trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #133

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Lissette Martinez@martinezliss

#JodiArias mom taking close notes as ALV talks about her relationship with her husband
OK, be peaceable peeps. JW has been following the line of JM's questioning so if she's at JA's dad's testimony, we're close to the end.
Today was a stellar day for Juan. And of course Travis and Family. Juan was awesome. Alyce. Epic fail. You will have to catch it when up on Youtube.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write. Do we think the jury still understands that JA is a liar so that they don't believe the assessment of ALV?
During time on the case did you ever feel need to withdraw from this case?
when first met with ja - apologise to her . . . genuinely sorry I invaded private space people write and pour out on a page that is private . . I wanted her to know I understood what I was doing . . maybe she would have a little trust and will speak to me . . .

women generally don't tell me lots of things - tend to gradual over time trust . . .
@ point you met her already know a lot about her . . sexual nature - sex contact with her and TA . . normally kept in private
went in there apologized to her anything make you feel biased already for her
not at all
ever concerned like her too much to give honest opinion about a battered woman.
never had that come up . . . I never liked someone so much that I . . .cases are tough, but in this case it is extremely important . . lose their


mens group . . .some men have done some pretty awful things to people don't like what they done doesn' mean you want to work with them . .

working with JA . . domestically violent relationship did you have problems working with this case
no I did not.

talk couple small details from JA past . . childhood friend who knew her in grade s chool . . interview (reviewed) conducted 20 years after she knew JA . . some things said about her were . . .questions about whether JA would play a victim in grade school . . prosecutor talked about something occur much later after june 4th working @ purple plum . . how she acted with men working @ purple plum . . . since grade school and then incident 20 years later . . 2 incidents 20 years apart represent a pattern?
not of d.v.

Mr. Arias talked about his own daughter - things want to consider about him . . tough to look @ own behavior in relationship to their children . . according to reports he has been abusive with JA . . and with his wife and there are patterns of that . . it would be diffiuclt to talk to him . . he and JA had strained relationship over 20 years what he said would come out of limited framework . . 10 years after she left . .
Suddenly she's cool with focusing on tiny details, and not concerned about the entire scope of the evidence.

She even entertained a (an)? hypothetical without qualifying it as have no evidence whatsoever before replying. Will wonders never cease!
Dad had 14 yrs with her, Alv had 40 something hours but ALV insists she knows better than dad.
oh my god.
did you take into consideration she LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIED about the events of that day?! or does that just not matter?
More throwing under the bus! There is absolutely no confirmation from anyone other than Jodi that her father abused her! Parents need to discipline their children, and Jodi was probably a handful. :moo:
Yeah, Jodi almost got the whole family in big trouble or great danger growing pot on the roof without her parents knowing about it. Dad probably got mad and had his eye on her and didn't trust his own 14 yr. old daughter. Poor Dad.
Wilmott is so far behind she actually thinks she's in front. This is going to be brutal for the DT. Utterly unaware of how deep they're digging themselves.
So ALV after going through "mountains of documents", says that the throat slasher and her father had a bad and strained relationship.

Didn't the throat slasher state on 48 Hours that her childhood was great?

Oh wait. Double standards. I forgot.
So now, she hasn't talked with Dad for a loooong time, and they have a bad relationship. Yet, he's the one she pours her heart out to when she stalks Travis and finds him with someone else after they break up.
other tweet say next DT witness Dave Hall, friend of TA that took TA shooting....they just want to get that tape in
I'm not sure but she seems to have a fresh new manicure every day.

I don't care for JW at all, however, I do like the fact that she keeps her nails painted.

The "funky" french just caught me off guard. I wouldn't see someone who is trying a case of this caliber doing something a little ....different.
Aunty Arias? MMc? What garbage will they spew next?

Some lady named Wong - no idea about the garbage though.

Just wanted to throw in here that there are differing ways to fear a stalker. I suspect Travis may well have been afraid of Jodi running behind his back to a bishop, or to his friends, family etc. Sometimes it is just easier to humor a threat than to fight it. Despite Ms. ALV - it is quite possible Jodi was the sex flame thrower and Travis was simply a male who accepted it.
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