Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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Juan was spot on!!! They were trying to get this in via the backdoor!!!!!!!!!!
The older lady that called hln is just proof of her age and her views on sex.
This research - has it been peer reviewed - and found to be widely accepted or accepted at all within that body? Guessing not,
that "expert" is likely to end up as "doofus" instead of "expert", which I have no problem with. I really detest these paid experts who advertise themselves to defense attorneys. I hope Juan reads from his website in front of the jury:

If I were a juror in this case at this point, that would be enough for me to dismiss that testimony too especially if it is based in any part on what the "defendant told him". I have a feeling this guy may end up regretting he signed onto this case after Juan is finished with him.

Thank you for digging that up and I too agree, it would be nice if the jury knew how he advertises himself.... "An extensive evaluation of the respondent, in depth case analysis and research contributes to a succinct report which often will result in a more favorable outcome for your client. "

I know these people exist, they don't care if the person they are speaking for is innocent or guilty. It's just a job for them but it doesn't mean I am not seeing them for what they are. Guess we have to prepare to hear every detail of his life and schooling too so he can prove his qualifications for being paid to say what they want him to say. Everything from Travis' decomposed brain to abused Jodi's fog, PTSD, colds, flu and hang nails.

MOO :moo: It seems Nurmi's laziness goes as far as his own professional witnesses. I mean surely if he did a little work he could have hired someone with a little more credibility to say what they want him to say.
Someone posted that memory loss is associated with PTSD and referenced a study done on Vietnam vets that found a reduced Hippocampal that could effect memory loss. Problem is, this study and other studies like it did not control for alcohol abuse which is extremely high in war veterans.

Here's study that examined this;

"In subjects with histories of alcoholism, unadjusted hippocampal volume was 9% smaller in persons with PTSD than in those without PTSD. In nonalcoholic subjects, the PTSD-related difference in hippocampal volume was 3%. The failure to observe a strong association between PTSD and hippocampal volume in nonalcoholic subjects was not ascribable to younger age, reduced PTSD chronicity, or lower PTSD symptom severity."

Now does Jodi have a history of drug abuse that could explain this fog state?
so why can't we listen to what's going on?

Lissette Martinez @martinezliss

defense Attorney Jennifer Willmontt now adressing the judge #jodiarias
I served on the jury of a serious case in Canada. It went on for four weeks with countless times that we would show up for the trial but spend the whole day sitting around in the jury room, unable to discuss the trial or find out what the hold up was about. Very frustrating. It was probably on the twentieth time we were asked to go back to the jury room that I asked for a reason for the delays and was told "legal arguments"

By the time we got the case, every one of us despised the defense attorney, which did not do his client any good during deliberations. It is illegal here in Canada for me to discuss anything that occurred in that jury room, but....I was elected as the jury foreman and although I was able to keep a completely open mind about guilt or innocence of the accused, I know for a fact that some of the jurors did not and allowed their feelings for the attorney to cloud their judgement.

Somebody said "I never want to be judged by 12 people who are not smart enough to get out of doing jury duty" I just hope that the jury in this case are smart enough to see through the blatant lies from JA, I am sure they are from listening to the questions they asked. Sorry for the rambling, I just want this creature removed from society for good. Whether she is given the DP is not important to me as a needle in the arm is way too easy in my opinion.

So keep up the fight JM....can't wait for your summation.
Are they still arguing, could this not have been discussed during the loooong lunch. His opinion re: premed should be left out.
Who cares what his opinion is if it has nothing to do with this case. Geez, I dont like her jw Squeaky voice.
JW trying to explain the types of crime scenes this psychologist has done research on. Ha! Judge asks, "Why is this relevant?" It isn't, IMO.
why the sudden crack on Texas because of ONE caller on HLN????

They are all over the place. And that type of thinking has very little with the "good ole boy" thinking.

We are just as much with the times as the rest of the country. We actually drive cars :what: instead of horses......

There are rural areas where this MIGHT ring true, but that would also lie with the older generations. And this would apply to the ENTIRE country..... not just Texas.

We have the Death Penality - AND WE USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

OK if he wants to talk premeditation do it as a therapist once she's been found not guilty of murder 1 if that happens.

It's wrong, JM is right.
How does a psychologist have any expertise in crime scenes and premeditation? They DT is trying to get his opinion in that he thinks it is not premeditated, and that the jury could ask Dr Samuels if he thinks it is premeditated.
So does she have a diagnosis of ptsd? What is the evidence she has it? Just because a person is traumatized does not mean they develop it. This is like the Baez school of "I hope the jury fills in the blanks for me" attitude when he tacitly implied sexual abuse prevented CA from acting sensibly when Caylee was "missing". Don't they need a basis for this?

Oh for crying out loud.
When Jodi murdered Travis the event naturally becomes "P" (post) after she caused "T" (trauma) that led to "S" (stress) because she's an insecure jealous envious wench who most likely has a "D" (diseased) soul.

We don't need no stinkin' expert for that!
"Why is this relevant?" That was she just woke up or something!
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