trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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IIRC, it was Travis's birthday, July 28th. She had gone to the game with friends and he called her at the game, wanting her to do something special with him for his birthday. ALV made it sound like it was a night game, not an afternoon game. She asked him to pick her up and he refused, so a friend had to drive her to his house. When she got there, she made him a birthday cake.

Like, you believe this story?

Sure we do. Just like we believe Jodi was dog sitting Nappy and baking cookies when Deanna showed up and was surprised to find Jodi there. Jodi can say Deanna was jealous of her and went up to Travis's bed then came back down to Travis's office and locked the door. Jodi said Travis's room mate went outside and was on the phone.
I think this woman needs to hear about Jodi hiding in Travis's closet and watching him and woman that had fallen asleep when watching a movie. Stalk much Jodi? And can anyone see Jodi giving Nappy a bath? Or living there for months and months and months? All in Jodi's head.
I've been saying it for weeks on the sequence thread. If they think she used the knife first, that could be second degree. I think it's premeditated and she used the gun first, but the prosecution disagrees and that could be a problem for them. It just popped up the other night again on HLN--another hung jury on what weapon was used first.

Vinnie, I think, said, then that could be second degree if the jury believes the knife first.


I've heard this proposition before that if she used the knife first it's second degree murder because why? They can't prove premeditation? I disagree. No one knows whether she brought the knife with her or not. The gun nor the knife were found. The premeditation is based on her actions prior to arriving at TA's home. Why would first degree be off the table if the gun was not used first?
GM, everyone!

I am sitting here with my hip boots on because it will be deep again today. I am also armed with an industrial sized wooden spoon held like a septor. I have goggles on my desk in the event JM gets to cross LAV this afternoon and the proverbial chit starts to fly when he straightens her out.

Oh, and I have put a 'Cajun Hex' on the evil one! I guess I am ready. Sigh.

So can we assume you are fired up and ready for JM? Perhaps Wilma will get a visual on you LALaw and will end her questioning....we can only hope!:floorlaugh:
GM, everyone!

I am sitting here with my hip boots on because it will be deep again today. I am also armed with an industrial sized wooden spoon held like a septor. I have goggles on my desk in the event JM gets to cross LAV this afternoon and the proverbial chit starts to fly when he straightens her out.

Oh, and I have put a 'Cajun Hex' on the evil one! I guess I am ready. Sigh.

OMG, Cajun hex, lol, hilarious!!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I found a picture of the defense team's next group of expert witnesses. Seems like they are switching gears a bit and going with people more in tune with current theories and hypotheses...


I thought it was too short, too. It was 18mos to 2 years or so. But, listening to ALV has made me realize the intensity of the relationship. I know that high school kids can get into these types of abusive relationships and that is also short term.

I just think there is a lot to learn from this expert.


Travis didn't abuse Jodi. No matter how much one wants to believe it, it did not happen. This witness has devoted her life to hating men. If one is of the same mindset, then I can definitely see getting totally off on her spiel. On the other hand, for most, looking at the slashed, shot and mutilated body of Travis Alexander is proof enough that Jodi was the abuser. And the stalker. And the liar.
I don't see how it could be 2nd degree murder with all of the wounding. With all of those stabbings plus the throat slashing and then the gunshot she had time to think about what she was doing. Plus the planning with the gas cans and traveling so far out of her way getting a rental car. She is just evil and I think the jury will find that when they make their decision.

I don't see how it can be 2nd degree murder no matter what. That would be a "heat of passion" defense and neither side has offered one iota of evidence to indicate that. DT may inject it as a possibility in their closing however, since evidence doesn't seem to matter to them.
The reviews have not been removed
I just recieved an alert this morning.
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Apr 3, 2013 4:37:23 AM PDT John does says:
The reputation and actions of a book's author are extremely important. I'm not buying what ALV is selling since she will testify FOR a stalking, murdering abusive woman. She has poor judgment.
This letter, IMHO, is from a cray person. Number 1, I don't think Tri-color has pink/blue hair.....and Number 2 - trying to coach Jodi. How stupid. If this person was, in fact, shaking her head...I'm sure it was in DISBELIEF of what JA was serving up on the stand.

We get letters like this ... have to file them on the docket. They hold no weight normally. Sometimes they are set for a "status hearing" ... but if anyone remembers, Judge Perry issued an order in the Anthony case that no one could file anything unless it was by an attorney. Still doesn't stop people from writing though.

This wasnt a letter.

The actual facts are that a caller called in to the Judge's office and left this complaint as a voicemail on her division's phone. Her staff felt it relevant enought to type up a transcript of that call and log it in the records. However, this transcript was *not* mentioned in Nurmi's motion.

The article also states that her hair color changed multiple times during trial so for all we know it had been pink or blue streaks.

Even if she were nodding her head in disbelief - that would be a huge no-no.

It's a shame she could not control her impulse to display her emotion - if it is true she was nodding her head. That would have been me- I would have been jumping over the rail yelling LIAR!!!!!!!
IKR, and like it was SUCH a sacrifice to go bake this cake for Travis??!! This is not abuse, and the mere mention of the episode is laughable!!!!!

The truth is he probably asked for a BREAK from her for his birthday! Told her that leaving him alone was the best gift she could give him! :twocents:

It's not far-fetched. I asked my husband to watch the 6-hour A&E Pride and Prejudice mini-series as a Christmas gift last year. Love me some Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy! I know that's O/T, but so TRUE!!! :great:
How about that 1960s type of passive protest, Alyce? :floorlaugh:

I didn't write a review, and never would without reading a book, BUT if ALV received negative feedback due to her advocacy for a cold-blooded murderer, then good. I don't think it's by luck that her book is scheduled for release the same month as her paid testimony as an expert witness in a high profile case. To me, it smacks of unethical behavior. It's reprehensible that a witness would attempt to profit from a murder victim, especially since she calls herself an advocate on behalf of those who suffered violence. How low can one go? :maddening:
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Juan is joking around with Travis' family as he we wait. He seems to be in a great mood. #JodiArias

:seeya: Good Morning people.
ITA. The journal "article" thing is a joke. When JA mentions disappointment with Travis, that's an indication of abuse. When JA says nothing about the relationship, well, that indicates abuse too because she doesn't want to write anything negative.

The easiest thing to do is rationalize behavior. You can always make up something that might be plausible. But that's precisely Jodi's history and pattern. I've lost all respect for ALV, because she either knows her evaluation is based on JA's lies and has chosen to ignore it (which makes her dishonest), or JA has put one over on her (making her incompetent). :banghead:

I'm not sure it makes her incompetent...but she seems to really believe that JA was abused by TA. I wonder if she has all the facts (whole journals, texts/emails in context etc).

We need to move over to the new thread before court starts. This thread will be closed shortly.

Please continue the discussion here:

[ame=""]trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Court is on tomorrow. Wildabouttrial just tweeted it



Juan is joking around with Travis' family as he we wait. He seems to be in a great mood
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