trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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The rope is the reason the knife is in the bathroom. It's crucial to the defense.

OK...gotcha'. I was lost coming into the conversation mid-stream. She/they need a reason for the knife to be accessible to JA. Sorry!
Because they can? Seriously though, I think it's to show them that they are no longer in control of their lives. :jail:


They have to check them out of the jail, do searches (strip searches, possibly)...there is a ton of paperwork, it's all hurry up and wait. I don't think this jail is unique in this way. It probably does take a few hours to get all of that accomplished. They are also probably understaffed like most jails, so they have to wait for deputies to finish doing one thing before they can start on the next. Just chaining all of the prisoners individually and then together will take a chunk of time.

Oh, and they also don't give a rat's patootie about the comfort of their prisoners. Not saying they should, but they definitely do everything to keep security high and give themselves enough time to do all paperwork and logistics every single day. Nobody gives a second thought to poor Jodi's lack of beauty sleep.
I've been doing way too much thinking today and I have a few questions. First...tell me if I have this straight: once JM is done with ALV come the jury questions, right? Or JW again and THEN the jury questions? The defense is then done, and next is rebuttal. Is there a list anywhere of the witnesses who will be called?

Second...I didn't follow the FCA case, but have any of the jurors spoken out since the verdict? I have a reason for asking that but I'll get into it later.
All true, but he was deposition'd by Juan months ago and I think something big came out during that. When he cross examined JA he mentioned Matt a few times and left it at place that gave the impression there was more to come. Also, Matt was originally on the defense witness list, now he's not. Either it was a bluff by Juan.... saying.... go ahead, call him and see what happens, or he will be on the stand during rebuttal. Personally, I think we will see him at some point.

Even if we don't , the jury should find it very curious that the ONE person JA claims she showed her bruises to and told about the abuse isn't being called by the defense.

That would speak volumes to me if I were a juror.
Ok I really need to just stick to this board. I don't know how I got myself suckered into an argument regarding Jodi's claim on self defense on another message board. I give up! I now know that these people will make excuses for everything! This is the response I got as to why Jodi filled up the gas cans before traveling to Mesa.

She did testify that she often changed plans, at one point she was thinking of going via Death Valley. She had this list of locations she wanted to visit. I haven't got to the bottom of that.

Of course she never got to take any photos, or do any of this, because Alexander persuaded her to go to his place. She didn't necessarily know interstate 10 was such an easy drive, and she was travelling at night. Another thing : she may have wanted to fill the cans before getting to Alexander's : he often asked her for money, and it would lead to trouble if she refused, so filling up her cans before she got there would make sense. Maybe she thought she might be off the main roads later. Regardless - it was pointless for her to attempt to conceal her movements in this way - just as the upside down read number plate was pointless - and would even have drawn attention

Are people really that BLIND?????? The death valley after 9pm at night. Travis would need to borrow money?? Give me a break. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Maybe so, but so many hurdles to overcome there. Matt was represented by Jodi's ex-public defender (Victoria Washington). To get past that will be huge, for attorney/client privilege, etc. IMO. Plus that guy is shady as heck. IMO.

I agree, I'm concerned about Matt being called.

Although I'd looooovvvveeee to know some of the info Juan must know relating to what Matt knows, I don't feel secure in knowing how he'd answer many questions. Risky, but then again, Juan's a far more experienced prosecutor than me, so obviously I should be trusting his judgment and strategy. :rocker:

I have missed what V Washington represented Matt in, something related to this case, or something separate?

How? Where are your "known rope fibers?"

Not going round with this one any more

The post is not saying there is a rope, only that it is the only way defense can explain why there was a knife in the bathroom. There was no rope.....unless Jodi brought it thinking she might be able to tie Travis up for sex and he would have none of it. We see no rope. No pictures with rope in it. jmo
Hey Donna..

Was that the missing Vanessa from an Apt in Tempe/Mesa I think? The other night?

