trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Today I learned:

1. ALV's description of an abuser just described Jodi to a Tee.
2. If you come from an unstable upbringing, you will be an "abuser" later on in life. *sarcasm*

Yes, I told my husband tonight that I wasn't fit to be around our grandchildren because I'm sure I'm abusive. He rolled his eyes. :great:
I am not convinced of the "evil" thing, but I do agree that often, bad actors come from behind the most lovely of masks.

I also don't believe that anyone is pure bad or pure good. I think that circumstances exacerbate or elevate what is inherently flawed or good in each of us.

Most of the time the result is just the typical fallible human. Thankfully seldom is it the result we see in Jodi Arias. :(. And yet even her defect wasn't apparent until closer inspection.

Excellent post, Knot! Thanks.

Most people thought Ted Bundy was handsome, boyish, polite and smart. He was an up & comer in the local chapter of the Repub. party.

He could be charming and he was very quick to size up in people what they wanted to hear and what type person he needed to be to endear himself to them. And he was successful for a long, long time.

Finally, a SSSizzle...
Both her licenses show she was licensed as a Psychological Assistant, authorized to work only under the supervision of Psychologist Charles Thomas Stockton.

The license of Charles Thomas Stockton was revoked effective 7/30/97 due to his having sex with a patient he was treating for depression, then tried to bribe a minister to dissuade her from suing him. Here's the article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times about the revocation of his license:

That put her out of a job.$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=16213&P_LTE_ID=724$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=6141&P_LTE_ID=725$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=6141&P_LTE_ID=725

btw even though Dr. Samuels insisted psychologists are trained not to get emotionally involved with patients, that is not strictly true. Our psychologist friend who was easily taken advantage of by others was also sued by a patient, not because they'd had sex but because he stopped having sex with her. ;)

Wow she was supervised by an abuser!
The way Lady LaViolette explains it; anyone who is in a love relationship has been abused. C'mon that's how relationships are. People in love engage in psychological warfare all the time; it's the battle of the sexes. They say & do shi$$y things to each other. And they also do amazing loving things for each other. Sometimes the person stops loving you, and vice versa. It hurts, sometime A LOT. People move on. No one is perfect, and even the most stable couples go thru patches. It's called LIFE.

IF they're beating you and the kids to a bloody pulp, well that's another thing. BUT that is not what happened between Jodi and Travis.

And sometimes....when people go out of town to gatherings, they meet new people from other states that they are interested in, for whatever reason. Sometimes, they communicate afterward and travel to meet each other. Sometimes the guy finds that he is interested in one type of relationship and the woman is interested in an entirely different type of relationship.

Sometimes they get together on weekends and do activities when times and finances allow. As they get to know each other better, sometimes one person finds that they are less interested in the other person, while the other person is more and more interested and more actively pursue the other, to the point of obsession, stalking and violence.

Sometimes he's just not that into you.
Amen to that! I find myself dismissing whole post that make fun of her GP home or run along the lines of suggesting she was "white trash" because of her GP's have a modest house. I mean wth, are people not aware that MOST people who live in this country ( and *gasp* the whole world) are not wealthy? Does that make them trash? I know people hate her, heck I hate her, but I just don't get that angle.

She sickens me because she murdered a man, not because she was/is poor. MOO

I totally agree,

I find it more telling that Jodi lived with her grandparents and never helped them out with cleaning, helping them financially, no...not jodi the mooching user....she was too busy jumping at the chance to snoop...I mean..clean Travis's.
Amen to that! I find myself dismissing whole post that make fun of her GP home or run along the lines of suggesting she was "white trash" because of her GP's have a modest house. I mean wth, are people not aware that MOST people who live in this country ( and *gasp* the whole world) are not wealthy? Does that make them trash? I know people hate her, heck I hate her, but I just don't get that angle.

She sickens me because she murdered a man, not because she was/is poor. MOO

I guess I saw it different. Look where Travis started and ended up.
Knowing JA didn't have a childhood like he did where did she end up?
At her grandparents. ~no job no home no $ no education

Now I see what you mean. About the size of the homes.
I never know... I have seen places in Seattle tiny tiny that cost more than Travis'
Maybe she just didn't get her payment for the license renewal in in time or complete her continued educations courses in time. I think a lot of licensed professionals tend to put the license renewal stuff on the back burner until the eleventh hour.

See the post a few up from this. She was licensed only to work under the supervision of Charles Thomas Stockton, and when HIS license was revoked for having sex with a patient and trying to convince her minister to discourage her from suing him, she was effectively out of a job.
Goodnight all--I'm off to abuse my children and husband since I am programmed to do so by my abusive childhood. If only I could make my own decisions and take personal responsibility for my actions! Alas, I am powerless.
Then where did JM get his question about jodi telling ALV the *advertiser censored* was on TA's computer???? I thought she DID interview her.

Holy smoke, if this is one long hypothetical, what did they do? Decide to go this route and toss out anything she got from interviews?
IIRC from waaay back in the beginning of this trail, probably the first few threads, somebody posted a letter to the court from ALV recommending that they allow the pedophilia accusations to be admitted because Jodi told her she saw that whole scene with the computer.

edited to add
sorry it is written so weird but I can't bring myself to type out Jodi's whole lie because it was the lowest her dt has gone IMO I hate even repeating her crap. I'm sure you get the picture though
What I learned from ALV today.

Abuse victims sometimes tell no one, so anyone who claims abuse without evidence should be believed. Also, anyone who denies they were abused could be lying. It's possible every one of us has been abused and just don't want to admit it yet.

Which means Travis was abused too.

But really, she gave lots of justifications to say Jodi abused him (just like she abused her mother and dog).

