trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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Who types up these motions?? Terrible grammar!

"Note should also be made of the fact that the conduct described above has
ramifications that effect (sic) the ability of Ms. Arias to present her defense as the public
response to this unprofessional conduct has involved berating witnesses via e-mail,
telephone and in various internet forums. Said action has not only caused personal
distress to these witnesses but has made it difficult for them to provide effective
testimony for Ms. Arias."

Puf Is this a real motion? How can anyone stop the public from having an opinion??? Really dumb.
I don't think there's any ounce of humanity in JA. When Juan said that thing about Travis being hurt when he was stabbed, she didn't look like she was sincerely affected by that at all. She looked like she was trying very hard to dredge up some tears and look very emotional but she just couldn't do it convincingly. She could barely even pretend to care about anybody else's pain other than her own.


ITA with you 100%. There is nobody home there, absolutely nobody. We are witnessing a genetic mistake, something not-quite-human, akin to a factory defect.

Any faux emotion registered is solely crafted for self. She is banking on people to believe that, and sadly as we've seen, some are falling for it. Doesn't make it true though- it just means that good people are often duped and drawn in by manipulative psychotics.

For those of us who understand the ins and outs of this personality type, she is as transparent as a piece of Saran Wrap. She doesn't have remorse. She's only bent because her meal ticket was moving on, leaving her discarded in BFE.

People who impart humanity onto her have their own issues. Women who have issues with men, men who are easily led by sociopathic women. I just hope none exist on this jury.
Maybe they were just playing naked backgammon and using the KY to make the pieces slide easier on the board...

Couldn't have happened like this. The board gets slimy to the point of it being completely unusable and the pieces won't stay on after that... is, uh, what I've been told. I've obviously never done that, but a friend once told me... he did it, not me. You probably wouldn't know him. His name is Brian. He's from Buffalo.
I don't think they spent much time downstairs. She didn't want to chance them at the table or desk and a roommate coming in and seeing them. I think she ran down and got their food and she just kept him busy so he wouldn't want to go downstairs.

Interesting you say that. Did they find any of her hair/DNA anywhere else in the house?
I think when you look at the mind-bending hideousness of what Alyce has been shown to be doing (objectively speaking, she is in fact lying to trash a murder victim, implying he's an abuser, refusing to believe his texts but is blissfully untroubled by Jodi's behavior, refusal to adhere to professional standards), it's necessary. She is combative and disrespectful in the extreme, and JM also has to contend with a passive judge who seems to zone in and out of the trial at random. Overall he's dealing with a lot.

THANK YOU!! :clap: Perfectly said.
I wonder who is the defense going to call for witnesses if she get the DP,her parents said on the video with Flores she did not have a bad childhood & her father said JA treated her mother terrible..what are they going to use the mig specialist for??
This YouTuber seems to upload all the court procedings as well as various other items daily. (Todays included - See Day 42 parts 1, 2 and 3)

Thank you so much! My laptop has been overheating so quickly then it just shuts down! So I have been attempting to use my moms IPad (yes my mom is in her 70's and is more technologically advanced then myself lol) and am having great difficulty getting around on this thing! Honestly not trying to be lazy just thankful for the ease of the link! Xoxo
BBM: There is a thread for that topic. Maybe we need one for whether they had sex or didn't that day. Of course, we should leave out the pics...those can't be unseen. :puke:

Please don't post a re-enactment with your hubby, like the other poster did about the dragging of the body. :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: Omg. Thank you.
I wane to preface by saying I am 110% pro prosecution... But I am soo mad at Juan Martinez. Why does he need to badger LAViolette .. He is being way too arrogant .. He's coming off diminutive, angry and feels the need to constantly belittle. Ughghg. If I'm feeling bad for her I just sure hope the jury isn't either. He didn't need to address this witness the same way he addressed arias or Samuels. I just don't want his terrible cross exam to sway the jury away from 1st degree. This is a horrible cross exam. Why can't he soften his tone? Does he not get how his points are being lost within his *advertiser censored* fights? I love Martinez, I admire his work and dedication to this case. I just don't like that he's being counterproductive. If it's just me please tell me. I hope it is. Please we can't lose this one. My humble oo!

Perhaps he's visualizing the gaping wound in Travis' throat while the foolish woman rambles on about Jodi being bored in jail? Or, maybe he's thinking about about the contrast of a smiling, happy Travis compared to the bloated, bloody corpse that Jodis' handiwork caused.....while this man hating witness calls Travis a liar and Jodi the victim? I'm amazed that he can be civil to her at all. He's fighting for justice....for Travis. Not to sooth anybodies sensitive feelings! :facepalm:
I adore the guy, but I don't like everything and anything he does. If I get overly frustrated I just try to remember that he wouldn't have had this job for so long and have the trial record he does if it was counterproductive for him.

