trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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Grrrr, from Jodi's art site:

“Some people say they have no regrets; I cannot count myself among them. When I step back and look at ‘Hourless,’ the concept of time running forward and backward is evoked. Rather than focus on all that I could and would do differently if I could hop a train to the past, I remember the lessons and carry what I’ve learned into the future.” -Jodi Arias

Jodi's art site?????
I've been doing some reading on male stalking victims and one of the things I've read is that male victims typically don't seek help and may even joke about the stalking. Men may be uncomfortable psychologically by the stalking behavior but since they don't perceive the female as a physical threat then they do not tend to make any official reports. They are more likely to assume that they will not be believed or that displaying any fear of woman will be seen as cowardly or unmasculine. It makes perfect sense to me. How ALV can be so ignorant of dynamic is beyond me. I also found this article about how women can use sex as a means of controlling a man in an emotionally abusive relationship. Really interesting stuff and I see JA's behaviors described a great deal in the article.

Welcome to Websleuths Gwen6275. Great post!

I bet he's going to state that he cannot tell what phone a tape was recorded from.

(I think if there was some kind of digital signature on the recording that identified the device that had the record button pressed, we would have heard that. It would be definitive evidence as to who recorded the call.

So this expert will tell there's no way to be sure, thus no way to rule out TA

How lame.
IDK how well that would go over with the jury considering the fact that Arias testified that she recorded it at Travis' behest.
Didn't Jodi already testify she recorded it at TA's request? Am I missing something??
Of all the stuff that ticked me off about ALV's testimony, what is really sticking in my craw is her insistence that all the women who texted etc. with Travis were "vulnerable." She stated that the strong ones backed off or shut him down. How about this radical idea: the ones who maintained contact were receptive and interested? She actually said the married woman was vulnerable, apparently because she was married?? What??!
You know, if it weren't for y'all's witty and incisive comments, my monitor would have been thrown out the window months ago. There is no way I could watch this crapola by myself. My husband is a retired USMC Gunnery Sgt and even he has been surprised by some of the colorful comments I've issued at the monitor. :) It's especially great to have first-hand commentary straight from the courtroom but I consider that a bonus. There are so many kindred souls gathered here, that's what's important. We crave justice for Travis Alexander and we hate lies and deceit.

I don't have cable so I watch via livestream, sometimes muted when the defense team is up. No way I can watch and keep up with the threads, so I'm chronically behind the "real time" conversations here. It might be tempting to skip ahead, and I have on occasion, but when I do I find I miss some very insightful comments. So I leave threads up and open and read through them as I can, as time permits. Sometimes I'm sure it looks like I don't ever sleep because my name is showing as 'present' at the bottom of the thread 24 hours a day.

I don't think this jury is dumb, don't think this jury is easily manipulated by lies, and I don't think this jury likes being lied to for as long as they have been. I can say that with a good deal of confidence because we do have courtroom observers, not only our observers but others who tweet and report. Honest reporters like Beth K who are there to actually report, not create news for ratings like Jean C and JVM. We get a feel for the jury by the questions they ask, and there haven't been any that have raised real concern for me.

The likes of Richard Samuels and Alyce LaViolette, Kirk Nurmi, Jennifer Wilmott - these <unusual people> have had their day. They have exposed themselves for the world to see who and what they are and they will have to go back and try and pick up the pieces of whatever career or life they have once this trial is over. The light has shined on them, exposing them. That's good. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. As it should be.

All of that to say this: I am very happy to be a part of this group. We are kindred souls, outraged by the crime itself and outraged by the lies and obfuscation by both the defendant and her defense team. Our hearts go out to Travis' family. We are encouraged by Juan Martinez, we want to see truth prevail, want to see Travis' good name restored, want his family to see justice on his behalf, want to see his murderer punished appropriately for the crime she committed. And I believe we will. I really do believe that.

