trial day 35: the defense continues its case in chief #100

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did he just say in the movies, what a great example, acting :great:

I know I couldn't believe he said that! I expect any moment to hear him say "And if I may quote the writings of my esteemed colleague Dr. Suess, I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I am."
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Every time Willmott is done with a question everyone sighs in dissapointment when she starts up her next question. #JodiArias
I think JA is thinking to herself ...

You're a lousy liar.
You're not helping me at all.
You're exceedingly boring.
I haven't heard you edify me even once!
You can have your lousy book back.

That's good. And far more interesting then what the doc is saying on the stand right now. Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Seriously - when was the MCI test created? 1970. So we're going back to the 70's. OMG!

How does being the murderer with the weapons make you afraid for your life in exactly the same fashion as in the other fictional scenario?
Jodi seems nervous and fidgety. She's cleaned her glasses several times today, playing with her hair, fiddling with something in her lap. JA's definitely not happy about what the doc is saying about her. Comforting gestures on chin and face, too.

You're giving her too much credit... those are all human attributes, of which she is not capable. :) I think she's just bored.

(But really, ... you're probably right)
He kills me how he thinks he is the be all, end all on everything. Like there won't be an opposing opinion ...

He's dreaming.
So friends let's make plans for New Year's Eve. We will all be here.
Here's the juror question I want to hear.
"if someone plans to commit a murder without being caught, such as attacking someone in the shower and then washing away the evidence, and the murder doesn't go as planned, say the victim fights back more than anticipated, almost escapes, the murder is messier, takes longer, etc. would that cause enough stress and trauma to cause PTSD?"

Great post!
aaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhh been trying forever to respond to you. this site is dragggggggggggging for me.

if saved, go to your profile, then to your albums (right side) and you can upload from there. post the IMG code.

I posted one in the thread that just closed but I then realized it might violate the TOS - even though I don't think that's what she actually did.

But paused at the precise moment, it appears that way - I just don't think the mods would be keen on it - it is a vulgar gesture (even if unintentional so I'm not posting it again) :) jmv.

Thank You but per paperwing not posting. Don't want to get in trouble :blushing:
Ugh...JW has asked this same question three times now.

Time to move on and hand the baton to Juan :)
I wonder what the jury is doing at this point? How many times can they go over and over and over the same carp?
He has shifted his word du jour.

Hippocampus is out.

Complex is in.

The password is: complex.
So I *advertiser censored*.U.ME we won't hear from Juan until Monday??????????????????????????????
WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m
Every time Willmott is done with a question everyone sighs in dissapointment when she starts up her next question. #JodiArias
I thought he testified earlier that him and Nurmi approached her and told her that she needed to tell what happened. Not her coming to him and telling what happened

exactly, you are correct.. sounds like he and Nurmi did an "intervention" water boarded her.. she fessed up.

Today the doc makes it sound that poof, one day her story changed.
I was on the ground, being choked and smothered/kneed by my was on the floor, near me......I was able to dial 911 while this was happening-- I just dialed and left the line saved my life.

Reading arrest report later, I learned that through that phone call they could hear every sound and everything I was going through. The poor cops were trying like crazy to get here in time.

So BS will think of calling 911-hopefully they can be given the opportunity. :furious :

No kidding. I've been in a similar situation and 911 is your LIFELINE. Who would run through a closet instead of grabbing the phone or running OUTSIDE? It's such a stupid lie the DT is spinning with this "doctor."
That's what she did with her story, or THREE stories.

She kept coming up with something until she found one people were stoooopid enough to believe.

Juries out. I don't think they're stupid.

just sayin'
Oh, none taken and I may have done poorly at explaining what I meant. Jodi seems to be implying she was having this reaction while she was still in her relationship which struck me as odd. You're kind of spending all your time just surviving - there isn't a lot of time or energy left to really deal or cope with the abuse and its effects.

It was just your post that made me relate that experience. :) Absolutely no offense taken. Not a bit.

Oh, everything you said made perfect sense. So glad you posted - and so GRATEFUL you got out of that relationship!

I did a few newspaper articles on DV. One of the things that struck me was (1) the prevalence of it and (2) the stigma still attached to talking about it, even if you are a survivor.

That's one of the reasons I find JA so disgusting. A lot of the survivors I talked to WISH they could forget what happened to them. They don't have the luxury of amnesia.

But I am so happy to hear stories like yours! You are heroic in every sense of the word! :twocents:
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