trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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I really don't see too much in common with Jodi and Bundy, other than killers.

You have to realize with the media, they will get an "expert" to say what they want. For bigger ratings and/or for other reasons.

In the Pistorius case recently, a BBC interviewee said they kept pestering him to say OP is suicidal, so he finally addressed that, and later said he is not.

With expert witnesses, they have many to pick from. Easy to get one to say what they want aired/ JMO
Yet, it could be nothing more than made up non-sense from the DT and family/friends of JA. We do not know what this juror did wrong, if anything. Certainly, we don't know whether she "mouthed off or wanted to the be foreman". I am going to give her some credit until we know otherwise. She gave 4 months of her life to this trial, she didn't do that for the heck of it. The DT is looking for anything and everything to cause a mistrial. IMO - they "won" in their eyes, and now have their eyes on someone/something else to cause a mistrial. Who is next? What is next? :furious:

Nothing that caused her to be discharged came from the defense. They challenged the prosecutor and the cane signing, etc. and in the course of questioning the jurors themselves about that, the information leading to the dismissal of juror 5 came out from herself, or possibly from another juror I guess. I haven't re-read the motion. The information was elicited by the judge (because that's who would have been questioning them) not the defense. The defense merely put what happened during that questioning in writing in the form of a motion. jmo
This is the link I was reading.

It is describing the "Organized vs Disorganized" serial killers.

I thought Bundy's IQ was only in the 120 range (which is really not very high, about the same as a schoolteacher) and it's a bit of a myth that people with ASPD have a higher IQ, they're across the same range as everybody else, actually, John Douglas says they test lower, probably due to their 'issues' .. which is why they get caught.
I think he said he spoke to noone in her family

Yes, and then he claimed he based his belief that JA was attacked by a knife-wielding assailant at age 13 on something her brother said in an interview.
Speak for yourself ElleElle. I am not "exhausted". This is the first trial that I have followed. I found WS because I am interested in missing persons and cold cases. I am only following this trial because I was a Mormon it peaked my interest because TA was a hypocrite, like my Mormon family as well as my husband's Mormon family. I would suggest to anybody that is to burned out, exhausted by this trial...don't watch it, quit *****ing. MOO
Sounds like you have a beef with the Mormon religion. JA is on trial for killing Travis Alexander 29 times over. Travis is the victim of a brutal, vicious crime. Religion has nothing to do with it.

I CAN"T BELIEVE Dr. Drew had that Jodi's Mormon missionary on and let him blather TWICE about the process of becoming a Mormon, how many lessons, etc. instead of asking him the one we all want to know:

Did you teach Jodi Arias the Law of Chastity?

I have to say that Travis Alexander's behavior toward women is not the least bit unusual in the Mormon culture. Because they are celibate, they date LOTS and LOTS of women, comparing them. This is encouraged, as some posters have pointed out but it doesn't last long because they are directly advised by their bishops to marry, if possible, within six months of returning from their missions. And most of them do.

In case you are forgotten, Mormons believe in polygamy. They do not practice it because it is against the law in America. Polygamy is still a requirement for those who want to "seal" their families together for eternity in the temple. This is spelled out in Mormon scripture written by Joseph Smith, "Doctrine and Covenants, Section 132."

If a woman dies without being married, she can only go to the Celestial Kingdom as a servant instead of a goddess. This belief in polygamy creates a musical chairs situation as women compete for the smaller number of returned missionary priesthood holders.

Polygamist cultures are found to create an imbalance of power which produces conditions favorable to emotional and physical abuse. Travis Alexander's behavior was typical for a bachelor his age. I was dating men in his age group and a lot of them dated widely and kept it secret because the women didn't like it.

A funny story- I was dating one fellow and I met a woman at a dance who was also dating him. She and I ended up best friends and the man faded into the background. She told me she learned that our mutual friend had been dating two other women while discussing marriage with her.

I know it sounds odd, but it is just not that uncommon for people to marry because the time is right rather than because they are in love. In fact, the Mormon prophet, Spencer W. Kimball said that any righteous man and woman who are both faithful to the gospel can have a happy marriage.

Young Mormon women are taught that marrying in the right place (temple) at the right time (after the male's mission) is what is emphasized. And they should never settle for anything less than a returned missionary.

You will hear Jodi Arias parrot all these things while continuing to function like a blow up sex doll. Poor Travis had no idea who he was dealing with. I find it upsetting that they are trying to portray Travis in such a bad light when he was just a regular guy with one girlfriend he screws and others that he sees but is not intimate with. Sorry, but that describes most of my longterm relationships when I was a young energetic woman! I slept with one person, my boyfriend, but also have lots of men friends I would do things with.

