trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

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Someone mentioned up post that it was gonna be hard to prove premeditation due to the fact jodi had sex with Travis prior to the killing. I think this was 2 fold. 1. she had time to waste till his room mates left and by having sex he wouldn't suspect anything bad going to happen and
2. She wanted a last fling before killing him. I personally have had sex right before I broke up with someone just cause he was good in bed and I didn't want to screw (pardon the pun) myself out of sex just cause I was breaking up with him.

Premeditation is a plan to kill, knowledge of that plan, reflection of the plan.. She had over 1000 miles to reflect of her plan to kill Travis, then several hours while in the house before she killed him including the photo session to reflect her knowledge of her plan. NOT ONE TIME did she change her mind. amnesia or not she didn't go "foggy" while planning, have this knowledge or time to reflect which was long time.

That is what the jury has to decide. Plan, Knowledge reflection.

“Premeditation” means that the defendant intended to kill another human being or knew [he] [she] would kill another human being, and that after forming that intent or knowledge, reflected on the decision before killing. It is this reflection, regardless of the length of time in which it occurs, that distinguishes first - degree murder from second degree murder. An act is not done with premeditation if it is the instant effect of a sudden quarrel
or heat of passion. [The time needed for reflection is not necessarily prolonged, and the space of time between the intent or knowledge to kill and the act of killing may be very short.] pg. Pdf 71

I was reading some of the previous thread where people more than insinuated that Dr. Samuels has a "love that dare not speak its name" for our psycho killer.

I didn't think much of it, but today at lunch I was reading a book and sort of dozed off.

I had a brief snippet of dream imagery, sort of nature documentary footage, featuring a Blob-Fish wrestling with a Praying Mantis.

Thanks a pantload, everyone. I'll never sleep again.
since trial does not start until later this afternoon....I really should be catching up on mopping, dusting, cleaning that has gone by the wayside while I have gotten addicted to this trial. My hubby is so wonderful, he watches the trial with me when he can, plays out the bathroom scenario while timing it to see for himself how silly it is that she would claim that is what happened. so many nights I have eaten dinner watching the trial upstairs with headphones on and he makes sure our kids are on track for baths and bed. usually during the afternoon break I work with my kids on getting homework done before the trial comes back on. TA and my husband are so much alike......I think that is why I am SO mad that his life was taken. My hubby was a military brat (his mom was not a US citizen while he was growing up and was not in the states) his dad was navy and hubby had to live with foster families when his dad was deployed. His dad died when he was 15 (actually had a massive heart attack and fell into my hubby's lap while sitting on the couch watching tv). My hubby was lost b/c his dad was his only stability. He could have taken a very dark/negative road BUT my husband has the most GIANT heart and he was never overtaken by all the horrible events he went thru. He made a life for a college degree, played college ball, married me (more my luck) and is an engineer for a software company that allows him to work from home. He teaches 1st grade Sunday School each Sunday and always, always takes care of me and our kids. He would give the shirt off his back to help someone. To be honest, I am so spoiled :blushing:. But to imagine the life that TA had made for himself at such an early age he deserved to see it come to what he wanted: marriage and children! A doting husband and father. And the fact that he suffered brutally and died at the hands of someone he dated makes my soul hurt. And after all the things they have said about him through this trial my blood boils! Yes he made mistakes, we ALL do. If you never tell a man no regarding sexual fantasies this is where things is like feeding a hungry dog meat they will not say no to the porterhouse. Jodi knew full well what she was doing! TA was everything she wanted and everything she wanted to be (she wanted to be him) and when she realized he would never marry her and he knew all her psycho ways....she snapped! TA has seen the face of evil and I cannot stop watching the trial until I know the outcome......JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS! PS I have to say that I have seen a pic of TAs brother Steven's daughter and to me she looks like Travis and it makes me smile! Thanks for letting me share why I am addicted to the trial!

Thank You for sharing this and very happy for you and your family, it's always nice to hear about the good hubbies :)
I don't support Jodi. I'm disappointed with how the trial is unfolding. I want a conviction for premeditated murder but I feel that the points I outlined will be a big problem come deliberation time. Like her sequence of events that are more plausible than what the state is presenting. I'm not talking about her scooby doo run through the closet but the sequence of weapon attacks.

I truly think only gullible twits would seriously find JA's version of events (her 3rd version of events, I might add) to be more valid than the state's view. Either way, gun first or gun last, I really don't see how that even plays into premeditation really! Unless you believe the inconsistent secret gun BS, the inconsistent knife BS. Unbelievable!

