trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

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I don't know whether to laugh or scream in frustration at this statement. :rolleyes:

You have been beyond negative where JM is concerned throughout this entire trial. It seems you think he is incompetent. It boggles my mind. Need I remind you he has already put one woman on death row and from what I understand there was less evidence in that case than this one. He also got a murder 1 conviction for the man who claimed he was sleepwalking when he killed his wife. You'd be hard pressed to have found anyone who thought that was going to happen. Most thought he would be convicted of manslaughter. Guess where he is today... Juan knows what he is doing. Chill out. There is zero chance that she will be acquitted of all charges. If anything, murder 1 will be reduced to a lesser charge.

I am still hung up on something that has been bothering me from a few weeks ago. Regarding her road trip, she refers to "WE" twice in her testimony. No one every asked her who "we" were??

Originally Posted by Ramblinrose01
I was just listening to this afternoon's testimony again and noticed something JA stated that is odd to me. JM is talking about her road trip to Mesa and she states that "we" left early the morning of the 3rd after midnight. Did anyone else catch this and do you know what she means?

It is at 16:30
Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 24. Afternoon session. Part 1. - YouTube

Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 24. Afternoon session. Part 1. - YouTube

It is a good question and some people do think it is a small posibility that someone else was with her on at least a portion of her trips.

It could be that she got someone else to join her to help dispose of evidence or even go with her all the way to Travis house. If there was anybody else with her, IMO I think it would just be after she got back on one of her travel legs once she was back. The reason I dont think anyone was with her on the actual trip to Travis house was because she met with Ryan and if she had anyone with her I would think Ryan would know about it.

But I do think it is possible she got someone to join her on one of the travel legs once she was back. She may have not even mentioned to this person about the murder and maybe tried to get someone else in the car with her to have an alibi or something. The person was probably a victim of Jodis planning.
BBM - you mean the sequence of events that SHE MADE UP ???? What makes you think that the jury BELIEVES ANYTHING SHE HAS SAID ???? The woman is a pathological liar, especially when it's in her best interest ... LIKE NOW !!!

Your post would be a good candidate for post of the year on the "Arias supporter" site.

I don't support Jodi. I'm disappointed with how the trial is unfolding. I want a conviction for premeditated murder but I feel that the points I outlined will be a big problem come deliberation time. Like her sequence of events that are more plausible than what the state is presenting. I'm not talking about her scooby doo run through the closet but the sequence of weapon attacks.
Samuels has not acted as an impartial 3rd party evaluator. It would appear that he was called in as part of the defense team. Overtime the experts, JA, and attorneys constructed the outline of the JA defense story. They needed Post Traumatic Stress in order to account for the memory loss. The memory loss is needed to eliminate the “cruel” aspect of the crime.

The battered woman’s syndrome binds together these individual psychological preconditions. As previously noted JA flawed memory reflects all the elements needed to confirm PTS and battered woman and omits the elements that would count as 1st degree murder. The team then developed a “made to order” list for its experts. It appears that Samuels and team coordinated and crafted the PTS and memory loss “testimony”. Samuels delivered exactly what Wilmott wanted him to say. The “official report” had to be fine-tuned and certain “errors” eradicated which in turn led to Samuel’s 12/2012 Addendum Report.

Samuels was exposed as somewhat of a “fraud” and did NOT act with a high degree of independence and professionalism. Rather he functions just as another cog in the JA “Theater of the Absurd”.

:goodpost: I agree.
Juan is in fact of the belief that she stabbed him while he was sitting in the shower. He revealed this during his direct of the ME. We're talking about fresh blood that would have been gushing out, not dried blood. The shower should show some evidence of blood splatter consistent with a flurry of stabs to the torso but there is none. Jodi did not clean the shower either because that was not her concern (just the DNA on him was her concern). A gunshot is more likely in the shower, because the heat of the projectile could have cauterized the wound and the impact could have bounced him to the bathroom floor in seconds. As for the stabbings and such, none of that matters if the jury believes Samuels about her suffering from PTSD at the time of the killing. According to him she was in a dissociative state, in other words temporarily insane. There can be no premeditation under those circumstances. The jury will have no choice but to acquit if he is to be believed

I think you are wrong---thats why the drinking glass was in the shower--to wash the walls down.
Samuels is only trying to prove that her memory loss for one or two minutes is possible and thats why she dosen't remember the stabbing not that she is nuts.

