trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

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Ouch, a little sharp. She had a death in her family and for that I send my heartfelt sympathy.

Yeah, everyone goes through death situations. Not something you would wish on anyone but it is what it is.

Maybe she will have an epiphany and lose the unprofessional, snarky and childish behavior in court after putting things into perspective.
When victims of domestic violence FINALLY leave their attacker, they are most at risk of being murdered in the first 6-9 months after they fled. I believe if the prosecution during the OJ Simpson trial would have stuck to this aspect, the outcome may have been different. IMO

maybe.....but you had a sequestered jury and one that didn't really seem to be wanting to convict a famous black athlete.....and then having him try on the they would havery had to get rid of the other issues too for that scenario to work IMO

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will be interesting to see which of the shows get the jurors that don't make the final 12 first and what their take will be on the trial...
Guys, remember all of those discussions we had about weather the gun shot was first, or the slashing???
It suddenly becomes VERY important, now that she remembers nothing after the GUN SHOT which was AFTER the stabbing!
Even if doc had hard evidence she did have PTSD (which he doesn't because she lied to him, just like she lied to everyone else), the PTSD came after it was ALL OVER.
Including the stabbing, slashing of the throat, and all the other torture of poor Travis.

I can't believe willmott went on to question him on re-direct as if she didn't even know the entire test was built on an admitted lie. I felt like she was in la la land - how absurd.
On the subject of PTSD, I can fully understand the diagnosis. Dr. Samuels was half-right. It started on the day JA was arrested, July 15, 2008, and continues to this day. She is living in her own private hell with no one to blame but herself. When she had the audacity to complain that Travis's closet was bigger than her cell, I wanted to slap her! Hope she has nightmares from now until eternity!

Not to argue, but I don't think the arrest would have caused PTSD (the real disorder, that is), since she knew she committed the crime, tried to throw police off her trail, and was packing up a rental car as if to hit the road. She knew police were coming for her soon. I do understand what you are saying though.
Jodi Arias is evil personified. Notice how Martinez doesn't even refer to her by her name and addresses her as Ma'am! So Martinez knows this and in case anyone forgets he is the ONLY one that speaks for the victim.

Travis Alexanders name had been dragged through the mud and been subjected to scandalous unfounded accusations of being a pedophile, a rapist and a violent bully.... NONE of which has been substantiated by ANY other means other than this killers' testimony.

Martinez speaks for the victim when he attacks her lies and vile scenarios that have absolutely no foundation in fact. One can only hope the jury has seen through the multiple-changed story and ridiculous progression of lies and deception she's spewing.

Well, The defendant said she would drag his name through the mud if the prosecution did not accept her plea-and she did-but it's all lies. I'm sure the jury can see through her poorly scripted tale of woe.
Guys, remember all of those discussions we had about weather the gun shot was first, or the slashing???
It suddenly becomes VERY important, now that she remembers nothing after the GUN SHOT which was AFTER the stabbing!
Even if doc had hard evidence she did have PTSD (which he doesn't because she lied to him, just like she lied to everyone else), the PTSD came after it was ALL OVER.
Including the stabbing, slashing of the throat, and all the other torture of poor Travis.

I can't believe willmott went on to question him on re-direct as if she didn't even know the entire test was built on an admitted lie. I felt like she was in la la land - how absurd.

Willmott was doing her best to "snow" the jury as well as the world. Fail!
The DV expert is going to be more entertaining than the PTSD expert! There is not one shred of evidence that JA was battered or abused. JA's offhand remark to Det. Flores on the first interview was very revealing. When he asked her if Travis owned a gun...she replied that he had no weapons, only his FISTS! The seeds of DV were planted. She thought she was sooo clever!

If TA beat her up, choked her, etc., why were there no photos??? She never left home without her camera! Why did she move 1000 miles to be near her 'abuser'? Why didn't she file a police report and get a restraining order? Why did she move back to Mesa after they broke up? Why, why, why??? Instead of slashing tires and stalking TA's girlfriends, why didn't she warn them that he was violent? Or that he was a pedophile? Why didn't she warn David and Sky Hughes that TA was a pedophile when he was baby-sitting their children? But more importantly, why didn't she simply move back to Yreka, change her phone # and internet passwords, get a restraining order, if necessary, and tell TA to get lost???