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She will make LWOP her own little party. Sociopaths adapt easily to the prison environment and never commit suicide gosh darn it all :banghead:

She'll have a ton of new admirers now too that will be sending her more cards and books and depositing money into her jail account. She'll have male admirers to write to and flirt with and the usual inmate lovers that feel they can help the hopeless. She'll be in her glory between her fan mail and her jail friends hanging on every word. Not to mention the new media interviews she will surely give.
I don't support Jodi. I'm disappointed with how the trial is unfolding. I want a conviction for premeditated murder but I feel that the points I outlined will be a big problem come deliberation time. Like her sequence of events that are more plausible than what the state is presenting. I'm not talking about her scooby doo run through the closet but the sequence of weapon attacks.

Ive read your posts and have seen your not a Jodi supporter. It seems more like "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" but I really dont see it. You ignore all the great ways Juan is demolishing the defense, IMO

ETA: Plenty of people here disagree over what came first and still arrive at 1st degree murder, so will the jury.
After closer inspection with a bunch of ws'rs last night the folder is still there look above the white cups near the computer monitor and you will see it slide in there. But she did take something, a pencil, paperclip or note. If not it sure was a suspicious move!

Hilarious! Played on national tv last night
The ME himself said that because of the bullet path, blood would have likely been filling his sinuses and mouth and that could account for the bloody coughs at the sink.

And at the same time you want the jury to believe that while he is choking on his own blood he is able to tell Jodi that he was going to kill her bit**?????
You need to explain the large amount of blood on the sink and mirror. She stabbed him in the chest, he stumbled to the sink, coughing up blood. He tried to flee down the hall while she stabs him in the back.

He falls, she slits his throat. She drags him back to the shower, shoots him in the head and showers off his body.


This is exactly what I believe happened also.

IMO, she planned to stab him in the heart and thought he would fall down and die. Just like in the movies.

She began to stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab,
stab him as he attempted to get away while defending himself. He still wasn't dead so she almost beheaded him when she cut his throat.

Drug him back to the shower and shot him.

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OT but I work at an intermediate school in N. Tx. and we are on lockdown due to an inmate escaping from the courthouse about 4 blocks away. Can hear helicopters flying overhead. God knew I was bored today due to trial starting late!!!! LOL! :what:

Jeez, hope they find the inmate asap.
We have enough crazy out here today IMO
Juan is a wonderful, passionate prosecutor, and has already proven his case, even if we were to stop right now. I am confident in his abilities, the evidence, and the outcome of this case.
I have absolutely no fear Arias will be acquitted.
Thank you Juan for your exemplary and continuing work to get JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS.
I'm jealous! I want a photo with Juan!
I tweeted her that I would have that photo framed and up on my mantle. She sweetly tweeted me back...I'm still photoshopping my face in the photo and making it my screen background.

KIDDING! That sounds like a Jodi move. :floorlaugh:
It's VERY important for the defense. It's an attempt to explain her "black out" ploy as well as argue for temporary insanity regarding the overkill. If the jury believes it, she will be acquitted. It's that simple.

Further, judging from the juror questions to Jodi, the jury doesn't believe premeditation IMO. Thanks to Juan, this whole case is going down the drain. Sounds harsh?

Let me explain;

Juan and his experts have presented an illogical theory of the crime. Chiefly, that a stabbing came first in the shower. There's almost no blood splatter in the shower to support the assertion that a flurry of stabs took place there (indeed one jury asked a question about this, saying, "could the shower have been cleaned of blood?"). It is simply more logical that the gunshot came first for a number of reasons. Being far less risky is one. Another reason is that it's utterly foolish and unnecessary to leave behind gun evidence that could link her to the May 28th "burglary" of her residence. And this notion about how she wanted to make him suffer isn't going to cut it when you're talking about a female perpetrator and a predominately male jury. They won't buy it. What does this mean? That Jodi's sequence of events is far more plausible and this could tremendously help her credibility with the jury.

Not even one attempt to explain the ceiling photo and dropped camera photos that Jodi is using to support her version of events. He has not stressed that the camera was on the ground at the end of the hallway, inconsistent with the camera falling to the mat and rolling by the bathtub. The explanation that it got kicked over there is also inconsistent with the crime scene, as no evidence of a commotion occurred in that area, and based on the layout of the bathroom it would require two or three "kicks" to have the camera end up to where the dragging picture was taken (stretches credulity). Or one very hard kick that would cause it to bounce off the walls but then we'd expect to find external damage on the camera and there was none. He has left this wide open but Jodi has not and that could be a very big problem. He has provided no explanation for this and she HAS!