Prayers for Travis' family and friends continue. Lord, please let the light shine on the truth and let justice prevail.


Lovely post. Glad your aboard :seeya:
Didn't Jodi already testify she recorded it at TA's request? Am I missing something??

Yeah, I'm confused as well. Seems like everybody on both sides believes that Jodi recorded that call on her own phone. ALV just made a mistake IMO -- I don't think anybody told her Travis had recorded it, she just jumped to a conclusion.

I'm going to wait and see what this is about.
only for cases like these, where you can't find a decent professional to take a certain side.

for all 9 days she talked in general about dv. her testimony was saying she believed ja was abused but little evidence to back it up, especially not nearly enough to warrant ja's killing in fear of losing her life. i don't think she was much help to the defense.

Members, please read this article from USA Today and you will realize why we've had to be so strict on the name calling and disparaging remarks of the defense team's witnesses.

Could it be construed as witness intimidation? Regardless of the argument for or against free speech, Websleuths will not be responsible for giving the appearance of any organized effort to intimidate or tamper with any witness during any trial.

We ask that you please post responsibly.

Thank you.
Sue and Tricia Owners

I certainly Agree 100%, its totally unnecessary. My only concern is the ability to post by Shills, assistants, helpers of the Defense, and it doesn't mean necessarily that they have been asked to. Some me act on their own.
Grrrr, from Jodi's art site:

“Some people say they have no regrets; I cannot count myself among them. When I step back and look at ‘Hourless,’ the concept of time running forward and backward is evoked. Rather than focus on all that I could and would do differently if I could hop a train to the past, I remember the lessons and carry what I’ve learned into the future.” -Jodi Arias

Like next time use a 9mm. Those 25 calibers dont work so great.:facepalm:
Wonder if the expert will verify who initiated the call?

I really think he's just going to authenticate the shooting range video. They need somebody to do it so they can get it into evidence and they don't want Dave Hall, who took the video and will testify in rebuttal that TA never OWNED a gun, to do it.

They want this to be the last thing the jurors see from their side. Their "grand finale." They THINK it will stick in the jurors mind that TA is violent and shoots guns.

Personally, I just saw a guy out having fun with his friends. It really humanized Travis, just like the sex tape singing. I'll cry when they show it. Again.

I think JM should play it over. And over. And over on cross. :twocents:
I don't know how many Mormons ALV has run across living in Long Beach for so many years, but I bet she's unaware of the life-altering threat Jodi posed to Travis by having the power to report him to his bishop, whom she seems to have on speed-dial.
I'm brand new here but have lurked for a long time. I've learned so much from the legal experts and the keen-eyed observers in the JA trial threads. Thanks to all of you!

As a psychologist, I've watched in horror as two of the worst examples of "experts" from my profession have done everything possible to undermine the credibility of the field in front of a national audience. Of course there is always some subjectivity associated with the analysis of human behavior, but adherence to scientific principles can produce reliable and verifiable results. Unfortunately, charlatans can use the language of the field to lend false credibility to almost any opinion.

I'm hesitant to question JM's judgment on any aspect of his cross examination, partly because I thought he was amazing (no notes!?!) but also because I would never want to incur the wrath of his fans here. I am new, after all. Still, he could have hammered ALV on her lack of scientific rigor, especially her repeated assertions that she was able to do all of the diagnostic work "in her brain". An absence of written work to explain in detail how her decision was reached is a huge red flag.

Also, the definition of "stalking" doesn't require the victim to respond in any particular way. Here's the American Psychological Association's description:

"Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behaviors that an individual engages in such as following a person, appearing at a person&#8217;s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person&#8217;s property. These actions may be accompanied by a credible threat of serious harm, and they may or may not be precursors to an assault or murder"

Again, thanks to all of you and of course, much gratitude to Tricia for creating and managing this site.

With 50 thanks as of right now, I think people are wanting you to talk out more! I think this may be a record number of thanks on a first post! Again, welcome.

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