If I were the DV expert, I would seriously consider calling in sick due to the "Juan Flu'!!!!

The only DV victim in this case was Travis and Jodi was the perpetrator! Considering their distance, the fact that Travis did not control any aspect of Jodi's life (finances, friendships, etc....) and the stalking behaviors JA exhibited, my hope is that JM can get the defense's DV "expert" to agree that the abusive behavior in this case was all performed by JA!
The only problem with Travis being the one to delete photos is that if he didn't want images like that of him on his camera, why take the photos to begin with? It was almost certainly his idea, not Jodi's, as she was trying to leave less evidence of her presence that day, not more.

Maybe he thought if she was going to blackmail him with the ph sex tape he would take the pictures to show everyone what a *advertiser censored* she was. He might not have told her he deleted the pictures.

Maybe he didn't delete them at all and it was her that deleted them.
She may have taken the shower pics to keep as her trophy's but decided that might be a bad idea and deleted them.

She might have been thinking to take the camera card with her but when things got so messy decided to throw it in the wash and the bleach and water would erase everything.
Ammonita, they are not arguing temporary insanity. They are arguing the "black out" happened after she shot him, which helps the DT not at all.
Especially since the gun shot was NOT first.
Will Jodi be able to use this witness' lack of whatever on appeal, saying her attorneys botched the trial because the expert witness they hired botched his job?

ETA: PhD Samuels is being paid $250.00/hr! A real waste.

I'm guessing, but it's a real shame that JM doesn't make anywhere near that money per hour ...
It's VERY important for the defense. It's an attempt to explain her "black out" ploy as well as argue for temporary insanity regarding the overkill. If the jury believes it, she will be acquitted. It's that simple.

Further, judging from the juror questions to Jodi, the jury doesn't believe premeditation IMO. Thanks to Juan, this whole case is going down the drain. Sounds harsh?

Let me explain;

Juan and his experts have presented an illogical theory of the crime. Chiefly, that a stabbing came first in the shower. There's almost no blood splatter in the shower to support the assertion that a flurry of stabs took place there (indeed one jury asked a question about this, saying, "could the shower have been cleaned of blood?"). It is simply more logical that the gunshot came first for a number of reasons. Being far less risky is one. Another reason is that it's utterly foolish and unnecessary to leave behind gun evidence that could link her to the May 28th "burglary" of her residence. And this notion about how she wanted to make him suffer isn't going to cut it when you're talking about a female perpetrator and a predominately male jury. They won't buy it. What does this mean? That Jodi's sequence of events is far more plausible and this could tremendously help her credibility with the jury.

Not even one attempt to explain the ceiling photo and dropped camera photos that Jodi is using to support her version of events. He has not stressed that the camera was on the ground at the end of the hallway, inconsistent with the camera falling to the mat and rolling by the bathtub. The explanation that it got kicked over there is also inconsistent with the crime scene, as no evidence of a commotion occurred in that area, and based on the layout of the bathroom it would require two or three "kicks" to have the camera end up to where the dragging picture was taken (stretches credulity). Or one very hard kick that would cause it to bounce off the walls but then we'd expect to find external damage on the camera and there was none. He has left this wide open but Jodi has not and that could be a very big problem. He has provided no explanation for this and she HAS!

Juan BUNGLED twice now with the issue involving the shower ruse. First, during cross, he badgered Jodi -- incorrectly stating that her repeated attempts to convince Travis to take a photo of him shaving happened on the same day as the murder. She clearly was talking about an incident from a previous date. The sad thing is, Juan didn't need to do this because during the same taped interview she admits to convincing him a second time too -- this time on June 4th for a "Calvin Klein shoot", to which Travis initially responded "I feel so gay". That the issue of who suggested the shower shoot might have been lost on the jury thanks to Juan's bungling could spell disaster for the case!