Samuels admitted on the stand the PTSD test and diagnosis were made while JA was lying to him about the intruder story! He said on the stand perhaps he should have readministered it, but he never did! He admitted he ignored relevant inconsistencies and did not add them to his report. Anyone who believes this man and his diagnoses are valid or believes a word JA says must be a gullible imbecile incapable of logical thought processes.
MOO... ;)

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Looking forward to seeing how Laviolette will handle null and void diagnosis of PTSD once JM crosses her! That should be a treat!
since trial does not start until later this afternoon....I really should be catching up on mopping, dusting, cleaning that has gone by the wayside while I have gotten addicted to this trial. My hubby is so wonderful, he watches the trial with me when he can, plays out the bathroom scenario while timing it to see for himself how silly it is that she would claim that is what happened. so many nights I have eaten dinner watching the trial upstairs with headphones on and he makes sure our kids are on track for baths and bed. usually during the afternoon break I work with my kids on getting homework done before the trial comes back on. TA and my husband are so much alike......I think that is why I am SO mad that his life was taken. My hubby was a military brat (his mom was not a US citizen while he was growing up and was not in the states) his dad was navy and hubby had to live with foster families when his dad was deployed. His dad died when he was 15 (actually had a massive heart attack and fell into my hubby's lap while sitting on the couch watching tv). My hubby was lost b/c his dad was his only stability. He could have taken a very dark/negative road BUT my husband has the most GIANT heart and he was never overtaken by all the horrible events he went thru. He made a life for a college degree, played college ball, married me (more my luck) and is an engineer for a software company that allows him to work from home. He teaches 1st grade Sunday School each Sunday and always, always takes care of me and our kids. He would give the shirt off his back to help someone. To be honest, I am so spoiled :blushing:. But to imagine the life that TA had made for himself at such an early age he deserved to see it come to what he wanted: marriage and children! A doting husband and father. And the fact that he suffered brutally and died at the hands of someone he dated makes my soul hurt. And after all the things they have said about him through this trial my blood boils! Yes he made mistakes, we ALL do. If you never tell a man no regarding sexual fantasies this is where things is like feeding a hungry dog meat they will not say no to the porterhouse. Jodi knew full well what she was doing! TA was everything she wanted and everything she wanted to be (she wanted to be him) and when she realized he would never marry her and he knew all her psycho ways....she snapped! TA has seen the face of evil and I cannot stop watching the trial until I know the outcome......JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS! PS I have to say that I have seen a pic of TAs brother Steven's daughter and to me she looks like Travis and it makes me smile! Thanks for letting me share why I am addicted to the trial!
Hey...I loved my Gremlin. Until the dashboard caught on fire, it was a great little car. :floorlaugh:

Mine was the puke green version. And my PSA for the day: If your dashboard catches on fire while you are driving on I95..PULL OVER. Beating out the flames as you are driving does nothing but cause you to cough.


My husband was driving a Gremlin when I first met him. He made a BIG point of telling everybody his father had bought the car, because he hated the damn thing. It definitely was a hunk of junk. To top it all off, he was from Detroit, where having a cool car was a matter of pride. Eventually he bought a Mustang.
:floorlaugh:I'm still laughing over the killer's latest antic: looking bored and catatonic all the while sliding that yellow pad from her arm side to under her behind, as the camera was on her.:what:
I don't know whether to laugh or scream in frustration at this statement. :rolleyes:

You have been beyond negative where JM is concerned throughout this entire trial. It seems you think he is incompetent. It boggles my mind. Need I remind you he has already put one woman on death row and from what I understand there was less evidence in that case than this one. He also got a murder 1 conviction for the man who claimed he was sleepwalking when he killed his wife. You'd be hard pressed to have found anyone who thought that was going to happen. Most thought he would be convicted of manslaughter. Guess where he is today... Juan knows what he is doing. Chill out. There is zero chance that she will be acquitted of all charges. If anything, murder 1 will be reduced to a lesser charge.

