trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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I believe this is day five of JW's direct with ALV. Do you think she can really drag this out for 5 days?
Brought over from last thread

I thought it was too short, too. It was 18mos to 2 years or so. But, listening to ALV has made me realize the intensity of the relationship. I know that high school kids can get into these types of abusive relationships and that is also short term.

I just think there is a lot to learn from this expert.


The only reason it was 18-24 mos is because JA wouldn't let Travis go. She moved to Mesa after they "broke up". She. Stalked. Him.

Travis was lured in again and again, per JA, because of sex. I'm not even sure I buy that story.

Respectfully, I don't believe we have anything to learn from this "sexpert" as pertains to JA murdering Travis.
present and correct.

i wonder how late we will be today
What else is new?

WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Jodi's mom and Jodi's ex cellmate just arrived and took their seat. #JodiArias


WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

I wouldn't count on trial starting on time today. Court is pretty empty still. My guess is more like 9:50
As much as I love JM I hope he keeps his cross very short. Please let's move on to rebuttal. I'm mucho excited about that.
Probably going to get to the justification for the overkill today....breathe everyone, just breathe. It will all be over soon.

Justice is coming for Travis. :)
The judge needs to hurry up and get on the stand so Nurmi can ask for a sidebar:banghead:

Anyone else having problems with accessing the Smilies today?
I've been saying it for weeks on the sequence thread. If they think she used the knife first, that could be second degree. I think it's premeditated and she used the gun first, but the prosecution disagrees and that could be a problem for them. It just popped up the other night again on HLN--another hung jury on what weapon was used first.

Vinnie, I think, said, then that could be second degree if the jury believes the knife first.


I'm totally not getting how torturing and tormenting your victim and inflicting them with 2 lethal knife blows that would have them die a slow agonizing death, then deciding to finish them off quickly with a bullet so they'd stop groaning so you could head to Utah to grind some new guy could be considered 2nd degree murder. WHO CARES what weapon was used first. She premeditated killing him and did. Had she been abused, her weapons would have been a lamp, the bathroom scale and whatever else she found in a panic and could throw as she ran out the door.

Court confirmed trial is on for tomorrow. #JodiArias

Cool!, but I was planning on getting some stuff done tomorrow. :sigh:

Mornin' Peeps!

Everyone remember what the good doc expert Ms. Laviolette has taught us. We will have good days and bad days.

There is no telling which today will be, but whatever it is, we can expect the opposite to balance it all out.


:seeya: Softail.
Anyone else notice that ALV says that in August 2007 JA walked in on TA and another woman and then left?

But JA's story was that she sneaked into TA's backyard and peeped into a rear window.

JA specifically argued with JM, insisting that she never went inside.

ALV is missing on the underwear details as well.

They can't keep their lies straight to save Arias's life.
I feel like we might get a little bit of Juan time this afternoon. I don't think she can keep drawing out this tedious direct on this 'expert.'

And when they were all back in chambers, I bet the judge told the DT to step it up a bit. JMO
Snacks, check. Cold beverage, check. E-cigarettes charged and ready to go, check. Cats napping, check.

OK, Bring it on!
Michelle Lee@myhlee

Heading over to #JodiArias trial. Will be tweeting in the absence of @michaelbkiefer, returning today from covering SB1070 in San Francisco.

Did they take him off this for a while after everything that he stirred up last week?

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