Why? Because it is germane to the whole issue of premeditation. If the jury believes that Travis suggested the photo shoot, premeditation falls apart. And that's exactly what she told Samuels -- that he suggested the pictures. Jodi lied to Samuels about it because she knew that it had to do with her premeditation of the murder. Juan had an opportunity to expose this lie, but his previous bungle with Jodi on cross allowed both Willmot and Samuels to challenge him about this "inconsistency", referring to his prior incorrect statements concerning that taped interrogation, effectively burying the issue -- possibly implanting in the minds of the jurors that it was Travis who convinced Jodi. And Juan buried it further because he still refused to admit that he was WRONG. It was not an "interpretation", Juan. It is fact that she was talking about a prior incident. This bungle is MAJOR! And here's the funny (sad) thing, Jodi herself acknowledged on the stand that YES she did convince him to take the photos on June 4th, not once but twice. Once under direct, once during cross. Juan could have used those statements to challenge Samuels, but no, he had to be stubborn!

No effort to explain why she had sex with him on the day she planned to kill him. This alone argues against premeditation. It is often brought up by Jodiphiles to support their side. Juan has let the defense characterize the state's case as one involving a contract killing. This was no such case. Jodi had an emotional attachment and likely had second thoughts about going through with her plan to kill him (but was later re-triggered and had to clean up her sex mistakes with a shower ruse).

Failure to establish a credible motive. The Cancun crap is ridiculous when we have the May 26th exchange and the May 28th burglary. She was motivated by RAGE over him trashing her verbally, not jealously. Jodi would frequently shake over these verbal arguments by her own admission and on May 26th, she snapped and had enough. That's the motive! Not Cancun. Juries need motives -- credible ones.

Unless Juan can work a miracle in rebuttal, Jodi has a very good chance of being acquitted of all charges!

BBM - This is the only part of your post I agree with. Hopefully another poster has the energy to go point-by-point with you on this. I myself an just too drained....Either way it is interesting to hear another opinion, even if it is unpopular.
Juan made her repeat that. I bet he did that to make sure the Jury heard her and maybe for them to take a look at her expression at the time, which reeked of bitterness,

Oooo... If you're right about JM's asking her to repeat that, maybe he'll use that in closing, adding "and Travis' "cell" is 3' by 8'."
He might of been able to "explain" the book (and hope the jury doesn't remember that little fine and hand slap), but sending her a bathrobe can't be "explained" away at all. If he has a wife and she heard I hope she kick his *advertiser censored* out.

:great: you do know the bathrobe was just a joke right?
will be interesting to see which of the shows get the jurors that don't make the final 12 first and what their take will be on the trial...

I read somewhere that they aren't immediatly released, in case they have to replace a juror still. I'm not sure if that's accurate because I can't remember where I read it:).
That's RIGHT!

Self-defense is stab him once and run out of that house and get help!

Not buying her story then, and sure as L don't buy it now...

I so agree with you. There is no way it could've been self-defense in 62 seconds and she barely gets a couple of cuts!!!!! She has already been identified as a liar and I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth....absolutely nothing!!!
It's VERY important for the defense. It's an attempt to explain her "black out" ploy as well as argue for temporary insanity regarding the overkill. If the jury believes it, she will be acquitted. It's that simple.

Further, judging from the juror questions to Jodi, the jury doesn't believe premeditation IMO. Thanks to Juan, this whole case is going down the drain. Sounds harsh?

Let me explain;

Juan and his experts have presented an illogical theory of the crime. Chiefly, that a stabbing came first in the shower. There's almost no blood splatter in the shower to support the assertion that a flurry of stabs took place there (indeed one jury asked a question about this, saying, "could the shower have been cleaned of blood?"). It is simply more logical that the gunshot came first for a number of reasons. Being far less risky is one. Another reason is that it's utterly foolish and unnecessary to leave behind gun evidence that could link her to the May 28th "burglary" of her residence. And this notion about how she wanted to make him suffer isn't going to cut it when you're talking about a female perpetrator and a predominately male jury. They won't buy it. What does this mean? That Jodi's sequence of events is far more plausible and this could tremendously help her credibility with the jury.

Not even one attempt to explain the ceiling photo and dropped camera photos that Jodi is using to support her version of events. He has not stressed that the camera was on the ground at the end of the hallway, inconsistent with the camera falling to the mat and rolling by the bathtub. The explanation that it got kicked over there is also inconsistent with the crime scene, as no evidence of a commotion occurred in that area, and based on the layout of the bathroom it would require two or three "kicks" to have the camera end up to where the dragging picture was taken (stretches credulity). Or one very hard kick that would cause it to bounce off the walls but then we'd expect to find external damage on the camera and there was none. He has left this wide open but Jodi has not and that could be a very big problem. He has provided no explanation for this and she HAS!