First words out of the jurors mouths when they start deliberation; HOLY :censored:!! :floorlaugh:
This is so astounding, that she had feelings from the beginning. And she doesn't see how that could inform her 'assessment'. I want to know the titles she gave JA. I bet they were all about DV. It is, indeed, very, very wrong. And mortifying for true experts.

Is this why JW did the pre-emptive strike and asked ALV if she had "feelings" for the defendant? :what:
I wonder who is the defense going to call for witnesses if she get the DP,her parents said on the video with Flores she did not have a bad childhood & her father said JA treated her mother terrible..what are they going to use the mig specialist for??

Yes, who?
That's why I wondered if they'd bring back ALV and was it Dr. Solomon?
Or else get a new shrink?

What can her Mom say?
"Yes, as a child she reminded me of the girl in "The Bad Seed." So please spare her so she can klll again.
The thing that is so disturbing to me about ALV is that she has shown absolutely no human emotion or compassion at all about how Travis was killed. It's a direct contradiction to what she is preaching about on the stand.

She talks about how she likes all people, and about how she works with both the women and the men who are in domestic violence situations, to help them through their issues. If that were true, if she really cared about these people, I can't imagine that she would ever condone an absolute slaughter of a person. Not once has she said anything to the effect of how tragic or sad it is that things ended the way they did, how sad that Jodi didn't get help, how tragic that Travis didn't get help, etc, etc. Her demeanor is just cold.

It's almost as if she has total disdain for Travis and feels like he deserved it... that's totally how she comes across. I was blown away today by her flat out refusal to believe Travis' text conversation with his female friend, where he says he was stalked and was afraid. That is beyond disgusting to me. This woman is clearly NOT an advocate of any form of human decency. :furious:
The Thanks button wasn't enough!

I didn't watch the entire trial, but ALV said today that Amy "told her" that she made copies of said Manifesto. That struck me because I thought the only person ALV interviewed was JA.....When did ALV have this conversation with "Amy"? (Yes, I'm behind and trying to catch up - I just had the greatest Fish-Fry you could imagine.....)

HELLS BELLS!!!! Excellent catch and a damn good Question! Thank you.
I don't agree at all. Juan is asking questions of her in the same way he asked questions of everyone else. Why would he soften his tone? Why is ALV more sensitive or tender than any other witness? I personally believe that he is making tremendous strides with his points. It is ALV who is trying to *advertiser censored* fight.

I noticed his best points were made when he softened his tone. I think his approach with this one could be different. In the beginning he tried and then lost it about 10 minutes in .. Where he starts pacing and gritting his teeth. I was so turned off by his presentation of questions.. Then I saw Jodi perk up with a smirk thinking they were winning this round it seemed and I screamed at the tv. Again, I am so more concerned with his winning the case than hurting this witnesses feelings. Just don't wanna give anything to let the jury hang their hats on. The jury questions will ease my mind hopefully. Glad to see its just me so far. Heheh
so far she has seemed to do the exact opposite to include at least what.. like five or six fake stories? And now we are to believe it was due to her being abused? NOT SO MUCH.

Three fake stories:

- I wasn't there
- I was there, but 2 intruders did it
- I did it it in self-defense

And, yeah, she told/tells these stories to stay out of prison, not to get in it. So, I don't understand your point.

We can safely assume that she didn't want to be caught, right? And, since we're assuming that she planned to kill him, why in the heck would she go out of her way to stage photographs that depict that she was with--really, really with--the victim that day? I mean, it boggles the mind that some people are of the opinion that she purposely went to great efforts (taking a shot of herself from the rear) to time-stamp incriminate herself.

ITA with you 100%. There is nobody home there, absolutely nobody. We are witnessing a genetic mistake, something not-quite-human, akin to a factory defect.

Any faux emotion registered is solely crafted for self. She is banking on people to believe that, and sadly as we've seen, some are falling for it. Doesn't make it true though- it just means that good people are often duped and drawn in by manipulative psychotics.

For those of us who understand the ins and outs of this personality type, she is as transparent as a piece of Saran Wrap. She doesn't have remorse. She's only bent because her meal ticket was moving on, leaving her discarded in BFE.

People who impart humanity onto her have their own issues. Women who have issues with men, men who are easily led by sociopathic women. I just hope none exist on this jury.

Your post reminds of the kid on Law & Order SVU the other night. He finds out he is going away for all the things he has done. He jumps up and hugs his dad crying for his dad to not send him away. Over the dad's shoulder you see the crying stop and an evil look take over his face.

The hug and tears were a blatant attempt to manipulate his father. If the authorities weren't already involved, it would have worked because his father could only see his "sad" little boy asking for help.
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