trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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I can't wait for this expert to be done with by JM!!!

I got pasta and for dessert coffee ice cream. (I'm firmly in the moderation in all things club, love how the French eat, real food, full-fat everything, all food groups in moderation. :) )

How sweet it's going to be when we hear the words 'The Defense rests' Eagerly waiting!

I spent some time in Paris a few yrs ago...I love how the french eat to lol omg, I gained a few pounds while there lol
I lost a lot of confidence in the justice system when Baez threw out that GA molested Casey in trial and didn't have to show a shred of evidence and it got CA acquitted. It's a shame that they are able to slander the victim in this case and call him an abuser without ONE person to back it up. Not one picture, no evidence, nothing. They should have to back up allegations like that besides the words of a liar. They should have to show everyone solid proof before making such ridiculous statement.

Now we have three days of testimony from a DV expert when there was no abuse! Except for what JA did to TA. This is beyond ridiculous.
where can I find all the photos.Please help have looked around and can not find them

Which photos? If you mean just the ones from TA's camera, they are at this link, which I'll put in quotes so it doesn't take up too much space here.

Just came across some p*nis pics (displayed in court) that were recovered from JA's damaged hard drive. Was too stunned to notice what day that was but saved a screen capture. :blushing:
I can't wait for this expert to be done with by JM!!!

I got pasta and for dessert coffee ice cream. (I'm firmly in the moderation in all things club, love how the French eat, real food, full-fat everything, all food groups in moderation. :) )

How sweet it's going to be when we hear the words 'The Defense rests' Eagerly waiting!

I, for one, can hardly wait. So tired of all this Travis bashing! You'd think he was the one on trial instead of the *advertiser censored* who brutally murdered him.:furious:
It's true. You can feel evil on people. Not everyone pays attention to it. We are taught to trust people, to give the benefit of the doubt and see the best in people first. We are taught to ignore our instincts for fear of being rude. Those instincts are given to us as a protection. I can't tell you how many times it has saved my life.

Yes! I read (some) of the book "The Gift of Fear" - the author says NEVER ignore those feelings, our bodies can have physical reactions to people/situations before our brains can even process the fear. I have gotten chills like my blood ran cold when meeting someone, it's not imagined. It's like our whole being is repulsed for no obvious reason.
My husband quit smoking then gained weight. I had been trying to lose weight for 5 yrs after my last kiddo but he would always bring home hot fries knowing they are my weakness. Finally now that he is on a diet too he realizes how hard it is when your weakness is right in front of you not to pig out. He is doing Atkins but I'm not knocking out as many carbs and foods as he is. Im a carb eater so before diet I would probably eat double the carbs of a normal person. Not a fan of meat but I eat enough of it so the kids can not pull the well mommy doesn't eat it card. I stopped the junk food eating and started eating fruits and veggies as my snack. So much easier now that he is dieting b/c now its a competition as to who will hit their target weight first. Even though I know I will probably lose since he has no issues having the weight fall off. While Im busting my butt exercising and knocking my carbs down to only 25-30g a day. Though now that Im complaining about losing it so slow I hope tomorrow is like all the other day after I complain moments and I drop a full lb.

Don't be so hard on yourself! You are doing a great job incorporating the fruits & veggies instead of junk food! Remember u don't have to completely deprive yourself of things u's all about portion control.

Keep up the excellent work w/'s good for the body & the mind!

Remember that when u & your hubby "weigh in" muscle weighs more than I would definitely suggest u & him do your measurements once a week. I bet u have lost more in inches than pounds than your hubby since u are working out!

Most importantly, keep in mind that it is a proven fact men loose weight faster than women!!

Keep up the awesome work!! :great:
DING DING DING! We have a winner. 'They' say everybody has a price and LV obviously has hers to the tune of $3,000/day.

Okay, this ^ is why I thought only the DT paid their experts! But I was wrong.

So what does that mean in regard to JM's experts? (Which I just found out also get paid to testify). Are y'all going to call them
$ellouts, too?