Juan BUNGLED twice now with the issue involving the shower ruse. First, during cross, he badgered Jodi -- incorrectly stating that her repeated attempts to convince Travis to take a photo of him shaving happened on the same day as the murder. She clearly was talking about an incident from a previous date. The sad thing is, Juan didn't need to do this because during the same taped interview she admits to convincing him a second time too -- this time on June 4th for a "Calvin Klein shoot", to which Travis initially responded "I feel so gay". That the issue of who suggested the shower shoot might have been lost on the jury thanks to Juan's bungling could spell disaster for the case!

Why? Because it is germane to the whole issue of premeditation. If the jury believes that Travis suggested the photo shoot, premeditation falls apart. And that's exactly what she told Samuels -- that he suggested the pictures. Jodi lied to Samuels about it because she knew that it had to do with her premeditation of the murder. Juan had an opportunity to expose this lie, but his previous bungle with Jodi on cross allowed both Willmot and Samuels to challenge him about this "inconsistency", referring to his prior incorrect statements concerning that taped interrogation, effectively burying the issue -- possibly implanting in the minds of the jurors that it was Travis who convinced Jodi. And Juan buried it further because he still refused to admit that he was WRONG. It was not an "interpretation", Juan. It is fact that she was talking about a prior incident. This bungle is MAJOR! And here's the funny (sad) thing, Jodi herself acknowledged on the stand that YES she did convince him to take the photos on June 4th, not once but twice. Once under direct, once during cross. Juan could have used those statements to challenge Samuels, but no, he had to be stubborn!

No effort to explain why she had sex with him on the day she planned to kill him. This alone argues against premeditation. It is often brought up by Jodiphiles to support their side. Juan has let the defense characterize the state's case as one involving a contract killing. This was no such case. Jodi had an emotional attachment and likely had second thoughts about going through with her plan to kill him (but was later re-triggered and had to clean up her sex mistakes with a shower ruse).

Failure to establish a credible motive. The Cancun crap is ridiculous when we have the May 26th exchange and the May 28th burglary. She was motivated by RAGE over him trashing her verbally, not jealously. Jodi would frequently shake over these verbal arguments by her own admission and on May 26th, she snapped and had enough. That's the motive! Not Cancun. Juries need motives -- credible ones.

Unless Juan can work a miracle in rebuttal, Jodi has a very good chance of being acquitted of all charges!

I don't think Juan buried anything. I think where we will see it come together is on cross. I do not think Juan said the belief is Travis was stabbed in the shower and if he were there would not be splatter within the shower because Jodi admits she washed everything down in the shower while Travis body was in there. No one knows what really happened because Jodi has lied so much. Juan does not have to prove what came first only that there was premeditation. Getting the knife is premeditation. Stabbing him nine times in the back is premeditation, cutting his throat is premeditation because she could have stopped at any time. She had two exits, it's not as if there was no exit for her, she had a choice of two. There is no blood whatsoever in the closet and yet she claims (according to Samuels' notes she was covered with blood when she came to her senses driving through the desert). How could that be when she had to get through the bedroom, down the carpeted stairs and out the door without a sign of blood anywhere?

Give the jury credit for being able to process this information in an intelligent, objective fashion. Their questions prove they are paying attention. They are clearly committed to this trial. jmo
The only DV victim in this case was Travis and Jodi was the perpetrator! Considering their distance, the fact that Travis did not control any aspect of Jodi's life (finances, friendships, etc....) and the stalking behaviors JA exhibited, my hope is that JM can get the defense's DV "expert" to agree that the abusive behavior in this case was all performed by JA!

Even her coming up with the pedophile story was because she alreadt knew that would be one of the worst things you could accuse anyone of and it would look bad for Travis's reputation.
I think if you could look inside her head it would look like a bowl full of maggots.
I think that is also why the defence team asked her to wear glasses to court so it would be harder for the jury to see her souless eyes.
I so agree with you. There is no way it could've been self-defense in 62 seconds and she barely gets a couple of cuts!!!!! She has already been identified as a liar and I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth....absolutely nothing!!!

JA could tell me today was Wednesday and I would check my calendar!
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