Take Travis out of the Mormon bubble and he's just a regular guy, less sexual than most imo.

Justice for Travis!
Speak for yourself ElleElle. I am not "exhausted". This is the first trial that I have followed. I found WS because I am interested in missing persons and cold cases. I am only following this trial because I was a Mormon it peaked my interest because TA was a hypocrite, like my Mormon family as well as my husband's Mormon family. I would suggest to anybody that is to burned out, exhausted by this trial...don't watch it, quit *****ing. MOO

Or ....just say you are exhausted with it when you feel like it ...cause we are allowed to say this. P. S This trial is exhausting...and I will watch it and post on it when I want to.
You took my post out of context.

I was replying to the swirlies surrounding Juror #5 and it was probably for the best to get her out as this is does not need to drag longer than it is due to juror misconduct.

Speak for yourself ElleElle. I am not "exhausted". This is the first trial that I have followed. I found WS because I am interested in missing persons and cold cases. I am only following this trial because I was a Mormon it peaked my interest because TA was a hypocrite, like my Mormon family as well as my husband's Mormon family. I would suggest to anybody that is to burned out, exhausted by this trial...don't watch it, quit *****ing. MOO
she said she kicked Doggy Boy and he only moved a couple feet and stood there, then in her next sentence claimed they never saw him again. :what:

This is hard to talk about for me but I do believe Jodi killed that dog out of jealousy - NOT because he got into diapers in the backyard. She got away with it - NO CONSEQUENCES -Moms will defend to the end...And Mothers Will Defend To The End...
she said she kicked Doggy Boy and he only moved a couple feet and stood there, then in her next sentence claimed they never saw him again. :what:

With her *right* foot, no less... At the very least (if she didn't 'disappear' him), I'd bet she kicked him far more than once - that'd make him run.

Sounded like JA had chores after school when Mom and Dad were still at work, and the dog probably got in the trash several times.

JA kicks. We now have proof of her sudden outbursts of rage (per both parents)...

Kicked once? Not a chance imv.
Yeah, like photograph themselves in the act...

She's a Pro, don't cha know? Lol. Major fail on her part. She only thinks she is smart. In reality, she is one of the world's dumbest criminals. Pics, palm prints..etc. Dumb and Dumber. :moo:
With her *right* foot, no less... At the very least (if she didn't 'disappear' him), I'd bet she kicked him far more than once - that'd make him run.

Sounded like JA had chores after school when Mom and Dad were still at work, and the dog probably got in the trash several times.

JA kicks. We now have proof of her sudden outbursts of rage (per both parents)...

Kicked once? Not a chance imv.

Listen again...the dog was on a leash or teather according to JA. So doggie boy couldn't run away after being kicked. Something's hinky.
Speak for yourself ElleElle. I am not "exhausted". This is the first trial that I have followed. I found WS because I am interested in missing persons and cold cases. I am only following this trial because I was a Mormon it peaked my interest because TA was a hypocrite, like my Mormon family as well as my husband's Mormon family. I would suggest to anybody that is to burned out, exhausted by this trial...don't watch it, quit *****ing. MOO


I've never known a non-hypocrite.

So ya 'spose he had it comin'?

If so, we're gonna need many more St. Jodis of Arias to mete out all that divine retribution, huh?
So Jodi's mother received phone calls from her friends that her daughter needed help, she knew she was freaking out at night, and her father knew that she was 'sweet' one minute and 'raging' the next. Did anyone seek to get Jodi into any kind of treatment?
She's a Pro, don't cha know? Lol. Major fail on her part. She only thinks she is smart. In reality, she is one of the world's dumbest criminals. Pics, palm prints..etc. Dumb and Dumber. :moo:

Every time I hear the name Darrell...I always think of Darrell Darrell and Darrell.
With her *right* foot, no less... At the very least (if she didn't 'disappear' him), I'd bet she kicked him far more than once - that'd make him run.

Sounded like JA had chores after school when Mom and Dad were still at work, and the dog probably got in the trash several times.

JA kicks. We now have proof of her sudden outbursts of rage (per both parents)...

Kicked once? Not a chance imv.

She evidently Kicked Her Mother for no reason - That is in evidence. Uncontrollable ANGER.
Speaking of exhausted, I am. Days like yesterday and today are hard to take - the injustice just sticks in my craw.
Good night all you dedicated peeps who want justice for Travis.
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