No snark, I just really want to know if they will get picked on for getting paid, too.
Anyone who spent more than 3 years in a relationship with JA probably had significant issues - if not before meeting her, then definitely after. On the stand his demeanor seemed very depressed, low energy, etc. He seemed like an extremely passive person. Jodi was probably able to control him very easily. Travis had a vibrant, ambitious, driven personality - totally the opposite of the Daryl we saw. Jodi could not dominate Travis and it drove her bonkers.

I believe DBrewer her ex was a recovering alcoholic when they met. You can see it in his face when you look at his picture, someone who drank a lot, for a long time. I think he had issues of his own and she took advantage. FWIW I don't believe she loved him which is why he never experienced her jealousy, she just didn't care. She used him while he was worth using, found someone better and dropped him.
Here's what HLN reported, in part, in February:

"During her opening statement, Jennifer Willmott said that Alexander told Arias she sounded like a 12-year-old having an orgasm for the first time when they had phone sex. Defense attorney Kirk Nurmi has also mentioned that Alexander liked Arias’ hair in pigtails.

The transcript from the closed-door hearing Thursday indicates Arias says she saw Travis masturbating to images of the young males on his computer and pictures sprawled out on his bed.

During the hearing, Arias’ defense attorneys called clinical psychologist Alyce LaViolette to the stand. LaViolette said Arias told her catching Alexander masturbating to young males, “triggered the first really violent episode, physical episode, between the two of them.”"


I'm going back through the trial videos now...


Thank you for this. I am really looking forward to Juan ripping this woman up on the stand. No evidence of squat but she testifies before the trial even starts. She's been on Jodi's side for a long time.
ALV must have researched this case before agreeing to testify. Why would anyone put their career and name on the line without thoroughly check that out? This case is going ruin her if she didn't. I think she is going to keep it 'general' and let Juan poke holes leaving it up to the jurors to decide. IMO

Any press is good press (especially when you are trying te sell your book).........
Here's what HLN reported, in part, in February:

"During her opening statement, Jennifer Willmott said that Alexander told Arias she sounded like a 12-year-old having an orgasm for the first time when they had phone sex. Defense attorney Kirk Nurmi has also mentioned that Alexander liked Arias’ hair in pigtails.

The transcript from the closed-door hearing Thursday indicates Arias says she saw Travis masturbating to images of the young males on his computer and pictures sprawled out on his bed.

During the hearing, Arias’ defense attorneys called clinical psychologist Alyce LaViolette to the stand. LaViolette said Arias told her catching Alexander masturbating to young males, “triggered the first really violent episode, physical episode, between the two of them.”"


I'm going back through the trial videos now...

Didn't this imaginary event happen on "Swap the cars day"? If so, Juan masterfully and thoroughly debunked that lie with Jodi on the stand using phone/texts/her journal to prove it couldn't have happened
I felt silly even asking and now I feel sillier! :blushing: Back to lurking. :lurk:

Noooo!! Don't go or feel silly! I lurked for a month or so before joining in because everyone on here seemed so knowledgeable. Everyone's been VERY nice and welcoming and they offer wonderful feedback. (I didn't have an avatar for the longest. I decided on my Halloween dressed dogs because my Chihuahua actually wore braids. And she didn't even SHAKE in her costume! ;) )

You have experiences and insights to share that no one else does. I, for one, would love to hear more from you! :welcome5:
I definitely think she brought the knife from work, a professional grade butcher knife, used in a restaurant. It would be much sharper than one used in a home.

So the murder knife may have been from her job, then put back when she went to work?
It's true. You can feel evil on people. Not everyone pays attention to it. We are taught to trust people, to give the benefit of the doubt and see the best in people first. We are taught to ignore our instincts for fear of being rude. Those instincts are given to us as a protection. I can't tell you how many times it has saved my life.

In the midst of our being stalked experience, not understanding how we could have ever got ourselves in our awful situation, my daughter and I were told by a professional to pay attention to the first thing we feel about a person, always remember it, and that will be our guide. I can't tell you how much that helped.
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