decided? If she is found guilty, does the judge then impose the penalty or does the jury decide? If the jury decides, does the decision need to be unanimous, or just a majority?

Here ya go:

[ame=""]Legal Questions for our VERIFIED Lawyers #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

The last few pages are full of answers to questions just like the one you asked!!
My only concerns tonight are for the jury.

We have had 3 years to soak in all this information, and I feel like each one of us here at Websleuths have went through the emotions..sadness, name it.
I can't imagine having to soak all of this in within just 2 months.

God be with Caylee's Jury. They will need him.
If juror #1319 went into deliberations saying she just couldn't do it and judge anyone, can they have an alternate step in at that point? Or are alternates released right before deliberations?
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