trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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:truce: HELP Please???

I need to be able to view the live trial on my iPad.

I have downloaded, UStream, AZCentral, and CNN.

I can't seem to find the live trial on any of these apps.

I would appreciate any tutoring anyone could give a computer illiterate like me.

Thanks!! :seeya:

I am pretty sure the app you want is called "Phoenix News"----after downloading. open and pick the "Live Video" button. It is actually the AZ-family app I use on my iPad daily! Good luck!
I think the whole concept of her NOT liking their first sexual encounter is flawed all together.

IIRCC, she told DB that they would no longer have sex (perhaps not those exact words) and she moved into another bedroom. This was when she first met TA. She wanted to convert to Mormon.

This doesn't fit, compute, whatever way one puts it.

She's going to become a Mormon and won't have sex. But then she CLAIMS they had ehhh, not sex on the first date? Then they break up and she moves to Mesa from Palm Desert?! :what:

Not buyin' it!

JMHO of course

ITA, fran, but since you brought it up, I'll go further. NO WAY did TA initiate with her or any other kind of sex that first time. He may have had fantasies, but she wasn't the first fantasy, either, IMO. IMO, they started cuddling, TA was prolly being a bit cautious since it was their first encounter & then, there she went. She was "on him" pretty quickly -- she knew he was a Mormon, and she was smart enuff to know that he was prolly pretty inexperienced. Well, she would snare him with her sexual prowess and do the things that most guys like -- she was very skilled, I'm sure. So yeah, they silently or openly agreed to keep their biznezz a secret, and things went from there.

And NO WAY did TA initiate their encounter of the day of her baptism. I think he felt very spiritual about her conversion and the new dimension of their relationship, and he was prolly thinking about a possible future with her at that time. IMO, the baptism/becoming a Mormon for her was just one more simple step to becoming a member of the TA club; to him, it was sacred. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Here ends another mini-rant.
I wouldn't call any of what is happening on social media and the media witness tampering. I also don't feel bad in the slightest for ALV or the DT. From a historical perspective, the purpose of an open court is that "justice is not done in the dark."

Justice would not be done if ALV and the DT were allowed to trash the good name of the victim for an admitted murderer which could lead to her acquittal or a lesser punishment than the community (as represented by the jury) feels that she deserves.

Name calling and ad hominem attacks are not necessarily the right way to express outrage over these proceedings, but the community has a right to express themselves. The limitations on those rights come only when someone could be done actual physical harm. Otherwise, no one ever died from hurt feelings and panic attacks.

If ALV did not want to be exposed then she should have turned the case down like the 11 other experts. If she wanted to continue on in her career as she had before, then she should have opted out. If the DT did not want to be exposed to ridicule for their tactics, then they should have tried this case honorably like so many other defense attorneys do for reprehensible clients every day. Since they chose not to, the chickens are coming home to roost and hopefully future hacks, quacks and hired guns will think more of themselves than to "de-edify' the judicial process.

Truth is not found in dark spaces or back rooms...sunshine is always the best disinfectant.
Grrrr, from Jodi's art site:

“Some people say they have no regrets; I cannot count myself among them. When I step back and look at ‘Hourless,’ the concept of time running forward and backward is evoked. Rather than focus on all that I could and would do differently if I could hop a train to the past, I remember the lessons and carry what I’ve learned into the future.” -Jodi Arias

Instead of "Hourless" perhaps she would have been better served reviewing the work of Nikola Tessla to understand the concept. I'm not sure Dean Koontz would be particularly happy with this quote of hers. Sounds a little too close to Odd Thomas' words in Odd Apocalypse.

P.S. Tessla was far more intelligent than Einstein.
Evidence may be marked as an exhibit, but not entered as an exhibit. Both have a number. expert may refer to something that is marked as an exhibit for the expert to review, but not entered for the jurors review in the entirety.


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Wow, thanks for the explanation, but that's . . . confusing. So the expert can refer to an email or the text but the jurors won't actually see it? Why do you think they do that? The rest of the message is prejudicial or something?
Does anyone know if there is a computer program that gather all social media entries on certain crime victims/perps...times, dates, ISP address and match everything up as it happened, to tell the story? Plug in phone times...if such as thing doesn't exist yet, that inventor will be one rich person. Too bad, I'm a dunce.

There already is a program's called Google....:floorlaugh:
I love mikee kung pau:floorlaugh:

This morning was the first time I have seen noted on websleuths the person that is posting all these YouTube videos. Mikee Daniels is his look up name. he is intelligent, funny, and he has got to be a member here! How could he be so smart and witty and know so much about the trial and have the technology to share. after tawndilly and CroakerQueen, this person and the YouTube they do is a must must must read for everybody at Websleuths imho :D

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Are you trying to make me barf up my hearty breakfast of Diet Pepsi and ranch-flavored Whhhhheat Thins?

breakfast of champions!!!!! I choose Pepsi with salt and vinegar chips...yum:rocker:
I want to say this, without giving away the person/people I heard things from. I have a mentor who happens to be a therapist who is married to a professor at Cal State Long Beach. This mentor travels in the same professional circles as ALV. ALV is extremely well liked and well respected and I have the utmost respect (personally) for the individual I heard this from. She said she consider's ALV to be compassionate, intuitive, generous and very good at the work she does. I have come to my own conclusions as to why ALV chose to believe and testify for the defendant and I am weighing that with what I have heard about her. I am sorry for her decision but have to believe it came from a well intentioned place. She was manipulated- wether or not I believe she allowed herself to be- I feel compassion for her as a woman, partner, mother, professional, and fellow community member. I don't want to see anyone end up in the hospital or worse over this- well...except the defendant!
DebinGa.. shout out! I have tried to send you a PM but I cannot as you do not allow it. thank you so much for the YouTube video with Mikee Daniels. I do not know how we have missed this person! how often does this person post on YouTube! We really need to have this one posted more often. He is fabulous, I thought it was Steely Dan! or at least it is what I thought Steely Dan would be, intelligent, funny, driving, and technology oriented! who is this person!

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