trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #133

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I believe Wong is InSession producer, but why will defense call him?

Uggggh - maybe to authenticate the gun video without giving Juan a chance to elicit on cross whether or not Travis owned a gun which is what Travis' friend said when he brought the tape to HLN. But Juan can call him on rebuttle. This is the guy that was excused from the courtroom becuase he could be called as a witness.
A pity Samuels' and LaViolet's salaries can't be given instead to the jury.
Who would be concerned about liking Jodi too much? Honestly?
Serious, absolutely - this trial is costing a serious amount of money, and doing serious damage to domestic violence victims everywhere.
I don't like the use of the word "terrorist" in regard to DV.

Am I overreacting?
I think for some cases, it would be the only word applicable honestly. It seems extreme but the cases I'm mentally referencing meet that, in abundance.

Seriously...what some people live through is beyond horrific and cruel - both as kids and adults. And as much as all the survivors so close to my heart have shared openly on this forum I feel pretty confident in saying they've probably only just really scratched the surface with what they've shared. There are things just too depraved, dark and painful to willingly relive even for the most benevolent of reasons.

She shot him in the closet, didn't she tell Samuels that too? They are both mistaken or Jodi got caught
Wish Juan had asked Alyce the names of the books she sent Jodi and when she sent them.....

If Jodi is pilfering pencils and is caught, so what? Right? She was already caught stealing pens several times. What happened? She knows she is being catered to in Sherrys courtroom. She and JW rule the roost.
I always say~ "Look at the common denominator."
How many guys did Jodi go "back-door" with?
How many ex-boyfriends did she haunt?
She has pattern after pattern.
We have to trust that the jury sees this.

Paraphrasing ...
Alyce: "Lies of omission moreso than lies of co-mission".

I see a pattern here of the demon lying by omission consistently - most notably, her journals, and not telling the other side of the story that de-edifies the demon's role in her relationship with Travis. All through this trial, the demon has been omitting her role - crawling through doggy doors, looking through his window for a good period of time - rather than a glimspe and walk away scenario, stealing the gun, bringing the gun and knife, etc.

I am dying to see that manifesto ...

Oh for heaven's sake!!!!! Now we have a continuum of lies? A lie is a lie is a LIE. Prevarication like that usually comes from the morally disordered.
In my opinion you are not.

I don't like the use of the word "terrorist" in regard to DV.

Am I overreacting?

I'm requoting this because I want to 'qualify' my answer.

I understand that DV victims can be terrorized by their abusers.

However, when I hear the word terrorists. I think of my friend on 9/11 who worked at the WTC. I think of her parents who got a visit from the FBI over one year afterwards to let them know they found a piece of their daughter's legbone on the rooftop of another building and were able to identify her remains via DNA.
remember her father said she was growing pot at 8yrs old. parents nightmare for years. imo her family were afraid of her. :moo:
I believe it was 8th grade. But JW and ALV are both purposely mischaracterizing the lying comment her father made. He said she STARTED lying at 14, and has lied ever since - way past her "tender" teen years.
Uggggh - maybe to authenticate the gun video without giving Juan a chance to elicit on cross whether or not Travis owned a gun which is what Travis' friend said when he brought the tape to HLN. But Juan can call him on rebuttle. This is the guy that was excused from the courtroom becuase he could be called as a witness.

Right, I remember that. Seems the whole gun video thing is more advantageous to prosecution than defense though.
Anal = no babies. I swear that's what that was all about .. and yeah right like Travis was just all over it and Jodi meekly went along .. GMAB.

Someone posted a fantasic blog article about a personal experience with a stalker (girl stalking guy). He had a fascinating description of the sex that totally fits - in his case the girl initiated and preferred anal because she thought it made HER more unique to him, and that it was HER "territotry" becasue he didn't do that with other women. I'll see if I can find the post - it was chillingly similar.
Knowng Nurmi's MO it is probably another frivolous motion about Prosecutorial Misconduct.


I can foresee this one - Prosecutorial Misconduct because Mr. Martinez brought up Cameron Diaz in her spidey's, it made me laugh out loud and five jurors saw me laugh. It is all his fault, those five jurors must be removed and the others sequestered.
Uggggh - maybe to authenticate the gun video without giving Juan a chance to elicit on cross whether or not Travis owned a gun which is what Travis' friend said when he brought the tape to HLN. But Juan can call him on rebuttle. This is the guy that was excused from the courtroom becuase he could be called as a witness.

Why wouldn't the DT just call Mr. Hall? Wasn't that his name. The video belongs to him...not HLN.

I always say~ "Look at the common denominator."
How many guys did Jodi go "back-door" with?
How many ex-boyfriends did she haunt?
She has pattern after pattern.
We have to trust that the jury sees this.

Right. Juan should show a continuum chart demonstrating this.
I think that's because the judge & attorney's have to go through the juror questions before the judge can start asking them. Hopefully the 10:30 means goober is finally finished. I pray..

I think that was because of a juror conflict. They needed to start later.
Why is JA wearing the jacket that way. Especially in court. It's just weird.

Might be cold, perhaps?

That's how I read it, but then again, I have a trusting mind and think of what a normal person would be doing. Maybe I should reconsider, given who we are talking about?
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