trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #133

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WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

I heard through the salmon vine that the defense had one more witness to call after Alyce. #JodiArias

I hope that's not true because I can't take another defense witness.

I hope it's not true either :banghead:.

I bet Juan wouldn't mind one more witness to open up a can of
on lol.
I can foresee this one - Prosecutorial Misconduct because Mr. Martinez brought up Cameron Diaz in her spidey's, it made me laugh out loud and five jurors saw me laugh. It is all his fault, those five jurors must be removed and the others sequestered.

:D That's so funny.:rocker:

Charlie:seeya:, I thought I had seen a lot of frivolous motions filed over the years but Nurmi's takes top prize. Really all of them have been pure silly and laughable. They have been ridiculous and a big waste of the court's time.

So ALV after going through "mountains of documents", says that the throat slasher and her father had a bad and strained relationship.

Didn't the throat slasher state on 48 Hours that her childhood was great?

Oh wait. Double standards. I forgot.

AVL has already stated that after JA slaughtered Travis she is aware that Jodi started lying. But....wait for it........Apparently after you kill someone it's no biggie to become a pathological liar! That's right it doesn't mean a darn thing, people! And all the people who claim JA was a liar before she killed Travis? Why, THEY are the liars! Every last lying one of them! All in cahoots, yes they are!
and lisa also already told us she wrote the email out of anger and that she was immature.

Let's suppose that TA was sexually verbal with Lisa and Lisa was not happy with that. The main thing I get from all that is that TA was not sexually abusive with her, he did not terrorize her into doing anything and nothing sexual happened. If he did terrorize her, she would not have re-started their relationship. She is now older and understands where he was coming from and is NOT angry with him for anything. End of story.

So why would he suddenly terrorize JA? Because he did not terrorize her, abuse her or have a "diedify" her. It was all JA, all of it. She played him, she used him and she is the one that terrorized TA with her disedification of him

He's was a healthy 20 something and Mormon or not we are humans. Sex is a part of our humanity but all he did with Lisa was words (and maybe a pat on her behind), no Toblerones involved.

JA you are something girl, really something.
How many times had the defense team used the term '3 holed wonder"? Isn't that an isolated statement? JW said it at least twice during redirect.
If that were true, there wouldn't be stalking "behavior" because it would be contingent on the stalkee's feelings lol. What about people who don't KNOW they're being stalked? Just a smidgeon of critical thinking is all I ask of Alyce.

And, it's not robbery if the victim didn't like or want the articles stolen and was planning on donating the stolen flat screen TV to Goodwill. This is moronic. We're describing behavior. It is in no way dependent on how the victim feels about the wrongful behavior

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If it is Ms. Wong from HLN, whose name has come up before, it's more likely to be about the cane-signing photo op incident with JM. More rehash of the @#$% mistrial silliness.

That's the mistrial motion though, right? So she can't be a defense witness for that.

I don't know who else they're calling. I'm just bummed they're calling anyone.
You did see the crime scene and autopsy photos, right?

Yes, I certainly did. She terrorized him and she butchered him.

In my own personal opinion, I define a "terrorist" as something different.

I am in no way minimizing her crime.

I just define a word differently than others.
remember her father said she was growing pot at 8yrs old. parents nightmare for years. imo her family were afraid of her. :moo:

Oh Nightwatch...

Now you KNOW that that was only for learning about gardening, don't you?

The pot was irrelevant! :angel:
Go ahead. Then in rebuttal, JM can call the guy who shot the video and was TA's friend who knows he didn't own a gun.

I don't know who they're calling but this sounds silly to me. So he's shooting guns.

Is he shooting a .25 automatic? NO.

Exactly ks, I have shot a hand gun at the shooting range for s&gs, but don't own one and don't have an interest in owning one.
Again, wasn't Lisa Andrews one email an isolated incident? Which she denied she meant in earnest?
Sounds like easy money to me, where she can get on her high horse and browbeat men with impunity. A sweet deal for her.

I am sure more than a few male former clients are feeling very satisfied watching her and knowing the world is seeing she is full of crap.
How can ALV say Travis was "over the top" with his angry reaction to whatever JA did/said when she doesn't know the WHOLE STORY? :burn: Was JA over the top with her slaughter?

"He was going to tell people about her craziness".... oooh...another motive, perhaps?

Yeah, so crazy to call the person who kills you a sociopath. That was clearly abusive and wrong and evidence of his meritless rage. Poor Jodi. That kind of name calling is inexcusable.

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Oh yeah! Well, well wait until you get a load of me at "The Airing of Grievances".

I had a nice time at Happy Hour. Enjoyed a nice conversation with a flight attendant for Delta. Good chance to rant about Jodi and the DV "expert". But I got back to my room and Wilmott was still on. Way to ruin a post Happy Hour "happy". Had to switch to "Restaurant Impossible".

I can't wait to hear from our court observers. But, even more anxiously awaiting juror questions. Please make Wilmott sit down and shut up. Gee, I hope that didn't sound mean.

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Ask that nice flight person from delta why is row 40 so neflected?? I know need to mention this complaint to bio (he was the one who booked that flight from hell) but still
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