trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Noooo!! Don't go or feel silly! I lurked for a month or so before joining in because everyone on here seemed so knowledgeable. Everyone's been VERY nice and welcoming and they offer wonderful feedback. (I didn't have an avatar for the longest. I decided on my Halloween dressed dogs because my Chihuahua actually wore braids. And she didn't even SHAKE in her costume! ;) )

You have experiences and insights to share that no one else does. I, for one, would love to hear more from you! :welcome5:

I have been here since 2006..join in do not lurk..:seeya::great:
The hearing is over. Jean Casarez says that the judge will take it under advisement. Looks like we have to wait for a decision.
Pic just copied from Pam Brewer on Twitter of Travis as a child and his father.. note the Spidey underwear.. (our Gingersnap)

Such an adorable little boy!
So the murder knife may have been from her job, then put back when she went to work?

Wasn't it said she had to leave Ryan burns because she had to get back to her job?
Oh my!
Okay, this ^ is why I thought only the DT paid their experts! But I was wrong.

So what does that mean in regard to JM's experts? (Which I just found out also get paid to testify). Are y'all going to call them
$ellouts, too?

No snark, I just really want to know if they will get picked on for getting paid, too.

Dr. DeMarte lives in Phoenix, so there's savings on airfare and housing.
I think $ is part of it, but also I honestly think ALV just doesn't know the whole story yet and is going by what the DT and JA has told her. She sees JA as a victim because that's the story she presented. I don't think she has researched the case on her own.

There is no part of this story that would even suggest Jodi was a victim of DV, IMO. If she is going to give her expert opinion based on nothing outside of what Jodi and her DT have claimed then ALV's credibility and respect are going to be destroyed, i.e. RS!:whistle:
In the midst of our being stalked experience, not understanding how we could have ever got ourselves in our awful situation, my daughter and I were told by a professional to pay attention to the first thing we feel about a person, always remember it, and that will be our guide. I can't tell you how much that helped.

Absolutely! It won't make any sense to you at the time. My husband doesn't always pick up on my vibes, that's ok. If you feel something is wrong with a person, pay attention to that. As a pastor's wife, we come across a lot of people from all walks of life. It can be difficult when you don't want to be rude to someone. But as I said, it can save your life, or the lives of your children. Being safe is more important than being nice.
The money? To promote her book? Who knows.

Seems to me that if ALV is truly an advocate for victims of domestic violence that she should want to help anyone and everyone - including men - who is a victim.

Especially a man who was brutally slaughtered by his abuser.
In the midst of our being stalked experience, not understanding how we could have ever got ourselves in our awful situation, my daughter and I were told by a professional to pay attention to the first thing we feel about a person, always remember it, and that will be our guide. I can't tell you how much that helped.

Maya Angelou: "When a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

Thank you for this. I am really looking forward to Juan ripping this woman up on the stand. No evidence of squat but she testifies before the trial even starts. She's been on Jodi's side for a long time.

I disagree. I think Juan will be able to take each of her hypotheticals and reverse the genders to make the point to the jury that TA was the abused, not the abuser.

I also believe this is why JM was so quiet yesterday. He can use everythingvshe said on cross, and also by letting her talk, both she and JW opened up a few more doors thru which JM can expound on. (Bad grammar, but you know...)

I also think JM will be very respectful of ALV, as there is no reason for him to attack her. She testified in hypotheticals as she was instructed by the court to do, and she set things up perfectly for JM.

Furthermore, I have a hinky feeling this was no accident. No proof, just a gut feeling and the eerie coincidences that almost every one of her hypotheticals was describing JODI, down to minute details. That would be one heckuva coincidence, methinks.

JM got a big ole present with a shiny bow!
she must have met her,how else could she tell ALV that travis had little boy photos on his computer? :waitasec:

Did she? I never heard that, but I spaced a lot yesterday.....LaMonotone is just too much.
WE have the absolute worse time here in the east. 1:30-sometimes until 9 pm. Not great for a marriage :smile:

I watch it on my iPhone or iPad via live stream. I make dinner while watching, eat dinner while watching (it ends at 7:30 though and sometimes we're just getting ready to eat). But it works out fine because my DH watches the Moroccan news while I watch the trial.
#jodiarias...Stephen Alexander wearing blue & orange ribbon 2day..Blue 4 #TravisAlexander, Orange 4 mom-in-law who died of leukemia

Just sharing :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
So that's pretty typical, then?

Would you say that being paid doesn't make a witness "shady"?

I don't even know what kind of law you practice, Minor4th, or if you use experts, but you answered my first post and I have really been wondering about this! :seeya:

This whole paid legal expert thing is an ugly world that most people are completely unfamiliar.

But there are legions of services that you can google that will find you 'expert' witnesses to testify at your trial.
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