trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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I was really annoyed yesterday when an HLN played excerpts from the parents' interviews where they clearly were prepared to accept Det. Flores's statement that he had overwhelming evidence that Jodi had killed Travis. One of the commentators said that parents like that explain how Jodi got the way she is. Really? Travis would be alive if Jodi's parents had been in denial about their daughter's sociopathy?

The parents were right to accept what Det. Flores said. It was the truth! I am sure they were thinking about all the lies, the rules breaking, the time she got mad at her little brother and took a baseball bat to him, her lack of empathy for others. She isn't normal and they knew that.
Right. My paternal grandmother used to wrap a red blanket around herself and walk around the house saying, "I am Jesus Christ." THAT is legally insane. Not Jodi.
My mom too...she had us go out on a Saturday morning when I was young and told us Jesus was coming that day and we were all going to go with him!!

Does anybody know days of court next week? Is there a place I can look for myself?

Katie, sorry about your brother, hope this ends real soon....

I guess we are in for another day of Jodi's testimony...

No, being a sociopath, psycopath, whatever you want to call her is NOT at all the same as being clinically insane. You may think it's "insane" to stab somene that many times but that's a description, not a diagnosis.

Insane is generally defined in the courts as "did the person know right from wrong" when committing the crime?

Jodi knew damn well what she was doing, she may have been in a murderous rage but she knew it was wrong, even admitted it.

An example of someone truly insane (and I know this won't go over well here, so be it, it's what I think and what the courts think too) is Andrea Yates. That woman heard voices, thought she was saving her children from satan and had a well-documented history of psychotic breakdowns. At the time of the drowning her sick mind was telling her it was the right thing to do. She called her husband right after, and never attempted to cover anything up.

There's a big difference between personality disorders (which IMO Jodi suffers from several), mental illness (IMO Jodi has none) and actual insanity.

Andrea Yates is a great point. Thank you.
Susan Snith? No.
Did anyone watch Law & Order SVU last night about the psychopath 10 year old? Verrrry creepy! Wonder if JA was like that growing up?
RE Insanity plea in murder cases.

Anatomy of a Murder was an excellent movie about a man--in an "insane rage"-- killing another man who had just raped his wife. Jimmy Stewart and a young Lee Remick(!)

Had "shrinks" on both sides testify.

The Judge was played by Joseph N. Welch, a real atty. And made famous during the McCarthy hearings. He is credited with bringing an end to McCarthy, by asking him--while Sen. Joe was grilling his client--"Have you no sense of decency, sir?"
Me, too, well, except Juan. :) It's a shame they couldn't just let the defense do all of their acting first in the trial and then be done. And then let Juan get the truth out for the rest of the trial. Then we could all skip the defense and focus on Juan for a good, long time. :great:

Ugh, she can never say she didn't get her daySSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in court....
Also on the tapes she tells Flores that Travis cancelled plans to come see Jodi sing the National Anthem at an event in CA on May 24th. Of course, according to Jodi it absolutely did not upset her, AT ALL, nope :notgood:

Sure it didn't...right. Liar - she was majorly ticked. Travis was incapable of even breathing right as far as she was concerned.
I can't even imagine having someone like JA as a daughter. The creepiness factor alone gives me the chills.

I remember when my sister was a teenager and crazy on alcohol and drugs constantly. I was afraid of her. Her temper was horrible and unpredictable. I moved in with my now-husband right after high school because I was scared to live with her (she was 14 at the time).

So to have to live with a JA, their emotions, rages, unpredictability.... how do people do it??
My paranoid schizophrenic brother is currently in a psych hospital for the 3rd week with a psychotic episode. Apples and oranges from the psychopathy we are seeing here. I'm glad they are not going with some drummed up insanity as I think I would really lose my own mind considering the timing.

On an unrelated topic I'm glad to be sitting so far away from Alyce Laviolette in the gallery today <modsnip>(have the TV on in the background)

Praying for your brother Katie.
OT I showed my husband a shirt I got yesterday and he said he didn't like it. I told him that was domestic abuse per AVL and could lead to his demise.:what: :facepalm:

He laughed and said the police would have a field day with my internet history since following this trial, and I should just throw myself on the mercy of the court.
Thats him. He does interviews now, and they are youtube. The mother of one of the victims went to see him and said she forgives him.

Wow. That takes a really strong person. Bless her heart.
The world around me begins to blur, colors fade and I can hear faint harp music...I am beginning to enter "Alyce's World"
JA had a singing engagement to see the National Anthem..Yea Right..Someone needed to tell her she sucked at singing!!
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