In the end, just like with RS and PTSD, all ALV can say is it's POSSIBLE she was abused, while also having to admit it's possible she wasn't. zzzz.
Both her licenses show she was licensed as a Psychological Assistant, authorized to work only under the supervision of Psychologist Charles Thomas Stockton.

The license of Charles Thomas Stockton was revoked effective 7/30/97 due to his having sex with a patient he was treating for depression, then tried to bribe a minister to dissuade her from suing him. Here's the article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times about the revocation of his license:

That put her out of a job.$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=16213&P_LTE_ID=724$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=6141&P_LTE_ID=725$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=6141&P_LTE_ID=725

btw even though Dr. Samuels insisted psychologists are trained not to get emotionally involved with patients, that is not strictly true. Our psychologist friend who was easily taken advantage of by others was also sued by a patient, not because they'd had sex but because he stopped having sex with her. ;)

People tend to become psychologists because they want to help people, they care about them, and want to make a difference.
I have 2 questions.

The first one is concerning ALV discussing prior cases she has dealt with. She isn't of course naming names, but isn't their a privacy issue about discussing them? Some former clients are surely listening to her on the stand thinking, she is talking about me.

The second question is something Katie on Dr. Drew brought up. Why wouldn't ALV interview Jodi? Is it now allowed or do most expert witnesses never actually meet the defendants?
Australia is so amazing. The people there that I met were amazing and lovely. It was a wonderful trip for ..i was there for 2 months. Tasmania was wonderful as well. If you ever get a chance..go to both.

O/T but Tasmania is Australia, isn't it? It was last January when I was there. No matter I loved Australia (and NZ but don't tell the Aussies and vice versa) . Just joking , they have their inside fun.
You're kidding? Really?

I think in this day and age if an adult doesn't wear a seat belt or a helmet should invalidate their insurance....they're on their own. Good luck with that!
I wear my seat belt but I always get a bit of rebel in me because I really hate being told what to do !!
deleted, changed my mind.

I wish I could change my mind, but nobody is offering me enough to trade in the current one. :sigh:

I don't think so. There was an outrageous few minutes with JW asking leading questions of La Violette about whether a child [i.e. Travis] born to addicts, with no permanent home, very poor, and so dirty, smelly that when he [i.e. Travis] went to school he [i.e. Travis] was ridiculed, etc., etc. ...would such a child [i.e. Travis] be more likely to become an abuser than a child who grew up in a stable home. I'm not sure about the last bit because I was so incensed at the implication that Travis' deprived childhood would lead him to be an abuser that the rest of what she said is "foggy". I don't recommend you watch that bit of testimony if your blood pressure is at all high.

Thanks, I won't watch now. I have a feeling that stuff like that will blow up in the defenses face!


Not in my skanky opinion! It was basically more of the same, general terms, irrelevant examples. :)

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Oh, you're not a *advertiser censored*. You don't live in NJ.




Important Question!!

Christie Paul just told Dr. Drew that Alice has never interviewed Jodi, is that true?

that cant sorry i dont believe that.

I actually find it very easy to believe that she never interviewed Jodi. IMO, if she had interviewed Jodi, she wouldn't be sitting on that stand.

Emus? Kangaroos? Those cute fuzzy koala bears?

Don't help her. Beeshie knows what she did. :snooty:

I'm still waiting for an answer too.

Australia is so amazing. The people there that I met were amazing and lovely. It was a wonderful trip for ..i was there for 2 months. Tasmania was wonderful as well. If you ever get a chance..go to both.

Was there any other reason you found Australia so endearing?


I loved the land Down Under when I was there in '94. :rocker:

Just a thought on Travis' nice house vs. her grandparents' more modest home;

I don't know if her grandparents owned their home outright or were still holding a mortgage, as "crappy" as it is according to some, but Travis had two mortgages on his house and according to his texts to JA where he says he is trying to save his house, he wasn't able to make those payments easily.....I think I would rather own a home that I can afford even if some people make fun of it as opposed to a really nice home and a closet full of custom made clothes with a lien on it.

Jodi's grandparents are not on trial and their home is a perfectly nice one. :(. They bought what they could afford. How is that shameful?

For a young man he was doing very well,most likely he told JA that so she would stop asking him for money!She asked him for money a lot.He had 2 room mates most likely they paid his mortgage.No one knocked their home,it is true compared to a cramped tiny bedroom in a small house Travis had a mansion.Most likely her grandparents had downsized as most do when all children are gone and just 2 people living there. I will say I am a grandmother to a 7 yr old who I adore,I have a 4 bedroom house 9 room home I raised my kids in.His room at my house has a firetruck bed and we just got him a corvette twin bed.His whole room is a child's dream and he only is here 4 days a month. I would not have him in a room like jodi was in.She hit the jackpot with Travis but he realized she was a wackadoo but not soon enough.
:floorlaugh:You know the other day I posted that I thought the reason she is constantly licking and biting her lips is because she didn't have lipstick. lol!!!

That is funny!! But we know it didn't work because her lips turned out chapped instead (in the mug shot pic). :bricks: LOL!ng
Oh my. I clicked on it and it scared my cat. She ran out of the room like she was on fire and hasn't been seen since. :-O

ETA: that makes me abusive, right? Better call the SPCA. I was abusing my cat earlier by picking her up and kissing her. She.Was.Not.Amused.
I wear my seat belt but I always get a bit of rebel in me because I really hate being told what to do !!

I hate being told what to do too!

But.... I have this thing about flying through the windshield and my head hitting the asphalt at 45 miles an hour!

My husband now always wears a seat belt, I told him no uncertain terms ....I would not take care of an invalid because they were too stubborn and stupid to click it!
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