trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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If the defense wants that tape of Travis firing a gun, but they don't want any testimony coming in from Hall (he's pro Travis) getting it from HLN would be the way to go.

If they bring in the video of him firing the gun, it's going to "backfire" on them! Travis had to borrow the gun, didn't own a gun, would not have bought a "sissy" gun for protection. Travis was a stand up guy who would have bought a gun LEGALLY and there would be a record of it.

But hey, if the defense wants to talk about shooting a gun again and again, let them. It will just remind then how Travis was shot in the face by JA!

There is just about as much evidence of Travis owning a gun, as there is PTSD and DV.
I think that's so stupid. What does one video of him shooting a friends gun have anything to do with anything???

I imagine they'd want to show his familiarity or comfortableness with a fire arm. I agree it's ludicrous- it's clear TA didn't own a gun. It's easy to go down all of these little rabbit holes, but Arias' claim is so preposterous it, IMO, cements her guilt. He didn't own ammunition. He had to borrow guns to go to the firing range. No one knew about the gun. And to top it off: it was the same calibre as stolen from her Grandparents.

All of this crapola with AV sheds its importance when you consider stuff like that that exists at the core of the case.
I am starting to watch the ALV cross that I missed. I am amazed at her "power struggles" with JM, even on things that don't matter. I had expected her to be more professional than that. She appears to be fighting for control. It is surprising to see her try to "trump" him, even when it doesn't matter. I can see fighting your point when it matters, but she can't even just answer a single question.

wait until her tone changes on redirect. yes. no no yes no no yes yes yes.

Oh my goodness. I am watching part one, since I missed it today. LOVING the stalking/graph/copy, B.s. What a sham she is. I laugh that NG or anyone else thought this lady (I use that loosely) came of as nice or honest. She is one of the worst I have ever seen. Disgusting.
I checked some journals from a while back and I never used parentheses. Jodi used them a lot. Why the need to clarify or explain to yourself?

I'd be interested if others have personal journals filled with parentheses.

To me they say "audience"

I agree. IMO her journals were definitely written to be read by others. They are so completely self-serving. There isn't anything like "dang I just scarfed a gallon of ice cream and now I wanna puke" or "I gained 5 pounds and I have a huge zit" or "maybe Travis is right and I really am a sociopath. Maybe I should get help."
Jodi may be having a good old time during the trial laughing it up over there, but those days are numbered.
Can we all just give wenwe an enormous :grouphug: please??? Thank you soooo very much for your real-time transcriptions!

:) Agreed, wenwe works hard every day that we are here messing around, having fun chatting. Or even getting a break to walk away or get infected with boredom and conk out at your computer (like me:blushing:). wenwe4 doesn't falter with those transcripts for those who need/want them.
:blowkiss: You are appreciated wenwe. :seeya:

And I'm sure Travis would appreciate it too wenwe.
Speaking of Travis, after the over dose of "Travis the monster, Jodi the angel" (lies) we could use looking at the face of the true victim. A reminder of what this whole thing is all about. A well loved man who did not deserve the horror he faced and losing the life he loved.

(hope it's ok to bring over my photo from the other thread)
I am starting to watch the ALV cross that I missed. I am amazed at her "power struggles" with JM, even on things that don't matter. I had expected her to be more professional than that. She appears to be fighting for control. It is surprising to see her try to "trump" him, even when it doesn't matter. I can see fighting your point when it matters, but she can't even just answer a single question.

Oh she is. She wants the dynamic to be like that in her "groups." Thing is, this is a trial, and she is a witness, not the leader of a group anger management session. She can't/won't grasp that.
Please? Anyone??

I missed the last 30 minutes, but unless you want to see Wilmcott go over very selective texts and journal entries and force ALV to agree with her, you did not miss anything and it is not worth watching. Below sums up all of Wilmcotts questions:

Wilmcott - Based on this text, do you agree that Travis was abusing Jodi?

ALV - Oh I sure do. He had to be because he was a man.

Tomorrow morning at 10:30 court time, we are due to have Jury back. The early morning hours before that tomorrow are most likely to hear another motion from the defense or to continue with a motion that is in progress.
Jodi Arias was gas-lighting Travis and now everyone, imo. Gaslighting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I'm sure she has done this since a very young age.
I think Jodi was born this way and I wonder if Jodi was 7 years old when her younger siblings were born. (not the 2nd child)...3 and 4.

The 2000 Steely Dan album Two Against Nature includes a song entitled "Gaslighting Abbie". Musicians Walter Becker and Donald Fagen acknowledged that the lyrics were inspired by the Gas Light film featuring Charles Boyer.[5]

For Steely Dan on websleuths !
I checked some journals from a while back and I never used parentheses. Jodi used them a lot. Why the need to clarify or explain to yourself?

I'd be interested if others have personal journals filled with parentheses.

To me they say "audience"

Saw that too and thought the same thing as you. IIRC one of them was about Travis saying she was seeing other guys (which I wasn't).

I think that was her 5/22 entry.
I am starting to watch the ALV cross that I missed. I am amazed at her "power struggles" with JM, even on things that don't matter. I had expected her to be more professional than that. She appears to be fighting for control. It is surprising to see her try to "trump" him, even when it doesn't matter. I can see fighting your point when it matters, but she can't even just answer a single question.

Wait until you get to the part where she tells Mr. Martinez he needs to be put in a time-out. :furious:
Omg. First time using my phone to post and I can't read anything without holding the phone away and squinting!!!!! I think I'm getting old!!!!

Nothing wrong with getting old. Much better than the alternative
Something else about the anal sex. How can ALV keep saying Jodi tried it with (A) but didn't like it, tried it with (B) but didn't like it, tried it with (C) but didn't like it. How many times do you have to "try" something before you are no longer "trying" it? She had to like it to keep doing it!
This was posted on another thread:
WOW what has Jodi been doing in jail to have this done. My imagination has gone wild with all the odd things that have gone on in the courtroom since April 1. Does anyone know if the shackels that I understand she is wearing now is new since April 1?

So you think she wrote in her journal she was planning to escape and that is why she now wearing shackles? Ive only known about the tazer belt or whatever.

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