Juan BUNGLED twice now with the issue involving the shower ruse. First, during cross, he badgered Jodi -- incorrectly stating that her repeated attempts to convince Travis to take a photo of him shaving happened on the same day as the murder. She clearly was talking about an incident from a previous date. The sad thing is, Juan didn't need to do this because during the same taped interview she admits to convincing him a second time too -- this time on June 4th for a "Calvin Klein shoot", to which Travis initially responded "I feel so gay". That the issue of who suggested the shower shoot might have been lost on the jury thanks to Juan's bungling could spell disaster for the case!

Why? Because it is germane to the whole issue of premeditation. If the jury believes that Travis suggested the photo shoot, premeditation falls apart. And that's exactly what she told Samuels -- that he suggested the pictures. Jodi lied to Samuels about it because she knew that it had to do with her premeditation of the murder. Juan had an opportunity to expose this lie, but his previous bungle with Jodi on cross allowed both Willmot and Samuels to challenge him about this "inconsistency", referring to his prior incorrect statements concerning that taped interrogation, effectively burying the issue -- possibly implanting in the minds of the jurors that it was Travis who convinced Jodi. And Juan buried it further because he still refused to admit that he was WRONG. It was not an "interpretation", Juan. It is fact that she was talking about a prior incident. This bungle is MAJOR! And here's the funny (sad) thing, Jodi herself acknowledged on the stand that YES she did convince him to take the photos on June 4th, not once but twice. Once under direct, once during cross. Juan could have used those statements to challenge Samuels, but no, he had to be stubborn!

No effort to explain why she had sex with him on the day she planned to kill him. This alone argues against premeditation. It is often brought up by Jodiphiles to support their side. Juan has let the defense characterize the state's case as one involving a contract killing. This was no such case. Jodi had an emotional attachment and likely had second thoughts about going through with her plan to kill him (but was later re-triggered and had to clean up her sex mistakes with a shower ruse).

Failure to establish a credible motive. The Cancun crap is ridiculous when we have the May 26th exchange and the May 28th burglary. She was motivated by RAGE over him trashing her verbally, not jealously. Jodi would frequently shake over these verbal arguments by her own admission and on May 26th, she snapped and had enough. That's the motive! Not Cancun. Juries need motives -- credible ones.

Unless Juan can work a miracle in rebuttal, Jodi has a very good chance of being acquitted of all charges!

Mr. Carr?
The ME himself said that because of the bullet path, blood would have likely been filling his sinuses and mouth and that could account for the bloody coughs at the sink.

I don't remember him saying that. I'm not saying you're lying, but I don't recall it, nor have I heard any of the TH's, trying to make a case for her in regards to the "shot first" theory, mention it.
Didn't Jodi also lie to Alyce Laviolette?

Of course she did, but....that doesn't count. Because as Jodi has told JM, she only tells the truth when she is under oath :giggle: She would NEVER EVER LIE WHILE UNDER OATH :floorlaugh:
Did anyone notice Jodi's eyes when she took the pill yesterday? It was a look of irritation and "what-everrr" to me.

Also, this may be O/T and if it is, I apologize. But in the below clip, when Juan had put the photo of Travis on the autopsy table (the neck wound - NOT shown on video), just watch JA's expression. Even though TA's siblings cry out (it was a surprise they weren't expecting), and her attorneys objected (Nurmi even looked over at the family and did seem concerned for them), she has an almost gleeful look. Sort of a "holy crap I did THAT, woww" look (pleased with herself). Start watching around 1:31:10. It is only AFTER she sees others react, that she starts to do her pretend "shock and sadness." She is truly one sick, dangerous person.

Jodi Arias Trial Day 11(Full) - YouTube

I didn't catch her pleased expression, but I did catch her "Oops, I'm supposed to be upset" look.

What struck me about this video is comparing Lisa's testimony to JA and "Dr." Samuels. She answers "Yes," "No," "Absolutely." No equivocating, no let me explain, no that's not what I'd call it. Really brings home what the testimony of a person who's telling the truth looks like and what it looks like when they're lying.
I would really like to see Juan focus on pre-meditation from here on out. We know that she is a LIAR...but right now, I think we are running the risk of a second degree conviction. Not because she's believable, but because there has been SO much info and this has gone on SO long. He will put a sweet little bow on this for closing arguments, but I want the jurors to have pre-meditation in a neat little package ie "that evil *expletive* planned this from start to finish and then trashed his good name..give her the chair!"

Anything less than 1st degree would make me just as mad as an acquittal, so I want him to ride this on home.
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