Btw if they killed him in apt in town but set fire of body on Rez who handles it? Pima Rez Police? or Town PD or MCO? Just curious...
Yep. I think our IPV statistics should include EVERYONE who ends up dead because of domestic violence around the participants.
I guess she's not happy because it seems Paris Hilton was treated much better when she went to jail. :floorlaugh:

Well SHE brought her bible and copy of Rick Warren's book. So, there! :snooty:

Food, blankets whatever. Deep down I am thinking this is a Jodi tactic as "the Juan is on".

And I like Sherrif Joe, jail/prison should not be a country club vacation. You are there for an infraction on society, whether it be big or minor.

Just my little opinion.

I do not like Sheriff Joe. A jail is not a prison. Some of the people there are innocent, like the Latina woman who was held for three months on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant when she was actually born in this country. There are also real problems in his jail with people getting needed medical care. The COs are discouraged from calling for an ambulance because of the cost and one woman died because of it.
The time she woke up and had breakfast was not an issue when she was on the stand for her 18+ days, and she can always sleep/rest once she gets there before court starts. Maybe she is missing the attention.
I do not dispute that she gets migraines but she may also feel that letting Juan have a chance at the witness before the long weekend is not worth the risk.
Interesting that JW was heard loudly telling someone TO MAKE SURE she took her meds. Jodi is a grown woman, and if she can't take responsibility for taking her medications maybe her attorneys need to get the jail psychiatrist involved.
Just my thoughts...
Hey Donna..

Was that the missing Vanessa from an Apt in Tempe/Mesa I think? The other night?

Btw if they killed him in apt in town but set fire of body on Rez who handles it? Pima Rez Police? or Town PD or MCO? Just curious...

I believe it would be handled where the crime took place initially. As in where he was killed.
I have a question, why is the diary regarded as a legitimate source? I mean, she had a lot of time in prison to fake entries.

The jury is under no obligation to regard it as a legitimate source. They are free to decide that Jodi lied in her diary or faked entries.
Excellent question. I think the 'torn out pages' were completely bogus. Another thing they know the state can't prove.
And she had plenty of time to fiddle with it when she knew they were coming to get her. Why didn't she burn it? Maybe because she wanted they to read it, eh?
And Nurmi is trying to get them to ADD 500 cal to that?
JA needs 3100 cal a day?


Gotta remember Nurmi's perspective...he probably estimates he consumes about 10000 calories per day, so he figures Jodi is about a 1/3 of his weight.:floorlaugh:
I'm beginning to think that JA's migraine today was a defense ploy to not give Juan the advantage of having the last word with this witness going into the long break. Just sayin'

There is a difference between a migraine and a tension headache. I think in usual Jodi-fashion, she is embellishing and calling her run-of-the-mill tension headache a migraine because it sounds more serious. Just like she embellishes when she claims normal girlfriend-boyfriend arguments are horrific domestic violence.
Ok I really need to just stick to this board. I don't know how I got myself suckered into an argument regarding Jodi's claim on self defense on another message board. I give up! I now know that these people will make excuses for everything! This is the response I got as to why Jodi filled up the gas cans before traveling to Mesa.

She did testify that she often changed plans, at one point she was thinking of going via Death Valley. She had this list of locations she wanted to visit. I haven't got to the bottom of that.

Of course she never got to take any photos, or do any of this, because Alexander persuaded her to go to his place. She didn't necessarily know interstate 10 was such an easy drive, and she was travelling at night. Another thing : she may have wanted to fill the cans before getting to Alexander's : he often asked her for money, and it would lead to trouble if she refused, so filling up her cans before she got there would make sense. Maybe she thought she might be off the main roads later. Regardless - it was pointless for her to attempt to conceal her movements in this way - just as the upside down read number plate was pointless - and would even have drawn attention

Are people really that BLIND?????? The death valley after 9pm at night. Travis would need to borrow money?? Give me a break. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

You've been ditching us to go to JAII?
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