trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #128

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ja will be an ugly old pruneface before she gets the needle. i heard of a study about death row inmates- at least half of them die of NATURAL CAUSES before death is carried out-- but knowing she will be an ugly old pruneface locked away growing old and hopefully she will have early onset dementia, well, that would make me happy!

Too bad she's not being tried here in Texas....
I'm surprised Gerardo Rivera hasn't showed up at this trial. He loves to be noticed for his controversial comments.
Ughhhhh I don't think my coffee is kicking in yet. I'm on my first cup.

Well now you've done it....:furious:
Someone posted a few hours ago, that AZ has not executed any woman given the DP in 80 years. So, if true, even if JA given the DP, little chance of it being carried out.

But just as important, she will be segregated. NO contact with her fans. Poor Jodi will not have any attention. Worse than death to he, IMO.
I'm new here too. :Welcome1::seeya:

i think the manafesto is the letter she wrote the grandmother she talks about that letter on 48 hours...she wrote it in jail and didnt know if travis gm received it. oh by the way new here hello
So we have seen and heard from two defense experts. The consensus, not only on this board, but in many other places is that the experts seem less than credible. Am wondering if this can be seen as a part of ineffective counsel for appeal?
What is the interval between the tire slashing and the murder?

I believe--
Tire slashings Dec 07.
Cold blooded ambush-turn-murder of an innocent man in his shower....June 08

So, a little over 6 months. But in the interim, Travis' journals went missing, accounts hacked and anonymous emails sent and Jodi's grandfather gun and DVD player (see: Darryl Brewer) were stolen.
Oh my little ten year old boy arrested,he was found with a gun, knife,in his backpack. He made threats to kill.
Hln just showed him all shackled up in court.

:what: is there suppose to be a comma after Oh my??
Dang, you're good, TB! Thank you!:rocker:
If you look at around the 3:00 minute mark of the first clip (the 4:00 minute one), the mitigation lady writes something on her yellow pad. Then tears it off, folds it over and then the camera shows a close up of Willmott. She is looking over at Nurmi and it looks like she is looking at someone give him something. You can barely see it on that clip, but he opens a piece of yellow paper (I saw it clearer on the feed I watched yesterday). Right after that is when he cranes his neck to look at jury. So this stemmed from something the mitigation woman wrote to him. Not sure if this was posted before as I am playing catch up with posts today. I apologize ahead of time if so.
First time I am posting here and I have to say I LOVE all of the comments, theories and notes from those who attend the trial. I have followed and watched a ton of trials thru the years. I even got my oldest daughter (who is turning 18 on Thursday) watching and now she wants to go to law school and become a prosecutor! Her idol was Jeff Ashton until this trial, now she says Juan Martinez is her main man!!
I watched the rehash of yesterday and Thursday afternoon in TruTV this morning and had a horrible realization -- when JM was questioning ALV about the Snow White speech, she saida couple of times that the jury would benefit from watching the entire speech on YouTube. JW is SO gonna make that poor jury sit through the long version of that speech on re-direct isn't she? :facepalm: Everyone else probably realized that possibility during the live testimony but I'm slow (no Einstein here!) and it just snuck up and surprised me this morning. :banghead:

That's my fear..:facepalm: When I see JW furiously scribbling on her notepad I FEEL :rocker::bang::banghead:
I think it would have been in the morning session, around the Einstein testimony...but I'm not sure.

I'd like to see this. Do you remember if it was in AM or PM before break or PM after break? Or what the testimony was about at the time?

Did anyone else notice yesterday when Nurmi was craning his neck toward the jury, then whispered to Wilmott who then craned her neck and then asked to approach? Then when they got to the stand, Nurmi had his neck in some weird contortion while talking to the judge like he didn't want the jury to see what he was saying and then the judge looked at the jury? Anyone??

I asked yesterday but never got a response. :blushing:

Ok, it took me a while to track this down, so someone may have already replied by now, but here goes:
I found what I think you are talking about on croakerqueen's YouTube, day 42, Part 3 starting at about 24 minutes. I believe the testimony is re: manifesto.
To me it looks like JW and Nurmi noticed something a juror is doing. JW makes an aborted objection that is not acknowledged by the judge, then a couple minutes go by and JW objects to something in the cross. At sidebar, the judge seems to address the objection from JW and then Nurmi takes over, clearly turning hard away from jury. Judge and JM turn and look towards jury.
Maybe a jury was dozing? It does seem as if it was some issue with the jury IMO.
Hmmm, she says she can read very small print. Thought this chick needed glasses real bad!
What little hand signal?

Last night on NG show they showed JW popping her hand out toward ALV (on the stand) and then she quickly reached to smooth her hair. It was very obvious and NG and guests discussed it. They did not, however, show what preceded this "signalling". I was hoping someone else had seen this and could recall what was being said BEFORE the hand signal.
I wonder if ALV can be fined for making such a spectacle of her answers, by not answering like she is asked to 'yes or no'?

I hope JM is not so nice today. LOL

I think the calm, cool, tenacious Juan is awesome right now. It's making the impact of his impeachment even greater, I think anyway.
OT but, Helter Skelter too.

Didn't the prosecutor write Helter Skelter (the book, not the song ;-)? Not sure it that counts as a manifesto, but I remember being fascinated by that book when I read as a teen - good book.
But just as important, she will be segregated. NO contact with her fans. Poor Jodi will not have any attention. Worse than death to he, IMO.

Absolutely, no one to play her psycho-dramas with, minimal interaction with other inmates, perfect punishment for someone who thinks too much of themselves.
Oh, I am so with you. I have carpel tunnel and I carefully explained to all my children that it is painful to text, but less so than IMing. Please, I said, call me I love to hear your voice.

They texted me anyway. One said, "Can't call I am at work" so I'm thinking, why not call me after work? "Can't because I'm driving." Use a handsfree? "Doesn't work right." Call me when you get home then. "Have to make dinner."

Anyway, here's what we ended up with. They text me and I instant message them on the computer because they apparently get those on their phones. They don't like it as well but it is a good compromise.

And I finally broke down and learned the abbreviations and when I use them, they think it's hilarious. LOL!

But I was the first to get a Roku and the first to use a dongle in the family, so there.
Lol anagranny
I just love your posts! Seriously
You make me giggle:floorlaugh:

I could never and can't understand why people don't just call. My 83 year old mamasita,got a new cell phone! And was driving me crazy, She was maniac with her texts. I'm thinking you have 11 kids please make your rounds or go make me some tortillas lol.

Ok I'm old and naive pray tell in layman's term? What's a manifesto and especially for an inmate.
Oh my little ten year old boy arrested,he was found with a gun, knife,in his backpack. He made threats to kill.
Hln just showed him all shackled up in court.

Oh my, I thought you were saying that your little ten year old boy was arrested !

Ah, the power of the lowly comma. It can even save lives!

"Let's eat Grandma."
"Let's eat, Grandma"
I'm trying to debate- either an expert witness who can't use MS word or one who doesn't want to leave a paper trail for posterity. :furious:

or a lazy and unorganized story teller. I once was friends with the daughter of a brilliant honors English teacher. Her house was a PIG STY. Filthy and unorganized. Total chaos and I couldn't believe that this was the same woman in school . I am betting this is the case with LAV as well.
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