trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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I enjoyed the cross examination today :great: BUT, I am ready for rebuttal. I get the feeling from watching the DT that they are well aware that this case is over. Jodi will be convicted of 1st degree murder not doubt. I believe she will be given the DP, but she may not. Either way, she will be forever locked up and unable to have any kind of relations (front door or back) with any man again. Her manipulation will be wasted on other inmates who are as unimportant as she is. Never again will she destroy the life of someone who was a positive contributor to this planet. Her 15 minutes (feels more like 15 years) of fame are almost over, and she is getting antsy about that. It shows on her face and in her soulless eyes. JMO!

Love that statement, waiting impatiently for that day!!!
bbm: they most likely can get up on the EXACT shelves. It is most certainly fair game.

and just to make it real: there were NO BLOODY FOOTPRINTS that I recall seeing in or around the interior area of the closet.

:seeya: :nurse: Exactly -- no BLOOD in the closet photos ... and not one thing out of place, nothing ... nada ... zip !

No way Jodi went into that closet because there definitely would have been blood, or "something" that showed she was in there ...

And "who" keeps a gun in a closet ? Makes no sense IMO !

Yes, I'm first, full of vinegar and annoyed about the latest motion, and having to wait to hear all about the Manifesto, which will certainly be the literary highlight of my admittedly stupid life, having such a low IQ and all. In fact, I will probably be unable to comprehend it anyway. Maybe someone will be able to do a Manifesto for Dummies for those of us ungifted folk.

Sleuth I found out the title of JA's manifesto:


I don't know if there was a fight in the computer room, but something definitely happened in there. I think Jodi was messing with Travis' computer but couldn't gain access because it was password protected.
BBM -I totally agree with you! I want to know where these messages came from and how does conversation between the victim and a third party get admitted as evidence in this case? Isn't this the definition of hearsay???

I have asked this question in the past and no one has answered. I don't mean to sound dense, but I've looked all over previous threads and googled to find how this is even allowed. Can someone enlighten me, please? TIA

Head over to the legal threads and it is addressed there. In general, experts are allowed to bring in what we would consider hearsay.

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Jumping off your post..

IMO - ALV has the perfect "out" today. When she learned she was not given the complete evidence by the DT, all the text messages, she could have easily stated that her opinion was based on what she reviewed, and since it wasn't complete, she may have been a little, teenie, tiny, bit, wrong. But, she kept defending her non-sense theory. When she had TRAVIS'S own words in front of her face, she disbelieved the victim. :furious:

In doing this and so much more, she looks very unprofessional and a quite frankly, ALV looks like a hired defense witness. Blind-sided and lying on behalf of a criminal, for the almighty $$$. If it looks like a duck...well, it is.

you know, for a moment there I thought JM was trying to give her an out too, giving her a chance to redeem herself just like you said, by acknowledging she didn't have all information, but her bias seems so strong she was blinded to this
Oh I'm not saying we can't have opinions..Sex isn't the issue..I was just stating that because I read so many post about did they or didn't they that I remembered he did state that

you are exactly right and all opinions are welcome:rocker:
20 witnesses
9 days

10 witnesses
33 days & counting

I know I make it simple. But really there is more to that.

First, the crime scene photos are date and time stamped; these don't lie.

Second, this trial has been nothing but sex and alleged abuse from Travis. :eyeroll:

Third, the only reason Travis would of let her in was for the chance to get some action. He is a male with biological needs. And she was just as game.

Finally, he had no clue of the extent of Jodi's sociopathic tendencies until that day; although he precluded to this from the May25 text.

Honestly, at the end of the day, it does not matter if they had sex or not on Jun 3/4.

She brutally killed Travis in cold blood, and will rot in hell and Travis will receive justice.

For me its just not that simple because I so deeply believe Jodi manipulated sex and used it both as a tool and weapon. So even if they had sex hours before she so brutally killed him, and for me its a huge if, it still does nothing to negate my position.

The fact that the sociopath text - sent from the safety of a thousand mile distance - telling her she ruined his life, she caused more pain than the death of his own father, is much more telling in its close relation to his homicide than a physical act, or appearance of, he could have been manipulated, tricked, coerced or threatened into.