I have no idea if JA will be convicted of a lesser charge, but IMO if she is it will be due to JM

Samuels admitted on the stand the PTSD test and diagnosis were made while JA was lying to him about the intruder story! He said on the stand perhaps he should have readministered it, but he never did! He admitted he ignored relevant inconsistencies and did not add them to his report. Anyone who believes this man and his diagnoses are valid or believes a word JA says must be a gullible imbecile incapable of logical thought processes.
MOO... ;)

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Yeah, I agree. But remember OJ and the pinellas 12. And that one juror from Phil Specter's first trial.
I think someone here just likes to "stir the pot" Best for me to ignore such posts.

ITA 100%.

Attention is a drug. Judging by the amount of responses, mission accomplished. ;)

Yep and I feel for it Dang It :blushing:

:back: Ok back to the important stuff

:snooty::drama: We have enough with JA

I get nervous too. The jury seems to be intelligent but there are idiots all over the place in all walks of life. I just hope that the jury does not have any sympathy, empathy or any other feeling towards JA except total disgust.

The fact, the people on the forum and talk shows think JA may be acquitted scares me too.

I guess I am just nervous about the outcome.

I am basing my fears on the way I felt when the verdict was announced in the CA trial. I am a grandmother...a senior lady who has NEVER before used the language I used that day. I was certain she would be convicted and could not believe my own anger and frustration.

In all honesty, I think I dislike JA even more than I did CA...probably because she is truly evil and will only continue her evil manipulative ways if ever allowed to be free among decent people.

The horrors she has forced upon TA's family are unforgivable!

Most decent human beings know who and what she is. It's those one or two who have been "sucked in" by her that worry me.
OT but I work at an intermediate school in N. Tx. and we are on lockdown due to an inmate escaping from the courthouse about 4 blocks away. Can hear helicopters flying overhead. God knew I was bored today due to trial starting late!!!! LOL! :what:

Samuels admitted on the stand the PTSD test and diagnosis were made while JA was lying to him about the intruder story! He said on the stand perhaps he should have readministered it, but he never did! He admitted he ignored relevant inconsistencies and did not add them to his report. Anyone who believes this man and his diagnoses are valid or believes a word JA says must be a gullible imbecile incapable of logical thought processes.
MOO... ;)

Sent from my HTCEVOV4G using Tapatalk 2

That poor girl was in mortal terror! The female kept saying "kill her" then the male put the gun to her head, fired and it didn't go off, then they threatened her family! Wait....that never happened. Nevermind :banghead:
Saying that the jury will acquit Jodi because the State's theory of the GSW v. the stabbing might be incorrect over simplifies the issue. The jury can believe the State's version, Jodi's version, or their own version. All they have to be is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt... that doesn't mean that they necessarily agree with either side.
:floorlaugh:I'm still laughing over the killer's latest antic: looking bored and catatonic while sliding that yellow pad from her arm side to under her behind, all the while the camera was on her. :what:

After closer inspection with a bunch of ws'rs last night the folder is still there look above the white cups near the computer monitor and you will see it slide in there. But she did take something, a pencil, paperclip or note. If not it sure was a suspicious move!
I am still hung up on something that has been bothering me from a few weeks ago. Regarding her road trip, she refers to "WE" twice in her testimony. No one every asked her who "we" were??

Originally Posted by Ramblinrose01
I was just listening to this afternoon's testimony again and noticed something JA stated that is odd to me. JM is talking about her road trip to Mesa and she states that "we" left early the morning of the 3rd after midnight. Did anyone else catch this and do you know what she means?

It is at 16:30
Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 24. Afternoon session. Part 1. - YouTube

Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 24. Afternoon session. Part 1. - YouTube

I remember she said she drove to Redding to rent a car and that is where her brother(?) lives. He drove her to the rental place and she said "we left early that morning". I assume to get the car. Dont know if it helps you much tho.
IMO, it was absolutely necessary for the defense to call someone in Samuels' capacity. Would not have mattered if it was Freud himself, any testimony in defense of this butcher would have been totally dismissed.

Dr Samuels is no doubt kicking himself for putting his reputation on the line for this piece of trash, but HEY! somebody had to do it. He's really got good credentials. Too bad his ego and greed got in the way of better judgment.
You need to explain the large amount of blood on the sink and mirror. She stabbed him in the chest, he stumbled to the sink, coughing up blood. He tried to flee down the hall while she stabs him in the back.

He falls, she slits his throat. She drags him back to the shower, shoots him in the head and showers off his body.


The ME himself said that because of the bullet path, blood would have likely been filling his sinuses and mouth and that could account for the bloody coughs at the sink.
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