:seeya: :nurse: Exactly -- no BLOOD in the closet photos ... and not one thing out of place, nothing ... nada ... zip !

No way Jodi went into that closet because there definitely would have been blood, or "something" that showed she was in there ...

And "who" keeps a gun in a closet ? Makes no sense IMO !


With no box of ammo to be found, no less. Einstein IQ my derriere.
The video posted just a while ago that is of length 2:22:22 just about proves it. See at about 1:26. And look at the other orifice.

This one:

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial : Day 6 : Shocking Photos (No Sidebars) - YouTube[/ame]
Well, then it is a good thing you are not ex LE. I say this because there is no proof that Travis took the photos of Jodi. And, in fact, there is a huge number of people who think that Jodi took them of herself to try to make it look like they were having sex. Again, leap as you will, but the fact is that you do not have your facts straight if you have concluded that Travis took the photos of her. There is no proof.

I'm still unhappy about that comparative investigation detail. The worst part would be documenting the necessary GYN exams to show that coitus had, in fact, occurred. I want time and a half and a new shoulder holster for that. And I get the good car for the rest of the month. And one guaranteed weekend -- no on calls.
YES, the fear and the stalking were brought in today. When ALV opened that door I was cheering for the prosecution. Their hands were tied until she brought it up, but now it's been nicely laid out for them. By a defense witness.

You gotta love karma. It's soooo sweet. :great:

Wasn't that amazing? Travis recorded his fear, unlike the murderess in all her journals. Not once did JA mention fear. And yet, LaViolette dismissed DV evidence because it wasn't the story she wanted to hear.
I don't know if there was a fight in the computer room, but something definitely happened in there. I think Jodi was messing with Travis' computer but couldn't gain access because it was password protected.
you are brilliant and I agree. I further think she logged in as D

I don't believe Jodi is that evil. She's evil but there's some humanity in her. I saw it when Juan said, "it stung when you stabbed Travis in the chest, didn't it?". She immediately was stricken with guilt and she tried so hard NOT to cry. I believe she even has remorse but she's too much of a coward to admit the truth and loves freedom too much to give it up entirely.

She did have an emotional attachment to Alexander. That's why his 16-page email compelled her to contemplate murder. The man she looked up to, the man she put on a pedestal, tore her down and it was traumatic for her. I believe 100% that on June 4th there was a time when she didn't want to kill him and it was during this time that the sex took place. But then something Travis did re-triggered Jodi to follow through with her original plans.
Well, then it is a good thing you are not ex LE. I say this because there is no proof that Travis took the photos of Jodi. And, in fact, there is a huge number of people who think that Jodi took them of herself to try to make it look like they were having sex. <modsnip>. There is no proof.

This is becoming funny.

The "huge number of people" who think that Jodi took those pictures herself must also think that Jodi would do just about anything to get herself in prison.
BBM: There is a thread for that topic. Maybe we need one for whether they had sex or didn't that day. Of course, we should leave out the pics...those can't be unseen. :puke:

Please don't post a re-enactment with your hubby, like the other poster did about the dragging of the body. :floorlaugh:

I go back and forth - sometimes I believe they had sex but then sometimes I don't. Sex or no sex - she killed Travis and is guilty as he!!. :twocents:
The video posted just a while ago that is of length 2:22:22 just about proves it. See at about 1:26. And look at the other orifice.

Update: AN d it doe snot seem possible that JA could have takenthat pic of her self either.

Please see that video if in doubt. Or that posing picture on all fours exposing her orifices.

How does that prove that Travis Alexander's penis was inside Jodi Arias? I don't get it!
dude I don't think she could handle that. She is still of the opinion that if you send a defendant that you HAVE NEVER MET, five or six or ten books to read based on what you will be testifying to as an expert that this okay.

It wasn't prep.. just because the inmate was bored.

Yet she tells the inmate within the five minutes of meeting her that she is sorry for her domestic violence experience.

glad juan called this out: it is wrong

This is so astounding, that she had feelings from the beginning. And she doesn't see how that could inform her 'assessment'. I want to know the titles she gave JA. I bet they were all about DV. It is, indeed, very, very wrong. And mortifying for true experts.
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